The gang from Workaholics have brought their uncensored brand of humor to Netflix in Game Over, Man! a story about three friends, who get stuck in a Die Hard-esque situation and have to work through their ridiculous infighting and save the day. We recently sat down with Adam DeVine, Blake Anderson, and Anders Holm (who also wrote the script), they discuss the freedom provided by Netflix, a possible sequel, the future of Workaholics, and the balls to the wall craziness of Game Over, Man! which is released on Netflix on March 23, 2018.

This movie is hilarious and I loved seeing you guys back together again. Anders, when you were writing this project was there ever a time, I mean, there’s exploding dogs in fish tanks. There’s severed penises. Was there anything that you were like, “Wow. Maybe that might be a little too much for Netflix?”

Well, it was gratifying for me just to see that. There’s a ton of cameos in this. How did all of that come about? Was there anybody you were like wow I really wanted this dude, but it didn’t quite work out with scheduling?

Anders Holm: No and I think these guys wouldn’t appreciate it if I didn’t go there. You know what I mean? Bring the craziness for them to go, “Wow. Yes. We have to do that.” Or it would be like, “Wow. Yes. Show this to no one.”

Blake Anderson: [laughs]

Adam DeVine: Wow. Yes. Cool that that is in your brain, but tell no one that you thought of it.

Anders Holm: So, yeah. Obviously we sit around and we come up with a bunch of ideas and then I’ll go off and write a draft and I’ll bring stuff that we never even talked about and when they see that, it’s very gratifying for me when they are like, “Hell yes.” And a little less gratifying when they go, “Cool. We’re not going to do that.”

He was almost there. Almost there.

Anders Holm: Yes.

Adam DeVine: Yeah, there’s a few. There’s a couple of those but, for the most part, we got everyone we kind of wanted. The movie initially was going to be a celebrity telethon and so having a bunch of celebrities at the party was sort of a remnant of that where we were like, “It would be cool if this was a cool party in LA. Where Steve-O is there and FlyLo is there and Action Bronson is there.

Anders Holm: Tom Cruise!

Adam DeVine: Tom…Tom didn’t come around.

Anders Holm: Melanie Griffith.

Blake Anderson: Tom Green.

Anders Holm: Harrison Ford.

Adam DeVine: Yeah.

You guys teased something at the end of this movie. A possible sequel Game Overboard. Was that just for this film or was it meant to be a real thing?

Adam DeVine: He almost, he crashed his plane. Couldn’t make it.

Blake Anderson: Also, we were filming in Canada too, so it’s not always, like originally I think we almost had all of the L.A. Clippers in the movie and then there’s like playoffs.

Adam DeVine: Yeah. It turns out that they have to play basketball.

Anders Holm: Constantly.

Blake Anderson: Yeah.

It does!

Adam DeVine: Well, we sort of, I feel like every great action movie, especially the ‘80s and ‘90s, sort of teased up that there could be more down the road.

Anders Holm: Critters come to mind.

Adam DeVine: Critters

Blake Anderson: Even Ninja Turtles I believe ends on Shredder’s hand coming up.

So I know you’re working on Champions. Any chance that these two are going to appear with you at all?

Adam DeVine: That’s true. So, we felt we had to.

I am a big fan of Voltron. Where would you like to see your character go to next?

Anders Holm: There’s absolutely there’s a chance. There’s a chance. They are not as of now. We’re done shooting for this season, so now it’s up to America to bring us back, but it’ll be so much fun for these guys to play in my gym and to meet Vince.

Adam DeVine: I have yet to meet him.

Pitch it! Go! What is it?

Blake Anderson: Uh, shoot. I feel like the old family is pretty much together, but I have a spinoff idea.

I hope Netflix is watching.

Blake Anderson: Well, now, this is an exclusive but it’s Holtron. It’s basically the Holt family spinoff. We have our own special Voltron that we built together. It’s almost like a Partridge Family meets Voltron.

And Magic Camp? What can you tell me about that?

Blake Anderson: I hope so. I hope they are watching as well.

Adam DeVine: Yeah. We’re doing this for you.

Blake Anderson: Why isn’t Netflix watching this?

Oh! Well that’s probably a good idea. This film is obviously so much fun. Is there a chance that we can see Workaholics back whether it’s on Netflix or anywhere else?

Adam DeVine: Yeah. That’s going to come out on the big Disney streaming service, so I don’t want to talk about it now.

You know what? I’m glad we got it because this movie is a lot of fun and I hope everyone watches it. I couldn’t stop laughing. I don’t know. What does that say about me laughing at severed penises and exploding dogs?

Adam DeVine: Well, you know, you never say never, but probably never.

Anders Holm: Yeah. The leash is off the dog and we’re running around the yard now.

Adam DeVine: No, I mean we love working with Netflix and they kind of let us do exactly what we wanted to do with this movie and, to go back to doing our TV show, it was right to put it in a box and it was fun to work in those confines, but it’s kind of fun to get out there and let these freak flags fly a little bit.

MORE: Watch the Game Over, Man! Trailer

Adam DeVine: That you’re a sick bastard and I love it.

  • Game Over Man! Release Date: 2018-03-23