When it comes to the world of comic books, a character can never truly die. Whether it be an alternate reality, time travel or any of a billion other plot conceits, there is always the possibility that your favorite hero or villain will live on to fight another day. Yet, this knowledge has rarely undermined the emotion inherent in some of the most unforgettable deaths in comic book history.

So it goes too in the film adaptations of popular comic books. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice recently aimed to capture one of the more significant examples in recent memory, while rumors are circulating that any number of heroes may fall in Captain America: Civil War. However, those two films are preceded by a great many comic book movies that have given moviegoers memorable death scenes.

For this list, we’re basing our selections on a combination of emotional impact, story repercussions and the surrounding discussion the film in question inspired following the mentioned deaths. In addition, we’re restricting our list to one entry per continuity. So, for example, Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy and Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man films are considered separate, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe can only receive a single spot.

Here are the 15 Most Memorable Deaths in Comic Book Movies.

15. Abraham Whistler - Blade (1998)

Thanks to the emotional stakes involved, the mentors of our favorite heroes are often some of the most obvious ones to meet their maker in comic book films (more on that later). Yet, the death of Kris Kristofferson’s Abraham Whistler — the curmudgeonly father figure to Wesley Snipe’s Blade — still managed to pack a punch with audiences and the steely vampire-hunter alike.

Viciously attacked by Deacon Frost (Stephen Dorff) and his men, Whistler is a bloody mess when Blade discovers him, far beyond saving. Faced with having to finish him off, Blade cannot bring himself to do it and walks away as his only true friend puts himself out of his misery. The bond between Blade and Whistler was anything but sentimental, but the moment does bring true heart to the film and helps motivate Blade for his final showdown with Frost, even though Blade II ends up undoing Whistler’s death in short order.

14. Lois Lane - Superman: The Movie (1978)

Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel may have its fans, but this Richard Donner classic is essentially the grandfather of modern superhero films. So the fact that it has the gall to off its female lead is a bold one indeed, especially since one of the film’s main focal points has been the relationship between Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) and Superman (Christopher Reeve).

Faced with preventing Lex Luthor’s (Gene Hackman) devious plan, Superman succeeds in foiling the self-professed criminal mastermind but fails to ensure the safety of his beloved Lois, who ends up losing her life in the aftermath. Unwilling to accept this, Superman ends up circling the Earth so fast he rewinds time, allowing him the chance to save Lois and creating perhaps one of the biggest cinematic cheats in the process. Nevertheless, that moment when Superman cradles a dying Lois in his arms before flying off in rage remains one of the most powerful bits in any superhero film to date.

13. Professor Broom - Hellboy (2004)

During World War II, Trevor Bruttenholm (John Hurt) discovered Hellboy (Ron Perlman) when he was just a baby, and their relationship blossomed over the years into an unmistakable father-son bond. As such, Hellboy and Professor Broom often found themselves at odds. Yet, the reappearance of an old enemy soon puts their disagreement into context when Broom is murdered.

It’s a startlingly violent moment that instantly raises the emotional stakes of the film, crystallizing its status as a sort of coming-of-age tale for the impetuous Hellboy. Without his “father” there to guide him, Hellboy must decide for himself what his destiny is. Guillermo del Toro’s film may feature all manner of supernatural creatures and high-octane action, but Broom’s death makes its deeper themes truly resonate.

12. Big Daddy - Kick-Ass (2010)

This Matthew Vaughn film is undoubtedly among the most tongue-in-cheek depictions of superheroes ever put to film — and possibly its most violent. However, what makes its story so effective is that it isn’t afraid to go dark to establish the consequences of being a superhero in the real world. Never is this made clearer than in the tragic death of Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage) near film’s end.

The most experienced of the film’s heroes, Big Daddy never does get to see his vendetta against Frank D’Amico (Mark Strong) through. However, his death does serve as a culmination in Hit-Girl’s (Chloe Grace Moretz) story, and the emotional goodbye provides her and Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) with the motivation to finish what Big Daddy started.

11. V - V for Vendetta (2006)

A revolutionary hell bent on overthrowing a neo-fascist government, V (Hugo Weaving) is a man who clings so strongly to his beliefs that he is more than willing to fight (and die) for them. Sadly, he does just that in this release — based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore and David Lloyd — as he finally sees his plans through to completion.

Of course, V’s death only punctuates the inspirational role he plays for the citizens of London and, on a more personal level as well, for Evey Hammond (Natalie Portman). The connection between these two is palpable, and V’s sacrifice brings his anarchist revolution to a particularly bittersweet close both for Evey and the audience.

