The Hunger Games very quickly became a bonafide cultural phenomenon. It launched the career of Jennifer Lawrence into the stratosphere, and fans around the world found themselves falling in love with the character of Katniss Everdeen. Even more, fans found themselves immersed in the rich and sprawling world that Katniss lives in.

Part of what made the characters and story so popular is how iconic everyone was. It took no time at all for characters, dialogue, and moments from the story to become the stuff of classic memes.

In this way, both the book and movie adventures of Katniss have lived on long after most fans first experienced them.

Of course, not all memes are a celebration of how great Hunger Games is. Some serve to remind us about just how many things about this series don’t actually make sense. And once you see the memes, it actually changes how you view the series as a whole.

Is Katniss a resourceful hero, or someone who just can’t make up her mind? Is Gale simply the boy who got away, or is a scorned lover who will do anything to payback?

These questions and more will be going through your head after you check out the 25 Hilarious Memes That Show The Hunger Games Makes No Sense!

Fashion Trashing

Hunger Games is a beloved series of both books and movies. However, if we’re being honest, it shares tropes with many other “youth Dystopia” style stories out there.

This means that there needs to be some interesting ways for it to stand out from the competition. While the characters do a lot of this heavy lifting (for instance, there’s no other fictional character quite like Katniss Everdeen), one unexpected contender is the fashion.

To put it mildly: the fashion in The Hunger Games is utterly insane.

At first, we are only privy to what characters like Katniss, Peeta, and other inhabitants of poor districts wear. However, in the Capital, it seems like everyone is constantly trying to one-up each other when it comes to having a crazy fashion sense.

This meme elegantly points out just how crazy that is: in our own tragically normal world, Lady Gaga and her wild fashion stands out because few people would ever try to pull off that style.

In The Hunger Games, every rich person does, which forces us to ask: is your fashion really still special when literally everyone you know also dresses that way? This is yet another reason why they shouldn’t be wiping out their great fashion designers off willy nilly.

Bread-Crossed Lovers

Some people would argue that the very best stories are love stories. While we don’t necessarily subscribe to that theory, love is certainly at the heart of The Hunger Games.

Katniss Everdeen is presented with a choice between two suitors, Gale and Peeta. Much of the romantic drama throughout the books and movies concerns which one she really loves and how much of Peeta’s feelings for her are real versus how much is just a show he is putting on for those watching.

We eventually get the truth, though it comes with the worst timing ever.

Part of the tragedy of Peeta’s story is that he gets brainwashed by the Capital, so he’s forced to fight Katniss.

He eventually admits that he does love her. Not only that, but his love is hardly recent: he has loved her for over a decade, going back to their days in the district as children.

This meme points out how silly his bad timing really is: if he had been honest about his feelings for her years ago, he could have sidestepped a lot of the drama that would happen later on to both of these characters and even their friends and family.

Carb Jokes? We’re Bread, Fam

As we said, much of the personal drama that Katniss has throughout this story concerns which of the dreamy beaus she is ultimately going to end up with. Exactly which one you were rooting for mostly comes down to how you reacted to the boys’ very different personalities.

Gale had brooding intensity and practicality on his side. As for Peeta, he had a lot of charm and some fairly esoteric baking skills. F

or better or for worse, his name even manages to reflect this, with “Peeta” being very evocative of the (quite yummy) pita bread.

And boy oh boy, did the internet have a field day with bread jokes about Peeta. It’s enough to completely change how you view this character and his relationship to Katniss and the others.

This meme rather ironically calls the internet out, as Peeta simultaneously criticizes those making puns and then eggs them on with yet another bread-based joke.

Unfortunately for Peeta, it doesn’t look like Hunger Games fans are going to part with their carb-filled humor anytime soon. However, hey, he should just be happy that we’re so productive. It would be more of a shame if all of us were just loafing around.

