Over the course of 10 seasons, Friends had plenty of unthinkable moments. Some made the show better; however, others were detrimental not just for the characters involved, but for the series as well. In some cases, moments revealed in flashbacks contradicted what fans had already seen in the present and in past episodes. Sure, they added to the characters’ history and connections, but they left fans questioning why certain events happened. In other cases, moments seemed to happen just for the laughs that resulted. Some were simply to be obstacles to the obvious endgame of the series, Rachel and Ross, but even that had its problems. Knowing it would end with the two of them together didn’t excuse everything that happened building up to and including that moment.

Quite a few plot twists involved Rachel and Joey’s relationship, which didn’t play out in the way it deserved. That was, in part, because of Rachel and Ross’ inevitable reunion. However, there were some moments that definitely saved Friends. It’s hard to imagine the show being as successful or popular without them. What if Monica and Chandler hadn’t gotten together? What if Carol and Susan hadn’t remained part of Ross’ life (at least for some time)?

Here are 15 Plot Twists That Hurt Friends (And 15 That Saved It).

Hurt: Ross Said Rachel’s Name At His And Emily’s Wedding

Originally, Rachel wasn’t planning on attending Ross and Emily’s wedding. She did change her mind, though, but she didn’t go through with her plan to tell him she still loved him. However, she still ended up interrupting the ceremony in a way because Ross said her name instead of Emily’s during their vows. Later, they tried to play it off as though that happened because he saw her.

What happened next was what hurt the series. Somehow, Emily became the bad guy, demanding Ross never see Rachel again if they were to be together. Soon, she was just “that girl he once married in London who became his second divorce.”

Saved: Monica And Chandler Got Closer In London

Monica and Chandler getting together was perhaps the best thing to ever happen on Friends. Their relationship was stable, loving, joyful, and entertaining. It was the perfect counterpart to Ross and Rachel’s messy drama. It all started when they went to London for Ross and Emily’s wedding. Fans were surprised that, in the morning of the ceremony, she was in Chandler’s room.

She had turned to him for comfort and what was supposed to be “only in London” led to a relationship, love, and marriage. Fans watched them grow together and they (and the show) were better for it.

Hurt: Rachel Accepted Joey’s Non-Proposal

This was one of those moments played for laughs that just didn’t make sense in the story. Joey somehow ended up down on one knee holding out Ross’ mother’s ring, which was given to Ross so he could propose to Rachel. Assuming Joey was proposing, right after she had Ross’ baby, Rachel said yes.

In a way, it served as an obstacle that kept Ross and Rachel from getting back together, but what was the point of it? To bring up Joey’s feelings for Rachel? To laugh about how Rachel shouldn’t have been making any decisions after giving birth? They basically shrugged it off and the series would have been better for it if it would’ve never happened.

Saved: Phoebe Turned Down Mike’s Proposal In Barbados

Phoebe and Mike broke up because he never wanted to get married again after his first marriage fell apart. However, when David planned to propose to Phoebe, Monica and Chandler meddled. Mike ended up flying to Barbados and proposing to Phoebe, but she turned him down. It was the right move — and not just because he was technically seeing someone else when he asked!

Phoebe just needed to know that a proposal was possible and her saying no gave them time to be together as a couple again. It also meant seeing Phoebe ruin Mike’s future attempts to propose until he finally just asked.

Hurt: Monica And Ross’ Past

Ross was upset Chandler kissed Rachel in 1987 because it was the night of his and Rachel’s first kiss. He thought she was sleeping under a pile of coats on his bed, but Chandler corrected him. Rachel was instead sleeping on his bed and Monica was on Ross'.

Monica was Ross’ first kiss with Rachel and Ross was Monica’s first kiss ever. There was no need for Friends to add this detail to the siblings’ history, especially since it was played for laughs. It could have easily been an unknown girl in Ross’ bed that he accidentally kissed on the lips instead of the forehead. It didn’t have to be his sister.

