Earlier this year, Epic Games announced a new app called RealityScan that lets users scan objects and turn them into high-fidelity 3D models using the iPhone and iPad camera. After months of beta testing, RealityScan is now finally available for everyone on the iOS App Store.

RealityScan uses the iPhone and iPad camera to create 3D objects

The app was built with technologies from Capturing Reality, a company specializing in photogrammetry solutions acquired by Epic Games in 2021. Now with RealityScan, Epic wants to make it possible for anyone to create 3D models of real-world objects without the need for advanced and complex tools.

With RealityScan, anyone can create 3D models in just a few minutes by following a few simple steps. All users need to do is photograph the object using their phone or tablet, and then the app does the rest to transform the images into a 3D model through cloud processing.

Of course, there are some things you can do to make sure that the object is captured in good quality. These include having at least 20 shots of the subject at different angles in good lighting conditions and a clean background.

RealityCapture is a state-of-the-art photogrammetric software able to reconstruct objects and scenes of any size from images or laser scans, yielding 3D scans with unparalleled accuracy and mesh quality at speeds many times faster than competing software. […] Capturing real-world assets for digital experiences has traditionally been complicated, technical, and labor-intensive—but now it’s as simple as unlocking your smartphone.

Once the capture is complete, the 3D object can be exported and uploaded to Sketchfab – a popular platform for publishing and discovering 3D, AR, and VR content. These models can be used for a variety of purposes, such as turning them into augmented reality objects or adding them to games with the Unreal Engine.

Now available for download

RealityScan is now available for free on the App Store. It works with any iPhone or iPad running iOS 16.0 or later. According to Epic Games, an Android version of RealityScan is also in the works. However, there’s no word on when the Android app will be available for users.