Out of all the superhero rivalries, none are more intense or more comedic than the one between Hulk and Thor. As the Avengers two strongest members, Thor and Hulk have occasionally come to blows every now and then for a variety of reasons. Sometimes their fights are on such a massive scale they cause wide scale destruction in their wake. Other times, they fight over the smallest things such as who is the strongest Avenger or even for absolutely no reason at all.

Over the years, across different adaptations in film, comics, and television, Thor and Hulk’s love/hate relationship has gradually evolved and their battles have become more epic than ever before. In the MCU, their first big fight takes place in The Avengers and it does not disappoint. Their next major battle takes placed in 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok. Suffice to say, the circumstances leading up to that battle is one of the best moments in the MCU.

Their longstanding relationship in recent years has also led to some of the funniest memes on the internet. From their precursors from decades ago to the modern-day versions of the MCU, the battles between Thor and Hulk has created material for some of the funniest memes ever made.

Here is a list featuring some of the Funniest Hulk vs Thor Memes.

20. Thor: The Voice Of Reason

Since he first appeared in the MCU in 2011, Thor has made considerable progress as a character. When he first appeared in Thor, he was not as wise, and level headed as he is now. At the time, he acted like a spoiled, hot tempered, and arrogant child. It got to the point where even Odin’s patience ran out. After causing a new war between the giants, Odin took away his powers, his hammer and banished him to earth to teach him a lesson.

Odin’s method of teaching his son a lesson may come off as a little extreme, but it ends up doing the trick. Towards the end of the film, Thor becomes a completely different person. He becomes a more noble warrior and abandons his old selfish ways. Another important change is that he also tries to prioritize diplomacy before resorting to violence.

This is a stark contrast to the personality of his ally/rival Hulk. When Banner transforms into the Hulk in Avengers and goes on a rampage, Thor attempts to reason with him while trying to prevent him from causing too much damage. Unfortunately, as it was their first confrontation, things got out of control and they still end up destroying sections of the Helicarrier.

Despite this, Thor has not stopped trying to be the voice of reason when it comes to his big green comrade. If anything, Hulk’s increased intelligence shown in Ragnarok has made things easier for him. After all, he was able to convince Hulk to not smash Surtur, something Hulk was really looking forward to.

Thor And Buddy

When the official trailer for Thor: Ragnarok was released, it gave us plenty of reasons to look forward to it in theaters. One of the film’s best moments was Thor’s reaction when he reunites with Hulk in The Grandmaster’s arena.

Instead of expressing fear, Thor shocks the spectators as he expresses joy from witnessing Hulk’s arrival with a loud cry of “YES”.

Since then, Thor’s reaction has become an inspiration behind some very amusing memes. His expression has even been used to compare reactions from movies outside of the MCU. The following meme is a perfect example of this. When it comes to the film Elf, Will Ferrell’s reactions as Buddy the Elf, have made this film a hilarious holiday classic, on par with even the Home Alone franchise (mostly the first two).

Thus, in the scene where the mall Santa appears, Buddy (who thinks it’s the real Santa), goes nuts. One of the funniest lines in the film, where he expresses his glee followed by a loud proclamation to everyone within earshot, that he is a close acquaintance with jolly old Saint Nick.

Such a reaction was the perfect choice to represent Thor’s own reaction to Hulk’s grand entrance.

Wanna Get Smashed?

One of the most iconic things about the Hulk is his catch phrase. From the moment, he appears on the scene, it is a sure thing that at some point he will utter his signature catchphrase, “Hulk Smash”.

Although, the MCU has made several changes to Hulk, they still make sure to occasionally include his signature catchphrase. In fact, in some cases, there have been other characters who have used these words for him such as Captain America in The Avengers.

As of Thor: Ragnarok, Hulk’s ability to speak has greatly improved since his first appearance in the MCU. This has allowed him to freely express his thoughts, including his catchphrase. However, when it comes to Hulk and Thor’s relationship, they have often been involved in several smashing’s since way before the MCU’s existence.

In fact, Thor and Hulk have been smashing together in film and television since 1988. The meme above features a scene from The Incredible Hulk Returns, which includes some much older versions of Hulk and Thor.

In order to fight against a criminal force within the institute he works at, Hulk and Thor are forced to team up. Using the screenshot from this scene, the meme makes full use of some clever wordplay, creating a casual atmosphere between Thor and Hulk, as if destroying tings were just an everyday thing for them… which is actually true.


