It almost doesn’t even matter if our favorite possible couples don’t ever get together in 2018. Between fanfiction, fan art, and all of the online support communities available for each imagined pairing, there is always the possibility of a world where Clark Kent and Lex Luthor can be a happily married couple - even if that’s never going to happen on the CW. It has come to the point where fans often confuse themselves over whether or not a couple is canon because they’ve read so many fanfics or created and enjoyed so much fanart that it’s all become a blur.

This is even true for fandoms that support some pretty off-the-wall pairings. There are fans who want to see characters together just because they’re pretty couples, even if they have zero chemistry or hints at even liking - let alone loving - one another. Some fans even support taboo relationships between family members for pretty much the same reasons.

Perhaps the best unexpected pairings are between characters that would do quite well with one another but are never given the opportunity to develop feelings by writers, proving that fans can often create some of the most compelling stories themselves.

Whether they’re simply unthinkable, breaking boundaries or simply scenarios we’ve never considered, here are 20 Crazy Fanart Of Unexpected CW Couples.

Supergirl and The Flash

Sure, they’re both superheroes, and they could probably challenge one another fairly well whether as a couple or in a race, but do Supergirl and The Flash truly make sense? Argue that their crossover kiss was fantastic until the Kent cows come home but at the end of the day the fact remains that it was under mind control and therefore accounts for nothing. The race they shared, while a complete fulfillment of many a fan fantasy, rang of friendly competition rather than romantic tension. That alone isn’t enough to discount this potential super pairing, however, and there’s a bit more than fan whimsy to support it.

Witnessing Barry’s speedy ice cream delivery made him cute boyfriend material, though, and Kara did seem to be a bit swept off her feet at one point, so we can’t truly dismiss the idea of them looking so adorable together, as the artist Shani points out in her piece, “Call Me Kara.”

While the two as a couple seems to hover a bit toward the whole “Jack Frost pairing up with Frozen’s Elsa just because they have similar powers” schtick, the result would be a pretty powerful couple, not to mention some pretty cute future super babies.

Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake, The 100

Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake need to be together forever, or so say the friends who rooted for the BFFs from The 100 to get together already. If artist RiTTa1310 had her way, the pair would definitely ride off into the sunset together instead of being ultimately separated and wondering whether or not one another is even alive after all of this time.

Clarke waited for an answer from her friend for 2,199 days - that’s a lot of waiting for someone who isn’t in love. She’s not exactly Last Centurian material, but she did tell Bellamy, “You’ve got such a big heart, Bellamy. People follow you. You inspire them because of this, but the only way to make sure we survive is if you use this, too.” His reply, “I’ve got you for that,” is among so many pieces of evidence fans use to support this non-canon couple.

For book fans, this pairing is not unexpected, as the pair are together on the page, but it hasn’t happened on screen.

From their evolution as frenemies to Bellamy saving her life, to their frequent choices to put one another’s needs and lives before their own, they do appear to be compatible, although not without problems. Fans seeking a resolution for this pairing can always turn to their beloved fanfiction, where there’s no shortage of romantic stories to enjoy.

Clark Kent and Lex Luthor, Smallville

It’s such a delicious deviation from the norm. Lex Luthor is the most notorious of Superman’s sworn enemies, making the idea of him as Clark Kent’s love interest almost as enticing as it is preposterous. It would be as if the angel and devil on your shoulders decided to hook up and leave the middle man behind, which is, of course, the entire allure of the coupling.

The pair share the close bonds of best friends that withered into the greatest rivalry among heroes and villains, which is pretty much the recipe of a potential romance gone wrong from its own toxicity when you think about it.

Clark and Lex, while cute together, would simply not work.

Clark’s conscience is too impregnable to allow room for Lex’s gray and often darker inclinations, and the kinds of trust issues and violence that erupted between the two prove that it’s not a healthy relationship to root for. Still, Isabelle Disraeli’s art makes you wonder if, in a different world under different circumstances, Clark may have coaxed Lex to the side of good - or vice versa. The yearning look on Superman’s face almost convinces us that it would be worth it to at least see what happens.

