A Friends reunion special is officially on the way, and Friends fans can’t wait to see Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey all back together on the small screen. Except that, of course, it won’t be the actual characters making a return, but the actors - they’ll be back together on one (or more) of the sets, and chatting about the show and their experiences on the sitcom that defined the ’90s.

While this may not be a full-on revival, there’s no doubt that it’s still a big deal - and it’s inspiring plenty of fans to return to the question of if we could still see the actual show back on the air. Revivals and reboots have been all the rage in recent years, and there’s no doubt that Friends would be huge if it returned (the reunion alone is going to be!), but would this actually be a good idea for the show, or the actors?

Shouldn’t: It Feels Like A Cash Grab

One of the main reasons that Friends should avoid a revival is that it just feels a bit… tacky. The show told a phenomenal story of personal growth, following the core characters through their twenties to a point where they had careers, marriages, and families - and that felt like a good place to wrap things up. Returning to the story now would definitely feel like a cheap grab for fans’ wallets, without much artistic drive behind it, and Friends deserves better than that.

Should: It Would Be A Huge Way To Retain Members For HBO Max

The Friends reunion is already being touted as the big way that HBO’s streaming service, HBO Max, will garner attention for its launch. The show finally left Netflix, and HBO will be streaming Friends when it becomes available. This is clearly a way to get attention for a new streaming service (especially when there are now so many competing services), and a Friends revival could make sure that the boost in members for the reunion doesn’t see an immediate drop-off afterward. Creating a full series, only available on HBO Max, would definitely keep the viewers subscribed to the new service.

Shouldn’t: New Shows Deserve The Attention

Friends was a gamechanger at the time, and it seemed like the entire world was watching. However, now that it’s truly had its moment, it’s time to give some other sitcoms a chance. There are so many phenomenal shows and series being made that are showcasing diverse talent and covering a wider range of topics and demographics, and HBO Max would do better to focus on shining a light on the new, rather than just trying to re-up the old. Sometimes, it’s best to move forward to bigger and better things.

Should: Finding Out What Happened

This is obviously one of the most appealing things about a revival of a beloved series - we get to find out what happened to our favorite characters! Did Ross and Rachel stay together? Did they move out to the burbs with Monica and Chandler? Did Phoebe and Mike have kids? Did they keep their jobs?

There are so many questions that fans have, and a revival is the only way to get a definitive answer, and to catch up on what they’ve all been doing since the show ended. Of course, a whole revival isn’t needed for this - the reunion special could create some in character clips, and that would do the trick (without needing a whole new show).

Shouldn’t: There’s No Way To Please Everyone

The idea of finding out what has happened to the characters may be appealing… but only if you like what the writers come up with! One of the big issues with a revival would be that no matter what, a whole lot of fans would be angry about the new story. Those who wanted all the couples to stay together would be furious if their favorite ship was revealed to have divorced. Other people would be livid if no one divorced, and everyone just lived happily ever after. With a show that fans have been speculating about for so long, it would be impossible to make everyone happy, and a revival would run the risk of just upsetting everyone, and ruining the show for long-time fans.

Should: A Year In The Life Was A Huge Hit

Netflix recently managed a revival of Gilmore Girls that worked wonderfully - A Year In The Life. Rather than a full-on revival of the series, this was a special event that caught up with Rory and Lorelai over the course of a year, and while it was far from perfect, it was definitely a hit. Creating something like this - a limited catch up for nostalgia’s sake - could be a great way to satisfy some fans and get all the benefits of a full-on revival, without committing to a re-launch of the whole show.

Shouldn’t: Other Revivals Don’t Do That Well

While Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life worked well for Netflix, plenty of other revivals have failed to really land. From Will & Grace to Fuller House, revivals are everywhere, and most of them just aren’t getting the kind of attention that the networks hoped for. The nostalgia factors seems only able to take a show so far - especially when the fans (and the cast, and the world) have changed since these shows were first on the air. Taking a risk on a Friends flop just doesn’t seem totally worth it.

Should: A Chance To Address The ‘Aged Poorly’ Complaints

Since Friends appeared on Netflix, there has been an influx of posts and social media commentary complaining about the many aspects of the show that just don’t age well. There’s a whole lot of casual homophobia, transphobia, gender stereotyping, body shaming, and more (not to mention the overwhelming whiteness of the cast).

This was all par for the course at the time Friends aired (and in many ways, the show was actually extremely progressive), but it hasn’t aged well. A revival would give the show a chance to address some of this, whether by creating something that is just more appropriate for today, or actually having characters comment on how far they’ve come.

Shouldn’t: The Cast Doesn’t Want One

One of the biggest reasons that a revival wouldn’t work is that the core cast doesn’t want one. Sure, it would make them all an obscene amount of money, but these actors have moved on. Some, like Jennifer Aniston, have become massive movie stars, and wouldn’t want to come back to an old role. Others have moved into different projects, like directing (David Schwimmer), and clearly aren’t that interested in getting back in front of the camera. The actors have all been asked about a revival (probably until they are sick of the question!) and have essentially unanimously said they just wouldn’t be into it. A reunion is likely all that they are going to do, even if there were a thousand good reasons for a revival.

Should: Pure Nostalgia

Finally, the biggest reason of all for a revival - people just can’t get enough of Friends. There’s a huge amount of love for this show, and even more nostalgia. With a whole lot of stressful things happening in the world, there’s something to be said for the pure nostalgic enjoyment of kicking back and watching some fictional people deal with fictional problems, and a Friends revival would be the perfect antidote to a tough day. It’s unlikely to actually happen, of course, but maybe a Year In The Life style special, or even a spin off about the Friends’ kids could be the thing to happen instead.