It appears to be AirTag battery replacement season. I have eight of them, and I think it was around six weeks ago when I got my first battery low warning …

I took a look at the battery levels for the others, and it seemed they were good for a while yet. But in the course of the coming weeks, all but one of them sent the same “Feed me” alert.

Replacing the batteries isn’t time-consuming or expensive, but it is a slight hassle if you do as I do and keep one in each of your bags, and your travel bags are tucked away.

It’s far easier to simply replace all the batteries at the same time. I didn’t do so this time as the battery level indicators turned out to be misleading, but next year, as soon as one tells me it needs a new battery, I’m replacing the lot in one hit to get the job out of the way.

Photo: Onur Binay/Unsplash