When Hulk first met Thor back in The Avengers, their relationship got off to a rough start. Since then, despite some hurdles and the occasional sucker punch, their relationship has slowly improved. Nowadays, Thor has become quite fond of Hulk. He views Hulk as more than just a powerful ally, and more like something close to a brother in arms.

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, following their final battle with Ultron, Hulk takes a Quinjet and leaves for some unknown destination. In Thor: Ragnarok it is revealed that Hulk somehow crash landed on Sakaar, where he quickly climbs up the social ladder and becomes the Grandmaster’s champion. Eventually, Thor lands on the same planet and the two rivals reunite after two years apart.

Thor’s reaction to seeing Hulk after so long tells us that Hulk leaving the team did affect him in some way. Secondly, Thor is also ecstatic to finally reunite with at least one old ally after spending two years searching the cosmos for clues about the Infinity Stones.

His happy reaction has become a signature subject for most memes involving him and Hulk. This particular meme is quite useful in using Thor’s reaction to demonstrate how happy a person is towards a certain individual.

Never Skip Leg Day

Whether its in films, comics or television, Hulk has immortalized himself as one of the most powerful superheroes in the Marvel franchise. His overwhelming physical power has allowed him to take on some of Earth’s mightiest heroes, and has even fought against a few superhero teams by himself.

One of his greatest accomplishments was fighting against the Sentry. In the end, Hulk and Sentry’s battle left them both completely drained, but ultimately resulted in Hulk’s victory. Due to his level of power, Thor considers Hulk one of the few worthy rivals capable of keeping up with him. While Hulk has proven himself superior to Thor a number of times, there have been instances when Thor emerges victorious, because Hulk was not in top physical condition.

It is for this reason that Hulk goes to great lengths to maintain his title as the strongest being there is. To do this, Hulk must constantly meet the demands that his body demands of him, which is why it constantly evolves to his environment with every fight he wins.

However, even when fighting, Hulk needs to be careful to workout every part of his body.

The meme above shows the possibility that Hulk must face should he ever neglect to maintain his form. In this case, the last thing anyone wants is to see is a Hulk with very weak legs. Not only does it leave him as half a Hulk, it is an unpleasant sight to behold.

 Hulk And Thor Meet Shrek And Arthur

Thor: Ragnarok is one of the MCU’s most successful films to date and is also the best out of all the other Thor films. In addition to its very witty humor, it also features a tie in with the events to come in the eventual Infinity War.

There is no shortage of epic moments featuring Thor, and the other members of his team, the Revengers. One shot features Thor and Hulk standing side by side on the Bifrost bridge alongside Valkyrie and Loki to confront Hela and her army.

The scene featuring Hulk and Thor standing side by side, while epic, does create opportunities for a pretty funny meme. In the meme shown above, a screen shot of Hulk and Thor is featured alongside another famous, yet nearly identical duo.

Underneath the shot of Thor and Hulk, is a shot of the ogre Shrek alongside Arthur Pendragon from Shrek The Third. While the backgrounds may differ, it is nevertheless amusing to see characters from two different franchises meld so well together in the exact same positions as one another.

Funny enough, there are certain similarities between the plot of both films. Both sets of characters are on a mission to liberate a kingdom from the rule of cruel and power-hungry despot.

What Really Happened To Thor’s Hair

One of the best things about Thor: Ragnarok is how it introduces several changes to the MCU storyline. In addition to Asgard’s fate and Hulk being capable of human speech, there is one more change that has been a particular topic of discussion for Marvel fans: Thor’s new haircut.

After being captured by The Grandmaster and forced to fight against his champion, Thor is forced to undergo a procedure that requires him to have his hair trimmed. The idea of having his hair cut, leaves him actually crying for mercy. Although, there are some who may argue that his current appearance is really an improvement. In any case, the sight of Stan Lee using an alien gizmo to give Thor a trim, is too funny for words.

However, what if things happened differently?

Instead of Stan Lee, the meme depicts an alternate possibility that one who was responsible for Thor’s current appearance was none other than Hulk himself. While Thor is waiting, Hulk looks on with concern as he evaluates the damage he caused in cutting his fellow Avenger’s hair. In any case, whether it was Stan Lee or Hulk, watching Thor getting his hair cut after so long is simply too funny. Well funny for everyone, except for Thor of course.

How Thor And Hulk Communicate

When Avengers came out, the prospect of finally of watching Thor and Hulk duking it out on the big screen had audiences on the edge of their seats. As one would expect, their first fight was one of the most intense moments in the film.

