Chris Hemsworth has made a name for himself as the Marvel superhero/god of thunder, Thor. His hunky physique and rugged looks certainly sold his performance visually, but it was also his delightfully out-of-touch characterization that cemented him as a favorite among the exponentially increasing cast of Marvel Cinematic Universe superheroes.

Chris isn’t the only Hemsworth to have his feet in the entertainment industry, however. His older brother Luke was the first, and his younger sibling Liam was soon to follow.

Both Luke and Liam made their presences known on a combination of big screens, and even the small ones, with a chunky list of successful endeavors in their own right.

The Hemsworth trio continues to be one of the more recognizable acting dynasties, even as the years march forward and roll by, so we thought we’d share some intriguing facts and well-hidden secrets about their past and present with our list of 21 Secrets You Didn’t Know About Chris Hemsworth And His Brothers.

We’ll be including everything from the brother’s shared credits, their dancing prowess, the secret blue-collar business they run, the seemingly never-ending glut of pranks that they pull on each other relentlessly, and their wild times living out in the wilderness of Australia’s famed (non-steakhouse) Outback.

Liam Was Originally Considered For The Role Of Thor

Brothers have been known to do whatever they can to make each other’s lives as difficult as possible, often under the guise of “tough love.” Of course, sometimes they do it just because of ever-present sibling rivalry. This is one of those cases.

Before Thor’s hammer was gifted to Chris Hemsworth, cementing him as the god of thunder for years to come, it was Liam who was on the list to portray the hero.

During Cabin in the Woods’ shoot, Chris was hanging around with Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon as they went through the top five choices for Thor, and were confused as to why Chris wasn’t in the running while Liam was.

Afterwards, Chris got a call from his manager to re-audition for the role and, fueled by the rage that his younger brother had made it further than him, knocked his audition out of the park.

Chris Thinks Playing Thor Is “Boring”

The 2011 Marvel Cinematic Universe debut of Thor is far and away one of the worst in Marvel’s otherwise-lauded stable of shared-universe superheroes and adventures.

A cringe-worthy comedy at worst, and a toothless action flick at best, Thor can be an excruciating experience to watch again or for the first time.

Thankfully, Chris was able to use his charisma and looks to still sell the world on a hammer-wielding space god, and his solo films only got better and better, culminating with the universally loved Ragnorak.

Despite this, Chris has stated that playing Thor is a bit of a bore, specifically regarding the extensive use of green screen.

In an interview regarding 12 Strong,he stated that “shooting a green screen can be kind of mind numbing and exhausting from a standpoint of just being kind of bored.”

Chris And Liam Were Both On Home And Away

Home and Away is an Australian soap opera created by Alan Bateman after he hearing some locals complain about the idea of foster children living in their supposedly-idyllic neighborhood.

Inspired by this decisive lack of empathy, Home and Away initially followed the tale of the Fletcher family, who lived in Summer Bay with their five foster children.

Not unlike the teen drama Degrassi, Home and Away separated itself from its peers and faced controversy for having adult-themed storylines, including teen pregnancy, assault, and all manner of substance issues.

More to the point, however, one of Chris Hemsworth’s earliest roles was on the show, of which he was a regular for three years.

In an even stranger twist, youngest brother Liam also appeared on the same show for a single episode.

Liam Loves Squirrels

The Hemsworths all hail from Australia. For those who are unaware, Australia is home to armies of both terrifying and beautiful creatures.

Some are cute and cuddly like Koalas (though they can be quite vicious), or beloved, pouched, hopping things like kangaroos. Others are enormous death spiders that can instantly give the uninitiated arachnophobia, or jelly fish that look absolutely stunning, but are insanely dangerous.

According to Liam Hemsworth, however, none of these exotic and often-dangerous animals match up to the common squirrel.

Apparently having never seen one before, Liam was quoted as saying “How comedic are squirrels!? We don’t have squirrels in Australia. The first time I saw a squirrel was at a meeting at Disney.”

