We’ve seen some incredibly evil villains pass through the doors of Disney throughout the years, whether they’re a part of some of the classics, a live-action flick, or something else entirely.

From The Little Mermaid’s voice-snatching Ursula to the puppy catching Cruella de Vil in 101 Dalmatians, the nastiest members of the Disney family have cemented themselves as a part of cinematic history.

Some have seen the error in their ways and repented, whilst others had to taste the fire and fury of a Disney hero scorned.

Not many people would admit it, but the Disney Big Bads have often worked their way into the hearts of audiences one way or another, becoming fan-favorites despite their willingness to take down the hero of each Disney piece.

There are some people that love the villains so much, that they dedicate hours of time and effort into turning them into works of art. We’ve seen gender-bending, huge changes in body shape, and more, but we’ve never quite seen anything like these pieces.

With all of that in mind, we’ve decided to take a look through the archives, pick out some of our favorite Disney villains, and take a look at the brilliant work done by a slew of talented artists across the web.

Here are the 16 Disney Villains Reimagined As Princesses.

Captain Hook

The brilliant blastedgoose here turns Peter Pan’s Big Bad into a ravishing Captain Hook– a woman who’s even able to tame Tick-Tock the Crocodile.

Though we’re not sure we’d be able to trust Hook even if the character did look like this, it’s certainly a step towards becoming a Disney Princess rather than one of the most formidable villains to come from the Disney universe,

From the jacket, to the hat, along with the stunning colors used, this is an incredibly loyal take on Hook, but also one that doesn’t leave too much to the imagination when it comes to the Captain’s lower half!.

We’re not sure an outfit like this would make it past Disney’s censors, but it’s certainly an interesting idea to think of a world where we’d see female Hook residing over matters.


Deviantart’s sakimichan has a knack of turning Disney characters into all-new versions of themselves, and did a brilliant job of turning the Greek Underworld’s leader into a Disney Princess.

Despite the dreamy blue eyes and the fiery icy hair, female Hades is still baring her sharp teeth and isn’t somebody you’d want to babysit little Hercules.

Still, there’s something about the character here that lures in the audience and makes you wonder just what would happen if Hades was an official Disney Princess.

Flipping the Hercules story on its head and seeing Hades as the hero, with Zeus and his bullying cronies into the villain actually doesn’t take too much imagination.

Let’s face it– Zeus can be a bit of a jock-type jerk. Just cut out the attempted death and Hades isn’t that bad, right?


Have you ever seen a more gorgeous Disney Princess in your entire life? From the trademark beard to the luscious long locks, Jafar here turns into Jara thanks to the work of one hugely talented artist.

Would Aladdin have had more of a difficult time falling in love with Princess Jasmine if this version of Jafar was around?

We highly doubt it, but that doesn’t stop us from appreciating the effort put into this genderbending beauty.

Honestly, this is a piece of art that, once you’ve seen, you just can’t stop staring at. The gorgeous starry patterned clothing showcases Jafar’s Whole New World, and with the lamp in their hands, we have to wonder just what the character has been wishing for.

Genie’s keeping well away, and can we blame him?


Deviantart’s moonprincess22 isn’t afraid to use online tools to bring some Disney Princesses to life, and here does their best in turning the evil Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty into a royal figure we can all get behind.

We’re sure Aurora and her family would have had an easier time in dealing with this green-skinned beauty, and Disney could have put this princess front-and-center of a brand new story if she’s as jolly and charming as she seems in this picture.

Though we know Maleficent is a fairy, a little jiggling around of her origin story would mean she could become a perfect Princess.

So long as her vengeful ways remain a thing of the past, we think the official Disney Princesses would take her in with open arms.

Evil Queen

From frozen-winter-prince comes Snow White’s mortal enemy, the Evil Queen, serving haute couture.

Another one that would take some editing before passing through Disney’s censors, but we’ve gotta hand it to the artist here; this is something extremely special.

Taking all of the popular elements of the Evil Queen’s original outfit, there’s just something a bit more regal and inviting about this costume.

Looking like a Princess who would put all of the other Disney Princesses in their place given the opportunity, this isn’t a character we’d want to battle.

We don’t think this Princess would be as willing to turn into the witch as her true-to-form older version did, but she’s proven she’s a strong-headed individual who won’t let anything get in the way of her grasping power.


No one flirts like Gastonette, does a twirl like Gastonette, no one is quite as busty as WortCat’s Gastonette.

Let’s just hope that this version of the Disney villain doesn’t have every inch of her covered in hair, or that smirk may just be wiped off of her face.

It’s hard to give off a cocky vibe through a single picture, but the artist here has done a brilliant job of showing off Gastonette’s swagger and self confidence.

Though we imagine she won’t be seeking the love and affection of Belle - unless she’s joining her buddy Le Fou and searching for a same-gendered partner – this Princess Gastonette would likely still see the same troubles in pinning down a Prince Charming.

When confidence turns to arrogance, people are turned off.

Oogie Boogie

Alias-Hugo has a heck of a lot of talent, and that’s what’s on display here with this brilliant female version of A Nightmare Before Christmas villain Oogie Boogie.

Those hips, slender legs, and wicked smile wouldn’t look out of place on any of the official Disney Princesses, so we think female Oogie would certainly be allowed a place in the Disney Princess Hall of Fame.

Whether or not this version of Oogie would have to resort to cheating to get her own way isn’t something we can immediately guess, but we’re sure she’d be more than willing to bring her female charm into gambling.

She’d be able to pull off a fast one with sneaky distractions, but we’re not sure she’d make friends amongst her fellow Princesses if those were the tricks she resorted to.


She may not look like the friendliest Disney Princess you’ve ever seen, but here, lunipard has certainly made Ursula look a little more appealing.

