Over the years, there have been several attempts to create crossovers between Marvel and DC characters, resulting in some pretty epic clashes. However, there is one fight that superhero fans are despiarate to find out the outcome of: who would win in a a fight between Black Panther and Batman?

These characters are an ideal match-up due to the many similarities between the two. Both are extremely wealthy, they are some of the most intelligent characters in their respective universes, they are practitioners of virtually every form of known martial arts, and they possess an arsenal of weapons, gadgets, and vehicles at their disposal.

However, while they both heroes may share some similarities, they are also polar opposites in other ways. One of the biggest differences is that they each follow their own moral code. As king of Wakanda and an Avenger, Black Panther is often makes tough decisions for the safety of his people and by extent the world. This also means taking the lives of criminals to save the lives of innocent people.

Batman, on the other hand, refuses to take a life, no matter the reason. As a result, it is not surprising that he and T’Challa would clash over something like this. Moral code aside, there several other reasons that could justify a potential clash between these two.

Fortunately, fans can depict clashes between them through the creation of memes.

Here is a list featuring 20 Batman Vs Black Panther Memes That Will Make Fans Choose.

The Question That Started It All


Battles between superheroes are always a highly debated topic. Take, for example, the topic of Batman versus Superman. This match-up has been one of the most sensitive topics for fans both before and after Batman v. Superman.

However, it is often the case that we can’t help but wonder what would happen if the Dark Knight sought out other opponents. The following meme depicts the important question of what would happen if Batman encountered the Black Panther.

Who would win? Who is the better fighter and smarter tactician? Whose suit and technology would triumph?

These are just some of the questions that pop up.

The Dangers of Being A Superhero

While being a superhero does have its perks, people often forget that it is not all fun and games. Most of the time, heroes are born due to the aftermath of a tragic event that changed their lives. Such was the case with heroes like Batman and Black Panther.

For T’Challa, in certain adaptations, his goal is to avenge his father’s demise and to become a man worthy of inheriting the title of king and Black Panther.

Batman’s tragic backstory, while somewhat similar to Black Panther’s, is filled with far more tragedy.

Following the loss of his parents, Bruce had no other family to rely on, a stark contrast to T’Challa who still had his family to support him. If it was not for Alfred’s presence in his life, he would have turned out much differently. In terms of tragedy, Batman’s pain far surpasses that of Black Panther.

 Marvel’s Batman

Both Batman and Black Panther represent some of the best superheroes in all of comics. Both are insanely rich, are members of powerful superhero groups, and rely on technology, martial arts, and stealth instead of powers to achieve victory over their foes.

There are so many similarities between the two, that many have claimed that Black Panther is basically Marvel’s own version of the Dark Knight. However, for someone like the Batman, the idea that there can be someone so closely identical to him is nothing short of surprising.

In the meme above, Batman at first asks the question in a nonchalant manner. However, once he see’s Black Panther in action, his expression suddenly becomes one of concern and surprise.

 Skinner Mixes His Franchises

In The Simpsons episode, “My Big Fat Geek Wedding” Principal Skinner challenges Comic Book Guy to a fight to win back the affections of his former fiancee Edna Krabappel.

While attending a comic book convention, both characters are dressed for the occasion. While Comic Book Guy dresses up as a popular Star Trek character, Skinner arrives dressed in a Catwoman costume, which he believes was Catman.

By applying this scene, a new meme is born. As shown above, Catman is replaced with Black Panther. Although it does not technically feature the actual Batman, it can’t be helped that we would support Black Panther as he watches Skinner attempt to portray him - even if he does get it wrong.

 The Martha Gag Never Gets Old

Following the conclusion of Batman and Superman’s battle in Batman v Superman, there were many fans left disappointed. After all, it seems far-fetched that all it took for them to stop fighting was that their mothers share a similar name.

Even now, years after its release, the internet keeps finding ways to create memes focusing on this moment. It has even been used alongside the scene featuring T’challa’s most recent famous quote “get this man a shield” to poke fun at both Batman and Superman.

Even now, years after the film’s release, fans are still finding creative ways to mock them.

This is an especially big blow to Batman, who lost his composure after he heard Superman call his mother’s name.

Thankfully, Black Panther does not have this problem in his own film.

The First Insult

As one of the greatest heroes in the Marvel universe, Black Panther has had many years to craft his image. Even amongst other superheroes, including his fellow Avengers, T’Challa is a breed apart.

Regardless of the accomplishments of his fellow heroes, very few of them come close to reaching the level of Black Panther’s accomplishments. This includes being one of the few beings in the universe capable of wielding the Infinity Gauntlet.

