A lot of celebrity couples become known as relationship goals. However, a lot of those iconic couples end up breaking up or having a terrible scandal surface about them.

Beyoncé and Jay-Z recently confirmed rumors that he had actually been unfaithful to the queen. Chris Pratt and Anna Faris were one of Hollywood’s best-loved couples right up until they shockingly filed for divorce.

There are plenty of surprises hiding inside the marriage of beloved celebrity couple John Krasinski and Emily Blunt.

Thankfully for this adorable pair, every one of those secrets is absolutely adorable.

Like the time Krasinski visited Blunt every other week when she was filming Mary Poppins and had to explain that he, yes he, had married the superstar. Or when he was totally obsessed with The Devil Wears Prada before they ever even met and almost scared his future wife away with his unbridled enthusiasm.

From Krasinski’s favorite Anne Hathaway ensemble to who actually wears the pants in the relationship, here are the 20 Secrets About John Krasinski And Emily Blunt’s Marriage.

He Was A Huge Fan Of The Devil Wears Prada

John Krasinski is an uber fan of the 2006 film, The Devil Wears Prada. The 38-year-old actor admitted to having watched the comedy film 72 times. The former star of The Office said he would stop and watch it every time the film was on while he was channel surfing. Because of this, he was already a huge fan of Emily Blunt’s before they ever even met… which made their early interactions with each other rather awkward.

Krasinski admitted to having gone “full stalker-status” on poor Blunt. He said he let her know about his obsession with her work right away, so as not to make her too uncomfortable, but he also pressed for a date right away. Blunt wasn’t even in the market for a partner at the time, she was very happily single. Luckily, she wasn’t too put off by his eagerness and the two were engaged before they had even been dating a full year. The couple made their engagement official after dating for only ten short months. The 35-year-old actress admitted that she and her husband had probably actually known they would eventually marry even sooner than that. While it may sound as though they rushed things, Blunt and Krasinski have been together for ten years, and have been married for eight.

He Joked About Wooing Anne Hathaway

John Krasinski has always been a big fan of his wife’s work, but he was an especially huge fan of The Devil Wears Prada. Krasinski, as we already pointed out, admitted to having watched the film a staggering 72 times … he wasn’t just a casual fan, either. The actor watched the movie enough times to kind of start obsessing over certain scenes and even went so far as to pick out his favorite clothing ensemble worn by Anne Hathaway during a montage. Emily Blunt revealed that she came home once to find Krasinski watching this specific montage. Her man emphatically informed her which of the outfits featured in the montage were his favorite.

Krasinski, being the jokester that he is, had to take a jab at his wife after she shared this sort of embarrassing, and definitely endearing, story.

He said that he had actually been interested in dating Blunt’s The Devil Wears Prada co-star, but he was unable to land Hathaway. Striking out, Krasinski joked that he set his sights on Blunt, instead. Krasinkski was clearly joking, which is a good thing since Blunt says he still watches The Devil Wears Prada on a frequent basis. Krasinski definitely supports his wife’s work and talent, that’s for sure.

They Said It Was Love At First Sight

A lot of celebrity couples go through a period where, not only were not attracted to each other, but they didn’t even like each other. Mila Kunis publicly admitted that she was very turned off by Ashton Kutcher at the height of his fame. Beyonce and Jay-Z reportedly came together for business reasons before they ever fell for each other. But for Emily Blunt and John Krasinski, the love was very real and very fast … like at-first-sight fast.

Both partners proclaim their love for each other to have been instant. Krasinski claimed he was not actually interested in dating anyone at the time. But when he met Blunt, he knew she was going to be the one. He described having a feeling that he was going to fall in love with her right away. Blunt shares a similar perspective on their first meeting. The actress was not interested in dating either, but said when she met Krasinski that “that was it” and that she knew they were meant to be “disarmingly fast.” It’s a cliche that love comes knocking when you least expect it. But for this couple of ten years, that cliche seems to have been 100 percent true.

