If you ever want to pick out a character from superhero material that just embodies what ‘cool’ means then you need not look anywhere after Venom. The symbiote is the most popular Spider-Man villain. Along with Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus, Venom is Spider-Man’s chief nemesis, but the character is so immensely popular that he’s warranted his own movie.

The faith Sony had in Venom was paid off in big numbers as Venom has grossed over $800 million at the box office and overtaken more well-known heroes like Wonder Woman and Superman’s grosses. The latest film might not have gotten good reviews, but it was a hit with the fans who felt the character was at least better portrayed in Venom rather than in Spider-Man 3. Now that Venom’s popularity is sky high, numerous artworks are on the internet where multiple interpretations of the symbiote can be found.

The most popular artwork tends to be of Venom himself; you just can’t go wrong when illustrating this guy. The snarl itself is so ferocious and captivating that any Venom artwork is bound to leave you in awe (provided it’s been sketched and rendered right). But how would you like to see artwork that where characters other than Eddie Brock have been ‘Venomized’? This means other popular characters from Marvel have been given the Venom treatment and have bonded with the symbiote. These artworks are a thing of beauty, and you’ll be left wanting more; most likely demanding films being made about them.

Here are 20 Marvel Characters Venomized By Fans.

Wolverine (X-23)

In the film Logan, Wolverine’s biological daughter made her big screen debut. She was shown to possess the same powers as Wolverine except for the shape of her claws. Here, the artist imagines an adult version of X-23, one who has bonded with Venom.

As we saw in the R-rated Logan that was something that ran in the Logan veins, the inclusion of Venom in this scenario would mean instant curtains for X-23’s foes. Not only that, but after brutally hacking off her enemies, it’s most likely the symbiote part of X-23 would love to feed on the remains. Illustration by TheZenTurtle.

Elektra And Daredevil

When it comes to tussling with the big boys, Elektra and Daredevil find themselves at a disadvantage. They are supreme fighters when it comes to combating villains that make use of weaponry as opposed to intrinsic superpowers, but if you want to realistically imagine them going up against a foe like, say Ultron, then these two would be severely outmatched.

With the inclusion of the symbiotic powers to these fighters, Elektra and Daredevil would be a force to be reckoned with. It would be a task simply to get hands on them what with their athletic prowess; with the symbiotic connection, their strength would be amplified. Illustration by Francesco Mattina.

Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom is powerful enough that adding Venom to the mix won’t do much to amplify his power. Doom is already in extreme levels; he can defeat all of the Fantastic Four and can even have a shot of defeating the Avengers by himself considering his immense intellect.

Adding Venom does contribute to Doom’s coolness factor. The snarl that leaves his metallic mouth looks so satisfying you just want the symbiote bonding to remain permanent. Plus, he looks so intimidating that Reed Richards would be taken back to the degree that his mind wouldn’t process finding a way to beat Doom this time. Illustration by Tiago Zenobini.

The Avengers

As if it wasn’t enough that one member of the Avengers would turn into a Venomized version, this illustration gives us a whole group of them. Captain America is unflinching in his goodness; it looks like Venom still got his fangs into Steve here. Not only that, but he even carries Cap’s shield with him.

Doctor Strange, the man so powerful he could beat gods, has also been consumed by Venom and leaps in the air with his magic powers in tow. This variant makes it appear that no one is free from the symbiotes. Rocket is taken over, and Ant-Man and his insect soldier have also fallen victim to it.

Ghost Rider

It doesn’t make sense how an alien goo-like substance from space could bond with a spawn of Satan, but that’s what you’re seeing right here. Ghost Rider has the power to stare into one’s soul and destroy them from within, yet Venom has been able to negate that over here and taken over the hellspawn.

Ghost Rider has powers straight from the Underworld, meaning that Venom could not only take over the Earth, but he could also take over other realms as well. With Ghost Rider’s powers rivaling gods, there may be no hope left for humanity. Illustration by Endless Comix.


