True Blood, created by Alan Ball, and based on the Charlaine Harris books, was one of HBO’s most popular shows. While most of it was solid, there were some parts of the show that became infuriating to fans and were viewed as a mess. Despite that, the show retained its fanbase, who watched the show regardless of the issues that saw it slow to a sometimes painful slog, especially in its last season. It was gratuitous in nature and often emulated other shows without the depth and clarity. Nevertheless, it was still considered by most to be a fun show worth watching, with great acting, storylines that were interesting (even if they did at times run amok and eventually conk out), good special effects, and vibrancy.

Starring Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Nelsan Ellis, Alexander Skarsgard, among many others, True Blood premiered in September of 2008 and ended in August of 2014. With a new True Blood musical in the works, it seems like a good time to look back at the show, and while it stands to reason that the folks behind the series don’t want fans to forget the show, there were some storylines that seemed to get swept under the rug as time went on. So, it came across as though they wanted viewers to forget those aspects ever existed, and with some of the storylines, we can kind of see why. Here are 20 True Blood Storylines They Want Us To Forget:


Bill Compton managed to hide his Hep V infection pretty well in its early stages, and while he was supposed to have an insatiable hunger, it didn’t show as much. While the Hep V infection was a central point of the last season, it stands to reason that the infection was not exactly the selling point about Bill.

He indulged in flashbacks showing his life before and during the Civil War, and they were a nice touch to foreshadow his ending. But overall, the progression of Bill’s ending upset fans, largely because the reasoning wasn’t exactly solid. He ridiculously refused the cure, and really, he could have just left Bon Temps and the U.S. entirely, or he could have slept for ages, like Lestat in Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles series.


One of the most surprising twists of True Blood was Tara Thornton being turned into a vampire. While it had potential and had a lot of good moments, this seemed like a forced move overall, but it worked for the show, and fans were happy that she was at least still in the series.

However, another twist was that she was ended rather quickly in season seven, and this didn’t go over well with fans at all. Her demise was even sort of cast aside, leading many to question if she was really gone. She ended up being turned into a ghost with little-to-no involvement with the other characters, aside from her mother.


Lafayette Reynolds was unquestionably one of the most interesting characters of the entire series. While his character in the book didn’t last long, in the show, he became one of the major pillars. In season four, Lafayette explored magic and developed a serious relationship with a character named Jesus, who was a brujo. That season largely delved into the development of Lafayette’s abilities and expanded upon his personal life.

Disappointingly, after that season, the whole thing was mostly dropped. Many fans lamented that the exploration of Lafayette as a more central character just sort of faded away. It was disappointing because he was, like a few others, a prime character for a possible spin-off. Unfortunately, Nelsan Ellis tragically passed away in 2017. The actor was well-loved and admired, as much for his roles as who he was as a person.


While the faerie storyline had some interesting parts, it was regarded by many as being a strange add to a show that seemed to be running out of stream. However, it did introduce some well-liked characters and it did explain why Sookie Stackhouse was so different.

As the seasons progressed, that faded into the background as well, aside from Sookie being wanted by all the vampires, and her faerie powers did play a significant role in the last season. Many found it to be a convoluted storyline and not a great sign for the future of the series overall. Though not necessarily a favorite among fans, it didn’t deter them from watching the show.


Given that Jason Stackhouse and Sookie are brother and sister, it would stand to reason that if Sookie is of faerie lineage, Jason should be, too. And while it seemed to be hinted that there was something mystical about Jason – particularly in the fact that nearly everybody seemed irresistibly drawn to him from the moment they met him, it’s sort of passed over as to whether or not Jason is really much more than a human.

At one point, it is established that he did inherit some faerie aspect, which is what made him so attractive to characters in the show, but it’s not something that’s brought up to the extent as it was with Sookie, and he doesn’t have anything close to her abilities.


While Alcide’s passing was marked with a celebration of life party, it was noted that the relationship between Sookie and Alcide had run its course and was out of place on the show, considering how important the bond between her and Bill was supposed to be. Even with their relationship issues, a central point throughout the show was her connection to Bill and the fact that she found a certain peace with him that wasn’t the same with others.

