The Russo Brothers-produced 21 Bridges has gotten a new trailer for San Diego Comic-Con 2019. Written by Matthew Michael Carnahan (Deepwater Horizon) and Adam Mervis (The Philly Kid) and directed by Brian Kirk (Game of Thrones), the upcoming crime-thriller marks the Russos’ fourth collaboration with actor Chadwick Boseman following Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame (where Boseman costarred as T’Challa of Wakanda aka. Black Panther).

Boseman stars in 21 Bridges as Andre Davis, an NYPD detective who’s still haunted by the death of his father - himself, a police officer who was killed in the line of duty - from when he was a child. When several cops are gunned down in a shootout on Manhattan Island, Davis is all the more determined to prevent them from escaping and insists that the island (including, yes, all twenty-one bridges leading in and out of it to the mainland) be shut down until they are captured. Before long, though, Davis comes to realize that there’s more to the situation than meets the eye.

21 Bridges was originally scheduled to hit theaters last week, before it was pushed back to late September instead. Fortunately, as a positive effect, this allowed the Russo Brothers to promote the STX project ahead of its release during their Hall H panel at SDCC today. You can check out the movie’s new trailer (which the Russos debuted at SDCC) in the space below.

Whereas the first 21 Bridges trailer focused heavily on Davis’ past, the Comic-Con preview mostly skips his backstory and shifts its attention to the mystery unfolding in the present. As Davis explains in the trailer, the circumstances of the shoot-out are highly suspicious and suggest that the renegade gunmen - played by Stephan James (If Beale Street Could Talk) and Taylor Kitsch (John Carter) - are merely pawns being used for someone else’s game. Indeed, the marketing has already made it pretty clear that there’s a larger conspiracy at play in the film, and has even presented a handful of characters (namely, the other NYPD officers played by Sienna Miller, Keith David, and J.K. Simmons) as potential suspects.

It was probably smart on STX’s part to push 21 Bridges back, considering that similarly adult-geared genre fare (Stuber, Crawl) has struggled to break out at the box office this month (and even with great reviews, in Crawl’s case). And while mid to late September is generally a slower time at the box office, there have been a handful of mid-range dramas targeted at older audiences (Black Mass, American Made) that’ve done well enough during that frame in the past. That’s to say, 21 Bridges may yet follow suit in that respect, especially if the early word of mouth is good.

Source: STX Entertainment

  • 21 Bridges Release Date: 2019-11-22