Given the development of the Naruto franchise in the early 2000s, its look isn’t as dated as something created in the ’80s or ’90s. It also helps that the franchise is set in a fantasy world where ninjas run the show, giving the manga and anime series their own particular aesthetic.

Characters are not dressed in the stereotypical movie ninja garb. Instead, everyone has a unique style that reflects their own abilities and personality.

Sakura wears a traditionally more feminine outfit, a dress with shorts underneath, and eventually, she’s one left behind from the fights. Hinata covers up in several layers, denoting her shyness. Shino, likewise, hides his colony of insects behind coats and glasses.

The wardrobe is as much a part of the series as the characters are. Fans no doubt can pick a Naruto character out of a lineup from dozens of other anime characters without much thought due to their unique style.

Sometimes, fans can’t help but wonder what a character or a place in the Naruto universe would look like if the style was just a bit different.

What if it was a steampunk series? Or a western? What if the series had been set in a modern high school instead of a hidden ninja academy?

For anyone who has ever wondered what the characters would look like in a different style, fan artists have got you covered.

There’s a huge variety in style and design out there when it comes to Naruto. We’ve gathered a small sampling for you of what could have been.

Here are the 30 Naruto Fan Redesigns Better Than What We Got.

Steampunk Sakura And Sasuke

The steampunk style took the world by storm. It’s a mix of Victorian fashion with industrial accessories, and everyone is getting in on it. Universal Studios even themed a restaurant around it.

Naruto was just ahead of the steampunk curve, but artist ilaBarattolo imagined what Sakura and Sasuke might have been in a steampunk setting.

Gloves, leather, and plenty of belt straps change their look completely.

Certain details remain, like Sakura’s penchant for pink and the shorts under her skirt. In this case, she gets lace up shorts, and a more ruffled skirt to denote the style.

A modified version of Sasuke’s clan symbol still appears as well, reminding fans that he’s still an Uchiha.

A Photorealistic Kaguya

As one of the Otsutsuki, Kaguya was one of the beings to bring the shinobi lifestyle to Earth.

The Otsutsuki were a race of beings from another dimension who sought out chakra. Settling on Earth, they created the different shinobi clans who were able to use that chakra. Kaguya had a pretty distinct look.

Artist Olggah didn’t stray far from Kaguya’s original appearance, but their piece demonstrates what the character could look like outside of animation.

The photorealistic style of the artwork certainly makes us wonder what’s going on with that live action Naruto movie in development over at Lionsgate.

Dark Horse Inspired Tenten

Tenten is probably one of the least developed characters in the series because fans don’t see much of her. What we do know is that she’s an eternal optimist and she always has the same character design.

With her hair up in two buns and her Chinese inspired qipao blouse, she’s instantly recognizable.

Tumblr artist Papabay keeps Tenten’s basic design, but turns it on its head with a fantastical interpretation.

Inspired by Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse”, Tenten is reimagined as a much edgier character.

It’s certainly a stark contrast to her usual sunny disposition.

Konoha High School

One of the great things about Naruto is that everyone’s personality is reflected through their clothing. When anime characters are all wearing the same high school uniform, they can all look the same.

Artist Elmyky proves that this isn’t always the case, however.

With their version of Konoha High School, several of Naruto’s characters can be seen wearing more traditional Japanese school clothing.

Subtle differences give insights into the characters. Temari, as the outsider, has a different uniform than the rest. Kiba, the wild child, looks unkempt compared to the more rigid Sasuke and Neji.

It’s a piece of art that doubles as a character study.

Naruto Sucker Punch

Sucker Punch might not have been a commercial success, but its aesthetic certainly has a lot of fans.

Borrowing from a darker and more fantastical look, Sucker Punch put young women in costumes inspired by military attire as they fantasized about an escape from a hospital.

Artist kinkoko-sama transplanted some of the Naruto women into those very same costumes, giving them a whole new look.

Karin, Hinata, Sakura, Tenten, and Ino take the place of the characters in the movie in the more militaristic uniforms.

It’s fitting since the Naruto franchise has been criticized for frequently making its female characters damsels in distress.

