What do you get when you mix a drag queen who was just scammed out of all her money with a 10-year-old who ran away from foster care? You get AJ and the Queen! This new Netflix show stars RuPaul Charles as Robert, a man suffering from heartache and an empty bank account who is about to go on a drag tour across the country.

Of course, AJ and the Queen couldn’t exist if it wasn’t for AJ, played by the young and talented Izzy G. AJ is a smart-aleck little kid who has been put through the wringer, and she has some pretty amusing things to say. Here are ten of the best quotes from AJ:

“You Dress Like A Chick; You Got Bigger Problems.”

When AJ and Robert first meet face to face, AJ is sitting outside the apartment and asks Robert for money. At first, she says she’s cracked her tooth and needs to go to the dentist, but Robert doesn’t believe her. She then explains that she needs to pay Verizon so they don’t shut her phone off. Robert says, “Is that my problem?” AJ responds with this little quip, a dig at Robert’s drag queen lifestyle. Luckily, Robert has thick skin and doesn’t care what other people think about what he does.

“[AJ Stands For] Amber Jasmine. My Mom Named Me After Her Stripper Friend And A Racist Disney Cartoon.”

After AJ stows away in Robert’s RV in the hopes that she will get to go to Texas with him, he takes her to a diner so that they can get to know each other a bit better. Not only does Robert learn that AJ is actually a girl, unlike he initially thought, but he also learns that her name really is AJ.

She doesn’t seem to like her name very much though, and she’s not too happy about being a girl. She wishes people would leave her alone like they do to boys. Calling herself “AJ” makes it easier to hide who she really is.

“How Could Anyone Sleep With Oatmeal Talking That BS The Whole Way?”

If there’s one thing that Robert really loves, it’s Oprah. After the diner, Robert and AJ head back to the RV to drive to his next stop, and he has one of Oprah’s tapes playing in the back. His plan is to rewatch them all again from the beginning because he knows she will help him to get his life back together. AJ opts for taking a rest in the passenger seat, but she has some trouble relaxing. Robert asks how her nap was, but AJ replies that she couldn’t sleep because of “Oatmeal.” Robert then scolds her for talking bad about Oprah, as he should!

“I Learned Two Things That First Day On The Road: America Has A Lot Of Mattress Factories, And Life Sucks Even More Without Your Phone.”

While at the diner, AJ wouldn’t get off her phone when Robert was trying to have a conversation with her. He took it and set it on the table in the hopes that she would pay attention. Back in the RV, two hours from the diner, AJ suddenly realizes that she doesn’t have her phone! She yells at Robert for leaving it at the diner, demanding that he go back for it. Robert doesn’t want to be late for his gig, and AJ throws the tantrum of all tantrums. Robert then calls the diner and says they will pick up the phone the next day, leaving AJ to stare out with window in self pity and count mattress factories.

“I Thought You Were Gonna Get Killed When They Figured Out That You Were A Dude, And Then You’d Be Hanging On The Wall Like One Of Those Dead Animals All Over The Place.”

In Columbus, things aren’t going quite as planned. Robert takes the RV in for a broken taillight, and it winds up needing more things fixed. Being completely broke, Robert has to think of something fast. When he hears that there’s a wet t-shirt contest in town, he decides this is the perfect solution.

With her drag makeup, a wig, and a fake breast plate, Ruby is ready to win! Unfortunately towards the end of the performance, the breast plate comes off, revealing the big secret. Luckily, the audience was understanding, and Ruby won the prize money anyway!

“Turns Out, It’s Easy To Float; You Just Have To Have Big Boobs.”

AJ and Robert have to stay at a hotel while the RV is getting fixed, and their room is right next to the pool! AJ is very excited about this, but after she reveals that she never learned how to swim, Robert refuses to let AJ go in the pool without floaties, which they do not have. The morning after the wet t-shirt contest, Robert sees AJ jump into the pool, but thankfully, she floats due to the fact that she has strapped Ruby’s fake breastplate to her body!

‘Do You Have A License To Carry A Gun?’ “No, But I Used To Have A T-Shirt That Said, ‘Certified Bikini Inspector.’”

While in Louisville, a police officer shows up to the club Robert is working at to ask him some questions about the man who scammed him. The officer sits beside AJ, who gives him a little “‘Sup?” and asks if she can hold his gun. With raised eyebrows, he questions whether or not she has a permit, hinting that he’s not going to let her hold it because he knows she doesn’t. AJ instead decides to tell him about a different certification she once had. The officer laughs, but his gun remains in its holster.

“That’s Some Robe To Dump Our Poop.”

Time to regroup at an RV park in Little Rock, and Robert is ready for the much-needed break. AJ wants to haggle with the park owner on the price, but Robert pays full price, much to AJ’s dismay.

After settling in, Robert changes into one of his fancy robes and proceeds to connect the sewer hose to the RV dump station to empty the tank from their toilet. AJ comments on his outfit of choice in disbelief that he would put on something so extravagant for the task at hand. Robert simply strikes a pose, fabulous as always.

‘AJ, It Takes Years And Years Of Pressure To Turn A Rock Into A Diamond.’ “Well, Then We’d Better Get Up Early Tomorrow ‘Cause I Don’t Have That Kind Of Time.”

More diamonds are mined in Little Rock than anywhere else in the country, AJ learns, and it just so happens that the RV park is home to its very own diamond mine! AJ is very excited about this, especially because she and Robert have no money. At first, she is discouraged because all she finds is a bunch of rocks, but then the RV site manager explains to her that diamonds start out as rocks and eventually change with pressure. AJ’s got it all figured out, and she’s already started compressing a rock between her hands.

“I’m Not Cranky; That’s Just My Personality.”

AJ definitely has a unique character about her, and we get to see a lot of it throughout the series. Robert’s friend Beth, however, is not used to AJ’s quirks and tendency to say what she thinks. After learning that Beth’s husband Chad’s construction team knocked down the club Robert was supposed to perform at in Fort Worth, AJ demands that he pay Robert $3,000. Beth comments that AJ seems a little cranky, but AJ insists that she is not. Beth just needs to get to know AJ a little better!