Ghost Rider may yet return to defeat Sarge in Agents of SHIELD season 6. Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD has always been known for its complex, twisty plots. The writers have long seemed to delight in seeing if viewers can work out where the series is going; and although season 6 is shorter, reduced to just 13 episodes, it’s proved to be no exception to that rule.

When Agents of SHIELD started back in 2013, it was essentially Marvel’s official tie-in TV series. As the years have passed, though, the show has developed a unique and distinctive mythology all of its own. Season 6 has taken full advantage of that mythology, revealing the secret history of the mysterious Monoliths (or Dialis) that were a crucial part of seasons 3 and 5. It turns out the three Monoliths were designed to be used together, in order to create an inter-dimensional portal that allows non-corporeal beings to invade our plane of existence. Their forerunner is Izel, the creator of the monstrous race of parasites known as the Shrike, and right now she’s positioned to be Agents of SHIELD season 6’s big bad.

But there are still two episodes left of Agents of SHIELD season 6, which means viewers can safely expect a lot more twists and turns before this season is over. It’s still possible that the real villain is Clark Gregg’s Sarge, who’s far more than just a reincarnated Phil Coulson. And if that’s the case, how will SHIELD stop him?

Is Sarge Agents of SHIELD Season 6’s Real Villain?

Sarge is a mysterious Coulson doppelganger who originally seemed to be Agents of SHIELD season 6’s chief antagonist, but presently has transitioned into an unlikely ally. The SHIELD team has gradually uncovered the truth behind Sarge; he’s a shadow of Coulson, created back in season 5 when the three Monoliths were destroyed and Phil Coulson was exposed to their energies. The Diali of Creation fashioned a duplicate of his body, a manifestation of Coulson’s fear of death, but an other-dimensional being named Pachacuti was trapped inside it. Sarge is thus a melding of two different living things, blasted into the past by the Diali of Time. Confused, his mind created a twisted history for himself that drove him to pursue Izel across the cosmos. In Agents of SHIELD season 6, episode 11, Quake decided to take the risk and attempt to awaken Pachacuti; instead, she seems to have restored Coulson’s memories.

Unfortunately, as things stand, Sarge’s story doesn’t quite add up. Back in Agents of SHIELD season 6, episode 5, Doctor Benson discovered ancient Incan legends that spoke of this Pachacuti. Disturbingly, the Incas considered Pachacuti to be “the Death of Everything.” And there’s simply no way to reconcile this millennia-old origin with episode 11, where Sarge - who claimed to have recovered all of his memories - said he’d only been pursuing Izel for decades. This contradiction raises the question of whether or not Sarge is faking the Coulson persona; it’s possible he’s gained access to those crucial memories, and is using them to manipulate SHIELD.

At this stage in Agents of SHIELD season 6, it’s difficult to say what Sarge’s real agenda will prove to be. It’s important to remember, though, that he is every bit as ruthless and destructive as Izel herself. Sarge destroyed at least one planet, Chronica II, as part of his quest to kill Izel. If Pachacuti has recovered his full identity, then his Inca name could well prove to be prophetic for Earth, or even for this entire plane of reality. SHIELD will need a powerful ally if they’re going to stand a chance to stop him.

Ghost Rider Is Being Teased For An Agents of SHIELD Return

That’s where Ghost Rider comes in. Agents of SHIELD’s Ghost Rider was introduced back in season 4, and he’s probably the single most powerful force SHIELD has ever encountered. Robbie Reyes was a Latino mechanic who was murdered by a street gang, but whose life was saved when he was bonded with the Spirit of Vengeance. SHIELD didn’t exactly approve of his brutal and murderous methods, but Ghost Rider proved to be just what they needed to deal with both Eli Morrow and the monstrous, Inhuman being called Aida.

In Agents of SHIELD season 4’s finale, “World’s End,” Ghost Rider revealed that Earth “is just one territory in a war that’s been going on forever.” Some of the creatures of the Multiverse are good, while others are malevolent; for all his fiery visage, Ghost Rider is numbered among the angels. Season 6 is presumably all about SHIELD’s encountering some of the cosmic beings from the other side of the conflict.

Ghost Rider has been name-dropped a couple of times this year, most prominently in Agents of SHIELD season 6, episode 10. That episode saw Fitz explain Izel and Pachacuti to an astounded Deke, and he couldn’t help noting that SHIELD had encountered similar non-corporeal entities. He pointed to the example of Ghost Rider, and shuddered to think just how powerful SHIELD’s new foes could be. Alert viewers couldn’t help considering this to be a well-timed reminder of the Ghost Rider, hinting at his potential return to help SHIELD deal with this threat.

How Ghost Rider Can Defeat Sarge

Agents of SHIELD is yet to reveal the true extent of Sarge’s powers. He seems to be functionally immortal, becoming more dangerous every time he’s killed. Right now, he’s demonstrated a loose mix of abilities including superhuman strength, the power to dissolve his own physical form, and what seems to be telekinesis. But that’s likely to just be the beginning of his powerset. Izel and Pachacuti clearly consider themselves to be as gods, although frankly “demons” would be a better comparison.

Fortunately for SHIELD, Ghost Rider should be able to handle them. Given the Spirit of Vengeance is always on the front lines of the cosmic war between good and evil, he naturally finds himself drawn to interdimensional anomalies just like Sarge and Izel. What’s more, as powerful as these two ancient aliens may be, Agents of SHIELD season 4 has already demonstrated that Ghost Rider is greater than them. For one thing, Izel needed to construct both Monoliths and a massive temple in order to create portals between one realm and another; by the end of season 4, Ghost Rider could open portals by spinning his chain in a similar fashion to Doctor Strange’s sling ring.

The synopsis for the Agents of SHIELD season 6 finale says that the SHIELD team will go “to Hell and back.” While that could merely be an expression, it could also mean Ghost Rider will transport them into Pachacuti’s realm and help them in a final battle against this non-corporeal threat.

More: Agents of SHIELD Characters Who Need To Return For Final Season