Gamora is definitely a tortured soul. She was plucked from her homeland by the very same person who slaughtered her family, only to become his daughter. Gamora spent years serving Thanos’ purpose and for a time settled for a fate of evil.

Had she not come across the Guardians of the Galaxy, Gamora would’ve been a fine host for Venom. The symbiote would have appealed to her deepest, darkest desires and she might have consumed others as a cathartic satisfaction. Who knows, maybe Gamora could even use the Venomized abilities to finally gain revenge on Thanos. Source: Venomized-1.


Now we have the Titan himself bonded with Venom. Although Gamora would be a force if she were to become a host to Venom, Thanos taking that role would mean the end of the universe. Venom’s search for food to consume would be over as the symbiote could simply use the Infinity Stones to either change reality and bring him an infinite food source, or he could use the stones to herd humans like cattle.

There’s no telling what might happen as Thanos could be the dominant one here and use the Venom abilities as a sort of shield against his enemies. Illustration by Vinz-el-Tabanas

Rocket Raccoon

Venom’s drawback is that he isn’t really the brightest mind out there. His hunger is what mainly drives him forward and prevents him from really strategizing or tinkering with equipment that would help his cause.

In this scary illustration, we can imagine Venom taking over Rocket Raccoon. Rocket’s one of the sharpest minds out there and has access to weaponry that could blow up an entire moon. Using Rocket as a host will bring Venom alternative methods to hunt down his victims. Its doubtful that Rocket will be a willing host as the symbiote offers him no powers that he would be willing to take. Illustration by Junkome.


You’re probably getting ready to argue that Godzilla isn’t a Marvel character, but you should know that Godzilla made its Marvel debut in a 24-part issue titled Godzilla: King of the Monsters. We all know Godzilla from the movies, both Japanese and English, but no one would have even considered the monster to bond with the Venom symbiote.

Such a scenario is Spider-Man’s worst nightmare as no mortal superhero could imagine ever putting down such a monstrosity. Here, you can see the Venom!Godzilla towering over everything else in sight with our heroes utterly clueless. Illustration by KaijuSamurai.

Baby Groot

The Groot we saw in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was much different from the one in Guardians of the Galaxy. The first one was humble and kind while the most recent one was a bit of a meanie. The teenage one was even more annoying in Avengers: Infinity War until he made some contribution to Thor.

Because of this Groot’s more furious nature, Venom can be realistically seen to bond with him. This sketch shows Venom taking over the Baby Groot. It’s sad that he’s controlling an infant but Groot does have big powers that Venom can exploit even if the body is that of a child’s. Source: TeeVillains.

The Incredible Hulk

Do you want guaranteed destruction? Here’s your best chance! Feast your eyes on the Incredible Hulk merged with Venom. This is a scenario with a high chance of likelihood as the Hulk isn’t smart enough to fend off the threat of a symbiote taking over. Venom could blindside Hulk by appealing to his destructive nature.

As Venom wants victims to feed off of and the Hulk wants nothing but total calamity, the two could complement each other perfectly without either one being the dominant member. The only drawback would be the people at large who would need to run for their lives because this would be one unwinnable enemy. Illustration by Lancely.


There aren’t many versions of Venom that could be classified as “cute”, but this one comes rather close. Deadpool meeting Venom would be a sight to behold; it seems Venom won’t be able to do much to Deadpool, both in terms of damage and psyche.

The Merc with a Mouth is something else entirely, so combining him with Venom would either be hilarious or destructive for all. This illustration imagines Deadpool embracing Venom and letting go of the comedic side of him. It also looks like Deadpool’s being held back by some other symbiote and Venom is there to bail him out. Illustration by Laufman.

Iron Man and War Machine

Unlike Doctor Doom’s Venom, whose iconic tongue you could see, Iron Man and War Machine’s versions have ignored that aspect of being Venomized. In this illustration, Iron Man embodies Carnage while War Machine takes on Venom.

