So, the characters from A Series of Unfortunate Events will never end up at Hogwarts…though we’re sure that some of them would love the opportunity. But what houses would they end up in, given the chance to find out?

The more you think about it, the more clear it becomes which character belongs to which house. It helps that the four Hogwarts Houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw) all have fairly distinct and strong traits.

You’ll notice that a lot of the characters listed below ended up in Ravenclaw. This is likely because of the number of characters that actively enjoy the pursuit of knowledge. There are plenty of them to be found in this series.

Isadora Quagmire – Ravenclaw/Gryffindor

Isadora Quagmire is one of the Quagmire triplets. She and her siblings are in a situation oddly similar to the Baudelaire children. But they do alright, thanks to their ability to work together through odd and difficult situations.

Isadora could easily have fit into several different houses. However she seems to Ravenclaw the best. Mostly due to her reliance on intelligence to get herself and her siblings out of tough situations. That and her love of poetry.

The second best fit for Isadora would be Ravenclaw. She’s proven again and again just how brave she is. So in this instance, her choice would be the deciding factor. Unfortunately we can’t ask her which trait she’d personally value more.

Jacques Snicket – Ravenclaw

As the name indicates, Jacques Snicket is related to none other than Lemony Snicket himself. In this instance he is the elder brother of our narrator.

Jacques was another character that was somewhat difficult to place. However his ability to work his way through puzzles indicates a strong opportunity to end up in Ravenclaw. As is his determination to always be right. Though that is probably one of the less flattering traits in Ravenclaw.

Quigley Quagmire – Ravenclaw/Slytherin

Quigley is, unsurprisingly, one of the Quagmire children. He’s also one of the many characters that could fit into more than one house. In this instance, he could fit into Ravenclaw (most likely) or Slytherin.

Quigley has attributes and traits praised by both houses. He’s bright, determined, charismatic, and he knows what he wants. He’s fond of cartography, and is more than capable of deciphering clues and patterns.

Esme Squalor – Slytherin

So we hate to say that the first antagonist on our list is Slytherin…but she totally is. However, we’re not saying she’s Slytherin because she’s bad. We’re saying she’s Slytherin because she’s insanely ambitious.

Esme cares more about what is in than what is healthy, safe, or sane. She’ll do anything and everything to attain she she considers to be popular at any given time. These traits prove what house she belongs to.

Arthur Poe – Hufflepuff

Arthur Poe is the banker who ends up responsible for the Baudelaire fortune. And he is, without a doubt, a Hufflepuff. He means well and truly does care about the children’s well being. He’s also extremely trusting, and willing to see the best in everyone.

Unfortunately those traits result in some trouble for the children, but he truly does mean well. And he just wants everybody to be happy and safe.

Count Olaf – Slytherin

Sorry, once again, we’ve gotta say that Count Olaf is in Slytherin. It really doesn’t have anything to do with him being the antagonist of the series. He’s driven, cunning, and ambitious. All of these traits make him belong to the Slytherin house. There’s no doubt about it!

Count Olaf knows exactly what he wants – the Baudelaire fortune – and he’s willing to come up with as many plans and schemes as it takes to get what he wants. He’s also more than capable of convincing people to follow him, another strong Slytherin trait.

Lemony Snicket – Ravenclaw/Gryffindor

Lemony Snicket may be the narrator of our story, but that’s no reason to leave him off this list! But what house to put him in? His loyalty could put him in Hufflepuff. Or his bravery in Gryffindor. Or his intelligence in Ravenclaw.

Mr. Snicket is best known for the time he spent researching the Baudelaire children. He’s made investigation and research his life. He’s also caring and willing to put himself at risk to help others. The latter traits could easily put him in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff.

If we had to guess though, we’d say that he’d most likely end up in either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, depending on what he considers to be most important (like Ravenclaw due to his love of research).

Sunny Baudelaire – Hufflepuff

Sunny may be slightly young to try and guess what Hogwarts house she’d belong in. But based on what we’ve seen, we’d have to guess she’d end up in Hufflepuff. She’s unceasingly loyal and loving towards her siblings, Violet and Klaus. She would do anything to keep them safe.

Her penchant towards food and cooking certainly doesn’t hurt either. Any Hufflepuff would appreciate a well cooked meal, or a nice cup of hot chocolate. And who can blame them?

Klaus Baudelaire – Ravenclaw

The Baudelaire children were raised to love and respect knowledge of all forms. So it’s really no surprise that Klaus would find himself in Ravenclaw. He is a brilliant researcher and an avid lover of books. And he’ll never miss out on an opportunity to read a book that’s new to him.

Klaus has several traits that make him a perfect Ravenclaw, and he has several more than would be the envy of all other Ravenclaws. Such as his photographic memory. What a Ravenclaw wouldn’t give to be able to perfectly remember every book they’ve ever read!

Violet Baudelaire – Ravenclaw

You could probably argue that some of Violet’s traits would give her opportunities to belong in other houses. But we think she’d fit best in with the Ravenclaws. Much like her brother, Violet has a thirst for knowledge.

But where Klaus loves books, Violet loves inventions. The family joke is that you can always tell when she’s thinking (read: inventing) when her hair is up. And it’s true. Violet can think her way out of almost any situation. More than that, it’s clear that Violet highly values these traits, and that’s the real reason why she’s end up in Ravenclaw house.