The beautiful thing about being a member of any fandom in 2018 is that there’s no need to hide anymore. Mere decades ago, geeks were ridiculed and scoffed at as they hid their comics behind texbtooks and nodded respectfully at anyone else wearing a Punisher shirt.

Today, Marvel merch is in every store, on cereal boxes, and even in greeting cards. The Avengers helped to pave the way for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to become as mainstream as Old Navy and The Gap, and the Internet has spread fandoms so far and wide that there’s something for everyone, whether you Make Yours Marvel, subscribe to DC, or like to mix it up a bit.

Some fans take the mixing of Marvel heroes and worlds to the extreme in ways that are so wild and bizarre yet so absolutely brilliant we can’t help but pay them homage and admire their creative genius. Some surpass the boundaries of the fourth wall, venturing into television shows and live action while others meld the Marvel world with favorite cartoon characters from the 1980s, 1990s and today. All of them blow our minds with their “what if” factor, even as they combine our own favorite fandoms into new combinations we never even imagined.

Thanks to the invention of both fan fiction and fan art, it’s easier to play with, share, and enjoy these mad ideas more than ever before with others who appreciate your fandom.

Here are 25 Crazy Marvel Crossover Redesigns That Break The Universe.

Black Panther Pokemon

What if our favorite Marvel heroes had Pokemon? I choose you, Spidey! Okay, maybe Peter Parker wouldn’t end up being conjured by Pokeball but if Black Panther had access to an Umbreon, he would be bound to be unstoppable.

T’Challa already has the coolest backup in the entire Marvel universe between Okoye, the Dora Milaje and all of those rhinos.

If he adds the Moonlight evolution of Eevee to his arsenal, as spinningandslashing postulates, not only will he have a wardrobe-matching pet but the powers of synchronization and extra inner focus.

Mickey And Donald As Avengers

The Avengers are part of the Disney family now, so why wouldn’t they want to mix it up with the classics like Renny08 suggests?

In The Duck Avengers, Donald Duck becomes Iron Duck, whose alter ego is Tony Quack, and Mickey Mouse, AKA Mickey Rogers, becomes Captain Mouse!

We’re pretty sure a Minnie Black Widow, a Goofy Thor and a Pluto Hulk would work with them.

Given Thor’s hilarious behavior in Ragnarok, he’s already halfway there. He just needs to start intoning, “Gawsh!” when he summons Stormbreaker.

Green Lantern/Daredevil

If Daredevil and Green Lantern were one and the same, you’d get a man without fear complete with double the powers. The character’s territory would obviously expand from Hell’s Kitchen to pretty much the entire universe and he’s feature both the devil horns and a pretty glow, as artist 666Darks shows here.

The real question is what if the two were combined as Jessica Cruz? Now that would be an interesting heroine.

We’re not sure how he’d operate both the ring and his baton, though. Would they work together? Maybe he could do a bit of hoop rolling while he stalks villains.

Zootopia Punisher

When artist AppleJackieClank241 depicts Zootopia’s Officer Hopps as Punisher, the result is rather sinister.

The anguished look on the rabbit’s face really meshes well with Frank Castle’s torment.

This image also gives us an insight into what Judy might look like as a vigilante of justice rather than an officer of the law.

Just the idea of the affable cartoon character and everyone’s favorite Marvel vigilante who never hesitates to cross the line boggles our minds and breaks both universes.

Big Avengers 6

Just when you thought the Big Hero 6 crew couldn’t get any more awesome, artist erinomalley13 made them into Avengers.

Hiro Iron Man is incredible and Captain Honey Lemon America takes the role to a whole new level of positivity, totally making up for that whole Hail Hydra thing. There’s even a fun dialogue beneath the art that explains how it all went down.

Perhaps the most fun idea is that of Baymax as the Incredible Hulk, which blends the violent beast with the gentle caregiver, making us wonder exactly what he’d do if he were to encounter a hairy baby.

