Batman has now joined the ranks of The Walking Dead, Borderlands, and Back to the Future to receive the Telltale treatment. The second episode of the video game series premiered this weekend to glowing reviews, but at this point, that’s come to be expected from Telltale Games. These modern “point-and-click” adventure games have been among the more consistent and praised games over the last few years, starting with season one of The Walking Dead. Given the success of these titles and more planned series, including season three of The Walking Dead and a Marvel series, it’s definitely worth running down some other properties that would make for great Telltale series, because make no mistake, they’re coming.

Here are 15 Telltale Video Games We Want To See Next.

15. Overwatch

On the heels of Tales from theBorderlands and MineCraft: Story Mode, Telltale has proven that they can take even game franchises that may not have deep story, or any at all (MineCraft). This shows just how well versed they have become with adapting any property they choose, and if they choose another game, Overwatch is ripe for the picking.

Yes, yes, this is a competitive multiplayer game with no piece of a single-player mode, but the reason this would work so well can be seen in Blizzard’s promotional campaign. The cinematic trailers and animated shorts show off a colorful world full of conflict and the characters that work to keep the peace or sew more chaos. Blizzard went out of their way to create this vibrant world, and this would provide Telltale with the backbone they would need for a game series. It also opens the door for possible interaction between the two, as the Telltale game could have players fill the role of a new character that would be added to the roster in Blizzard’s game, giving fans even more reason to love Overwatch.

14. Cowboy Bebop

Since Telltale has proven they can take properties from Western media – likeGame of Thrones – and make a deep, narrative driven game, it might be time to see what they can do with properties from the East. More anime and manga are being brought over to expose Western audiences to the unique and varied genres and stories fans in Japan have grown up with for years. And if Telltale decided to, why not dive in with one of the most popular series that could lend itself to their game style?

The adventures of Spike Spiegel and the crew of the Bebop have been seen in manga, anime, and film, so a game is the next logical step. If this were to happen, Telltale would definitely provide a fun and, more importantly, faithful adaptation of this beloved title. With games like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, Telltale has proven they are more than capable of handling mature themes, storytelling, action, and deep characters, all of which Cowboy Bebop has in spades. Other companies would try to turn this space noir-western into something it’s not, while we believe Telltale would stick to what made it so great while expanding it in meaningful ways.

13. Hellboy

Hellboy has been among the more out-there characters in comics that managed to have a good transition to the big screen, courtesy of Guillermo Del Toro. Since then, there has been nothing done with the character outside of his ongoing comic, while a relatively small, but vocal, group of fans asked for a third film. Telltale could easily step in and fill the void for fans wanting more Hellboy in their life.

As mentioned, Hellboy is among the more unique comic book creations, having gone on many equally unique adventures involving occultists and demons. This would provide Telltale with no shortage of material to draw from to bring the BPRD’s best agent to gaming in spectacular fashion. It would also open the door to bring back Ron Perlman to reprise one of his more recognizable roles from his career, without the insane costume and makeup demands that came with the live-action films. And who knows, if the game proves to be a big hit, Hellboy 3 could even become a reality as a result.

12. Sin City

The stories and souls trapped in Sin Citymay just be the easiest property for Telltale to make a series out of. Frank Miller’s noir comic series set itself apart from other comics because so many of the stories were very self-contained – focusing on the trials and tribulations of characters like Marv or John Hartigan – rather than spinning a continuous story to follow. This allowed readers to jump in wherever they wished and not worry about being left behind, as opposed to many on-going titles.

Like we said, this would make for an easy transition to a Telltale series compared to some other properties. The anthology-style of the comics could give Telltale the flexibility to adapt a story like “Hell and Back” or craft a new story that may involve some of the characters that inhabit this world. Having this kind of flexibility could allow Telltale to create one of their better games series.

11. The Question

Another comic series famous for its noir storytelling, especially when it’s contained within the greater DC Comics world, is The Question. Possibly the only detective capable of challenging Batman on an intellectual level, Vic Sage is a character that has managed to stay relevant despite being a throwback to the noir archetypes of the ’40s and ’50s.