Saved: Erica Had Twins

Going back to the first season, Monica wanted a family. She wanted to have kids, so it was heartbreaking when she and Chandler learned it would be difficult to have one. They considered their options and ended up choosing adoption. It wasn’t until Erica was giving birth that they learned she was having twins. That led to some amusing moments, as Monica and Chandler questioned Erica not knowing.

It was also a nice callback to the couple’s conversation about their future. Chandler had imagined them having four kids, including twins (though he had imagined twin girls).

Hurt: Nothing Much Really Came Of Rachel And Joey’s Relationship

Friends actually did a pretty good job of building up to Rachel and Joey’s relationship. He fell for her, then she realized she had feelings for him and they finally got together after he briefly dated someone else. However, once they got together, that was pretty much it. They found they were better as friends after struggling to become closer.

Maybe this wouldn’t have been such a bad move if it hadn’t happened in the final season. It was obvious Rachel was going to end up with Ross and felt like the series was just getting Rachel and Joey out of the way.

Saved: The Truth About Phoebe’s Biological Mother

Phoebe Buffay originally met Phoebe Abbott when she thought the woman only knew her parents. However, she soon learned Phoebe Abbott was her biological mother and the series made the right choice with that twist. This other Phoebe came into Phoebe’s life just when she needed her. She was the only one who could give her advice about being the surrogate for her brother and his wife because she knew what it was like to give up a child.

Unfortunately, that was the last time Phoebe Abbott appeared. Considering everything in Phoebe’s past, it was smart to give her a relative who became part of her life.

Hurt: Ross Was On A Break

Rachel decided she needed a break from her relationship with Ross. He took that and the fact that Mark was at her apartment that night to mean they’d broken up. In his mind, he thought it was okay to be with someone else — that same night. Really, that action would have hurt the series if not for the words “We were on a break.” For some unknown reason, Ross played it off like a joke a couple years later and again when they reunited in the series finale.

Ross and Rachel were the main couple of the series, yet actions like this made you wonder why you were supposed to root for them.

Saved: Chandler Was Planning To Propose

When Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe visited a museum, they learned people got married there. Monica put down her name on the waiting list and Chandler overheard the message that there was an opening. Everyone assumed he’d be freaking out about it because Chandler didn’t do well with commitment, as he even told Monica he wasn’t ready yet.

However, he was ready and was planning to propose, he just needed a ring. He was no longer the guy who thought proposing was a good idea as an apology. It was a great moment not just for Monica and Chandler’s relationship, but for his character.

Hurt: Ross Returned From China With A Girlfriend

While Ross was in China, Rachel learned about his feelings for her and realized she might feel the same way. The only point of having Julie was to be an obstacle to Ross and Rachel dating; however, her presence turned Rachel into a jealous woman who took it out on innocent Julie. Plus, Ross had no reason to think Rachel would have feelings for him.

Julie was the one who lost out and really the innocent party in everything. Yet, fans were supposed to be rooting for Rachel and Ross to get together, so she wasn’t supposed to matter. The problem was that she was really nice and deserved better.

Saved: Chandler Quit His Job

Chandler accidentally agreed to move to Tulsa for work when he fell asleep during a meeting. Though Monica was originally supposed to go with him, she couldn’t turn down a new job in New York. Then, to everyone’s surprise, he joined them in New York on Christmas. This was the right move and not just because Monica and Chandler shouldn’t have been kept apart too long.

Friends made fun of Chandler’s career for so long that it was about time he got a new one. Not only was advertising something he enjoyed, but they could no longer have everyone not know what he did.

Hurt: Mark’s Crush On Rachel

In season 3, Ross was extremely jealous of Mark, to the point that he interrupted Rachel’s work day. He wanted to make sure the other man knew Rachel had a boyfriend and filled her desk with gifts; he even sent a barbershop quartet to the office. Mark did have a crush on Rachel, but imagine how much better it would’ve been if he didn’t. What if he’d just been a good guy who helped her get a job when she needed one?