While her mind-reading ability (though still important) took something of a backseat as the show progressed, it still informed her relationships with others. So, the romance between her and Alcide, while it served its purpose, was one that eventually faded from view as the last season progressed.


Though the show tried to establish certain rules and hierarchy for the vampires (and while it was interesting), it wasn’t really a central point in the show. It was mostly used to move certain things forward, like having Jessica live with Bill or dealing with vampire discrimination. There were some major storylines around The Authority and Bill being King (like the attempt by witches to end his life), but it was not really what the show was about at its core.

The fact that Bill didn’t like having to deal with power plays or taking orders (until the Lilith storyline) essentially guaranteed that he wouldn’t want to be in that role for long. Over the course of the show, that was another plot that kind of faded into the background and wasn’t brought up much again after it ended.


While it’s not at all a bad idea to combine mythical creatures, or creating new ones with various abilities, the fairy storyline was not as well-received to begin with. It was an interesting plot when it was revealed that Warlow was a vampire-hybrid, but there weren’t any other vampire-faerie hybrids and it wasn’t incorporated into a mainstay of the show.

It was made to be a big deal while it lasted, but after the issue with Warlow was resolved, it didn’t seem to be something that the show wanted to spend too much time on. That season did have a surprising finale that saw Eric burst into flames, leaving many at the time to wonder if the character survived.


Tara was turned into a silent ghost, which was an unusual departure from her previous role on the show as Sookie’s best friend who was in love with Jason. She went through a number of evolutions and often found herself being drawn to characters that didn’t have her best interests at heart, but she always managed to survive and thrive.

Unfortunately, once her vampire stage ended, she wasn’t doing much. In fact, she didn’t even talk much to the rest of the characters, and although there were a few other ghost storylines, they disappeared rather quickly as well. Few of these went over well with most fans, especially Tara’s treatment, though the actress stated that she had no problem with it.


Werewolves move over, the werepanthers are in town? Maybe not. While it could have been a cool concept that the show explored, it ended up going down a path that upset a lot of fans, namely with Jason being attacked and used to help the werepanthers propagate.

In a show that seemed, on occasion, to use intimate scenes largely as filler, for many fans, the werepanther thing just went too far and wasn’t well-received. It’s an aspect of the show that was never really brought up again. It was something the show tried, maybe in an attempt to bring surprise value and initiate dialogue, but it missed the mark and wasn’t missed when it was gone.


Terry Bellefleur was a war veteran with some unresolved issues. He managed to have a relationship with Arlene and together, they made things work. However, his past came back at an unexpected time and complicated his storyline.

There were few happy endings overall on the show, with most being bittersweet at best. When it was revealed that he had ended the life of an innocent in Iraq, and  was given a “smoke monster” curse (the Ifrit), it was something of a head-scratcher for many who watched the show. At any rate, the curse ended quickly when he eliminated his friend that was also involved in the incident. He later wanted to end his own life and asked someone to do it for him, which disappointed many fans as his character came to a close.


When Jessica burst onto the scene as an innocent-turned-vampire, she was initially something of a “problem child” to Bill. She wasn’t such a nice vamp and she rebelled against rules restraining her from draining people. She also didn’t take kindly to the lessons that Bill tried to teach her about curbing her hunger.

Fast forward a couple of seasons, and it could be argued that it would be difficult to tell her apart from the innocent person she was before she was turned. She still struggled with being a vampire and wanting to do things that weren’t in the best interest of others (like the marriage with Hoyt when he lost his memory), but it’s as if the show wanted to reset her more or less. Her character changes were something of a mixed bag with fans.


When V was introduced, it was a big deal, but as the seasons progressed, it was mentioned less and less. In season seven, Tara’s mother, Lettie Mae, drank vampire plasma in order to see Tara’s ghost, but otherwise, the drug itself wasn’t mentioned much. The concept of vampire and other liquid as an intoxicant did evolve over the seasons, with the additions of Lilith’s and faerie blood.

However, some fans pointed out that there were inconsistencies with the effects and rules of this as laid out by the show. While it’s clear that the reactions were different for people depending on how much they took, what kind, and whether or not they were human, the V-drug epidemic was a piece of the show that naturally ran its course.