10. Marv - Sin City (2005)

Throughout much of this adaptation of Frank Miller’s popular series, Marv (Mickey Rourke) is portrayed as the ultimate testosterone-fueled badass. Tough on the eyes but with a soft heart for the downtrodden, Marv is forced into the battle of his life when he’s framed for the murder of Goldie (Jaime King), a prostitute who sought a night of solace in his arms. After tearing apart countless men to unravel the mystery of who’s really behind Goldie’s death, Marv ultimately finds his way into the electric chair.

Though he does eventually succumb to its powerful jolts, he fights on to the very last second, challenging the authorities to bring their worst. It’s a memorable moment for fans of the film not only because it directly precedes the death of one of its best characters but also because it lives up to his stubbornness in the face of death. That second jolt finally saps the life from Marv, but its very existence helps underscore exactly what makes him such a fun character.

9. Rorschach - Watchmen (2009)

The story of Watchmen largely serves as a deconstruction of the superhero genre and speculates on how the existence of such figures would alter the course of history. While characters like Nite Owl (Patrick Wilson) and Silk Spectre (Malin Akerman) represent the more idealistic side of heroism, many of the film’s other figures provide a much more challenging perspective. Chief among these may be Rorschach (Jackie Earle Haley).

Walter Kovacs’ alter-ego may be known for going too far in pursuit of justice, but unlike the Comedian (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), the character’s heart always seems to be in the right place. So his murder at the hands of none other than Dr. Manhattan (Billy Crudup) is as tragic a moment for viewers as it is for Nite Owl, whose scream of terror punctuates it. True, Manhattan was doing what he felt was necessary to protect the truth behind Ozymandias’ (Matthew Goode) humanity-uniting master plan, but the power of Rorschach’s death — and its horrific implications — remains.

8. Harry Hart - Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)

No one knew they wanted to see Oscar winner Colin Firth become an action hero until this Matthew Vaughn-directed film hit theaters. As the suave Harry Hart, Firth delivers a commanding performance filled with several notable combat sequences, with the church scene far and away the most talked-about. Yet, his role in the story is tragically cut short with a single bullet mere moments later.

Up until this point, Harry has served as the film’s primary character, even as he brings young Eggsy (Taron Egerton) into the titular spy organization. His death marks a distinct shift in the narrative, providing Eggsy with a personal reason to take down Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) but also allowing Eggsy to take the spotlight. By the film’s end, the young man rises to become the hero Harry always hoped he would become, earning his rightful place among the Kingsman.

Recent promotional material for the Kingsman sequel, due out next summer, seems to suggest that Firth’s Hart may not be quite as dead as we were led to believe, however. Apparently a bullet to the head just doesn’t cut it anymore.

7. Gwen Stacy - The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

Few comic deaths are as memorable as that of Gwen Stacy in a two-issue arc of The Amazing Spider-Man in 1973. Her shocking demise at the hands of the Green Goblin sent shockwaves throughout the comic book community, and is considered a watershed moment for the industry itself. So when it looked like director Marc Webb would adapt elements of this story with his sequel, fans were curious how far it would go.

Considering that the film’s disappointing reception led Sony to cancel its shared universe plans and work with Marvel Studios to reboot Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 certainly doesn’t hold the greatest place among comic book films. However, the climactic battle between Andrew Garfield’s webslinger and his arch-nemesis did succeed in translating the emotion and drama of Gwen’s (Emma Stone) death to the screen, even if the circumstances surrounding it didn’t exactly work.

Like the previous entry, there was a time when Gwen’s demise didn’t seem to be as definite as it had first appeared. Stone herself even teased as much. Sony’s decision to reboot the series with Marvel ultimately killed all talk of that, of course.

6. King Leonidas - 300 (2006)

An army of 300 Spartans journey to take on god-king Xerxes and his Persian army in this Zack Snyder film. Yet, despite overwhelming odds against their success, Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and his men forge ahead confident in their decision to risk everything to defend their land, their families and their freedom from the invading Persians.

Even though his quest proves unsuccessful, Leonidas makes a valiant effort, and in the end, his mission and sacrifice inspire an even greater army to assemble. What makes his final moments even more heart-wrenching is that he spends them professing his love for Queen Gorgo (Lena Headey) before being riddled with Persian arrows.

5. Rachel Dawes - The Dark Knight (2008)

Rachel Dawes may be one of the few characters in Christopher Nolan’s trilogy who was exclusively created for the films. Still, few saw her untimely death coming, as she and Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) wind up as pawns in a sadistic game of choice Heath Ledger’s Joker plays with Batman (Christian Bale). Like our hero, audiences are duped to find that the Dark Knight has inadvertently been sent to Dent’s rescue, and his longtime love meets a fiery end.