Put The Question in the hands of Telltale, and the result would be a slow burn game series that could outshine detective games like LA Noire that, while good, did feel a bit repetitive as it went on. With The Question, though, Telltale can play with his dual life as a detective and investigative journalist, and see how one affects the other. Telltale has started playing with that idea in their Batman series, and a Question series could expand on it even more, along with the detective pieces from the Batman series.

10. 100 Bullets

Let’s keep going with noir adaptations going, this time with the crime comic series, 100 Bullets. It’s a comic series that pulls from more modern noir, themed around the idea of someone seeking revenge on another who wronged them if given the means. This could provide a nice middle ground for Telltale between adaptations of the aforementioned Question and Sin City.

The comic series plays out in a similar fashion to Sin City, with each story focusing on a different person out for revenge. However, unlike the Frank Miller series, this one contains a connective through-line in the character of Graves, who provides each character the means to exact their revenge. This would allow Telltale to go one of two ways. One, they could focus on a single character for one season on their quest for revenge, or two, tell the story of a different character in every episode, while an overarching story plays out in the background. Each would present an interesting challenge to Telltale when constructing the game’s narrative, as each could be equally rewarding and unique, given their narrative touch.

9. One Punch Man

One of the most popular new anime to be released, One Punch Man follows the life of Saitama, a guy who’s a hero for fun, but also happens to be the strongest person on the planet. Saitama is a presented as a guy who is bored with life because any monster he faces can be defeated with a single punch. A bit of a satirical look at the superhero genre that has come to dominate pop culture, this is a series Telltale could have a lot of fun with.

Tales from the Borderlands showed that Telltale understands how to do a game with self-aware humor, which is at the core of One Punch Man. This is a world that has a hero association, weekly world-threatening events, and cities called City A, G, and so on, lending itself to the satirical nature of it and giving Telltale the freedom to do just about whatever they want in a game.

8. Hellblazer/Constantine

Another hero ripe for a Telltale game, but from the darker side of the spectrum is the Hellblazer, John Constantine. The occult detective, con man, and reluctant leader of Justice League Dark is the face of the more magical side of the DC universe. After a film and television series, a game series should be next on the docket, and who better than Telltale to take it on?

Like some of the aforementioned series, Hellblazer borrows from noir with Constantine’s hardboiled detective persona, but mixes it magic and the occult to give it its own flavor. This would allow Telltale to experiment with the visuals more in their game, having the story follow the slow burn of the typical noir narrative mixed with moments of action that plays with Constantine magical expertise. Given his close association with promising characters like Swamp Thing or Zatanna, it could also allow for some unique character interactions throughout the game, especially with a man who is both cynical and caring at the head of it all.

7. Destiny

While Destiny may have been lacking a truly meaningful story when the game was released in 2014, Bungie created a deep well of lore for players to delve into. Whether it’s the origin of enemy races or the conflicts that shaped Earth’s last city, there is plenty for anyone willing to dig deep into it. Put this in the hands of Telltale and you could get magic.

A Telltale game could very easily work in the world of Destiny due to the nature of the shared world shooter, where the player’s character is the center of the story. Telltale could easily craft a new story or explore part of the established lore more in-depth, which could allow for some cool cross-pollination between the two games. The lead character of the Telltale adaptation could be referenced or even serve as a vendor in the main social space of Destiny, reciting exploits of the adventure they went on in the Telltale series.

6. Alien

Now here’s a series that could serve as a way for Telltale to really stretch their boundaries. Alien, at its core, is a sci-fi/horror series, even when it strays more into the action arena with the second film, Aliens. There is a sense of dread associated with the titular creature that has hunted engineers and marines alike, which would certainly make for a tense game to play through.

As mentioned, this would be a way for Telltale to stretch their boundaries because of this franchise’s association with horror. While they have experimented with that in The Walking Dead, it doesn’t contain the real sense of horror or danger around the zombies as much as other humans, but even then it’s not quite a horror game. When dealing with a creature like the Xenomorph, much like the first two films, Telltale would have to capture the sense of fear and isolation when facing the monster. If they nail that, it could finally deliver the game Alien fans have been waiting for.

