Casting a movie is no easy feat. One has to consider the star power and acting ability of the actors involved. On top of that, the casting director must strike the right balance. Too many big names and the budget topples over. Too many obscure up-and-comers and the movie lacks marketability.

With all this in mind, it is understandable that sometimes movies miss the mark with their casting choice. Sometimes the fans have the right idea in mind (no matter how unfeasible) and the casting director just cannot make it work. Heck, even the Marvel movies miss the mark. In fact, they have been missing the mark since the beginning. If a fan goes back all the way to the first Fox or Sony Marvel films they will notice some bad casting choices. So, with this in mind, it’s worth exploring were fans found better casting choices for some of the most famous Marvel Characters.

First, this list needs some rules. For starters, all actors selected for this list are considered as they are known now, but for the film, as it stands in time. So, for instance, casting Ryan Reynolds as Mystique (it’s improbable, but go with it) would mean the list is casting him as Mystique in the X-Men Apocalypse or even just X-Men. Furthermore, these are fan castings, so obviously it’s understandable that they may not have been feasible at the time, and they all come from sites on the internet. Still, one can dream and some of the actors they cast for these iconic characters are better than fans got.

Here are 25 Marvel Fan Castings Better Than What We Got.

Norman Reedus as Ghost Rider 

Ghost Rider is an intriguing film, and saying that is being kind. Nicolas Cage gave a bizarre rendition of the soul-burning motorhead.  To this day most fans of the character either loved it or hated it.

So, enter Norman Reedus to fill the spot. His entry in this list comes from IMDb. Reedus offers a more sleek and reserved portrayal of the role. Ghost Rider needs to be intimidating, but his emotional range cannot be all over the place. That is why Norman Reedus fits this role even better than Nicolas Cage.

Mads Mikkelsen as Doctor Doom 

Doctor Doom lacked the punch he needed in every Fantastic Four movie that has come out. Julian McMahon is a villainous Doctor Doom, but he just felt a little off with what viewers expected. In fact, his return in the sequel felt unneeded and fans did not welcome his return.

Doctor Doom needs to be suave and calculating. He needs to seem capable of outwitting the Fantastic Four and evil enough to threaten their lives. Mads Mikkelsen fits all of those needs making this Tumblr pick an excellent fan casting.

Timothy Olyphant as Reed Richards

This entry comes from Reddit user u/Kylehunter24, and it’s not a bad suggestion. After all the two Reed Richards fans received felt silly and disreputable. They lacked the feeling of leadership and strength viewers expect.

Timothy Olyphant offers the command the role needs. Olyphant can dominate a screen while still offering space for the rest of the cast to breathe. His entire filmography displays the ability to balance the quirkiness of Reed Richards with the bravado the character needs as a leader. Ultimately, Olyphant brings the layers demanded of such an everlasting Marvel creation.

Will Poulter as Beast 

Beast is a tricky character to pin down. It’s not that Nicholas Hoult did not do the character justice, but he just did not look the part. Now, this may be controversial, but put the pitchforks away for a second and listen.

Newsarama proposed this casting in a way of making the role a little younger. Poulter offers a more insecure and shunned version of Beast. Every time fans have seen Beast it’s by the time he has grown into a confident mutant (at least mostly). Poulter offers a chance to show fans a version of Beast that needs to grow into his role and lacks the scientific bravado of the current character. Beast fades into the background because he feels fully developed and not as worthy of screen time for that reason.

Lupita Nyong’o as Storm

Storm is potentially an omega-class mutant. She is the leader of the X-Men in most iterations. With this in mind, Storm needs to be an actor with range and an impeccable screen presence. This is why Tumblr hit the nail on the head with fan casting Lupita Nyong’o.

Now, Alexandra Shipp just barely missed the mark. The character design was there, and the character story worked enough. However, Shipp did not do enough to perfectly perform the conflict within the character’s development. That kind of demand is necessary to excel as Storm. Nyong’o can hit the mark and more that is why she is perfect for the role. This piece of work was done by DeviantArt user bittermarch.

Stephen Lang as Cable 

Josh Brolin is an amazing casting choice for Cable. Still, that does not mean the choice cannot always be improved on, and CBR offers an excellent choice to fill the role. Stephen Lang ticks off all the boxes.