The Real Cake Boss

Speaking of Peeta, both Katniss and the audience was a bit worried about his survival in the first Hunger Games book and movie. Part of the cruelty of the lottery system in this story is that anyone could get selected.

Some, like Katniss, come with some skills (like with a bow and arrow) that are handy within the arena. Others, like Peeta, have some fairly useless skills that come from a lifetime of working with pastries.

Against all the odds, though, Peeta shows Katniss how his skill at doing things like decorating cakes actually helped him create elaborate camouflage.

What can we say? This is a pretty insane premise. We would take any bet that if you threw some of the various Cake Boss experts into the Hunger Games, they wouldn’t be able to perfectly blend into their surroundings based only on decorating skills.

This meme calls Peeta out for his very silly claim by not so subtly reminding us that cakes look nothing like trees. If decorating cakes helped Peeta make himself look like a tree, then he’s either been recently lying or delivering some very weird-looking cakes for all these years.

Face it, Peeta: we like you better when you keep your pastry hole closed.

A Tale As Old As…Gobstoppers?

One thing that always causes internet fights is discussion of just how original The Hunger Games actually is. On one hand, there is nothing quite like the unique tapestry of characters and events that this story weaves.

On the other hand, it’s hard not to see the influence of earlier works on this particular tale. Things like Battle Royale clearly played an influence on this story, and only you can decide if that hurts your enjoyment of this unique take on an old idea.

However, there were some other unique influences as well.

This silly meme reminds us that there is a long and cinematic history of children being pitted against each other while slowly getting eliminated. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory has a simple premise that these children have all won the opportunity to tour Wonka’s fantastic factory.

However, we eventually find out that this was all a strange ruse for him to discover which child was worthy enough to be his successor.

Meanwhile, those unworthy kids keep disappearing in increasingly bizarre ways, and despite Wonka’s assurances, we never do see them again. Maybe President Snow had to institute a lottery because everyone got wise to the old “golden ticket” scheme?

Not Even a Nice Place to Visit

Part of what makes stories like The Hunger Games so fun is that they are filled with great world-building.

It’s tough enough to tell a great story that is set in our own world. However, when you’re creating worlds of fantasy or sci-fi, it’s quite a bit more challenging because you must create a convincing world full of details, locations, fantastic characters, and more.

When the world building is good, fans typically fantasize about visiting the fictional area: Lord of the Rings fans, for instance, wish they could see the elves, while Harry Potter fans hope they might someday get a letter from Hogwarts.

This meme points out that Hunger Games fans are not at all like that. This is mostly a function of the story being a Dystopia: while both Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter have some scary moments, they are filled with enough hope and happiness that visiting there seems like a fun and good idea.

Hunger Games, however, is a brutal hellscape where the closest thing to a happy ending is still going to involve lots of destruction. We’re happy just peeking into that world— no visits are necessary for us, but thanks for the invite!

Fear the Beard

In many ways, the most controversial thing about any film adaptation of a beloved book is how it visualizes the characters.

This is because to book lovers, the ability to get a perfect picture in their heads of what a character looks like is a large part of the fun. If the movie’s vision doesn’t align with the imagined one, then it can instantly change how the fan sees the movie.

With the character Seneca, it was a bit of a mixed bag: he looked fantastic. However, he was the face that launched a thousand memes.

In a futuristic sci-fi Dystopia, it seemed like Seneca’s beard was the weirdest and most unlikely thing of all.

That’s exactly what this meme does: helps us to see how utterly insane this character’s facial foliage really is. In many ways, the beard already has “gotten” us: long after the credits rolled on the final movie, we are still haunted by the perfect symmetry of this beard from the first movie.

To the young men who are hoping to replicate this look to woo their own Katniss Everdeen off her feet… good luck. Or shall we say, may the odds be ever in your favor.

When Snow Falls

Earlier, we discussed how great Hunger Games was when it came to world-building. Details great and small all added together to create a world that really made sense.