Upon seeing one during the interview, he reportedly squealed “Look! It’s like a cartoon. You’re not real!”

Liam Didn’t Think That White Castle Was A Real Place

During the same, squirrel-fixated interview with Liam Hemsworth, he offered a fairly interesting bit about life in Australia, specifically the mythical status of a certain fast food chains represented by a white fortress.

Apparently back in Australia, Liam would watch Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle, and believe that the sought-after establishment was a fictionalized element of the bizarre series.

Imagine his surprise when he found out they were real, and proliferated? Now he could sample the iconic, miniature sliders to his heart’s content, or the legendary onion rings that have clogged arteries for many a decade.

We can only hope that his adventure into this most mythical of fast food adventures was up to the standards that had been suggested by the by fine cinema of the Harold and Kumar follies.

Chris’s Upbringing Inspired His Performance In Snow White And The Huntsman

The 2012 movie Snow White and the Hunstman told a twisted version of the well-known Snow White fairy tale. Much like Disney’s re-telling, it features the evil queen sending forth a huntsman to eliminate the hate and imprisoned princess Snow White, with the huntsman having a change of heart in the process.

Unlike the Disney version, however, the huntsman and Snow White unite against the Queen in a bid for freedom from her tyranny.

Chris, who plays the titular huntsman, has credited his rugged upbringing in the Australian “bush” as a major inspiration for his take on the character.

As a youth, Hemsworth spent a lot of time in the wilderness exploring, camping, and surviving, so when the director asked him to go out and live in the “bush” to prepare for the role, Chris was happy to report that he was already thoroughly experienced.

Luke Was Nicknamed “Roids”

Before becoming a trio of acting brothers, the Hemsworths were typical kids who went through typical kid things, like playing sports and getting weird nicknames.

Luke, the eldest of the brothers, experienced the best of both of those worlds.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, he was happy to explain this strange occurrence in regards to a role he had played in the show Neighbours: “I was actually a drug dealer on the show, like a dealer of growth hormones. It’s funny, because I played football as a kid – Australian rules football – for 10 years, and one of my nicknames was Roids.”

Despite the nickname, Luke claims to have never taken the illicit substances that his character illegally sold, all because he didn’t need them.

“I was all ridiculously oversized calves and thighs and biceps and head. My head is like off charts,” he said.

Chris Was On Australia’s Dancing With The Stars

There’s something appealing about watching actors and celebrities test their skills as ballroom dancers in a variety of styles, and it’s been proven by the popularity of seemingly every season of Dancing With The Stars.

It was great to watch Alfonso Ribeiro of Fresh Prince’s Carlton fame tear up the dance floor beyond his patently goofy dance from the show or Agent Cody Banks himself, Frankie Muniz, come close to grabbing the ultimate prize.

On the Australian version of the series, it was Chris Hemsworth himself who attempted to show that he had the ability and the rhythm to reign supreme.

He didn’t, unfortunately, and ended up coming fifth in the overall competition.

Still, it was a treat to see the god of thunder make an attempt at becoming the god of the dance floor, regardless of the results.

They Are Ambassadors For The Australian Childhood Foundation

The Australian Childhood Foundation is an organization with the noble goal of “existing to protect children and restore childhood through the power of love.”

Predominantly focusing on helping abused children, defending them, and restoring their childhoods, they use neuroscience to accomplish their objective.

Best of all, they’ve got the help of Chris and Liam Hemsworth to spread the word.

As ambassadors for the Foundation, the two actors have brought much needed visibility to the organization, with Chris himself appearing in television spots for the organization, detailing the mission of the ACF and why it is so desperately needed.

It’s great to see that both actors, who are no stranger to heroic deeds in movies, don’t hesitate to bring a different kind of heroics to the real world, protecting the most vulnerable among them.

Luke Got His Start On A Soap Opera

Neighbours is an Australian soap opera that started in 1985 and is still going in 2018.