The Vampire Authority survived for centuries only to be officially taken out in the fifth season. A clandestine organization headed by vampire leaders, it was significant in introducing vampires to the mainstream world and had some dealings with world governments as an official sovereign authority, as far as policies regarding vampires were concerned.

By the end of season five, most of The Authority were eliminated and not spoken of too often afterward, with their end transitioning into the rise of “Billith.” Like some other plots in the show, even though sometimes fun while they lasted, once it was finished, it more or less dropped out of view.


At the start of season six, Billith is fully introduced. While in the last episode of season five, where he appeared to be transformed into some super-vamp monster, season six initially revealed that he was still Bill Compton, but with additional powers that other vampires didn’t have. However, by season seven, he was just Bill again, and was even susceptible to Hep V just like any other vampire.

His bond with Sookie had been reestablished and he was no longer this formidable vamp estranged from most of those that cared about him. While Billith was a somewhat interesting turn for the character, it didn’t last long and didn’t always sit well with many of the fans.


Once Lafayette was introduced to the show’s version of Wicca, he suddenly became a medium and his body was used as a host for spirits looking to fulfill their quests for closure. Though initially somewhat dangerous due to not knowing she had passed on, the first ghost, Mavis, was harmless enough.

However, the second, Marnie, was the leader of the circle Lafayette was introduced to by his boyfriend Jesus. She was not so harmless and ended up forcing Lafayette (through possessing him) to take his boyfriend’s life. The storyline ended with Marnie getting a la-di-da ending by “leaving behind the cares of the world” with no consequences for her actions. Lame.


It was surprising to many fans to see that Lafayette was not in the last episode much. Considering Lafayette was one of a few characters to be in every episode, to have him sort of pushed aside at the end, as if he wasn’t there from day one, was viewed by many fans as disrespectful and just more proof that the show had lost most of its course.

He has more or less a goodbye monologue, and that’s that. Looking back, it’s clear that the intent wasn’t to be disrespectful to the character or his significance on the show, but many felt that he should have had more screen time and that it would have made the episode better if he did.


For a while, Eric Northman was essentially Sookie’s sick puppy. It was a strange turn for such a powerful character, and while it was initially viewed as adorable and endearing, it ended up wearing out. Fans wanted Eric to return to form as the no-nonsense vamp he was, which happened pretty quickly overall despite his lingering feelings for Sookie.

Pam certainly welcomed the return, since she wasn’t exactly a fan of the resident Stackhouse faerie from the very beginning. Eventually, Eric’s stint as a mostly mind-wiped, “toothless” vamp was erased from the show entirely as he returned to his old ways, though a bit softer in a way that fans welcomed.


The fact that Pam De Beaufort hadn’t made many other vampires wasn’t something the show dwelled on too much. Even after it was revealed that she sired one other vampire in her relationship with Tara wasn’t a big deal.

Sarah Newlin asked Pam to turn her into a vampire and she said no (to say the least). It just wasn’t a part of her make-up, as her primary concern throughout the series was always Eric and her relationship with him. So, the fact that she turned someone else and it was never brought up again wasn’t much of a surprise, though it did leave some fans wondering who she turned. There was speculation that it was Steve Newlin.


After the Hep V virus spread, vampires tried to overrun the world, seemingly starting with places like Bon Temps. Most of the vampires weren’t able to control their hunger, and so, they went on a rampage, trying to satiate themselves as the disease ravaged them.

The Tru Blood stoppage also didn’t help matters. While Hep V and a lack of Tru Blood were important aspects, the “vampires on rampage” slowed down over time, and things mostly focused on the supply of Tru Blood and vamp and human politics. Though some aspects of the storyline didn’t work for some fans, it did have some high-octane fight scenes and interesting characters, like the addition of the Yakuza. By the time the future Bon Temps (with Sookie’s mystery beau) rolled around, Hep V and possible vampire anarchy seemed nothing more than a distant memory.

Are there any other True Blood storylines that should be forgotten from the show? Let us know in the comments!