Once Marvel proved the immense success a cinematic universe could deliver, it was only a matter of time before their long-time rivals at DC followed suit. DC had already had significant success with their films, especially the Dark Knight trilogy, but the DCEU presented a whole new opportunity filled with a lot of risks.

As it turns out, their cinematic universe had a considerably difficult time getting off the ground. The first couple of films disappointed and the massive Justice League team-up was a major let-down. With some much-needed improvements, the DCEU has rebounded nicely but with a few lingering problems. Here are some ways the DCEU is back on track and some problems that still need to be addressed.

Back On Track: Stand-Alone Films

The DCEU started with a solid though divisive solo film with Man of Steel. While that could have been a nice foundation to build the rest of the connected universe on, the studio seemed to be in a big rush to move things along as quickly as possible, using Batman V Superman as a way of shoehorning in Justice League.

Once that movie failed, the studio seemed to quickly learn from their mistake and move forward a little wiser. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Shazam all told their own stories without feeling shackled to the larger universe which has made for much better films.

Needs Improvement: Justice League

Whatever success the DCEU has going forward, the failure of Justice League will be a stain they cannot easily wipe off. The movie was meant to be the epic adventure with the universe’s iconic heroes sharing the big screen. Instead, it was one of the lowest-grossing films in the franchise.

Now the DCEU seems unsure what to do with their Justice League franchise. Cast members have already dropped out, some characters have gone on to their own fame while others are left with solo films in limbo. They need to decide if Justice League is something they want to continue with or if they should cut their losses.

Back On Track: Taking Risks

The comic book genre has sometimes been criticized for playing it too safe with its storytelling. The MCU gets a lot of grief for this and some of DCEU’s movies fall into that category. However, the studio now seems to be recognizing the value of branching out.

The latest DC films seem to be really stepping outside the comic-book formula. Jokerwas a dark and gritty drama. Birds of Prey was a violent and vulgar R-rated adventure. Even the upcoming films like The Batman and The Suicide Squad seem to be taking risks with darker material.

Needs Improvement: Superman

While the MCU had to build their lesser-known properties into household names, the DCEU started with iconic characters but didn’t seem to know how to present them successfully. One of the biggest missteps has been with Superman.

The character who should be at the center of the DCEU has been largely mishandled and has been missing since Justice League. While Batman and Wonder Woman has new movies on the way, there’s still no sign of Superman on the horizon.

Back On Track: Trust The Filmmakers

Zack Snyder was chosen as the man who would launch the DCEU with Man of Steel, Batman V Superman and Justice League. Sadly, behind-the-scenes trouble resulted in Snyder moving on while fans still demand the release of the mythical Snyder Cut.

Despite that disaster, the DCEU seems to have once again learned from their mistakes and embraced the filmmakers going forward. Patty Jenkins seems to have been given full control over Wonder Woman. James Gunn has praised the creative freedom he’s had on The Suicide Squad. The studio appears to have stopped meddling and let the auteurs do their thing.

Needs Improvement: Reboots

Given the rocky start to the DCEU, it stands to reason that there are some areas that will be difficult to smooth over. However, it’s still unclear how much of the universe we are meant to see as connected and how much is its own separate thing.

Some failed franchises are already getting do-overs, like Batman and Suicide Squad. However, it’s confusing if there’s are reboots, reimagining or whatever else. Is Robert Pattinson a younger version of Batfleck? If Suicide Squad is starting over, why are there so many original cast members? They should address things before it gets too confusing to get straight.

Back On Track: Embrace The Fun

While Zack Snyder is a filmmaker with an interesting vision, some felt his approach to the DC stories were a little too dour. Not every comic book movie needs to have the same colorful fun of the MCU, but the moody and grim versions of the superheroes didn’t work for many fans.

Wonder Woman brought a more optimistic look for the franchise while Aquaman and Shazam started to really have fun with their films. It seems that the movies have allowed themselves to lighten up a bit with their iconic characters which have been a lot more entertaining.

Needs Improvement: Villains

The MCU was criticized for many years for its poor use of villains in their films, however, it seems like the DCEU is experiencing similar difficulties. Seven years since the first DCEU film was released and there has yet to be a truly memorable villain in the franchise.

While Joker certainly proved interesting things can be done with DC villains, but the DCEU’s version of Joker was a big letdown. Even other iconic villains like Lex Luthor were lackluster at best. Ewan MacGregor’s Black Mask was a fun step in the right direction so hopefully, it’s a sign of improvement.

Back On Track: Slowing Down

Once the MCU got off the ground, the DCEU wasn’t the only one who tried to duplicate that success. Countless cinematic universes cropped up and one-by-one, they all failed while MCU continued strong.

One of the common threads with these failed universes, including the DCEU, was that they rushed in too quickly. The MCU built their world gradually while others got greedy. The DCEU managed to survive that mistake and have settled down a bit instead of announcing seven different movies at a time.

Needs Improvement: Overall Vision

Another thing that the MCU has that no other cinematic universe had is Kevin Feige. While the amazing cast and awesome group of filmmakers that have come along have all done their part in building the MCU into what it is today, Feige is the man with the vision.

Many people have pointed to the fact that the DCEU lacks one such overseer as the main reason it has struggled so much. Without a clear vision, the DCEU has stumbled around aimlessly. Even with a string of solid projects, it still needs that vision to decide where they are going from here so that they don’t lose their way again.