They Got Married On George Clooney’s Estate

John Krasinski is a “nice guy.” He’s such a nice guy, in fact, that he felt like he and Emily Blunt had to get married at George Clooney’s house on Lake Como in Italy. How did one of Hollywood’s longest-running eligible bachelors (Clooney famously dedicated himself to the single life before falling for wife Amal Clooney) end up offering up his pad for a wedding ceremony? According to Krasinski, he just wanted to share the majesty of his estate with two of his closest friends. It turns out, Krasinski and Blunt accompanied Clooney on double dates on multiple occasions, both before and after the Ocean’s 11 actor finally decided to settle down with Amal. Krasinski and Clooney were both featured in the 2008 college football romantic comedy film, Leatherheads, which Clooney also directed.

Krasinski actually turned Clooney down on more than one occasion.

The Jack Ryan star said he had refused Clooney’s offer to use the location four different times. But, he began to realize that Clooney’s feelings were hurt by Krasinski’s refusal to use his home as his wedding destination. Krasinski felt bad about upsetting Clooney and finally agreed to use the lakeside home for his wedding to Blunt in 2010.

He Let Go Of An Actress So She Could Be In A Quiet Place

Okay, so the actress wasn’t exactly fired, but she basically was. Emily Blunt had just given birth to her second daughter and she was also getting ready to become the practically perfect nanny we all know and love in the Mary Poppins sequel. Blunt said she was in a very positive mindset at that time and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to go dark for a horror movie, which is totally understandable. Blunt offered for her husband to hire one of her friends instead, which he was going to do, until she ended up changing her mind.

Blunt read the script for A Quiet Place and immediately realized her mistake. Dark or not, she knew she had to be a part of the film. So, she kinda sorta asked John Krasinski to scrap her friend so she could take the part after all. Luckily, Krasinski had not actually sent the other actress a script before his wife decided she wanted to take the part. Maybe he knew she would come around to his way of thinking after all. The mystery actress was not actually named, but Blunt did call her a “good friend.” Anna Kendrick, could this be you?

A Quiet Place Brought Them Closer Together

It’s a common cliche, don’t mix family and business. Emily Blunt and John Krasinski’s friends gave the happy couple that same warning. The couple had been together for a decade, but had never actually worked together on any of their high profile Hollywood projects. Blunt and Krasinski had to field jokes insinuating that they were going to end up divorced by the time they were finished filming. At the very least, these jokes likely meant that working together would be tense and filled with many disagreements. But, Blunt swears that just wasn’t the case.

The actress did admit that her husband did indeed have a very opinionated view of the universe he was trying to build.

He was very passionate about the film and wanted to pull it off, just right. But, he wasn’t so stubborn that he wasn’t willing to bend a bit when they discussed their ideas together. That collaboration ended up being very useful for the couple, on and off the set. They both appreciated seeing a new side of each other that they hadn’t previously. Blunt said that not only did their relationship survive the filming process, but that they had grown closer together because of their time on set.

A Conversation That Never Took Place Saved Their Relationship

John Krasinski was a huge fan of Emily Blunt before they ever even met. He was also sort of worried about coming off like a stalker when they first started hanging out. So, Krasinski tried to have a serious conversation with his then-future-wife. He started to let her know how much he admired her and her work … and she shut that down immediately. Apparently, Krasinski was dangerously close to coming on way too strong for his new girlfriend, which could have put their relationship in a bad position.

Blunt was not open to the idea of dating a fan. She wanted to date Krasinski as his own person. The actress refused to talk about his fandom and chose to focus on their budding relationship instead. While it must have been difficult for Krasinski to keep his enthusiasm under wraps, the actor swears that that was what saved their relationship in the end. He described the experience as that of two people falling in love, rather than two famous people who happened to meet each other because of their fame. They did eventually talk about Krasinski’s admiration for Blunt, but only after they had already built a solid foundation for their relationship.

