Avengers: Infinity War (popularly dubbed as one of the “most ambitious crossovers of all-time”) is on its way to cinemas worldwide, with epic teaser trailers and awesome character posters that are sending fans everywhere on a euphoric Marvel high.

With the evil Dark Lord Thanos returning to Earth to collect the six Infinity Stones that would allow him to create a weapon of mass chaos and destruction, The Avengers are now driven to fight alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy to save their universe.

It’s quite a simple premise – but what sells the movie are two of Marvel’s most iconic forces fighting alongside one another in one epic, truly memorable battle that would make MCU history.

The Guardians are, of course, known to be one of Marvel’s more obscure but exceptionally comedic squad of anti-heroes, and it’ll be an interesting sight to see a team as poised and refined as the Avengers collaborate with a band of misfits as entertainingly dynamic as Star Lord and Co.

Being a unit of unlikely characters and storylines of a more comical tone, it’s no surprise that the franchise has generated a ton of ingenious memes – and we’ve compiled a list of some of the greatest to grace the internet to get you even more pumped for the upcoming Infinity War debut.

With that said, here are the 15 Hilarious Guardians Of The Galaxy Memes That’ll Split Your Sides.

15. The Guardian of our Galaxy

Chris Pratt has come a long way from gaining the galactic title of “legendary outlaw, Star-Lord.” Years before his life as a plundering space bandit, the talented actor starred in an incredibly popular mockumentary series known as Parks and Recreation.

Though in a minor character role as the bumbling Andy Dwyer, Pratt easily won over audiences with his goofy charm and priceless comedic timing, eventually becoming a fan-favorite of the show.

While still an upbeat and undeniably humorous role, Dwyer’s personality was far from the cunning, criminal ways of Peter Quill (and let’s not forget that the guy’s half-Celestial, to boot).

It was an interesting transformation to see Pratt go from a loveable half-wit to a lovable hoodlum. The meme-worthy Parks image above just shows the striking contrast between the two.

The fact that the dorky guy sporting that fabulously fluffy pink tiara is the same man protecting our entire galaxy from evil-doers and Titan warlords is – we have to admit – hilarious to think about.

14. Mary Poppins

Of course, one of the most memorable scenes in the second Guardians’ movie was Yondu using his Yaka Arrow to escape the destruction of his ship.

As he floats down, holding his arrow, Peter Quill makes the endearing joke that he “looks like Mary Poppins.” When Yondu asks if this “Mary Poppins” was a cool dude, Peter tells him yes, to which he exclaims, “I’m Mary Poppins, y’all!”

So, we can’t help but chuckle at this perfectly captioned image of a Disneyland employee dressed up as the classic Disney character, and the one and only Michael Rooker – aka Guardians of the Galaxy’s Yondu, aka the real Mary Poppins – by her side.

Talk about meme fan-service, Rooker. This photo is just priceless.

13. “I’m Not Always Hooked On A Feeling.”

Ah, the classic Blue Suede cover that got every movie-goer’s foot tapping to its catchy “Ooga-Chaka” hook.

It’s pretty much become the theme song of our favorite ragtag space crew– what other famous pop song comes to mind when you think of “Guardians Of The Galaxy”? (“Mr. Blue Sky” by ELO is an awfully close contender, though.)

It’s no surprise that with the plethora of Guardians memes out there, someone’s managed to make clever use out of the ever-timeless Jonathan Goldsmith-Don Equis beer ad gag.

We couldn’t have thought of a wittier parody – everything from Chris Pratt’s snarky face to the fact that he’s actually holding a glass of beer makes this Galaxy meme a pretty golden find.

Also, if you’ve now got the song stuck in your head, you’re totally welcome.

12. A Talking Raccoon

The DC Universe managed to give its faltering fanbase a breath of fresh, relieving air upon the release of its excellent Wonder Woman movie adaptation in 2017.

Seeing as the classic superheroine had been around since 1941,we couldn’t blame comic book fans for wondering why it took this long for Diana Prince to get her own solo movie, having already gotten a decent spotlight in TV series, video games, and the animated DC ‘verse.