This version of the symbiotes looks way more sedate than we’re used to them being. However, it is understandable seeing that with such high level of tech, and the genius of Tony Stark along with the combat experience of James Rhodes in their disposal, they wouldn’t really need to be as violent as they are. It would be a nice change to see calm versions of these characters. Illustration by hjob9000.

Black Panther

Taking over Black Panther just about guarantees Venom world domination. Black Panther’s net worth is supposed to be in the trillions and so he far outpaces Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne combined; Venom will be the most powerful person on the planet.

As the illustration shows, this power won’t fade away Venom’s vicious nature and he still will go out to hunt for prey. Black Panther’s innate goodness might just help maintain the balance between good and evil, however. We don’t expect T’Challa to simply hand over all the power over the Venom, not without a fight at least. Illustration by Elizabeth Torque.

Black Cat

Black Cat has always been a femme fatale in her appearances. She’s flip-flopped between being a love interest for Spider-Man to an antagonist so many times you’d think she was touched in the head. Black Cat’s never been a straight-laced figure and is considered an anti-hero; this is why Venom would find her a good host.

Venom would make use of her unsure mind and drive her toward a target; whether that would be good or bad is up to how Black Cat can handle herself around the symbiote. In this illustration, Black Cat appears to be favoring toward more hostility as her claws are protruded and she had mad intent in her eyes. Illustration by Guilem March.

Emma Frost

In X-Men: First Class we saw the closest interpretation to the Emma Frost character in the film as possible. She had previously been done injustice in X-Men Origins: Wolverine when that version was barely passable as Emma Frost.

This Venomized version of Emma, on the other hand, seems to be ferocious. The face is in no way reminiscent of Frost’s own and with Venom’s powers in tandem, she seems to be unleashing a new kind of pain. Frost’s diamond durability is supreme while her telepathy is on Professor X level, but with Venom’s symbiote around her, she will have no trouble of landing physical damage. This illustration is by Redskullspage.


Storm has been an unsung hero thus far in the X-Men film series. Sure, she’s had her moments in the sun but these have been very few. Storm has been making up the numbers more than she’s been in focus. This is because she’s lacked that punch in her personality that will give her an edge.

There would hardly be a better way to make Storm noticed than having Venom consume her. In this sketch, Storm doesn’t have the classic Venom tongue snarling, yet she looks eerily sinister with that wicked grin on her face. A mutant who could destroy with a lightning strike or could eat you? That is the stuff of nightmares. Illustration by weremole.

Captain America

Captain America is known as the Sentinel of Liberty. He’s the man who will never quit and can take any beating all day long and still get right back up. So, it’ll be a twist of epic proportions if he willingly hands himself over to the symbiote.

The only way Cap could do that is if he required a power upgrade, but even then you would have to believe he would avoid the Venom snarl because it just isn’t who Steve Rogers is. In this illustration, however, Captain America seems to be enjoying the power the symbiote grants. His Venom still holds the shield in hand, but has the face of a demon. Illustration by JHarren.

Deadpool And Cable

In a way, you could say this picture shows how Cable perceives Deadpool. The Merc with a Mouth has always been a thorn by Cable’s side – although they are actually friends – Deadpool annoys Cable to no end and it wouldn’t be a surprise if this picture is the personification of Cable’s annoyance.

Regardless, here Deadpool sneaks up behind an unsuspecting Cable, who’s moments away from having the bejeezus scared out of him from Venom!Deadpool. The snarl looks huge enough to swallow Cable whole and it’s even more unsettling that the symbiote’s body doesn’t seem to have manifested; it’s just the face. Illustration by Rob Liefeld.


A lot of the names on this list were people who were surprisingly bonded with Venom due to their known heroic nature. However, when it comes to the Kingpin the image is one suited to him. Kingpin is a mobster with a heart as hard as a rock. He has no care for anything other than power, not even his own family.

Venom and Kingpin forming a partnership of sorts would be a fitting story. Venom would have people to feed on while Kingpin will have that feared image of his furthered into an even wider scale. This partnership would be a match perfectly made.

What do you think about these Venomized Marvel characters? Let us know in the comments!