Born from creator Reg Watson, the idea was to produce a show that focused on realistic plot lines with characters who would work on their problems openly and as a unit.

The major plot line of the series revolves around the lives of folks who live in the fictional Erinsborough, located in Australia, and features three families: the Ramsays, the Robinsons and the Clarkes.

Despite declining ratings in its home country, the series is one of Australia’s most successful media exports.

This brings us to Luke Hemsworth, whose initial break into the industry was a brief stint of ten episodes in the series as a drug dealer who peddled performance enhancing substances. He was the first of the Hemsworths to do so.

They’ve Experienced Every Aspect Of Australian Living

Australia is a gorgeous place. It’s got modern cities, kind people, and miles upon miles of adventure-worthy wilderness. Of course, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the legions of incredibly weird and unique animals that populate the continent as well.

Despite this breadth of landscapes and atmospheres, Luke, Chris, and Liam Hemsworth seem to have experienced nearly all of what Australia offers.

They zipped between Melbourne and its flashy, hip cityscape all the way to the deepest parts of the Outback, where they happily learned to enjoy a rugged existence.

Eventually they found themselves on Phillip Island which, according to them, is more-or-less an expansive farmland with almost nothing but a slew of cows.

Talk about a mixture of distinct experiences to shape you as you’re growing up.

Liam And Miley Cyrus’ Rollercoaster Relationship

First meeting while they worked together in 2009’s The Last Song, Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus have had a relationship that can best be described as a rollercoaster, specifically one that isn’t short on loops, drops and corkscrews.

Following rumors and speculation, the pair eventually revealed their relationship… and likewise revealed their first break-up some time later.

However, following this brief separation, things appeared to be back on track, until they weren’t only two months later.

After some more ups and downs, and the appearance of a ring adorning Miley’s finger, the pair later confirmed their engagement… until they weren’t– again.

With many more unexpected turns, twists, relationships, break-ups and who-knows-whats, the two seem to have finally reconciled once more, but only time will tell.

The Brotherly Pranks Never Seem To End

Just because your family is rich and famous, it doesn’t mean you’re beyond petty, childish pranks, and the Hemsworth brothers are a perfect example of this.

While it’s one thing to torment your siblings in the privacy of your own homes, it’s another to roast one another in public, with thousands upon thousands of adoring fans watching your every move, but that was the chosen field of battle.

Notably, Chris and Liam have had a number of feuds on Instagram. The first shot was fired by Chris, when he posted a picture of Liam on the cover of Men’s Health, covered in scribbles by Thor himself.

Liam fired back with an even more vandalized Vanity Fair cover, in which a once-prominent Chris now looks like a demented Ronald McDonald.

To add some insult to injury, Liam’s caption reads “really great cover bro!”

Liam Is An Award-Winning Vegan

Liam Hemsworth is a known animal welfare advocate and ardent vegan.

Despite a lingering desire for pizza (we can forgive him), he’s maintained his new lifestyle, and has been quoted as saying that he feels “nothing but positive, mentally and physically,” even going so far as trying to get Chris in on a plant-based diet.

People for the Ehtical Treatment of Animals, better known as PETA, have long lobbied for animal rights in any number of industries since they were founded in 1980, and were quick to take notice of the youngest Hemsworth.

Despite their controversial and occasionally bizarre ads, some of which imply that Super Mario’s Tanooki Suit is a skinned raccoon, their genuine love for animals shone through, as they gave Liam an award for his efforts.

Chris Lost A Ton Of Weight For In The Heart Of The Sea

In The Heart Of The Sea is a 2015 Ron Howard-directed movie that follows the real-life sinking of the American whaling ship Essex, in an event that would inspire Herman Melville to write the famous novel, Moby Dick.

Despite the enduring love of the classic novel, and having Chris Hemsworth in it, the movie was not well-received critically and underperformed at the box office.

Regardless of the reception, the cast went through a rigorous regimen to legitimately appear like they were adrift at sea.