However, there was a pretty notable exception to this: the actual games themselves! On paper, the whole purpose of these games is for the rich Capital to put the various districts in their place and assert the power of President Snow and his people.

In reality, it helped set the stage for Katniss to lead a revolution and tear the entire thing down.

This meme is here to ask the real question: how the hell did Snow not see this coming? When it comes to using your power to influence people, it basically comes down to offering rewards or offering punishments.

Even a child can see that the districts gain far less than they lose: their children are wiped out every single year, and if they are really lucky, only one child passes away while the other gets the reward of not starving and perishing.

It’s an absurd system that basically guarantees rebellion. Hell, America rebelled over lack of representation: “systematically wiping out children” is much more of an inducement to a revolution than that.

Games Fiction

Pulp Fiction is a cinematic classic for many reasons. One of the big ones is that the characters are unforgettable: their interactions about everything from god to fast food are absolutely scintillating.

Also, in an early scene between hitmen Jules and Vincent, they discuss how the same thing can have funny names in different places.

For instance, what America would call a “Big Mac,” France would call a “Royale with cheese.” So, what does this have to do with Hunger Games? It turns out there is a lot in a name.

Earlier, we mentioned Battle Royale. This was a book by Koushun Takami that was later turned into a movie. The book predates Hunger Games by only nine years and it focuses on (you guessed it) a Dystopian future in which a cruel government forces young people to fight and hurt one another as a way of maintaining control.

Sound familiar? Fans have been comparing Hunger Games and Battle Royale since the first Games book came out, and this meme is pretty hilariously pointing out that no matter how you slice that “cheese,” Battle Royale came out well before Katniss ever picked up a bow to take on President Snow.

Class Traitor Karma

On a very basic level, Hunger Games is a story about the “haves” and the “have nots.” The denizens of the Capital are definitely the “haves,” and we see them flaunt their extravagant wealth through fashion, food, and everything in-between.

The districts are the “have nots,” as they must toil in labor and squalor in order to appease the wealthy. The weird exception to this, though, is District One. They are wealthy and relatively “buddy buddy” with the Capital, but they still have to send people to compete in the Games. That’s where things get weird.

In this district, they actually glamorize the Games, to the point where people train all year in hopes of being chosen to fight.

This meme points out a weird irony in the idea of this training: characters like Katniss are able to safely hide from these characters by climbing a tree. Why, exactly, could these characters not climb a tree?

It’s easy to assume that Katniss (a hunter) could outclimb someone from the fancypants district. But if people from this district train all year in hopes of competing, one would think basic skills like “climb a tree” would be at the top of the list.

Poor, Poor Gale

If you were describing the Hunger Games plot to someone, they might get a bit confused when you get to the love triangle part.

After all, this is a story about children being forced to brutally fight for their own lives; where would there be room to worry about things like love?

At first, Katniss seems to agree with this idea, pumping the brakes on a Gale romance because she has to focus on simply surviving the games. That’s when Peeta happened.

This meme reminds us of how ironic their relationship really was (and how heartbreaking it was for Gale).

By all accounts, Gale looks like a pretty private person. He’s not big on major displays of affection or public proclamations, preferring to speak with Katniss only when they have relative privacy.

Therefore, it’s that much worse that Katniss not only choose another guy, but Gale has to watch all of it happen while it’s being broadcast. He didn’t just lose the girl, but he became part of some dirty laundry that was now being aired to literally the entire world.

We can feel where you’re coming from, Gale: bread really would seem stupid after that.

Some Great Advice to Ignore

In the first Hunger Games, Haymitch has a rather complex role to play. He has to spend some of his time playing nice with the elite in the Capital as he tries to secure aid for Katniss.

At the same time, he has to draw on his experience as a previous winner of the games to help her survive. And though he starts out as a grouchy alcoholic, he ends up offering Katniss some pretty solid advice: avoid the Cornucopia, as it is a clear trap for contestants.

Katniss ends up pretty much ignoring that good advice.