Raven Reyes and Lexa, The 100

It’s a relationship that while, looking interesting on paper, would never work out in real life. Why would you fall for the person who ordered for you to be eliminated? Raven gave Clarke an instrument to take care of Lexa, which she used to take out her beloved Finn instead. Raven is sadly so enamored with Finn, who obviously didn’t love her back - his fling with Clarke meant much more to him than his previous relationship with Raven - that she blames Clarke even though Finn offered himself up to be taken in the first place. Young love is so messy.

Besides, we all know that the First Commander is totally in love with Clarke anyway, which was proven and made canon just before she was yanked from the show in an incident that left fans outraged. Yes, she was still there through the Flame, but fans knew that the pair deserved better after waiting for them to finally get together.

No matter how lovely artist toodrunktofindaurl made them in this piece, Raven and Lexa just weren’t meant to be. The ship is such an unexpected pairing with very little contextual support but the art makes us forget that for a moment.

Betty And Veronica, Riverdale

It’s one of the most popular fan fantasies but we’ve got our money against Betty and Veronica ever truly becoming an item. It wasn’t fair to give fans who support the pairing  a kiss between the two during cheerleading tryouts, especially since it was simply a stunt rather than anything truly emotional between the young women Riverdale (or was it?).

Here’s the thing: there have been plenty of Archie comic fans over the years who, fed up with the titular character and his inability to choose between the two, wished for Cooper and Lodge to just kick the all-American kid to the curb and just date one another instead! While the two aren’t always rivals, they aren’t friendly enough to banish the whole “girls exist for competition” trope, either. How about creating something positive out of all of that tension instead?

Today this storyline would be met with applause, but instead of using that kiss to create an actual relationship, it was a cheap tool to hype up the show. 

While mandygirl78’s art features the blonde tomboy and the sophisticated bombshell in their comic form rather than their Riverdale real-life personas, we can definitely feel the energy here and, though it sadly is quite unlikely to ever become a reality, get behind the idea of this perfect for one another couple.

The Flash And Black Canary, The Flash

In the DC universe, Black Canary is Green Arrow’s wife, but she’s had her weird comic book moments. Remember the time she hooked up with Batman while a bunch of people were kicking the bucket in a fiery fit of flames around them? Or that terrible wedding night with the Green Arrow that wasn’t?

The show has, as most comic adaptations tend to do, deviated quite a bit from its source material between Dinah Drake, Laurel Lance and Sara Lance, so why not play around with different pairings as well? Sara as The Canary was a very popular direction for the show to take among fans– so popular that her passing pretty much caused a national outrage– so why not try something else new and pair her with The Flash?

They are two most compelling characters in the CW lineup, but pairing The Flash and Black Canary together doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. It’s not as if we’ve seen them experience much chemistry and they aren’t the most compatible of superheroes.

While artist Weskervit789 has paired the two together in a pretty gripping piece of art, we think that this is another unexpected pairing that will stay in the head-canon of fans who appreciate the pairing alone.

Jo And Charlie, Supernatural

It’s such an adorable pairing that we can’t resist, even though it will never happen. Ellen’s daughter Jo was the young waitress who should’ve had her chance to really become a hunter before her life was cut short along with her awesome mom. She was the tough and brave counterpart to Charlie’s intellectual social justice hacker, making them such a perfect pair that it’s almost painful that they’ll never get together on screen.

BlueMagnet’s fanart of the pair make us really wonder what could have been.

Even though both characters lost their lives on the show, who wouldn’t watch an entire series dedicated to Jo and Charlie hunting together? Since the Charlie from the alternate universe is now traveling through the primary universe with Rowena, there’s room to add to Charlie’s story, and despite evidence to the contrary, we all know that anyone can come back in Supernatural given the right spell or situation.

Although there’s no direct support for this unexpected romance on the show, there’s also nothing to really prove that it would be doomed to fail in a world where Jo is alive, so it’s especially interesting to contemplate. As fans of the pairing say, “If only!”

Captain Cold And The Flash, The Flash

They’re hot and they’re cold, they’re yes and they’re no! Captain Cold and The Flash are super adorable together. We can’t deny that Grant Gustin and Wentworth Miller simply look good together on screen. That is pretty much where their pairing ends, however. There’s not any real canonical support for a Leonard and Barry pairing, and from Iris to Linda, we’ve only had evidence to suggest that Barry prefers women. Still, blazing new trails away from the comics is what the TV adaptations have become known for doing, and the idea that mick347 has illustrated may not be as out there as it sounds.

