Has there ever been a love that’s more pure and sacred than the legendary romance between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez?

Well, yes. Absolutely. No question. However, that doesn’t change the fact that Justin and Selena are very much the Romeo and Juliet for a certain generation.

Doesn’t it just make perfect sense that these two rising stars would be a couple? The two have colossal fanbases of their own rights, but it’s bewildering to see how many people became invested in this relationship between these two growing young adults.

As far as they were concerned, if Justin and Selena couldn’t make it, then love must be over. It’s not easy to be young and in the spotlight, but to have your first real relationship in the public eye must also make things impossibly more difficult.

So while these two were a symbol of love for many fans, it’s not surprising to hear that this stressed relationship came to an end.

In spite of this, it looks like “Jelena” may be back and that the world is in store for the second coming of their relationship.

In honor of the rumblings, rumors, and the notorious history between the two of them, here are the 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber’s Relationship.

Selena Gomez Has Referred To Justin As Her “Little Brother”

This is the sort of thing that could utterly break a guy’s heart and eternally keep him in the friend zone if it wasn’t being done as subterfuge, like it is here.

Selena’s quite the effective deceiver here and she basically plays the perfect move to get everyone off of her and Justin’s scent… for a little while.

Weirdly enough, Ellen DeGeneres and her day-time talk show Ellen have been quite instrumental in sussing out information about Jelena.

DeGeneres questioned Gomez about their relationship when it was in its infancy and Selena played ignorant and referred to her boyfriend as her little brother (“He’s little! He’s like my little brother!”).

In spite of Gomez’ protests, Ellen was able to call her on her white lies and address the truth a year later when Justin and Selena’s relationship was out in the public and no longer a secret.

The Two Attended Justin’s Father’s Wedding Together

A very recent event in the Jelena timeline places the two of them at the wedding of Justin’s father. There has still been discussion over whether Justin and Selena are officially back in a relationship, but it’s behavior like this that certainly makes it look like they are.

Even if they aren’t, it seems like Selena is so indoctrinated in the Bieber family that Justin would want her there for his father’s special moment.

One of the more interesting things about this date between Justin and Selena is its extravagant nature. The whole thing came about when on the way to his father’s Caribbean-set wedding on February 19, 2018– Justin stopped his flight in Texas to pick up Selena and take her along.

This came right after the two spent Valentine’s Day together and were spotted at church. Sometimes the two go the whole minimalist route, but not here.

Gomez’ Famous Friends And Family Don’t Approve

It’s tough when your friends don’t like the new person who you’re dating, but it’s even tougher when your friends are Taylor Swift and other stars. Swift notoriously threw some first class shade at the pair back at 2013’s Billboard Music Awards. Swift apparently cannot contain her disgust.

Selena’s mother, Mandy Teefey, has also gone on the record for not being a fan of Justin and wasn’t happy when the two recently got back together.

Some people even thought that when the two broke up again, it was because of Selena’s mother’s disapproval, although Selena has denied this and said that she makes her own decisions.

That being said, whether it’s Justin-related or not, Selena and Mandy are not on great terms and have even unfollowed each other on Instagram. That’s final straw-level behavior.

Justin Has A (Now Covered) Tattoo Of Selena

The cherub-faced good boy image that Justin Bieber debuted with is now a thing of the past. Justin might not necessarily be “hard” now, but actions like covering his torso with tattoos is the sort of thing you do when you want a change in image.

Justin has a lot of tattoos, but one of the most significant ones is an inked version of Selena Gomez that adorns his left wrist. Curiously, after Justin and Selena’s initial break up, Justin tried to erase the constant reminder of his lost love by covering it up.

Justin says that he used a bunch of shading to change Selena’s appearance, but he admits that people still know that it’s his ex.

It’s was even more awkward when they get back together and she discovered that he had changed her face. For what it’s worth, Gomez is a big fan of Bieber’s more recent heavily inked appearance.