Men In Black

Everyone loves a good suit, right? If you’re a character in the Naruto universe, though, you don’t really get to wear one. Even formal events are typically shown by traditional Japanese clothing, not tailored suits.

Artist Immature-Child02 probably isn’t the only one to wonder just what the Naruto characters would look like in modern suits, but they are one of the few to actually draw the idea.

The black and white digital image features Shikamaru, Sasuke, Naruto, Konohamaru, and Sai in formal wear, and we couldn’t imagine them looking better.

Now, if only the Boruto series could find an excuse to put their characters in formal wear.

Sakura And Sasuke In Law Enforcement

Law & Order and CSI made sure that the crime procedural would never fade. The two franchises took over the airways and inspired many of the shows that came after them.

Considering that the shinobi of Naruto are very much like their universe’s law enforcement, it’s no wonder a modern take has made its way into artwork.

Artist nami64 combined the law enforcement element with the star-crossed nature of Sasuke and Sakura to create a great piece.

Their description of the piece details Sasuke as a “tainted detective,” which fits with the fact that he turned on his village in the series for a long period of time.

Karin and Sasuke In Studio Ghibli Style

Sakura isn’t the only Naruto character to find herself drawn beside Sasuke.

Sasuke is also frequently paired with Karin, the former Orochimaru follower who was obsessed with him in the series.

While Naruto saw Karin as obsessive and Sasuke as indifferent toward her, even cruel at times, artist J-Witless gives them a bit of a reprieve from the darkness.

The piece was a commission in which the buyer wanted to see the pair in the Studio Ghibli universe.

The Ghibli style of animation is certainly distinctive, and these two look like they would fit right in.

Zabuza And Haku

Zabuza was a rogue ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist. As a former member of the Seven Swordsman, he became a mercenary to survive.

Haku was one of his students. The two formed a familial bond that made their story particularly tragic.

Zabuza used Haku as a tool in his mercenary style. He trained Haku to become a living weapon, and Haku was a master of his abilities.

Unfortunately, Zabuza realized that he cared for the boy a little too late - when Haku was lost in battle.

Artist kisekigeijutsu gives them a slightly happier ending. In an image that evokes more modern comic book art than anime, Zabuza and Haku get to enjoy some peace.

A Happier Jiraiya And Tsunade

The trio of Legendary Sannin all went on to have incredible leadership roles, but for some of them, those roles proved tragic.

Tsunade became the Fifth Hokage, often placing her at odds with her former teammates, Orochimaru became a villain, and Jiraiya taught Naruto. However, let his interest in writing and women distract him.

Though it was hinted that there may have been feelings between both Tsunade and Jiraiya, they never got the chance to act on those feelings, as Jiraiya sacrificed himself while on a mission.

Tumblr artist anxioussailorsoldier gives fans a glimpse at what the two could have looked like during happier times.

Blushing cheeks and contented smiles were a rare sight for them.

A New Kakashi

Throughout the series, Kakashi is known for two things: his stringent training techniques and never removing his mask. While the former doesn’t appear much in fan art, the latter gets some creative interpretations.

Tumblr artist PurplePuppet took Kakashi’s trademark mask and gave it a new twist. Instead of being a part of a ninja uniform, Kakashi’s mask has become a scarf.

Kakashi also gets a slightly different look.

Instead of his usual uniform that we see in the manga and anime, he gets more traditional Japanese clothing.

It’s a rare sight to see Kakashi outside of his shinobi uniform, and one that many fans welcome.

Punk Rock Ino And Choji

As two thirds of team Ino-Shika-Cho, Ino and Choji often found themselves at odds during the series.

While Ino was more focused on her appearance, Choji was always focused on conserving his energy. As a result, Choji’s style was always more relaxed than his teammate’s.

In a piece by artist BayneezOne, the two get new looks that give them both a similar style.

Instead of Choji’s relaxed layers or Ino’s put-together dress over her armor, they both get an updated punk rock look.

Despite the very different approach to their styles here, there are echoes of the original manga and anime with Ino’s hairstyle and Choji’s headband.

Power Couple Sasuke And Sakura

Sasuke went for a walk on the dark side during the Naruto run, but Sakura never made the complete turn.