Lang commands the screen in a way that Brolin does, but with a more effortless cool-factor. This is not to say Brolin does not seem ideal for Cable, instead, all this casting choice is meant to offer is another ideal choice. It’s like Brolin is perfect choice number two, and Stephen Lang is perfect choice number one.

Josh Brolin as The Punisher 

Speaking of Josh Brolin, this list provides him with an excellent alternative. Fans have not seen a cinematic Punisher in years. What audiences did get is a steaming-pile of average mediocrity, although it at least improved when John Bernthal got his own show.

User Weapon-Alpha, on comic vine proposed Josh Brolin as a proper fit for the role and it makes sense. Brolin needs to be menacing when he plays the anti-hero role. He needs to balance more on the fatalistically violent side of that kind of role and only Punisher offers that chance. Brolin fits this brooding avenger perfectly. The Punisher needs Brolin and Brolin could excel with him in the role.

Saoirse Ronan as Jean Grey 

Jean Grey needs redemption. The character is so complex that almost no actor can fulfill the layers of emotion demanded by the role. Sophie Turner and Famke Janssen tried their best to fulfill the expectations that fans demand from this incredible character.

Luckily, Newsarama proposes an alternative casting that could pull it off. Saoirse Ronan displays the kind of range the character demands. Ronan is filling out an impressive filmography and will likely get into directing soon (yes, the hype is real). Still, fans wish she would have taken this role and pushed it to the character’s likely conclusion cough Dark Phoenix cough.

Diane Keaton as Aunt May 

Yes, even non-super characters are up for fan castings. Look, Aunt May is a tough role to get totally right. That is why Tumblr’s offer of Diane Keaton is perfect for a fan casting.

Aunt May is a tragic character and the person who plays the role needs to display that grief. The trouble is the grief displayed is usually too much or too little. Keaton is a veteran of the industry and would balance the role purposefully. Don’t worry fans would not have to see Uncle Ben die again for her to pull off the role.

Colton Haynes as Iceman 

Look, Colton Haynes may not excite Arrowverse fans viewing the list. However, Haynes can bring what fans want in the Iceman role. Therefore, Tumblr found the best replacement for Shawn Ashmore.

Haynes is a trending actor moving up in the industry. Given the chance to fill the role of Iceman Haynes would excel. His role of Roy Harper may not satisfy everyone, but it’s likely that given this opportunity Haynes would surprise his doubters. The every-man style that Bobby Drake gives off fits Haynes style and its why he could actually pull it off.

John Goodman as Doctor Octopus 

Alright, this one is a doozy. Alfred Molina made for an excellent Doctor Octopus. Molina showed all the sincerity and deviousness that compelled the character to a satisfying character resolution. Still, improvements could always be made.

CBR proposes John Goodman for the role and, honestly, the casting works. Goodman excels as the creepy mastermind with criminal intensity. He would provide an extra level of threat not seen by Molina. It’s like Molina is the perfect casting, but Goodman is the ideal casting for Doctor Octopus. Goodman is able to fill the entire spectrum needed by the actor and adds a little more to the role that fans would appreciate.

Natalie Dormer as Emma Frost 

Emma Frost is a character with all the potential in the world. Now, to be clear, X-Men: First Class built her up to fulfill that potential. Sadly, fans never saw the character appear on the silver screen again. This means fans (and yes even the ones on Tumblr) began to imagine the best fit for this incredible character.

Natalie Dormer offers a stabilizing presence in the role. Dormer as Emma Frost is the casting fans are looking for right now. She has enough pull in the industry to attract viewers to the character and she has the range to build the character out of the initial mold and grow Emma Frost for viewers. It is not often you see perfect fits, but this one might be.

Timothee Chalamet as Nightcrawler 

This one is a dream scenario, and that is okay. Sure, Timothee Chalamet is one of the biggest actors in Hollywood right now, but this pick is definitely about hindsight. Newsarama helps out with this entry and it takes a little bit of fantasy to rationalize.