Though she still seems to be content in her mission of stealing the voice of Princess Ariel, this Princess version of the classic Disney villain would likely have an easier time.

We doubt she’d have to promise Ariel anything to lure her in, and could instead just pretend to be a friend before moving in for the kill!

The most prominent feature missing from this version of Ursula is of course the witch’s tentacles, and we would have liked to have seen the character before her successful transformation.

Still, there’s no denying the beauty in this piece– Princess Ursula will have no trouble turning heads.


We hope phil-crash-murphy has been using faux fur for his Disney Princess version of Cruella here, otherwise we’re not sure she’d be able to join the crop of official Princesses on the Disney roster.

This gorgeous piece showcases Cruella in a way we’ve never seen before, and the character wouldn’t look out of place on the Paris Fashion Week runway.

She’d be picking up the cover for Vogue Magazine in no time.

So long as she’s willing to put her love for good clothes behind the appreciation of the lives of handsome pups, this is a Cruella we can get behind.

Still, there’s a glimmer of something in her eyes that suggests her thirst for rocking the catwalk is more important to her than being popular…

Mother Gothel

Nothing’s getting tangled in this gorgeous piece from AzaleasDolls. Though there’s not too much of a change going on for Mother Gothel here, the artist involved has done a great job of turning the villainous character into one that wouldn’t look out of place fronting a Disney movie as an official Princess.

Just look at that beautiful hair, and tiny little waist– not to mention the mystifying makeup.

It’s always nice when an artist sticks to the traditional outfit when switching up a character, ensuring they’re instantly recognizable to fans.

That’s what has happened here, with Princess Gothel looking just like her Tangled counterpart, though a decade or two younger.

She’s still got her healing flower in her hand however, so perhaps that’s where her rejuvenated look has come from…

Dr. Facilier

Though she looks conniving and manipulative, this Disney Princess version of The Princess and the Frog’s Dr. Facilier (from MabyMin) would probably provide one of the most compelling lead characters ever presented in a Disney flick.

The artist here has done a great job of taking all of the elements of the original Facilier and implementing them, all while creating an entirely new look for the character.

Princess Facilier may not have the best intentions if that wicked grin is anything to go by, and we’ve got to question the pointed beard she’s rocking, but she’s not somebody we’d mess with face-to-face.

This is certainly one of the most interesting takes on how a fan-favorite villain would look if they switched things up and became a Princess.


Deviantart’s blastedgoose makes another appearance here, with one of the most gorgeous genderbending pieces of art we’ve ever seen.

Stromboli is of course the evil puppeteer from Pinocchio; a man who was willing to do whatever it took to ensure his show was a success, and his money kept coming in.

However, what if Stromboli had actually been a female?

Princess Stromboli also looks willing to put her morality aside if it’s to bring her good fortune, with the artist here even turning her puppets into some nasty looking fiends.

The knee high socks and heels of course bring in an extra element of female allure, and that huge grin is unmistakably Stromboli-esque.

Overall, a perfect piece that must have taken plenty of time to put together.


After seeing The Hunchback of Notre Dame, we didn’t think we’d ever want to see Frollo again, but this Disney Princess version is just a little less scary than the original.

Deviantart user starrtobe93 put together the piece on AzaleaDolls, and the gorgeous outfit is an instantly recognizable piece. This isn’t a woman that could be so cruel to Quasimodo, right?

Whatever the case may be, we just had to include this gendenbending work of art. The deep purple is immediately striking, whilst the white hair catches attention in a second.

Pairing that with the pose elicited by the character, and Princess Frollo just had to be added to our collection.

Let’s just hope that this version of the character isn’t one that will end up falling to their death in a fiery pit! Or falling in lust with the gypsy Esmeralda.

Governor Ratcliffe

Another beautiful piece here from blastedgoose, who has done the unthinkable and turned Governor Ratcliffe into someone we can look at without wrinkling up our noses.

If you were in any doubt as to who you were dealing with here, Percy the Pug is unmistakable, striking a pose upon his royal pillow.

You’d be forgiven for thinking the big red bows in Ratcliffe’s hair were a new addition by this artist, but looking back at the original shows that they’ve always been there, albeit a lot smaller.

The feather in Ratcliffe’s cap remains a shade of blue, but the Governess’s socks turn into stockings, allowing her to show off a little bit (or a lot) of leg.

The only thing missing is Ratcliffe’s signature sword, but perhaps this is a Princess that comes in peace?

Queen Of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts has never looked so good. From frozen-winter-prince, we’re sure Alice would have had a much easier time in Wonderland if this is the leader she’d been presented with.

In saying that, she still has the snooty look and would likely have no trouble telling people where to go if they crossed her. Remember, she’s never been afraid to call for somebody’s head…

This sketch is honestly divine. The colors used are rich and vibrant, whilst every single part of the outfit comes together to serve one of the best reimaginings of a Disney character we’ve ever seen.

Though the bust may have to be a little more covered, and the dress come a little lower down the thighs to pass Disney’s censors, this is a gorgeous piece that we’d love to see up on the big screen.

When all else fails, turn a whole host of Disney villains into Disney Princesses, That’s what this brilliant artist has done, with some of the nastier Disney characters looking happier than others in their new clothes.

Hades has been borrowing from Cinderella’s closet, whilst Governor Ratcliffe seems to be more of a Snow White fan. Gaston however is sticking close to home, asking Belle and her beastly beau for some beauty tips.

These are some of the funniest Photoshops we’ve seen when it comes to Disney, and whilst there’s the simple swapping of one face for another’s body, we’re not sure we’re ever going to be able to get them out of our heads.

This is the stuff nightmares are made of. See you in our dreams, ladies.

What do you think of these evil princesses? Would you want to see them on the big screen? Let us know in the comments!