Selena Isn’t Afraid To Speak Her Mind And Call Out Justin

Break ups can be messy to begin with, even for those who don’t have their entire lives on display for the world. During the dark times after Justin and Selena broke up, there was a bit of a beef on Instagram that threw Jelena fans into a frenzy.

Justin had posted some romantic pictures of him with his new girlfriend, Sofia Richie. The Internet masses were ready to throw Justin to the fire over this display and rather than take his side, Selena only further stoked those flames and chastised his behavior.

Selena let her true thoughts be known when she attacked Justin for his public affection and said that those kind of photos should be private.

Clearly Selena was hurting over Justin’s new love, but her words still probably made Justin think twice about posting his next date night photo.

They Go To Church Together

It might be a little jarring to head off to church and then find Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez sharing your pew. All of those people spilling out tons of cash for concert tickets and all along the best place to see them was in a sanctuary.

When Justin and Selena gave their relationship another go, Justin was quite eager to prove that he had changed and shed his rebellious ways. One of the ways in which Justin did this was with his heavy commitment to his religion, which would often reveal itself through his church attendance.

This new outlook worked for Selena and she embraced it in a big way with Justin. The two would often go to church as a pair and on some days they would even attend twice. That’s severe commitment.

The two probably harmonize really well on those hymns, though.

Selena Will Wear Justin’s Clothes

Justin and Selena take sharing up a notch in a way that speaks volumes about the communal, comfortable nature of their relationship.

Selena has been seen out in public a number of times in Justin’s garb. This is certainly sweet and is significant in the sense that Selena isn’t strapped for cash and has quite the wardrobe at her disposal.

This decision is a lot more significant, especially when she’s even been out in grosser items like Justin’s sweaty hockey jersey. If that’s not love, then what is?

Selena is someone who has quite the image to uphold and there have been times where she’s been eager to shed any association at all with Justin.

However, this is the opposite of that. Don’t expect Justin to be pushing out in Selena’s outfits any time soon, but it’s cute to see that they can share a wardrobe.

Justin Went On The Record to Get Selena Back

Many fans may not want to think of the dark span of time between 2014 and 2017 when Justin and Selena weren’t an item any longer, but there was still some sweet behavior that grew from that period.

Both Justin and Selena took the break up hard and expressed their pain in various ways. Years later, Justin eventually reached a stage of remorseful for losing Selena and took his past childish behavior to task.

People magazine broke the news and were happy to carry Justin’s message, “He knows what he did wrong in the past and understands that Selena deserves better. He wants to be with her and will do anything to prove he can be a great boyfriend.”

That’s quite the move and it could be really embarrassing if Selena doesn’t reciprocate, but Justin definitely seems to need Selena more than she needs him.

The Two Reunited Their Love Affair In 2017

Right when hopeless Jelena supporters were ready to give up forever, they were thrown the most beautiful of life preservers in 2017.

Not only were Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez finally back together, but this was an older and more mature Justin and Selena. Maybe Jelena 2.0 will have learned from their past mistakes and this time they will actually last.

Maybe it will have turned out that their time apart is exactly what they needed to realize how much they missed each other and how perfect they were together. Or perhaps it was just good timing mixed with desperation.

After the very public break up between Justin and Selena in 2014, the world lost their minds in October of 2017 when the two were finally back together, after Selena’s breakup with The Weeknd.

The reunion was marked with a number of public dates together, like bike rides and ice-skating.

They Perform Choreographed Dance Videos And Routines

Even though Justin and Selena are both incredible performers, they’ve mostly kept their careers separate and there’s little overlap between the two.

However, this doesn’t change the fact that fans would love to see these two release an album of love duets or something else that drips in romance. The fact that these two leave their collaborations for special occasions makes them all the more significant when they do happen.