Vegeta Wolverine

There are so many great Wolverine crossovers out there that we could definitely get lost in a rabbit hole of Logan meets every fandom in the universe.

This piece where he enters the Dragon Ball Z universe is pretty epic because it combines one of the best-loved Marvel characters with one of the best-loved anime characters, resulting in a look that’s so Vegeta yet so Wolverine it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

Artist TomislavArts seamlessly blends the two, completely destroying both universes to create a whole new one that we pretty much need to read and watch immediately.

Potter Avengers

It’s the one everyone’s been waiting for: The Avengers make it to Hogwarts!

It’s about time that we pair some magic with alien mischief.

Is Clint really a Gryffindor? We get that Natasha and Loki are both Slytherins. While Steve Rogers as a Gryffindor makes sense, we’re pretty sure he’d be a Hufflepuff prefect. Still, artist Tenshi-inverse makes a pretty strong case as to who goes into which House, and Bruce as a Ravenclaw pretty much makes our day.

Now we need to see the Guardians of the Galaxy as Hogwarts students.

Harley And Deadpool

They are perfect together in their unhinged take on the universe, and Deadpool would be a much kinder, if smellier, suitor than Jokerever could be.

As crazy as Wade Wilson is, he would definitely treat Harley much better than the Joker did.

The two would come up with some off-the-wall shenanigans that would drive readers and viewers bonkers.

If only the DC and Marvel red-suited crossover could happen. We’d happily settle on watching the pair work as a team on basically anything. Artist Danielle-chan certainly makes them seem enthusiastic about it.

Princess Avengers: Iron Man

The Avengers as princesses? Sign us up. The idea of re-imagining princesses in every context, from hipster to zombie, has taken the world by storm and we could look at artist ideas for hours.

Iron Man as a princess is pretty much the coolest thing ever, and given that the princess happens to be Jasmine, it couldn’t get any better.

We love how artist Christopher-Stoll highlighted Princess Iron Man’s strength. That hard, determined look on her face makes us think that she’d definitely give Stark a run for his money.

Captain America Dean

There were plenty of fans who wanted to see Jensen Ackles, AKA Dean Winchester of Supernatural fame, go for the role of Steve Rogers.

The all-American monster hunter would be a perfect pick for the Avengers’ All-Star hero who, let’s face it, could use a fresh face after everyone watched his big Hydra fail in recent comics.

The look of this artist dahliasheng’s Cap obviously excites the fans of both worlds but it also gives Captain a more austere tone, inviting brand new takes on a more brooding version of the Star-Spangled Man.

Sherlock Strange

Steven Strange and Sherlock Holmes. On the surface, they seem like complete opposites: a doctor and a detective, a magician with swagger and a sociopathic recluse.

However, once you get past all of that and realize that 1) they are both incredible narcissists who believe their own farts don’t stink and 2) they are both played by Benedict Cumberbatch, blending them together makes much more sense.

Then again, as kadeart has aptly demonstrated, one is liable to become quite annoyed by the other, and we have seen what goes down when that happens courtesy of another Sherlock Holmes, AKA Tony Stark/Iron Man.

Batman, Spider-Man And Hellboy

It is the crossover of a lifetime! The hero that Gotham deserves, the kid with great power and great responsibility, and Anung Un Rama - what could possibly go wrong?

Aside from the fact that Batman and Hellboy really prefer working alone and Spider-Man would pepper them both with fanboy questions, absolutely nothing.

It would make a heck of a storyline!

This would rival the Marvel X-Cutioner’s Song saga in terms of its star power, not to mention three comic crossovers when you factor Dark Horse in. We also love edCOM02’s gritty style in this work.

X-Men Star Wars

Combining X-Men and Star Wars together breaks the universe the second you think of it.

These two extraordinary universes that have delighted fans for decades would merge into one geektopia none of us will ever want to leave. In this case, instead of the regular Rogue One, we have Rogue of the X-Men making her way as part of the squadron in janimutikainen’s “The Real Rogue Squadron.”