Krasinski Always Wanted To Get Married

John Krasinski became a huge Hollywood star thanks to his time playing the hopeless romantic, Jim Halpert on NBC’s The Office. Halpert was deeply in love with his best friend and office co-worker, Pam Beasly from the moment they met. He dreamed of proposing to her and knew immediately that they would one day be married, he even had his wedding plans in order before he had the ring … apparently, real-life Krasinski is a lot like that romanticized version of Halpert. Krasinski revealed that he had basically always wanted to be married, long before he had ever even met his wife, Emily Blunt.

From a very young age, he had always planned to become a husband someday. The actor said that his parents had always seemed so happy being married and he had always looked up to that. Krasinski had thought that having a “best friend” in his wife would be “really cool.” Krasinski did go on to marry the love of his life, who he just so happened to have already been a super huge fan of before they met. Their marriage is going on eight years, so it looks like young Krasinski got his wish in the end.

Krasinski Angered A Customs Agent With His Marriage To Blunt

Emily Blunt is a national treasure … and an international treasure. She is beloved in both America and the UK. Apparently, a lot of Blunt fans are curious as to how John Krasinski actually managed to land such a timeless talent. While we may love the couple and worship them as “#goals”, a customs agent in England made sure to tell Krasinski just what he thought about his relationship.

Krasinski was visiting Blunt in London while she was busy on the set of the Mary Poppins remake. A customs agent with a bit of a “surly” attitude asked Krasinski what his business was in London. He had not recognized the actor at all. The actor revealed that he was there to visit his wife while she filmed a movie and said her name was Emily Blunt. The customs agent was shaken with disbelief, apparently, he thought Blunt was way out of Krasinski’s league. Krasinski got his stamp and the go-ahead to carry on his way, but he said the agent basically slammed the stamp and rushed him through. It didn’t help that the customs agent was already unimpressed with Krasinski having been in the remake of the beloved British hit, The Office.

They Both Turned Down Roles In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Emily Blunt and John Krasinski made waves recently when they implied they would be interested in starring in a Fantastic Four film. But that wasn’t their first brush with a huge Marvel franchise. Both actors previously turned down huge roles as iconic Avengers superheroes. But that’s okay, because they both believe they would never have gotten the chance to make A Quiet Place had they taken those huge franchise roles.

Blunt revealed that she had been forced to turn down not one, but two roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Scheduling conflicts had gotten in the way of the actress taking on both Black Widow in Iron Man 2 and Peggy Carter in Captain America: The First Avenger. Interestingly enough, had Blunt agreed to the role of Carter, she may have starred with her husband a lot sooner. Krasinski was at one time being considered for the role of Steve Rogers in the very same film. Neither actor regrets their decision to turn down the chance to join the MCU. Krasinski even joked that he is always first in line to see each new Captain America film, as he actually considers Chris Evans to be a good friend of his.

The Couple Sold A 5,200 Square Foot Townhouse

John Krasinski and Emily Blunt just came off a major high with their super successful horror movie, A Quiet Place. They just had equally huge success selling their gorgeous townhome for over $6 million. That sounds nuts, but the home is actually huge and well, to put it frankly, it’s super beautiful inside. The sale wasn’t quite what the couple was asking for, they had hoped to garner $8 million for their 5,200 square foot property. But they did make half a million more than they paid for it in 2016, so all’s well that ends well.

The home was well worth the money, too. With heated floors, skylights in the bathroom, and an impressive seven bedrooms. The townhouse is four stories tall and is located in the swanky Park Slope Historic District in Brooklyn. The house was actually built in 1909, Blunt and Krasinski held onto a lot of its original woodworking. The couple spent a lot of time renovating the gorgeous townhome, but they ultimately felt like they didn’t spend very much time in the house. Krasinski said the house was special and that a family with time to spend inside of it should be the ones to actually own it.

They Have A Secret Language

Friends in the entertainment business warned Emily Blunt and John Krasinski not to work together on A Quiet Place. They thought the stress of collaborating together would put a strain on the couple’s relationship and joked that the movie would cause them to divorce. Blunt claimed that they had actually grown closer together because of the film … and that’s largely because the two share their own secret language that lets them communicate in ways they can’t with the outside world.