Up until that point, the film largely hinges on the love triangle between Bruce Wayne, Rachel and Dent. So when the focal point of that dynamic is eliminated from the film, viewers likely wondered exactly where the story would go next. Rachel’s death doesn’t only revitalize the narrative of the film, but it also proves Alfred’s point regarding collateral damage in Batman’s war against crime. Moreover, her passing galvanizes both her suitors into action, setting up the climactic face-off between them and adding personal weight to Batman’s takedown of the Joker.

4. Ben Parker - Spider-Man (2002)

“With great power comes great responsibility” may be a phrase that is inextricably linked to Peter Parker’s dear old Uncle Ben, but it is this performance that most fans probably associate with it. In his final conversation with his super-powered nephew, Ben attempts to teach a life lesson about the wise application of one’s abilities, only to face the business end of a gun later that same night.

Uncle Ben’s death definitely fits the bill of the mentor whose death inspires the hero to action, and in fact, his could be considered the quintessential example of this common storytelling trope, at least in the world of comic books. Though the weight of his death was undercut two films later (damn you, Spider-Man 3), Uncle Ben remains a key part of one of the most recognizable origin stories of all time, and Cliff Robertson’s portrayal has only intensified that fact since.

3. Jean Grey - X2: X-Men United (2003)

There’s no getting around it, X-Men: The Last Stand dropped the ball when it comes to the Dark Phoenix saga that was set up by this film. Yet, the sacrifice Jean Grey (Famke Janssen) makes to save her fellow X-Men from certain death isn’t any less stirring because of it. Realizing that their damaged jet might leave the entire team vulnerable to the flooding of Alkali Lake, Jean swiftly heads out to employ her telekinetic powers, lifting the jet into the air and drowning in the process.

Although her death was far from the first or last featured in Fox’s ongoing X-Men franchise (The Last Stand killed pretty much everyone), Jean’s is certainly the most impactful to the team dynamic, thanks to her close ties to nearly all of the other characters. In particular, her bond with Professor X (Patrick Stewart) — through whom she says goodbye to her beloved Cyclops (James Marsden) — and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) colored those characters’ arcs for multiple films.

2. General Zod - Man of Steel (2013)

If you haven’t realized exactly what a storm of controversy this death stirred up among the geek community, we strongly recommend you step out from under that rock and get up to speed. Zack Snyder’s revised origin story of Superman (Henry Cavill) has enough detractors on its own, but the key moment during the film’s destruction-filled climax in which the last son of Krypton snaps Zod’s neck just might be the most derided of all.

While some fans proclaim that Snyder’s film does a disservice to Superman by having him resort to murder, others defend it as a necessary measure to ensure that Zod wouldn’t continue his reign of terror on humanity. Regardless of where one falls on Zod’s death, it definitely had an impact on the burgeoning DC Extended Universe and embodied the divisive fan reaction to Man of Steel.

1. Phil Coulson - The Avengers

In a world of heroes and villains, it’s easy to forget the little people. Granted, Phil Coulson was an experienced agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and not an innocent bystander when he met his end at Loki’s (Tom Hiddleston) hand. However, he is the only person on this list that wasn’t a mentor, love interest, hero or villain in any one superhero franchise. Rather, he served as the connective tissue throughout Phase One of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

As such, he humanized the films like none of the Avengers ever truly could. Without any powers, he stood toe to toe with Captain America (Chris Evans), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) to make the world a better, safer place and gave his life in service of the belief that heroes were a necessity for the modern world. Despite his resurrection on TV’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson’s death was the final push the Avengers needed to band together, meaning that all subsequent adventures in the MCU are thanks to his actions.

BONUS: Thomas and Martha Wayne - every Batman movie

Similar to Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben, Thomas and Martha Wayne are the gruesome but necessary casualties that give rise to one of our greatest heroes. However, unlike Uncle Ben, there simply isn’t what we would consider a definitive version of the characters’ deaths that has been brought to the big screen, at least not enough to edge out other selections on this list.

Tim Burton, Joel Schumacher, Christopher Nolan and now Zack Snyder have all offered their own interpretations of the Waynes’ deaths, and though audiences clearly get the point by now, it’s hard to argue with the instinct these filmmakers all have with chronicling the devastating event that led rich kid Bruce Wayne to don a cape and cowl to pummel the criminal element of Gotham City. In any case, here’s hoping we don’t get a new big-screen version for a while now. The Waynes deserve a rest.


While we believe the above selections represent the most notable deaths in comic book movie history, any number of contenders easily could have ended up being included as well. Take, for instance, Quicksilver’s sacrificial act in Avengers: Age of Ultron or the explosive ending of The Dark Knight Rises, in which Batman is presumed dead. There are simply too many possibilities to fit on one list, and so we ask you to weigh in with your thoughts.

What do you think is the most memorable death in comic book movies? Share your pick in the comments section.