Kodi Smit-McPhee will end up being a solid casting choice. However, his debut as the character could have been stronger and if the casting director knew the strength and popularity that Chalamet is bringing to every role he takes, then they likely would have offered him the role. Sadly, this is not the case. However, one can dream and this is one that fans do not want to wake up from anytime soon.

Mae Whitman as Rogue 

Anna Paquin filled in as Rogue nicely. Paquin did not perform the role poorly, but the character deserves an updated take. Enter Mae Whitman who was cast by some fans on Tumblr (yes, they love to fan cast).

Whitman is a big up-and-comer in the industry and valiantly performs in every role she is given. However, Rogue is a southern character and therefore, Whitman needs to prove she can pull off the accent fans expect. If she can do that, then she will complete the full checklist of things fans expect from Rogue.

Alex Pettyfer as Angel 

Oh, Angel, will this character ever get justice on film? Look, Angel is a common fan-favorite, but, sadly, no film version has delivered. Honestly, it’s discouraging to see a character never succeed and it frustrates so many viewers.

Angel never gets a ton of screen time in these films, and that means the actor who plays him needs to take advantage of any time they get. This is why IMDb’s fan casting of Alex Pettyfer as the big-time character works perfectly. Pettyfer takes advantage of all his screen-time and fulfills the necessary characteristics fans demand of an actor who plays Angel.  

Logan Lerman as Cyclops 

Tye Sheridan is on the way up. Sheridan was cast as Wade Watts in Ready Player One and brought every necessary subtlety to the role. He continues to impress audiences with his ability to blend into roles. However, that does not mean he is the best choice for Cyclops.

Newsarama fan casts Logan Lerman as the future leader of the X-Men. Lerman is no slacker. He is more than familiar with filling big-time roles and is just as successful in those big roles. Lerman would bring a more grounded interpretation of Cyclops and offer fans a character worth rooting for. Sheridan’s Cyclops just felt a little out of touch with the character’s personality, and Lerman offers a remedy for that misstep.

John Krasinski as Mr. Fantastic

Whenever fans think about the results of the Fantastic Four movies, it brings up a bunch of bad memories. Luckily, IMDb offers a list with a wonderful replacement. Sure, is John Krasinski a reasonable entry? Maybe not, but this list is about fan castings better than fans got.

Ioan Gruffudd lacked the panache to excel in the role. Fans were left wishing they had seen a more refined approach. Krasinski can display that refined leader type character in spades. His action roles are growing on fans and that means it is not out of the possibility that, if fans ever receive a reprieve on this franchise, Krasinski could play the front man.

Emily Blunt as Mrs. Fantastic

This entry, also from IMDb’s fan list, builds off the previous entry. Since Blunt and Krasinski are already a real-life couple, this match-up feels built for the two. Blunt is a seasoned veteran of the industry and continues to prove she can muster up the acting-chops for any role.

The Invisible Woman is a demanding character. In certain iterations of the series, she has to deal with love triangles and will-they-won’t-they scenarios. Both those kind of cliches can trap actors into a limited range that flattens their character’s development. Blunt can avoid those trappings and perform this role with spectacular results.

Jason Statham as Bullseye 

Look, most fans either remember Colin Farrell played Bullseye and are scarred from it, or they were lucky enough to have forgotten. It isn’t that Farrell was a terrible choice for the character, but it just did not turn out how it should have. Farrell lacked the consistent menacing demeanor necessary to pull off the villainous role (at the time).

This is why Tumblr has saved the role by casting Jason Statham in the role. Bullseye needs to encompass a multitude of threatening talents while looking intimidating with a bullseye on his forehead.  Statham is an accomplished actor with a deep wealth of experience in action roles. Statham makes the most sense to excel as this character and fans would love the casting choice.

Luke Evans as Gambit 

Gambit is another X-Men character fans likely will never see fully realized on screen (just like Angel). Sadly, the role just demands too much from most actors, and it’s tough to check off all the boxes. So, IMDb fans did their best to solve this character in crisis by fan casting Luke Evans.

Evans excels in action roles when given the opportunity. Gambit demands nimble action sets with witty dialogue and a confidence to boot. Evans can deliver on all of these things and possibly do the role justice. It’s safe to say Evans can fit the bill.