Of course, we’re sympathetic to Katniss: when you’re placed in such a scary situation, you’re going to end up doing things that don’t make sense.

However, this meme rather hilariously highlights that Katniss tries to survive the games with the same attitude that other people rush into terrible relationships: what’s the worst that could possibly happen?

In this case, the answer is clear: passing away. Then again, things ended up working out pretty well for Katniss, so we can understand why she’d be inclined to ignore Haymitch more often in the future.

Maybe he can pour himself another drink and get down with the “YOLO” philosophy.

A Close Shave

Despite the fact that he was the architect of their misery, it was tough not to root for Seneca in the first Hunger Games.

It turns out that he was in a similar position to Katniss and the other children: he had to do whatever President Snow wanted him to do, and any kind of defiance or failure meant his demise.

That’s exactly what happened: when he refused to let Katniss harm herself with poisoned berries and declared two winners, President Snow was angry enough to lock Seneca in a room filled with those same poison berries, forcing him to off himself.

However, this meme presents the idea that something would have been even scarier to Seneca than poisoned berries: a fresh razor.

Obviously, this is a man who takes intense care of (and pride in) his wild beard. As much as we came to like him, the blunt truth is that without his cool beard and weird job, Seneca would just be another cocky young man who can’t hold a candle to guys like Peeta and Gale.

If he had a choice between the poison berries and the razor, we’re pretty sure he’d still go with the berries.

It’s Real, and It’s Beautiful

Katniss is a lot of things to a lot of people. That ended up being a major theme of the entire story, of course: that some people saw Katniss as a pupil (like Haymitch) and others saw her as a lover (like Gale and Peeta) while still others saw her as a symbol of revolution (like most of the districts).

However, very few people understood the real Katniss, but she peeks through in moments like this… like when she asked Gale if the bread he was giving her was real.

This meme showcases what a truly silly moment that is. Like most of us when confronted with something too good to be true, Katniss gives in to her first instinct to ask if it’s actually real.

However, the idea that it is fake is almost too weird to ponder: did she think it might be a loaf of plastic toy bread, and she just didn’t notice? Also, does she imagine that Gale carries around plastic bread loaves just for fun?

While we can understand Katniss having the instinct to act this question, it’s really one of the dumbest questions she could possibly ask. Maybe she should have asked the fandom for their bread expertise?

Big Hair, Don’t Care

As we’ve said, part of what makes Hunger Games so great is the relationships between different characters. While the relationship between Katniss and Peeta (and Gale) takes center stage, there are supporting characters whose relationships also really make every scene sparkle.

Two such characters are Haymitch and Effie, and they have very different personalities: Haymitch is all about laying the blunt truth out there, while Effie is all about giving things a positive spin. In short: she’s the glass half-full gal while Haymitch is the glass half-empty guy.

It’s fun to imagine what would happen if those roles were reverse. Or, more specifically, if Effie dropped her super-polite veneer and started getting real with Haymitch and everyone else.

That’s the kind of world this meme imagines, showing us Haymitch trying to call Effie out on her crazy hair and her throwing that sass right back at him with a vengeance. It’s such a great exchange that we wish it really could have made it into the books or the movies.

After all, if Effie can get feisty over things like mahogany, it’s hard not to imagine her just utterly going off on someone trying to criticize how she looks.

She Kneads You to Knead Her

What, you thought we were done with silly bread puns on this list? Too bad: we got these things in a baker’s dozen. In all seriousness, bread really does play a central metaphor in the story of the Hunger Games.

It has historically been a symbol of life, which is made pretty explicit when a young Peeta gives it to a young, starving Katniss. He simultaneously gave her life and tied their lives together, and it’s all because of that bread that he won’t shut up about. And this funny meme helps put all of it in perspective.

If you don’t “get it,” then you may need a little bit of a quick cultural lesson: it goes back to the 1997 megahit movie Titanic, when Rose tells the artistic Jack to “draw me like one of your French girls.”