5. Tolkien’s Middle-Earth

As Game of Thrones proved, Telltale is more than capable of crafting a compelling game within the fantasy realm. The world of Westeros was fully realized, along with the characters, intrigue, and conflict that seem to drive its reality. If they could do that with a more recently created fantasy world, then let’s see what they can do when they get their hands on Tolkien’s Middle-Earth.

Middle-Earth has seen many video game adaptations over the years, many of which were inspired more by the Peter Jackson’s trilogy (which makes sense, given its recognition) than the novels themselves. A Telltale game would be an exciting prospect, as they would have the keys to the fantasy world that inspired almost all modern fantasy. And, as games like Shadow of Mordor proved, they’d have an opportunity to craft their own tale within this expansive world that could shares links to The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings, but go in its own direction with a cast of new and unique characters at the same time.

4. Deadpool

In the realm of self-aware characters and series, no one is more self-aware than the Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool. While he has appeared in several Marvel related games, he has only led one game, courtesy of Activision. However, as mentioned earlier with Tales from the Borderlands, Telltale would seemingly be more than capable of giving Wade Wilson a worthy game.

The two would be a fine match, as a big part of Deadpool’s charm is his constant quipping and breaking the fourth wall, and Telltale games are very dialogue driven. This could even occur during moments of action, where players are prompted to hit one of the trigger buttons or press left on the d-pad. Deadpool could yell out during these segments to do whatever is prompted, or complain if you screw up a prompt. This could lead to some seriously fun moments that would help capture the essence of Deadpool and allow gamers to embody the antihero like never before.

Bonus points for a Ryan Reynolds cameo.

3. James Bond 007

Another genre that Telltale hasn’t tackled that could also test their creative abilities is the spy genre. If they did, who better to tackle than 007 himself, James Bond? No other secret agent has dominated pop culture the way Ian Fleming’s superspy has. While he has had no shortage of games made about him, they have usually fit into the genre of action games or shooters. In the hands of Telltale, it would be a welcome change.

With a character as suave as James Bond, a Telltale game would allow players to get an experience with James Bond that would be closer to the films than any other game. It would still have the action set-pieces, but the actual spy moments of charming your way into a private party held by the main villain or seducing the newest Bond girl would be interactive, where in most other Bond games those are just cutscenes. With Telltale’s touch, this could be an experience that could even outdo a movie series filled with great entries.

2. Terminator

This wam bam actioner could easily make for the most fun-filled Telltale game to date. Terminator, despite a series of underwhelming sequels, is still one of the most beloved sci-fi/action franchises of all time, but it’s never transitioned into the gaming space with complete success. Audiences are long overdue for a good Terminator game, and Telltale could be the one to deliver.

The very nature of Terminator and the use of time-travel would lend itself to a Telltale series extremely well, as the idea of going back and changing the past and seeing an immediate change occur in the future would be an awesome thing to behold. While this is a trope that has been done before in other games, films, and TV, it could be given a fresh take if you combine Telltale and Terminator. Get Arnold back to voice the T-800, and you have a knockout winner on your hands.

1. Star Wars

Perhaps the most obvious choice of all franchises for Telltale to make a game of would take place in a galaxy far far away. The Star Wars universe has proven to be a place filled with an endless supply of stories and characters that can thrive outside the main scope of the ongoing film series. With the new canon seemingly well established by Lucasfilm and Disney, now is the perfect time to bring in Telltale to spin a new yarn in this world.

The beauty of Telltale doing a Star Wars game series is that it provides them the widest breath of legacy material and new canon pieces to pull from to create their game. And since the universe is so large, they could go the route Bioware did in the early 2000s with Knights of the Old Republic, exploring a time long before Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker without alienating the diehard fanbase. A Telltale Star Wars game could also, at a narrative level, rival the films while providing an immensely enjoyable gaming experience and giving Telltale their second ongoing series along with Walking Dead.

What do you think Telltale should adapt into a new game series? Which of these games would you be most interested in playing? Let us know in the comments.