One such instance happened when the two debuted a romantic dance routine to John Legend’s “Ordinary People”. The video was the couple’s way of publicizing their renewed relationship, but apparently the choreography routine is nothing new for the couple.

Dances like this are par for the course for the duo, they just don’t share them with the public. This video shows such clear chemistry between the two of them that surely even their sloppy routines are still filled with passion.

The First Date Was At IHOP

Fans might have fairy tale images of the first date between Justin and Selena, but the two aren’t afraid to keep it simple. The two went to an IHOP for their first official date, which also made for the first time that the two were photographed together as a couple.

At the time, the two were still in denial mode about their early love, but it’s interesting to see them go somewhere humble rather than the typical celebrity spots.

Not only that, but when the two go out to eat, Justin plays the consummate gentleman and always pay (and even orders) for Selena.

The two have a tendency to hit up more “normal” places and do ordinary, “regular” activities rather than flashing their cash. So if some place like Chili’s is your typical hangout spot, maybe you’ll even run into this famous couple.

Justin’s First “Move” Was Singing To Selena On National Television

First impressions are huge and some people can’t look past them. It’s part of the reason why the whole “meet-cute” aspect has become such a mandatory trope of the romantic comedy genre.

Everyone wants that special, magical “love at first sight” moment that implies that their romance is something bigger than normal.

While a lot of people can get carried away with their emotions, Justin actually pulled out a pretty smooth move in order to get on Selena’s radar and win her heart early on.

Technically the first big Jelena moment goes back to when these two fresh-faced musicians performed a duet on New Year’s Eve almost a decade ago back in 2009.

The two performed together on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve and there’s already clear chemistry between the two of them there. It’s easy to see how this helped push the two of them together.

Justin Was Selena’s First Love

There are a lot of fans out there who believe that Justin and Selena belong together simply because they were each other’s first loves. That’s a deeply sweet sentiment, but one that’s not always realistic, especially when the two people in this relationship are celebrities.

There’s a whole lot that can go on and the definitions of what Hollywood relationships even are, especially for younger stars, are increasingly fluid.

Regardless, People magazine broke the news that not only was Justin her first love, but that Selena also never really got over him.

“Justin was Selena’s first love. He will always have a special place in her heart. She’s always held out hope that one day the circumstances and timing would be right.” It looks like the timing was finally right.

Justin Rented Out The Entire Staples Center For A Movie Night

Justin and Selena are super celebrities after all, so they’re entitled to throw around their weight a little bit and act like extravagant fools if they’d like. There’s extravagant, though, and then there’s this sort of crazy behavior that only the mega famous call pull off.

Back in 2011, People broke the news that Justin rented out the entire L.A. Staples Center for an evening. The reason? He wanted to have a quiet date night with his girlfriend.

Yep, entertainment for the evening at the esteemed Staples Center was canceled so Justin and Selena could get cozy and watch Titanic together.

That’s the kind of stunt that gets pulled for a marriage proposal, not James Cameron’s filmography. Much like Rose and Jack, it looks like Selena and Justin have never been able to truly let go of each other.

They’ve Written Songs About Each Other And Their Relationship

It makes a lot of sense that these two young lovers and musicians would inevitably write a bunch of songs about one another and their time together, both when they were together and apart.

Admittedly, the two have written songs about other loves too, but Justin and Selena remain significant here because there are so many songs where the other one is the inspiration.

Between 2013 and 2015 there was “Nobody Does It Like You”, “Come & Get It”, “Heartbreaker”, “Forget Forever”, “All That Matters”, “Hold Tight”, “The Heart Wants What It Wants”, “I Want You To Know”, and “Where Are U Now.”

Selena’s “Love Will Remember” was about their breakup and Justin’s “Bad Day” also touches on their painful past. There are even three songs on Justin’s album, Purpose (“What Do You Mean?”, “Sorry”, and “Mark My Words”) that are about their relationship.

Can you think of any other crazy facts about Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber’s relationship? Sound off in the comments!