Though it was originally announced in 2014, the Netflix adaptation of A Series of Unfortunate Events has been slow to develop. After a lot of rumors and a viral fan-made trailer, casting finally began last year and filming recently got underway.

Now it seems that we’ve gotten our first look at series star Neil Patrick Harris, in character as the villainous Count Olaf. Pictures from the Series of Unfortunate Events set revealed Harris as Olaf goes to set one of his schemes in motion.

The set photos were taken at a filming location in Vancouver, where production has reportedly been underway for the past month. According to the description that accompanied them, the scene being filmed involved Count Olaf stopping at a building to pick up a new disguise. It’s unclear whether this is just a standard store or if it’s more focused toward those of villainous intent, though some of the other characters that were photographed at the same location makes the location seem a bit unsavory.

Click here to see the photos

Harris’ look at Count Olaf isn’t a huge departure from Jim Carrey’s take on the character, which shouldn’t come as a huge surprise given that Count Olaf’s hair and beard is one of his most defining features. The big question is how he will portray the character, and whether he will be campy and over the top like Carrey’s version or if he will appear more sinister and dangerous. Harris should be able to take the character either way, so in the end it will depend on the tone being set for the Series of Unfortunate Events TV show.

Ideally, it would be nice to see Count Olaf as a villain who is genuinely menacing even though his plans end in disaster. Harris could likely pull off a Count Olaf who was a genuine threat while still not being able to overcome three children. Of course, if the series is meant as lighter fare then it wouldn’t be a stretch for NPH to head in the opposite direction and simply make Count Olaf comically inept (even when he’s not facing down a trio of tots).

With these photos out in the wild, it’s likely only a matter of time before we get some official images of Count Olaf and the rest of the Series of Unfortunate Events cast from Netflix. Hopefully, we’ll get video soon as well - since that will shed some light on what Harris’ Count Olaf is like in action. With any luck, we’ll also get more concrete information about the potential release date for the series, too.

Next: Netflix’s A Series of Unfortunate Events Adds Patrick Warburton

Screen Rant will have more information regarding A Series of Unfortunate Events as it is made available.

Source: Van City Buzz