It stands to reason that calling him anything else other than his official title is nothing short of an insult.

Even if he is compared to another accomplished hero like Batman, anyone who thinks of calling him something like the “African Batman” is liable to get a taste of his vibranium claws.

Deadpool Breaks The Taboo

Deadpool has proven many times that he is not afraid to break the fourth wall. This allows him to delve into some pretty weird, crossover territory.

For example, take his conversation with Black Panther in the meme above. Due to his habit of breaking the fourth wall, Deadpool often makes references to the DC universe. As a result, he ends up asking Black Panther a taboo question and compares him to Batman.

This leads him into a wild chase with him running away from Black Panther calling out to Superman for help. As it stands, the Man of Steel may be the only one capable of saving him from Black Panther’s fury.

 Internet Parody 

No matter the situation he is in, most of the time Batman finds a way to emerge victorious. Whether its against small time criminals or large-scale threats such as an invasion from god-like beings, Batman always finds a way.

This leads to a widely held belief that no matter the situation he is in, Batman will always manage to emerge victorious.  How is this reasoning justified? Most of the time, its simply because he is Batman.

In this meme, taken from a clip from the How It Should Have Ended YouTube series we observe such a situation.

It is a recurring theme in this series that Batman constantly rubs in other heroes faces that he is Batman.

This includes Black Panther, who has been in just as many perilous situations.

Black Panther The Cat Whisperer

Despite not being perfect, there are still several things about Justice League that makes it a memorable film. This includes the scenes in which Bruce Wayne goes to meet Arthur Curry, aka Aquaman.

Upon meeting Arthur Curry, Bruce quickly deduces his identity which leads to a somewhat heated exchange that ends with him stating, “I hear you talk to fish.” This meme adapts the elements of this scene, only instead of Aquaman, Black Panther takes his place.

One can’t help but laugh at the exchange between the two depicted in this meme.

Bruce’s joking tone stating that T’Challa can talk to cats is an unforgettable meme that will stay with us for many years to come.

The Final Warning

As stated in the previously, it is not a good idea to call Black Panther anything other than his official title. One especially vexing occurrence is him being compared to the likes of Batman. While Batman is an accomplished hero in his own right (and has even become a god more than once) the fact remains that he is no Black Panther.

In this meme, we get a glimpse of what happens when someone calls him the “African Batman” one too many times.

What better way to get this point across than to take his frustrations out on Winter Soldier.

Black Panther establishes a warning that calling him the “African Batman” will be rewarded with a vibranium powered kick to the head.

A Hero’s Weapon Of Choice

Batman, Iron Man, and Black Panther are some of the biggest heavy-hitters in their respective franchises. Although they are all insanely rich, each one utilizes a different fighting style that is compatible with their respective suits.

For Iron Man, his weapon of choice is his repulsor blasts, a standard weapon for any version of the Iron Man armor. For Batman, his weapon of choice is his utility belt, which possesses several compartments containing a plethora of weapons and gadgets. Whether it involves offense, defense, or carrying out detective work, his utility belt has everything he needs to fight crime.

Black Panther, on the other hand, is a different story. Due to his vibranium suit, he does not need to carry a weapon. All he really needs to fight crime are his hands.

What MCU Stands For

One of the most popular memes to date is one featuring both Batman and Robin. Taken from a scene from the old comics, the image features Batman slapping Robin. Memes that use this image usually have Robin say something unwise which gets him a slap on behalf of his mentor.

In this version of the meme, Robin tells Batman his intentions to go see Black Panther. However, Batman responds by slapping him and stating that MCU only stands for “Major Crimes Unit."

The purpose of this meme is to make it clear the impossibility for the MCU to exist within the DC universe.

The term Major Crimes Unit is usually something that is referenced throughout both DC comics and films, such as Nolan’s film series and in Gotham.

Who knew Batman was so touchy about acknowledging the MCU’s existence in his own universe?

Clint Vs Black Panther: Batman Style

One of the best moments in Captain America: Civil War are the scenes depicting conflict between both Steve and Tony’s factions. In addition to some epic battles, these scenes also include some humorous dialogue between member’s of the opposing factions. One such interaction occurs between Hawkeye and Black Panther.

Despite realizing that he is possibly outmatched against Black Panther, Hawkeye playfully attempts to introduce himself to him. However, he rebukes his attempts by stating that he is not at all interested. What follows next is Hawkeye getting his bow handed to him in a fight against Black Panther.

Thanks to a popular meme from the old Batman comics where said hero slaps Robin, we get a condensed version of Panther and Hawkeye’s fight.