After transforming into the Hulk thanks to Loki’s mischief, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier is thrown into chaos. After turning into the Hulk, Thor intervenes to try and reason with him before any further damage is done. In the end, his attempt proves futile.

At the time, Hulk’s ability to communicate with people was not as advanced as it is today. In his raging state, communicating with Hulk is impossible. Not only does he refuse to listen, but he cannot think of anything other than fighting and smashing Thor. As a result, Thor changes his approach and tries another method of communicating with him.

In this meme, talking to an angry is Hulk is considered the equivalent of trying to communicate with an intoxicated friend.

Thus, we can’t help but feel for Thor as he tries to accomplish what many believe is an impossible task. Thankfully for Thor, Hulk quickly manages to sober up and learns to communicate in a way that does not always involve violence.

Fantastic Four According To Hulk And Thor

As heroes, both Thor and Hulk frequently put their differences aside to protect the weak and innocent from evil. However, this does not mean they always see eye to eye on certain matters. Despite their close relationship, both Thor and Hulk see the world from different perspectives.

Their stubborn natures have led them to adopt opposing views regarding a number of subjects. In Thor’s case, he tends to see things from a more critical and complex perspective. He is mature and has both the wisdom and experience that comes with living for over 1,500 years.

Hulk on the other hand, tends to see things as they simply are. Despite having Bruce Banner as his other half, Hulk’s view of the world is more akin to that of a child’s perspective. He does not like it when things are too complex and prefers to see things as they are without thinking too much.

Thus, it is interesting to see how their perceptions differ regarding the reboot of the film Fantastic Four. For Thor, he sees the film as the origins of one of Marvel’s oldest superhero teams and views them in a somewhat noble light. However, Hulk’s perception is the total opposite of Thor’s. From his point of view, the film is nothing more than garbage, a failed attempt to accurately portray the Fantastic Four on the big screen.

How Gone Was He?

In his quest to prove himself as the strongest there is, Hulk has pulled off some insane feats of strength. Among these feats, is being able to lift Thor’s hammer. In the comics, Hulk’s first attempt to lift Thor’s hammer was in Avengers #3. At the time, Hulk was not able to lift it.

However, since then different versions and adaptations of the Hulk have successfully managed to lift up or use Mjolnir. While, he may not have had much luck in the comics, he has succeeded in other media. In the animated film Ultimate Avengers, Hulk manages to temporarily lift Mjolnir. While he may not have been able to hold it for very long, the fact that he was still able to do so is nothing short of incredible.

On the down side, Hulk is only able to lift Mjolnir for a limited period of time due to its enchantments. However, even when he succeeds in lifting it, doing so requires his utmost focus and concentration. As a result, this provides the perfect window of opportunity to attack Hulk while his guard is down. Thor takes advantage of such an opening when Hulk attempts (and fails) to lift Mjolnir.

In these instances, the fact that he would try to attempt such a feat, means that he must no be thinking rationally.

Old School

Since the introduction of the MCU, a plethora of new characters and superhero storylines have been adapted and modified. For people of the current generation, it is quite common for them to associate some of Marvel’s iconic heroes with their portrayals from the MCU. After all it is pretty hard to imagine Iron Man looking like anyone else besides Robert Downey Jr.

Along with the MCU, came a new version of the Avengers that set a high bar for the representation of Marvel heroes. Thanks to innovations in cinema, technology and costumes have considerably evolved. As a result, characters like Thor and Hulk are looking better than any other live action portrayals made in the past.

From The Avengers to Thor: Ragnarok, and hopefully in the second part of Infinity War, Thor and Hulk’s team ups have shaken the foundations of superhero films, even within the MCU.

Past attempts to have Thor and Hulk team up are not as effective as they are today.

One of their early team ups was done in 1988 in the made for TV movie, The Incredible Hulk Returns. At the time, their portrayals were not the best quality that we would come to expect from today’s standards. In addition to appearance, the origins of Thor were also different. For example, rather than being an Asgardian, Thor was instead portrayed as the spirit of the old Norse god.

Nevertheless, despite not being as cool, the film still deserves respect for bringing Hulk and Thor together.

Damn You Reality!

Hulk’s first fight with Thor during The Avengers is one of the most memorable moments in the MCU. After watching Hulk take on Thor the big screen, it is hard to imagine seeing him any other way. However, as it is mostly the case, what we see in the film, is different from what happens off camera. Thanks to some behind-the-scenes photos, we get an inside look about how Thor and Hulk’s fight was made. 