That movie basically redefined the modern blockbuster, and the line made it into meme history.

In this particular variant, we see Katniss imploring Peeta to use his real artistic skills: his ability to knead bread.

So, once you slice through all of the references, it’s a pretty saucy message… wrapped up in a pretty good bread joke. That’s basically Katniss and Peeta in a nutshell.

Regrets? He Has a Few

Have we told you enough about how we’re very sympathetic with Gale? And that’s not just because he’s played by a Hemsworth brother.

He spends most of the story effectively sidelined, having to watch both the drama and the romance between Katniss and Peeta on live TV.

This means that he is constantly wondering if he could have (or should have) said something different to Katniss before she left so that she would know the true depths of his feelings. Instead, all he can do is wait, watch, and worry.

This meme points out what a knife to the chest that all of this has to be for Gale. It’s already weird enough that he has to watch the love of his life making out with another boy on TV. How awkward does that make things in their shared district? Or when he talks with her family?

Also, of course, he has to be plagued with the classic question of whether he could have said something different and managed to get the girl.

Maybe it’s not too late, Gale: you’ve got some time while they’re busy to work on building your own expertise about making and joking about bread. Maybe that will win her hear.

A Really “Harry” Situation

You don’t often see the worlds of meme culture and pop culture studies intersect. However, they have more in common than you might think: something that pop culture scholars specialize in is using one form of pop culture to help us understand other forms of pop culture.

In this way, everything is connected and nothing is truly irrelevant. Of course, this is exactly what meme culture is doing when it comes to mashups, which is what is going on with this mashup of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. As you might expect, it all comes down to Katniss.

Part of what makes Katniss such a relevant character to young people (the original audience for both the books and the movie) is that she is so conflicted.

The world wants her to figure out who she is while she’s still working on that herself. Accordingly, one of the more haunting things about the story is the idea that much of her romantic feelings may just be a show she is putting on for others.

In this meme, Harry Potter himself is horrified at the idea that she would betray a close friend in such a manner. Ease off, Harry: we don’t all have access to magic.

(Almost) Famous

Hunger Games makes for a fun story because much of it is very “meta.” That is, it’s part of the narrative that the world within the books and movies see Katniss as the “Girl On Fire.”

More than just a cool nickname, this is all part of situating Katniss as an inspirational hero who can help spark a revolution.

However, the branding works in the world of the fans as well, with many people referring to her as the “Girl On Fire” and viewing her as just as much of an inspirational role model in our own world.

Then there’s Peeta. This meme draws attention to the fact that Peeta was right there when the world saw Katniss as the girl on fire. He wore the same cool clothes, but he never had the same symbolic resonance with anybody.

Both in the world they live in and the world we live in, no one ever took Peeta seriously as a symbol of youth revolution.

This meme imagines him being actively put down by people like Haymitch, as the grizzled games veteran has clearly picked the winner of the bunch and decided he wants to be on her side.

It Turns Out You Can’t Catch Them All

As the story of The Hunger Games goes on, Gale slowly gets more things to do. Instead of just pouting on the sidelines, he plays an active role in saving the family of Katniss and many other citizens of their shared district when the Capital decides to bomb the entire place to the ground.

However, an unfortunate logistical reality is that not everyone was ever going to make it out alive, and while Gale was able to save his love’s family, he was unable to save Peeta’s family. This just adds to the trauma Peeta experiences.

However, this dark meme forces us to ask how much of this was accidental and how much of it was malicious.

Did Gale fail to save Peeta’s family because they were simply in the wrong place and wrong time when the bombs started dropping? Or did he see a terrible chance to get back at the boy who had effectively stolen Katniss from him?

Obviously, we’ll never have a definitive answer about this, and we want to believe that Gale is a good guy.

Nonetheless, we’ll be viewing his scenes much more closely in the future to see if he has a bit of supervillain hidden behind that handsome face.