Blunt said the two were actually quite good at collaborating because they are constantly open and honest with each other.

She did admit that they were sort of nervous about working with each other at first. They didn’t know how intense the other one could get on set, and all those warnings probably didn’t help matters much either. But, Blunt said their honesty and their level of communication really helped things to click into place while filming the groundbreaking horror movie. Krasinski definitely agrees with his wife’s opinion, saying that their time working together was literally the opposite of “challenging.” They also made it a point to leave work at work, choosing to reconnect with each other and their children at the end of the day.

He Says She’s The Boss … Always

John Krasinski was basically the mastermind behind his critically acclaimed horror film, A Quiet Place. He helped to co-write the film and he starred in it alongside his wife, Emily Blunt. He was the director for the movie, which meant there were obviously times when, as a director, he would have had to tell his wife what to do. Or at least, one would think. But according to Krasinski, it never actually came down to all that.

The actor revealed his one big secret for keeping his wife happy while technically being her boss, he let her call the shots. He may have had the fancy director title, but he deferred to his wife on all the big decisions. Krasinski says that Blunt is always in charge, no matter what. He even refers to his time directing the film as Blunt “letting” him direct and then going right back to being the boss when they got back home. But Krasinski doesn’t seem to be bitter about, he’s quite happy taking the backseat to his wife and believes her talent and intelligence just made the film that much better. Krasinski and Blunt were warned away from working together before they started filming the movie, but it sounds like he had a plan from the very beginning.

He Says He Forgot They Were Married

John Krasinski has always believed that his wife was a tremendous acting talent. So much so that he almost destroyed his opportunity with her before it even began by trying to gush about his obsession with her work. Emily Blunt put an end to Krasinski’s cringe-worthy attempts to swoon over her talent and the rest is history. But luckily for Krasinski, he got to watch his wife work firsthand while directing her on the set of A Quiet Place, and it really took him back to before it all began. Krasinski claims that his wife transcends the room when she starts acting.

He was basically in awe when she gave her emotional performance in their horror film. For a longtime fan of work, this was basically a dream come true for Krasinski. The actor said for a little while there he completely forgot that he was married to this talented woman, he just got so swept up in her amazing abilities. He described the experience as being front row for her performance. Krasinski also said he was incredibly lucky to be able to act for a living, but he pretty much believes his wife is a far more capable performer than he is.

Their Nanny Is Also An Author

Emily Blunt and John Krasinski pulled off a well-loved horror movie that has garnered acclaim from both fans and critics alike. They did it with two very young children at home. The couple says they owe that success to their nanny, Connie Simpson, nanny to the stars. Simpson has helped rear babies for many stars over the years, including Justin Timberlake, and she’s just now starting to come into limelight for her work.

Simpson wrote a book detailing her tips and hints for raising a baby. If Blunt and Krasinski’s glowing recommendation is anything to go by, the book is a must-read. The couple commended Simpson for helping them through their first-time parent jitters. The nanny taught them to roll with the punches and not get too down on themselves when they made mistakes. Her philosophy is that, as long as you learn from those mistakes, you’re doing great as a parent. Krasinski and Blunt really took that to heart and felt empowered by the message. Simpson said that she had always been sort of destined to become a nanny and that babies had pretty much always been a part of her life ever since she was very young.

He Gave Her Some Constructive Criticism On Her Face

John Krasinski constantly gushes about what a wonderful experience it was working with his wife on the set of their horror film, A Quiet Place. Emily Blunt was very happy with her time working with her husband as a director, too. But she did learn a few things about herself. Like, for example, that despite her incredible acting abilities, she has serious resting angry face. But it’s not her fault, she really had no idea about that at all. This mostly presented itself when her husband tried to get her opinion on things, which was very important to him as a director and as her husband. According to the actress, she thought she was expressive and collaborative.