The two even have a cute pairing name: ColdFlash, which sounds a lot more fun than a hot flash.

Despite the fact that the show hasn’t really led us to believe it one way or another, Miller has stated that he feels the character is pansexual, which not only elated fans but also supported the character, who doesn’t really have any love interests. He is a devoted family man who loves his sister and grandfather. Although he was abused by his own father, Captain Cold has the Loki factor: he is a flirty, sympathetic villain, which makes it easy to picture him with different characters who identify as any gender.

Kara And Lena, Supergirl

So many fans desperately wish for a Kara and Lena Luthor pairing, but so far there haven’t been many concrete pieces of evidence to support the ship. While there’s been plenty of tension between the friends within their complicated relationship, much of that can be explained by their closeness– unless it’s something more? The fact that Kara would stand by Lena despite her misgivings about Lena’s obvious ambiguous nature when it comes to good and evil points toward affections that may supersede platonic levels.

They have even behaved in ways that many consider flirtatious with one another.

Whether Lena’s affection toward Kara is solely based on her need to manipulate the hero calls for speculation, and it’s likely that there’s just as much a mess there with the villain’s complex feelings as there is with her own conscience. Artist plastic-pipes offers up a piece that almost makes us believe that love doesn’t have to be nearly as complicated, the simplicity of the kiss a complete juxtaposition to their TV relationship.

Although this somewhat unexpected pairing isn’t completely out of left field, we’re still waiting for it to become canon in the Supergirl universe. It may have more of a shot than many other ships, particularly given its huge fan following.

Sam And Lucifer, Supernatural

If it were true, it would be the ultimate case of Stockholm Syndrome. Sammy has zero business being in love with Lucifer, AKA Satan, AKA the person who abused and tormented him body and soul. The idea of the two together makes Beauty and the Beast look like the ultimate modern love story. Yet there are plenty of people who supporting this pairing, as is illustrated in artist Kumagorochan’s “H8” piece -  a reference to the pro-gay marriage photo campaign many celebrities participated in.

We’re all about this campaign but Sam and Lucifer probably aren’t the right poster men to give it a face. Even here it looks as if Sam wishes to speak and Lucifer won’t allow him to do so.

What is it that makes this pairing persist? Even if one could argue that Sam enjoys pain in a relationship, it can’t be said that any of it was consensual in Supernatural. While the allure of Mark Pellegrino as a handsome and talented actor, as well as his character as a compelling villain, both make sense, the idea of Sam and Satan just isn’t a go. The artist also created a Cas and Dean version, which makes much more sense and we could totally get behind.

The Flash And Green Lantern, The Flash

No, they aren’t anywhere near canon, but some fans of The Flash are crossing their fingers for a romance between The Flash and Green Lantern to develop soon. Green Lantern Alan Scott, for fans who don’t know, was announced an openly gay man in 2012, and the idea of the two together is irresistible. They almost make a full traffic light.

Fans are practically clamoring for Green Lantern to join the team of supers that the CW has assembled to create a full team, and despite the fact that Barry remains interested in women as far as we can tell, many think that a GL and Flash pairing would really liven things up on the network.

Don’t think the unexpected pairing would be cute? Just check out Jazz-4’s picture of the two together. Barry is one of Green Lantern’s very best friends in the comics so it makes sense for them to be close, but it’s a new era for superheroes in media where a pairing would not only be supported but also really work.

The two used to pair up for heroics and to go on double dates with one another. Why wouldn’t it make sense for that to happen again, only with the double part removed?

Sam and Gabriel & Dean and Castiel, Supernatural

Although some authors take umbrage over fans using their characters in different ways, it seems like the biggest form of flattery when a fan utilizes a character in a completely new light. Take, for example, the passionate fanbase supporting Dean Winchester and Castiel’s possible romance on Supernatural. It’s not canon but it’s common enough to be included in gag reals and the occasional smolder. There’s evidence to support the fandom throughout the series, which lends it a bit more credence than some other ships.

It seems like many fans want the same to happen between Sam Winchester and Gabriel, the trickster god and secret angel, as seen in this double-pairing piece by MissArtsyy. While we can’t argue with how cute Moose and Loki would be, it seems like a stretch, especially compared to Dean and Cas.