If Rogue were able to maintain her powers throughout the film, perhaps the ending wouldn’t have turned out so heartbreaking sad and changing Star Wars forever!

Mutant Stranger Things

Given how much of an homage to the Phoenix that Stranger Things has proven to be, it’s no wonder that artist BossLogic created this amazing re-imagining of the cast of Stranger Things as the X-Men.

Featuring Eleven in the center as the Phoenix as she is meant to be, we also get to see Nancy Wheeler as Rogue, Sheriff Jim Hopper as Sabretooth and all of our other favorites as X-Men.

If Eleven recruited a mutant team, this would be it.

The Duffer Brothers mentioned deviating from the Hawkins scene next season. How about a crossover, guys?

Black Panther Zootopia

Artist Jolyn0710 made all of the Marvel/Zootopia fans’ dreams come true with this imagining of what could happen if Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde became Okoye and T’Challa, something that’s brilliant to behold.

It’s really no wonder the fan had this idea, since both pairs of partners worked so well together fighting injustice, albeit in different ways.

When someone told Jolyn0710 that Black Panther is a panther, and not a fox, Jolyn0710 retorted, “It’s called a crossover.” Indeed it is, and we’re pretty sure it’s one of the coolest crossovers to date.

Sailor Phoenix

It’s Sailor Moon! No, it’s The Phoenix Force! It’s both! And you thought people forgot your birthday.

By combining the Japanese shōjo manga phenomenon with the most powerful mutant who ever lived, artist MagicnaAnavi definitely broke the universe.

Don’t think so? The artist even created a backstory for the character, Sailor Phoenix, the Soldier of Purity, an Outer Senshi who was born during the Silver Millennium and naturally wields the power of golden fire.

Seriously, this is cooler than White Phoenix.

Maybe Teen Jean could have a fling with Sailor Pluto and help protect the solar system from evil.

My Little Luke Cage

There’s basically a My Little Pony figure for every superhero out there, and even if they aren’t available in stores fans continually draw, sculpt, and even sell them online or at conventions for some major crossover fun.

One of the most adorable Marvel ponies is this Ponified Luke Cage created by edCOM02.

It pays homage to the Netflix Luke, complete with yellow shirt and a broken chain Cutie Mark on his flank.

Perhaps the highlight of this pony is his invulnerable expression. We could see a whole line of Defenders ponies, for sure.


When heroes in a half-shell get crossed with the devil of Hell’s Kitchen, it may not turn out how you think!

While Raph, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey might be super cool and make us nostalgic for Saturday mornings with zero obligations and sugary cereal, they really can’t hold a candle to Daredevil’s skills.

It makes perfect sense that April O’Neal would choose Matt over the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

When Porcelain-Universe explains that the art illustrates how Murdock is the turtles’ creator anyway, your mind will be blown.

Lion King Avengers

If we’re really ready to go the Disney route when it comes to the Avengers, let’s make it a bit more heroic and go with The Lion King cast instead.

Not only did artist alinovna create the entire Avengers team in lion form, but each individual Avenger as well as some of the bad guys. Malekith from Thor 2 is even represented in feline fashion in some of the other works.

We are pretty sure this squad would take out poachers as well as aliens. Banner’s transformation has to be pretty incredible to watch.

Daredevil/Green Arrow

We’ve seen what could happen when Daredevil meets Green Lantern. Now we get a peek at what a Daredevil/Green Arrow crossover might look like.

He gets a whole new name: The Crimson Arrow.

While the outfit kind of makes us think of Robin Hood meets The Handmaid’s Tale, it also really works.

Artist RobertMacQuarrie1 also gives us this incredible backstory about how Oliver Murdock was a wealthy attorney who was shipwrecked, blinded, and learned a bunch of cool skills that made him into the superhero we’d know and love today if this were canon between the DC and Marvel worlds.