From the audiences perspective, all they see is Thor attempting to subdue the Hulk using Mjolnir, while the latter is bucking around trying to escape his hold over him. However, for those who were present in creating this scene, they witness something completely different. While Chris Hemsworth is in costume, Hulk’s actor wears a motion capture suit, along with an extra piece of costume designed to simulate the Hulk’s head, and torso.

We are reminded that the titanic battle we witnessed was nothing more than special effects used to bring the Hulk to life via CGI. Compared to the titanic battle we witness onscreen, the process of how it was made is rather anti-climactic.

Just goes to show, that somethings are better off being kept secret.

You Won’t Like Hulk… When He’s Off His Meds

One of the many advantages that comes with being the Hulk is his immunity against earth-based diseases. Considering that he is a living reactor filled with Gamma energy, there are very few things that can affect him on a biological level.

However, it is possible for him to suffer from illnesses and viruses that are non-terrestrial in origin as is shown in the Marvel Zombies storyline. In the following meme, the idea that Hulk needs to take medication is introduced. In the event where Hulk forgets to take his medicine, his entire face will undergo a horrific transformation. The Hulk’s human looking face will transform into something that by human standards, is both ugly and terrifying, even by Hulk’s standards.

Once this happens, the Hulk’s face becomes that of the ogre Shrek. This is made even more awkward when it happens in the middle of his fight with Thor. Without his meds, it becomes impossible for them to continue their battle when the Hulk is suffering from such an unpleasant transformation.

Just goes to show, that even the Hulk must never ignore taking his meds if the situation demands it. As far as cautionary tales go, this one really gets its message across.

Mondays Vs Fridays

Much like with a certain fat lazy cat, almost everyone, in the world hates Mondays. As shown in the meme above, the same thing also applies to superheroes. Even they are not immune to the depressive atmosphere that comes with waking up on a Monday. One can only imagine how someone like Thor, or worse the Hulk, would react to the most depressing day of the week.

Normally, Thor expresses himself as a confident person. He very rarely expresses fear or concern when facing his opponents. However, once Monday arrives, he becomes much weary and tense. This is even worse on the Hulk. Despite being known for his temper, once Monday rolls around, he becomes even angrier than usual.

Thankfully, their Monday attitudes disappear once Friday comes around. At the end of the week, even superheroes need a chance to unwind and relax. Even the normally aggressive Hulk becomes as happy as a little kid, and Thor breaks out into a huge smile bright enough to shine through all nine realms.

However, all good things must come to an end. As the cycle repeats itself and Monday comes back again, its back to fighting as usual for Hulk and Thor.

Batman Beats Hulk Better Than Thor

Whenever someone decides to go against the Hulk, it usually means one of two things. The first is that they are either very confident in their abilities and believe they can win. The other possibility could be that they are just arrogant.

A monster like the Hulk has rarely ever been beaten, both by mortal and deity alike. Even Thor has a tough time beating his long-time rival, even with the power of Mjolnir. However, contrary to popular belief, it is possible for even powerless mortals to overcome and subdue Hulk. DC’s own Batman is one of the few examples of non-super powered heroes that have taken down the Hulk.

In DC Special Series #27, the Batman faces off against Hulk after confronting the Joker who was trying to steal Gamma Ray technology. Normally, some people would assume that Batman is more likely to get himself injured by the Hulk, rather than emerge victorious. However, using his wits and martial arts experience, Batman manages to deliver a powerful blow to the Hulk’s solar plexus, which forces him to breathe in highly potent sleeping gas.

In any case, Batman’s victory, does not instill much confidence for Thor.

What About Banner?

Most of the time, people tend to focus their attention more towards the Hulk than his alter ego Bruce Banner. It turns out that there is a particular situation in Thor: Ragnarok that also addresses this issue. After losing his fight with the Hulk, Thor tries to convince him to join him in his mission to stop Hela from conquering the Nine Realms.

Unfortunately for him, Hulk has no intention of leaving Sakaar as its people love and idolize him. However, even after Thor manages to turn Hulk back into Banner, the latter still does not want to help him fight Hela. Thor then tries to desperately get Banner to join him (simply because of the Hulk) and tries to appease him with compliments. Ironically, he tried using this same tactic with Hulk, only instead of insulting him he made fun of Banner.

However, things still do not go his way, especially after Banner learns that he lost two years of his life as the Hulk. When Thor tries to convince him that he ends up inadvertently insulting him by telling him that unlike the Hulk, Bruce is not at all powerful and is basically useless to him in his current situation.

In any case, one thing is certain. The dialogue surrounding these scenes were some of the funniest in the film.