Suit Off

Some heroes tend to use technology or special equipment to compensate for their lack of superpowers. In cases like these, fans can’t help but point out the advantages between superheroes and the equipment they use. This leads us to watch how Tony, Bruce, and T’Challa determine which of their suits is the best.

In Tony’s case, he states that his armor is the better of the three due to its durability and advanced weaponry. Batman believes his suit is superior due to its many applications in communications, body armor, and other assorted crime fighting technologies all rolled into a highly effective stealth suit.

T’Challa blows away the competition by pointing out that his suit combines the applications of both suits into one.

Plus, let’s not forget that his armor is indestructible.

Battle of the Jets

As far as superhero vehicles go, nothing is cooler than jets. For both Batman and Black Panther, their choices in aircraft surpasses most other vehicles, especially Wonder Woman’s invisible jet.

In Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Night Rises, Batman manages to add a personalized jet into his arsenal of vehicles. However, when it comes down to it, even that Batman’s jet does not compare to the Wakandan aircraft from Black Panther.

Like Batman’s jet, Black Panther’s choice in aircraft has stealth capabilities, including a cloaking device, as well as an arsenal of offensive weaponry. Furthermore, as with other vehicles in Wakanda, the jet is made with vibranium, making it nearly indestructible to anything aside from vibranium rounds and weapons. Furthermore, its overall design makes it far more aerodynamic.

Batman Meets Black Panther… Sort Of

When superheroes meet up for the first time it is important for both sides to make a good first impression. In this meme, we observe how a meeting between heroes can go awry.

Upon meeting each other, Black Panther makes a good impression by addressing the Dark Knight by his title in a respectful manner. Unfortunately for Batman, he botches his attempt in the most awkward way possible.

Instead of addressing Black Panther by his title, he makes the mistake of addressing him as Catwoman.

Despite his attempts to try and save face, it is too late. The damage is already done, and Batman’s normally serious persona takes a huge hit. All that’s left is a tense and extremely awkward atmosphere.

Black Panther’s Privilege

Most superheroes need to work hard in their day jobs to cover for their superhero activities. Batman, however, is an exception to this rule. Thanks to his fortune, he is easily able to cover the costs that come with being a superhero. However, when it comes to privilege, even he is nothing when compared to the Black Panther.

While his wealth is an important factor to consider, Black Panther’s privilege includes more than that. As the leader of a country, Black Panther also has the benefit of diplomatic immunity and can easily acquire access to information that would otherwise be impossible for Bruce (or Batman) to obtain.

With such overwhelming power and privilege at his finger tips, it is no wonder that Black Panther makes Bruce Wayne look like he is working class.

Black Panther Puts The Billionaires In their Place

It is no secret that, in terms of hand-to-hand combat and technology, Black Panther has Batman beat. Under such circumstances, you would think that he at least surpasses him when it comes to matters involving money.

Unfortunately, for him, this is not the case. As the ruler of the country of Wakanda, the Black Panther has access to a mountains worth of vibranium. This alone makes him the richest person, not only on earth, but the entire Marvel universe as well.

Even if one were to combine the net worth of both Batman and Iron Man, they still would not come close to reaching T’Challa’s value.

That is why with so much money comes great responsibility, and he is all too eager to put both billionaires in their place.

I Don’t Care

In Captain America: Civil War, T’Challa is introduced to the MCU. In this film, he is searching for Winter Soldier, whom he believes is responsible for ending his father. This leads him to siding with Tony Stark’s faction against Captain America and his team. Eventually Black Panther comes face to face with Hawkeye, who introduces himself, only for him to reply with “I don’t care.”

With those words alone, the film creates the material for one of the best memes on the internet. One such example is shown in the meme above. In a clip taken from Batman v Superman, Black Panther comes face to face with Batman in his Anti-Superman suit.

Despite Batman’s reputation, Black Panther does not appear concerned or impressed by him. In response, Batman counters by stating that he will learn just how fearsome he is.

Tactical Retreat

As it stands, Superman is one of the most powerful superheroes ever created. Regardless of the franchise, very few heroes and villains have been able to match him. Even in instances featuring Marvel and DC crossovers, Superman has taken on several of Marvel’s powerhouses, including both the Hulk and Juggernaut.

However, there have been a select few that have successfully beaten him. Batman just so happens to be one of them.

When Batman goes all out on against an opponent using the same suit he used to beat Superman, that leaves his opponent with two choices. They can either face him head on or make a tactical retreat and live to fight another day.

Even with the help of Captain America, Black Panther is not to keen to take on that kind of power.

Who do you like better: Black Panther or Batman? Let us know in the comments!