The kind of tension that pulses between Dean and Cas just isn’t there, even if Gabriel seems to be the Jack Harkness of Supernatural. While Sam has pined for some otherworldly beings in the past (including a werewolf he slept with and subsequently took out, which is messed up in so many ways), he’s never really shown an inclination toward any of the angels.

Clark Kent And Chloe, Smallville

Most Clark Kent fans root for him to be with his soulmate, Lois Lane, but we all know that Superman’s had a few lovers over the years, including Lana Lang and Lori Lemaris, which makes us think that he’s partial to the initials and perhaps shops at L. L. Bean. So he can venture outside of what everyone believes to be the true pairing of Superman stories, particularly in fan fantasies, such as drawmynextdream’ piece here, right? If only fans got their wishes.

Many fans consider a Chloe and Clark pairing the one that “should have been,” as they wished for something more from the pair’s complicated friendship on the show.

A failed date and years of Chloe being in love with her friend gave them a richer history than many of these unexpected pairings, but they are a couple whom many did expect to finally get together eventually. If a tornado interrupts your first date, you’re either destined to be together as survivors of the storm or doomed.

They ultimately ended up remaining one of the most steadfast friendships among any station, making us appreciate the two just as much as allies and friends rather than as potential love interests.

Klaus Mikaelson And Rebekah Mikaelson, The Originals

In OriginalTequila’s rendering, Klaus Mikaelson and Rebekah Mikaelson appear to make a handsome couple - if you don’t realize that the two are brother and sister. Okay, so they are half-brother and half-sister, making them much less creepy than, say, the twins Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, but they’re still related by blood nonetheless.

Klaus’s protective nature of his sister reflect a brotherly love, but some fans have taken it further into a non-platonic state, picturing the Original Hybrid and the Original Vampire as a couple known. This it’s pretty taboo, even for a series about vampires, werewolves, and witches. The fans who support this unexpected pairing point out Klaus’ controlling attitude toward Rebecca, his jealous behavior about her romance with Marcel, and Rebecca’s irrational dedication to her brother despite his abusive behavior toward her.

Of course, it’s not the only CW family pairing that fans enjoy speculating about. Supernatural’s Dean and Sam Winchester are frequently paired together romantically by fans. Riverdale has alluded to the idea on the show itself, prompting fans to support Cheryl and Jason Blossom as an item. In Klaus and Rebekah’s case, it’s also generally frowned upon to stab your lover, so even if they weren’t related it might not be the healthiest relationship.

Castiel And Balthazar, Supernatural

Castiel and Dean? Yep, it’s harder to not see that possibility than to claim it’s invisible. Cas and fellow angel Balthazar? That’s a little more far-fetched. Although artist Kim777777 argues that “maybe Cas manipulates Balthazar by using his… charm,” and that Balthazar truly loves Cas, we’d have to point out that Cas seems most infatuated with Dean Winchester, and that, while the two have a strong fan following, Cas and Balthazar seem much more brotherly in their affection for one another.

That’s not to discount the idea, but there’s a reason why Castiel kept bringing Dean back and was unable to off Dean, though he had no problem taking out Balthazar when he stood in Cas’s way when the angel wanted to open Purgatory. Perhaps because he carries the torch for the elder Winchester and not his angelic brother.

We do get wanting to pair the two together, though.

Balthazar’s hedonistic nature would even out the straight-laced Cas, opening him to new things, much like Dean has attempted to do.

Some have even referred to Balthazar as the angelic version of Dean, so it’s no wonder why so many fans support this unexpected pairing. Still, taking out your love interest would be a poor way to demonstrate your affection.

Kol Mikaelson And Bonnie Bennett, The Originals and Vampire Diaries

There’s a reason why some people will never become a couple, and that reason is because they hate one another. To be fair, that can often occur after people have been partners for a while, too, but the idea of Kol Mikaelson and Bonnie Bennet as a couple makes absolutely no sense unless you fall for the “I can save the bad guy!” trope.

The two have only had negative interactions, and those limited instances almost always involved attacking one another with the goal of the other’s demise. Threats, physical fighting, and using one another, whether to open the veil or as a handy place to stick a stake, do not a positive relationship make.

So where is the allure for those who support Kol and Bonnie getting together? For some, like artist MirelaC, it all simply comes down to an entire alternate universe. What if the witch and vampire could get along? What if they could bridge the gap between their kinds, fight for a world of peace and light and start a whole new version of Woodstock?