His crush didn’t justify Ross’ jealousy and actions, nor did the crush go anywhere, so it was pointless.

Saved: The Adoption Agency Mixed Up The Files

The series established in season 1 that Monica wanted to have children, but she and Chandler learned they couldn’t have kids and turned to adoption. In season 10, the adoption agency called them in, but it turned out they mixed up their files. Once Monica and Chandler admitted who they were, it looked like Erica wasn’t going to choose them.

However, that led to one of the best speeches in the show’s history as Chandler convinced Erica to pick them. That was the only scene you needed to see to understand how much Chandler loved Monica.

Hurt: Joey Wanted A Relationship With Erin

For the most part, Joey only had casual relationships, but instead of sending Erin away after she’d spent the night with Joey, Rachel and Phoebe befriended her. They liked Erin, so they wanted Joey to keep her around. Though he was hesitant, he soon began to want the same thing, but Erin didn’t want that and asked Rachel and Phoebe to let him down gently.

This could’ve led to some real character growth for Joey, instead, every time he said he wanted something more, it only lasted for one episode.

Saved: Rachel Was Pregnant With Ross’ Child

Before Monica and Chandler’s wedding, Phoebe found a pregnancy test in the couple’s bathroom. She incorrectly assumed it was Monica’s and Rachel let her. However, Rachel was pregnant, but she tried to keep the father’s identity a secret. Then, Joey remembered a guy leaving a sweater in their apartment. Ross claimed the item of clothing and Monica, Phoebe, and Joey realized he was the father.

Ross and Rachel having a baby together kept the two of them connected when they weren’t dating. Also, if someone else had been the father, he would’ve had to recur on the show, take care of the baby off-screen (like Carol) or not be in the child’s life at all.

Hurt: Why Chandler Lost A Toe

In a season 5 episode, Chandler learned why he lost a toe at the Gellers’ Thanksgiving dinner years prior. After calling Monica fat one year, she decided to get back at him the following year by embarrassing him. The end result was that she accidentally dropped a knife on his foot while he was wearing wicker shoes.

It was an honest mistake, but it was pretty much forgotten about, as was the aftermath and her apology. No one ever mentioned it again, so what was the point? To have Chandler apologize for name calling? To play the humor of his shoes and Monica bringing a carrot instead of the digit to the hospital?

Saved: Joey Was In Love With Rachel

Ross and Rachel were always going to end up together, but if Friends had decided to change the endgame plan, Joey would’ve been a great choice for Rachel. Fans watched their friendship deepen when she moved in with him. Then, they went on a (platonic) date and he realized he was beginning to have feelings for her. He struggled with what to do and fans saw how the others reacted to the revelation.

He even summoned up the courage to tell her how he felt, even though it didn’t go anywhere at the time, it showed great growth in his character.

Hurt: The Truth About Monica And Chandler In London

Monica and Chandler got together in London the night before Ross and Emily’s wedding. However, before their own wedding, she revealed she had really been looking for Joey that night. Sure, it was great for laughs, like what it would’ve been like if they dated, but it was unnecessary.

Friends didn’t even bother showing Monica and Chandler talking after the revelation. Instead, Chandler spoke with Joey and his and Monica’s conversation took place off-screen. They had resolved the issue by the time they had rejoined their friends. What should have been about Monica and Chandler’s relationship became about Chandler and Joey’s friendship on-screen.

Saved: Carol Was Pregnant

Friends pretty much forgot about Ben in the later seasons, especially once Ross and Rachel had Emma. However, his existence kept Carol (and Susan) in Ross’ and the others’ lives, and that was the right call. At times, they were more entertaining (and better characters) than Ross. If not for Ben, the gang would’ve maybe mentioned Carol and Susan every once in a while, as Ross’ first divorce.

The series was able to explore the three of them trying to figure out how to raise Ben together. It was messy at times, but the show was better for it.