Chris, typically well-built and in fine shape, was on a strict diet of 750 calories a day, which dramatically reduced his physique and gave him a haunting, gaunt appearance.

The only salvation, if it could even be called that, was the knowledge that the real life sailors involved in the incident had it much, much worse.

The Star Trek Connection

Before defining the look and personality of a man who would wield Mjolnir and do battle at the side of Captain America, The Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Iron Man against his twisted brother, Loki, Chris Hemsworth was busy fathering the Kelvin Timeline’s version of Captain James T. Kirk.

In 2009’s J.J. Abrams helmed Star Trek movie reboot, Chris appears briefly as George Kirk, the acting captain of the doomed Kelvin, a ship that found itself up against a foe that they couldn’t possibly contend with.

Sacrificing himself, he was able to save his newly born son, who would go on to become one of Star Fleet’s most important figures, regardless of the timeline.

While the current status of the Star Trek movies is up for debate, one plan has Hemsworth reprising his role as Kirk senior. Whether this comes to pass or not, though, we’ll have to see.

Liam Almost Ended Chris’ Life

In a household with three wily brothers, it’s not a surprise to hear about tales of sibling rivalry and competition. However, such things don’t often reach the level of being extremely dangerous– except for the Hemsworths.

According to Liam, he revealed that when it came to fights with his brothers, “[they] had a few incidents with weapons.”

He went on: “I never had any problems with Luke because he was so much older and I didn’t mess with him, but with Chris, we … would often get into arguments, and because I was so much younger… I had to use weapons to fight.”

In one particularly violent encounter, Liam “picked up a kitchen knife and threw it at Chris’ head.”

Thankfully, only the handle hit the future Thor. Even so, Liam claims that he could have made sure the blade end got him, but only wanted to deliver a “warning shot.” Thank goodness.

Luke Owned A Flooring Company

Anyone in the entertainment industry, particularly the acting department, will tell you how volatile it is. Even if you hit it big, it’s an enormous gamble to throw everything to the side in hopes of pursuing acting full time.

Thousands upon thousands of people vie for the same role, and chances of general success are so incredibly miniscule that talent alone won’t save you. You’ll need a heaping helping of luck and hopefully some contacts in the upper echelons, but even then, it’s still dangerous.

Because of this, the eldest Hemsworth started a flooring company as a means for financial security.

He did well for himself, and even had occasional help from his brothers. During this time, he even managed to get married and start a family.

Nowadays, he’s jumped back into the world, but if things ever fall apart, he’s got something good to fall back on.

Liam Used To Be Hunted By His Brothers

Families with siblings of various ages know about the dark side of having brothers and sisters: the youngest one will typically be bullied into oblivion. Such was the case with the Hemsworth sons.

Luke, the oldest, and Chris, the middle child, would torment poor Liam, as he was the lowest in their hierarchy of terror.

Apparently, they’d wrap the young lad up in layers upon layers of clothing, set him loose in the backyard, and then hunt him with their air rifles.

We’re not quite sure about the amount of protection that the layers of clothing offered little Liam, but we have a feeling they weren’t that effective when it came to diabolical brothers and air-powered rifles.

While the youngest child often gets the best parental treatment, Liam proves that they also suffer the most at the hands of their siblings.

Chris Is “Done” Playing Thor

Some actors love the roles that define their careers, while others come to despise the roles that made them famous, feeling they’ve been pigeon-holed into a corner.

Chris Hemsworth doesn’t feel that way about Thor, but apparently he’s ready to move on.

Speaking to USA Today, he said that Avengers 4 “is it. I’m done. I won’t be playing the character again.”

This isn’t something he that takes lightly, though, as he appears keenly aware of the major effect the loss of conclusion of this role has on his life: “It’s sort of a scary thought. This really seemed like it this never-ending thing. And it’s … finishing.”

Whatever comes next for him, though, he hopes there’s a distinct lack of green screen: “I much prefer being busy in the thick of it, it is the best… [it] would be my choice if I could do it always that way.”