As season 4 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. reached its mid-season finale this week, Gabriel Luna’s Robbie Reyes - otherwise known as Ghost Rider - was last seen bravely dragging his megalomaniac Uncle to another dimension before his raging god complex could wreak any more devastation. The addition of Ghost Rider has generally been received very positively by S.H.I.E.L.D. fans, with many vastly preferring Luna’s iteration to the previous live-action incarnation of the Rider - Nicholas Cage’s Johnny Blaze.

As such, it’s no surprise that Luna recently heavily suggested that his character would re-emerge from his dimensional vacation when the show returns from its hiatus in January and there has even been talk of a solo spin-off series for the character. A significant part of Robbie Reyes’ successful introduction to the MCU canon can be attributed to his striking and intimidating appearance that manages to be relatively faithful to the comic books, whilst also adding a modern and somewhat sinister edge.

In a video recently released by Marvel Entertainment as part of their ‘Forging Marvel’s S.H.I.E.L.D.’ series of behind-the-scenes clips into the show’s creation, costume designer Ann Foley talks about how Reyes’ on-screen outfit came to be. Naturally, the centerpiece of the costume is the simple, yet striking, leather jacket that Robbie is rarely seen without and the ensemble is completely by gray Levis and classic Vans shoes. Interestingly, Foley also claims that a separate jacket was created for stunt driving scenes that allows the actor or stunt double more comfort during car-based shoots.

Although the clip doesn’t offer any huge Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. revelations, it provides a nice insight for those interested in the effort that goes into the production of a television series and Ann Foley’s desire to be authentic to the source material will no doubt be appreciated by Marvel fans. Foley also evidently intended to keep Ghost Rider’s gear as simple and realistic as possible and the black jacket - with ‘upside down horse shoe’ as she calls it - is immediately recognizable on-screen, differentiating Reyes from the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. gang.

Whilst the fate of Robbie Reyes may be up in the air in narrative terms, Gabriel Luna’s future on Marvel television is more or less guaranteed after his character’s warm reception. Having arguably been the strongest element of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s fourth season, Ghost Rider is bound to reappear looking for vengeance on some deserving criminal when the show returns, especially considering how he already worked his way out of dimensional trouble in a previous episode. Additionally, Coulson more or less confirms Reyes’ escape by telling Daisy that the last Ghost Rider achieved a similar feat.

With that said, the recent announcement of ABC’s forthcoming Inhumans series has cast a shadow of doubt over the future of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and if the reports of a Ghost Rider spin-off series come to fruition, the character’s presence on A.O.S. may not extend beyond season four. Many fans of the show will, of course, be hoping that Reyes becomes a permanent member of the cast but considering his recent popularity, Marvel could have other plans for the hot-headed mechanic.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returns January 10th 2017 on ABC.

Source: Marvel Entertainment