The world was certainly divided when they found out who Netflix cast as Geralt of Rivia in its upcoming adaptation of The Witcher novels (and games). Henry Cavill a.k.a. Superman a.k.a CG mustache will be playing the silver haired warrior, and this has brought up some issues of concern among fans on the internet. It’s not too surprising, as casting any beloved character is going to be tricky, but Henry Cavill is a good actor with a very strong presence, and he may just be exactly what The Witcher needs.

There’s a whole lot to look forward to in this series, no matter how you feel about the casting, but it’s time to look at what we think Cavill himself will bring to The Witcher.

Up, up and away!

9. Alpha Male Performance

Few can argue that one thing Henry Cavill seems to bring to all his performances is a commanding presence. He is in good shape and has a real all-American look to him (angular face, strong chin), and that tends to draw attention. Plus, he plays himself as “steely and reserved”, meaning he has a sort of undeniable intensity that Geralt definitely has in the books and game. A brooding man, truly.

On presence alone, it seems like Cavill may be able to pull it off.

8. A Moderately Serious, Somewhat Dry Tone

It was hard not to notice just how dry Geralt was in the Witcher games, specifically. Yes, he joked from time to time, but my God, did he do it all so monotone. He had one delivery for every line. Well, it could be said that this is in keeping with his almost Vulcan persona - and if you watch Henry Cavill act, he sorta does the same thing (though he does yell on occasion).

But that monotone presence could really work to his benefit here, as well.

7. Great Fight Choreography

Henry Cavill can definitely both throw and take a cinematic punch. In his last few movies that is about all we have seen him do, actually. Thus, him having a deep understanding of the ballet-like intricacy of fight choreography is really going to be an asset on this series, as Geralt is always fighting some kind of nasty.

Though we have mainly seen hand-to-hand combat from the actor, it will be intriguing to see how deftly he will be able to handle a blade.

6. A Wig That Will Probably Look Weird

This seems to something fans are really hung up on. The world must have assumed that the actor who would land the part would be a perfect facsimile of the character we have all grown to love in the game. But what did everyone think, they would find a grizzled, warrior looking old man with actual long silver hair and actual scars? Pretty sure that would be really tough to pull off.

And yes, Henry Cavill could look very strange in that wig, but another thing the masses seem to lose sight of is the fact that casting directors are usually pretty good at their job (keyword, usually) and they probably saw something in him and took the chance.

5. A Self Righteous Lead Performance

Has anyone else noticed that Henry Cavill takes roles that are often incredibly self-righteous characters? His mustached character in the recent Mission Impossible being one example and Man of Steel being another. Strong, commanding men who truly believe that what they are doing is the right thing, regardless of how others may perceive it.

That is the essence of Geralt, really.

He is a man who is very grounded and sure of what he has to do (at first, at least), even if it is something he doesn’t agree with at times. In that sense, Cavill may be perfect for The Witcher Netflix series.

4. Bare Super Buttocks?

Let’s none of us pretend The Witcher world isn’t full of sex because it is. Walk around a corner too quickly in that world and you are having sex with someone. Sneeze in Rivia and generally, the person who says bless you is usually having sex with you at the time. Family holiday celebrations are said to get pretty freaky, but I digress.

So as weird as it is to point out, we are definitely seeing Superman’s butt at some point. Please note, this list is about actor assets.

3. An Inevitably Buffed Up Geralt of Rivia

Henry Cavill always looks like he just shot steroids into every muscle in his body the moment before the director yells ‘action’. He looks like his veins are about to break out of his skin and slither away. He looks like someone shoved too much meat into the sausage casing and it is about to pop.

In other words, Henry Cavill’s Geralt is gonna be jacked, which is in keeping with the Geralt as we know him. That’s a plus!

2. Colorful Interactions with CG Creatures

This is the spot where anyone with a knowledge of film and VFX might get a little concerned. The Witcher is a world awash in mystical creatures and foreboding beasts of all sizes. We know that also means these creatures will be rendered in CG, and though Netflix does love tossing money around, a fantasy series can get very expensive.

Meaning if the creatures look crappy, enjoying the show and world they create around them could be that much more difficult for viewers and established fans. In other (fanboy) words: if they botch the botchling, the people will not be pleased!

Though this may seem out of the hands of Henry Cavill, nothing could be further from the truth. Good CG is one thing, but an actor has to sell it. That is key. And if you recall the Doomsday fight (and all DC movies), Cavill has convincingly fought CG monsters before, so he can probably sell this aspect pretty well as long as the artists get it right.

1. Interesting ‘Romantic’ Scenes

Please allow us to preface this with the fact that it is not about actual unicorns having sex, unfortunately.

Geralt of Rivia loves getting… ahem… intimate. He really does, and that’s okay. Most living things do! And though the series and games did focus on one or two primary love interests who will surely be in the show, by the last game you have literally had sex on a stuffed unicorn. So if somehow the people at Netflix are not cool enough to incorporate that particular scene, fans are sure to be disappointed!

Next: That Time The Witcher 3 Won All The Awards