She honestly thought she was a supportive person and good to lend an ear. But, Krasinski let his wife know she was pretty much a blank face with no expression. She would just kind of nod weirdly when he tried to bounce ideas off of her. Blunt said she had actually never heard the expression of “resting [you know what] face” before and had no idea that she had it. Krasinski even did his wife the favor of impersonating her facial expressions, resulting in the strange nodding.

He Was Basically Her Stalker

John Krasinski was really excited to tell Emily Blunt how many times he had watched The Devil Wears Prada before they started dating. But when he finally got the chance to let her know about his super fan status, he kind of chickened out a little bit. Krasinski had been watching the film when she stopped by early in their relationship. He kind of freaked out and changed the channel super fast. He then realized that he probably looked really incriminating just then and that she would assume that he was watching something really inappropriate. He admitted to what he had been watching, which wasn’t inappropriate after all, but maybe that all depends on how you look at it?

Blunt had asked Krasinski whether or not he had seen the film and he said he had, and that he had seen it a lot. She naturally wanted to know what that meant, which gave Krasinski a little pause. He was forced to admit that he had seen the film over 70 times. Luckily for Krasinski, that information didn’t send Blunt running for the hills. He later joked that she had never even realized that she had married her own stalker.

They Keep It Real

They may be relationship goals, but Emily Blunt and John Krasinski don’t really like to bring their adoring fans and unending fame home with them. Blunt refused to let Krasinski gush about her previous work when they first started dating. They both made sure to leave their work on the film set when shooting A Quiet Place and they swear they are just like regular people when they go home for the day.

Krasinski says it feels weird when people obsess over his marriage.

In a way, he says, it’s like they aren’t even talking about him and Blunt, but two people he doesn’t even know. He says that when they hang out together in their own home they are just boring and normal. They watch football and play with their two young children, Hazel and Violet. The actor claims they are really just like everyone else and doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. But if you ask celebrity relationship experts, they’ll tell you Krasinski and Blunt are anything but normal, and that they have actually only been growing stronger with time. Apparently, their body language really indicates a mutual love and respect that has brought them both great happiness.

Krasinski Believes He “Married Up”

If you ask John Krasinski, he’ll tell you he’s a bit of a nerd. He seems to think he was awkward in his younger days and was never really an eligible bachelor. He wasn’t cool and he wasn’t a ladies man and he’s pretty okay with that, actually. But he’s also fully convinced that his wife, Emily Blunt, is the coolest person he’s ever met. He said she was beautiful, talented, and just super cool in ways he never had been when he was single.

Krasinski claims that his wife gave his nerdy lifestyle validation. He says that she had never experienced many of the things he likes to do. But he hadn’t had much experience with her way of life, either. They shared their combined knowledge together and found things that work for the both of them. But, Blunt’s love of him only made him feel better about being himself. Krasinski gushed that finding the one for him, had made his life better in ways that wouldn’t have been possible without Blunt. That’s why, when a customs agent in London expressed his disbelief over their marriage, Krasinski wasn’t really surprised. He proudly says he’s aware that he “married up.”

He Visited Her Every Weekend In London

John Krasinski and Emily Blunt value their time together. They loved working together, and they love just hanging out as a family. Of course, that together time becomes difficult to maintain when they are constantly working. Especially when their overlapping schedules lead them to be on two different continents. But they find ways to make up for that whenever they can. Especially Krasinski, who has been known to bend over backward to spend a little time with his wife, no matter how far apart they may be at the time.

For example, when Blunt was filming Mary Poppins on location in London, England, even though he was working on another project at the time, Krasinski made sure to visit her practically every weekend. Okay, every other weekend, but that’s a lot of jet lag and lot of dedication either way. The couple makes time for each other, it’s a huge priority. But, dad Krasinski claims that their children are the most important aspect of their relationship. The actor said the girls dictate whatever goes on when they are together, because the young girls get sad and miss their parents when they are away at work. Krasinski says however long the girls need to feel happy again is how much time they get with mom and dad.

Did we miss any secrets about Emily and John’s relationship? Tell us in the comments below!