Clash Of Bros

In the few instances when Thor has spoken to Bruce Banner, the two get along rather well with each other. However, when it comes to the Hulk, Thor tends to adopt a more hands on approach when dealing with his fellow Avenger.

Both heroes perfectly embody the image of a fearsome warrior. Thor is a god with a body that many can’t help but admire. On the other hand, Hulk symbolizes the pinnacle of strength and unrestrained power.

The competitive nature of both heroes makes them refuse to admit that one is stronger than the other.

As Thor puts it in Ragnarok, their competitive nature has turned them into a “couple of hotheaded fools”. As a result, they have spent years fighting one another to prove which of them is the stronger hero. Over time their hate and aggression for one another melted away and was replaced by a sense of rivalry based on mutual respect. After fighting each other for so long, some may argue that Thor and Hulk have become just like brothers. One cannot deny that regardless of what may come their way, both Thor and Hulk will always be bros for life.

The Reason Why He Is The Strongest Avenger

One of the most amusing scenes in Thor: Ragnarok involves Thor trying to access the Quinjet on Sakaar. Despite being familiar with how Tony’s technology works, he is still unable to fully access it. While he succeeds in interacting with the ship’s on-board computer, he is not able to get full access because he does not know his personal password. In one of his attempts to get access, he utters the phrase “Strongest Avenger”. Unfortunately, this ends up being incorrect.

However, after Hulk transforms back into Banner, he tries to access the computer using the same phrase. Unlike Thor, the system accepts his response, much to to his disbelief. In a way, it makes sense that Hulk/Banner would be worthier of the title than Thor.

In TheAvengers, Hulk proves his strength by defeating not only him, but Loki as well. Following their initial confrontation in the Helicarrier, Hulk also manages to temporarily knock out Thor with a single punch after they bring down one of the Chitauri Leviathans. As for Loki, despite being able to fight evenly with Thor, he is powerless to stop Hulk from throwing him around like a rag doll. As for Ragnarok, Thor has also suffered a similar beating.

Under these circumstances, Hulk is most deserving of the title of “Strongest Avenger”. At least until Thor challenges him to a rematch and fights him with his new hammer.

Coincidence? I Think Not!

Marvel and DC have always been known for their longstanding rivalry. Often it is common to find some parallels between characters and events in the comics from either franchise. Some of these parallels and similarities can also be found between films of the MCU and DCEU. Take for example the relationships between Superman and Batman in Batman v. Superman, and Thor and Hulk in The Avengers.

Both Thor and Superman are originally from other worlds far away from Earth. Both eventually grew to love earth and its people to the point where they risk their own lives to protect them. However, in both The Avengers and Batman v. Superman they eventually face opposition with opponents that refuse to meet eye to eye with them.

In Avengers, Hulk goes berserk and refuses to listen to Thor’s attempts to reason with him and get him to calm down. In Batman v. Superman, Batman does not trust Superman and views him as a threat due to how powerful he is, while Superman finds his methods too brutal.

In the end, both Thor and Superman, despite being the equivalent of gods, are still beaten by their mortal opponents. Additionally, both of said mortals share a similar surname, and each have trouble handling their own inner demons. Thankfully, once an even bigger threat presents itself, both groups decide that it is better to set their differences aside for the sake of the world.

Hulk’s Got Spidey’s Back

When compared to the other actors that have portrayed Spider-Man on the big screen, Tom Holland seems to be the most loved. Though he is the youngest Spider-Man to date, he’s exceeded all expectations and is a key player in the MCU. Following his first appearance in Captain America: Civil War, Holland’s Spider-Man continues to receive rave reviews.

Tom Holland’s wit, humor, personality, and charisma embody everything that Spider-Man should be.

Plus, his new suit only adds to his wow factor. Unlike previous cinematic versions of Spider-Man, the MCU’s Spidey receives his suit from Tony Stark. It is more technologically advanced than any other suit so far, with the only exception being the Iron Spider armor. The suit was a huge hit among fans, and we can hardly wait for the day when Spidey finally uses it to fight alongside Hulk. Across various media, Spider-Man and Hulk have occasionally teamed up, and have even become close friends.

In the meme, we get to observe this side of the MCU’s Hulk. Even he can’t help but love Spider-Man’s new look in Civil War. On the other hand, Thor does not appear to be much of a fan. Thankfully, Hulk is more than happy to lend a helping hand to support Spidey… or in this case, a helping fist.

Which of these did you like best? Let us know in the comments!