All joking aside, these two should probably not become romantically involved. If they had kids, the custody battles alone would be catastrophic.

Dean And Benny, Supernatural

The relationship between Dean Winchester and Benny Lafitte on Supernatural works well as both a romance and a friendship. The two became close in Purgatory and Dean helped the vampire escape only to become involved in his drama on the mortal coil. Dean’s fierce loyalty to Benny is what lends the pairing its romantic support, since it largely aligns with the same kind of devotion we’ve witnessed between Castiel and Dean.

The fact that Dean has given Sam so much trouble over the years over the creatures his brother sympathized with only to become buddy-buddy with a vamp didn’t escape fans’ notice.

In angelus2hot’s piece featuring the pairing, we can see how cute the hunter and the hunted look together as a couple, and in the show we witnessed just how well they work together, fighting in tandem in a way we’ve really only seen Dean perform with his brother.

In this vein, we could totally see the case being made that the two only share a brotherly affection, as the show certainly depicts, but there’s enough nuance to give this pairing some credence, too. Still, you have to wonder if a relationship where one partner chops the head off of another could possibly last.

Archie And Jughead, Riverdale

Readers of the Archie comics know that this pairing seems un likely, but when considered on Riverdale terms the idea isn’t as strange as it seems. On the contrary, Jughead and Archie make a handsome couple, and if they showed interest for each other at any point, fans would surely go gaga over the pairing.

Jughead’s orientation has always been a topic of interest, especially given his lack of interest in the girls of Riverdale in the comics. He prefers food to romance, but what if he simply preferred male love interests in a time when it wasn’t culturally popular to admit so in the comics? Still other fans claim the character is ace, but an on-screen kiss with Betty Cooper seemed to be a slap in the face to his entire history.

Some might argue that there’s no chance that Archie, who’s always loved the ladies, might have a thing for his buddy Jughead but it’s definitely not impossible. The twists the show has taken from the comic come at a time when the world is more accepting of all relationships and hopefully the day will come soon when everyone supports LGBTQ love. What better way to prove that acceptance than to feature a bi Archie in the most all-American comic of all time?

In the meantime, we have art like this sweet piece by LunaticQueenArt to help us imagine what the two might look like together.

 Harrison Wells And Caitlin Snow, The Flash

Is it that far-fetched to picture Caitlin Snow and Harrison Wells as an item? Some might argue that the two, a widow and a widower, could find much in common, and they both know what it’s like to have multiple identities. Caitlin Snow has been trapped in an unfortunate duality that causes her constant conflict, but Caitlin seems to be a decent match for Harrison as opposed to Eobard Thawne.

Caitlin seems to have managed balancing her dark and light sides. She’s not only pushed past Killer Frost in order to save her team, but also discovered that the persona has been with her throughout her entire life.

If Harrison could be himself and not his own cruel counterparts, they could very well make a great couple, right?

Probably not, in all honesty, given their histories, timelines and current status, but that doesn’t stop artists like AceWest picturing what they might look like together if they were a couple. We have to admit that there are enough striking similarities between the two to make the possibility an interesting one. If watching comic adaptations has taught us anything, it’s to never rule anything out, no matter how far-fetched it may seem.

Klaus Mikaelson And Elena Gilbert, The Originals

The idea of Klaus Mikaelson and Elena Gilbert pairing up is definitely a surprising one.  Even the artist here, huruekrn-ackles, admits that the pairing isn’t a favorite! The piece’s creator supports Elena and Damon, which is where the show The Vampire Diaries takes us. It’s a pairing that makes sense, even if it’s not as creative as others, and it caused plenty of tension and controversy among CW fans while Elena was asleep, but it was wrapped neatly in a bow for fans by the series finale.

The idea of Klaus and Elena together is interesting, but would ultimately be toxic. They have taken out people in each other’s lives. Klaus took Elena’s life at one point and she plotted to end him as well. The hostile pair would be a perfect example of what happens when people who are wrong for one another hook up, joining The Joker and Harley Quinn as a nightmarish representation of romance. They should be on a poster warning the dangers of volatile relationships, not an example of love. Still, the artistic licence is one that stretches far and wide. Who knows? Maybe someone has written a fanfic that makes it all seem logical.