She offered to align herself with Sasuke because she loved him so much, but it never happened. Some fan art imagines a darker edge to her as a result.

In artist Stray-Ink92’s piece depicting them as a power couple, it isn’t just Sasuke who looks like he’s flirting with the dark side. The piece also gives Sakura a bit of an edge as well.

Most notable is the difference in Sakura’s eyes. She’s certainly lost her wide eyed, innocence look here.

No one will call her a damsel in distress now.

Naruto And Digimon Crossover

Before Naruto made waves in animation, there were tons of other Japanese series that became popular around the world. One of these was Digimon.

Digimon, short for “digital monsters” saw a group of kids get sucked into a digital world. Each of them had their own digimon to help them get through it.

The series was so popular that a sequel series was created, though it never crossed over with the likes of Naruto.

Artist Dicenete rectified the situation for fans, giving Naruto characters Gaara and Hinata a pair of digimon to accompany them.

That’s one crossover that would have been fascinating to watch.

Naruto And Sasuke Face Off

If there’s one thing that traditional animation can’t always accomplish, it’s a saturation of color in its art.

When artists experiment with different techniques in static work, they can create what seems like a whole new look for characters, when really, it’s just got richer color.

This is what artist OrekiGenya accomplished with their drawing of Naruto and Sasuke.

While the two former teammates spent a lot of time in the original series at odds, the face off in this piece is made all the more dramatic thanks to the super rich color palette.

It makes us wish that the anime could have used bolder colors like this.

A Team 7 Western

Naruto journeyed to some villages that had their own western look over the years. Cowboy hats and six-shooters didn’t make their way into the aesthetic of the series, though.

If you love a good desert town with cowboys saving the day, then Naruto creator Masashi Kishimoto himself has that covered. Kishimoto has drawn many unofficial versions of his beloved characters.

As the team that generally bucked the rules and did their own thing, it’s not hard to picture Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi riding off into the sunset after the bad guys.

You’ve got to love the small touches made to this piece. For example, Kakashi is still keeping his face covered with a bandana and Naruto is using every weapon available without worrying about actually leading his horse.

Modern Sand Siblings

The Sand ninja siblings entered Naruto as outsiders. As competition for the Leaf Village kids, they weren’t exactly welcomed.

Along the way, though, they became allies.

Because of the outsider aspect of their characters, and their dark family history, a lot of artists like to imagine the trio in a more gothic style.

mixed things up, giving the group their own modern aesthetic.

Gaara’s signature red clothing and Kankuro’s eared hoodie are still in place, but they look more like the well trained athletes or casual teenagers in a modern setting than like shinobi.

Temari’s outfit isn’t far removed from her ninja attire, but her feminist personality shines through.

Superhero Naruto

Naruto might be billed as a ninja series, but Naruto and his friends would certainly be superheroes in the real world.

This is why it’s a little surprising that more artists haven’t reimagined the title character and his friends in comic book hero roles.

It’s a fitting character comparison, with Hinata as the smart and capable Lois who often finds herself caught in the middle of trouble and Naruto as the hero who rushes to help.

Sasuke And Boruto In The Last of Us

Just as Naruto produced legions of anime and manga fans, The Last of Us has a ton of video game fans. Similar to The Walking Dead, The Last Of Us took a biological outbreak and created a game of survival.

The closest thing Naruto had to zombies were reanimated heroes who were made to do the villains’ dirty work in Naruto Shippuden or the White Zetsu. Either way, Sasuke and Boruto have never had to face zombies.

Artist from-Miromika imagined a world where the two teamed up to survive.

This offers a twist on their relationship as teacher and student in the sequel Boruto series.

Sakura The Samurai

Because Naruto is set in a fictional universe, the story doesn’t borrow from only one Asian culture when it depicts its shinobi.

Elements of different Chinese and Japanese practices are found throughout the series, from clothing choices to weapon usage.

Oa-chi on Deviant Art created a look for Sakura that borrowed inspiration from traditional Japanese Samurai.

During the manga and anime, Sakura mostly used kunai, but it certainly would have been something to see her wield a sword.

Despite the bulky armor, Sakura’s femininity remains in tact as well,thanks to her favorite color, pink, and the use of flowers, like her namesake the cherry blossom.