90 Day Fiance’s Anfisa Arkhipchenko has gotten into bodybuilding in the past months and is getting ready for her first fitness show while her other half, Jorge Nava, is currently serving his two-and-a-half year sentence in prison. Anfisa, waiting for her husband’s return, has been spending all of her extra time and energy bettering herself in the gym.

The feisty Moscow native met Jorge online, where they fell in love and traveled all over the world before settling down in Los Angeles. The hit TLC show 90 Day Fiancé followed the couple in season 4 of the show, where the future of their relationship was up in the air as the two got into many fights; not to mention the fact that his whole family isn’t shy about disliking her. In spite of all of that, Jorge and Anfisa have married and seemed to have made their relationship work - until Jorge was arrested in February 2018 for possessing 293 pounds of marijuana, according to Us Weekly. That following September, he was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for possession of drugs with the intent to sell.

In December 2018, the Moscow native announced on Instagram that her newly toned body and weight loss was the result of the strength-training hobby she found after her husband’s arrest. Anfisa has taken to Instagram to talk about her husband going to jail, leaving her alone to navigate America without any support or family. She wrote: “To fill the void that I felt after Jorge was sentenced and I was left on my own I decided to try to stay busy and do what I enjoy the most and it was working out. And ONE DAY I want to take it on a higher level and compete in NPC bikini division." That “one day” is coming up soon, since, after nearly ten months of Jorge being incarcerated and Anfisa training and dieting, she is finally going participating in her first fitness model competition this week.

Through this journey, Anfisa has put on a brave face and seems to fans as being very strong emotionally (and physically), but she opened up on Instagram about how hard it is to be in America alone without family - now without her husband George. She said:

Anfisa is back to the long distance type of relationship with Jorge while he is only a third of the way through his two-and-a-half-year sentence. She explained why she is handling this new solo chapter of her relationship and her husband’s legal troubles the way she is, saying she’d “rather be thought of as a ‘cold hearted bitch’ than a ‘crybaby.’” She won’t be publicly crying over Jorge, but she will be waiting for him when he gets out. Fans of the 90 Day Fiancé couple agree that she is not only an inspiration, but has also inspired fans in the way she has turned this failure into a victory.

“To be honest, it has been very hard on me because Jorge and I are not just husband and wife but we are truly best friends and we used to share everything with each other and since we aren’t together physically now and only get to talk to each other once a day it feels like a big part of me was taken away. I don’t normally talk about it because I don’t like to show my emotions to the public, especially if I believe that it will make me look weak and pathetic.”

Next: 90 Day Fiancé: Chantel Wears Engagement Ring Despite Drama With Pedro’s Sister

Source: Anfisa Nava, Us Weekly