Director Patty Jenkins had theorized that it may have had something to do with the comic book fanbase being predominantly male, and thus there being little interest in a female superhero lead.

At least fans can now rest easy with a superb movie portrayal of the character, though it’s hilariously telling how someone as obscure as Rocket Raccoon got his time on the big screen way before a hero as iconic as Wonder Woman.

11. Rocket Raccoon Vs. Darth Vader

Apart from being a talking raccoon, Rocket stands out in the Guardians crew as one of the team’s most strategic, resourceful, and bitingly sarcastic members – allowing him to swiftly take down enemies while dropping a savage one-liner or two (sometimes even aimed at his own teammates).

He is easily the most mischievous character of the bunch, with the running gag of stealing prosthetic body parts off of oblivious opponents for kicks.

That said, it’d be pretty interesting for Rocket to cross over in to the Star Wars universe and bump into Darth Vader, given his kleptomaniac tendencies towards cybernetic enhancements.

He’d probably need to kidnap the guy entirely, since Vader wears an entire head-to-toe mechanical suit. As absurd as that scenario may be, it’d definitely be hilarious to watch.

10. “I Am Froot.”

Baby Groot was easily the cutest piece of entertainment in the Marvel cinematic scene since the release of Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2.

It was hard to resist cracking a smile as the little guy danced through the sunny tunes of Electric Light Orchestra (with his team getting comically decimated in the distance), as if we didn’t already love the character enough from his first appearance in the original movie.

Of course, being one of the more beloved characters of the series, numerous “I Am Groot” memes came into glorious existence as the Guardians fanbase grew.

Though we admit that we’re guilty for laughing at this clever pun, the fact that the apple looks almost exactly like an adorably screaming Groot made this image too good to pass.

Also, we couldn’t have thought of a better name for it too: “Froot.”

9. Watch Your Language

Steve Rogers/Captain America is known for being the most noble, righteous, and patriotic superhero to grace the Marvel Cinematic Universe, often butting heads with another Avenger of a more cynical, blunt, and snarky personality– Tony Stark/Iron Man.

Being the model picture of good moral code, Cap even strives to avoid profanity, having once told Tony off for cursing in an amusing scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

As funny as that incident was, it’d be entertaining to see Steve in the same scenario with Guardians’ Drax, a character known for his cluelessness with metaphors or figures of speech.

Luckily, we’ve found a meme that pretty much nails it. It even has the perfect Drax response that’s sure to hilariously throw the clean-cut Captain off a bit.

8. Rocket As A Credit Provider

Imagine Rocket retiring his galaxy-plundering ways and getting himself an honest, ordinary stint in the finance business.

As ridiculous as that may sound (though, really, what could get any more bizarre than a rocket launcher-wielding raccoon?), this meme does an amusing job of nailing the absurd scenario.

The fact that the original poster was even able to find a perfectly-poised raccoon for the image is just an adorable bonus.

With the notorious little guy having an addiction for swiping the robotic limbs off of space villains, we can only imagine him sneaking the exact same tactics with his credit customers. He’s gonna make you jump through a couple of hoops for that loan, that’s for sure.

However, come on – can you really say “no” to that face?

7. Yondu On The Disney Channel

Do you remember those classic Disney Channel commercials where each young, still-so-innocent starlet stood in front of a blank, white screen, tracing the iconic Mickey Mouse symbol with the sparkling glitter of a magical Disney wand?

Also, (just in case the logo or their cookie-cutter looks didn’t give it away) they reminded us that we were still, in fact, tuned into the network?

Good times. Now imagine if Yondu did his own version of that plug, only instead of a wand full of Disney hopes and dreams, he used his whistle-controlled Yaka arrow to do the job.

As morbid as the outcome may be (unwitting extras will need to keep a dire look out), there’s absolutely no doubt that it’d be the channel’s most hilarious commercial yet.

6. Groot, Hodor, And Chewbacca

What do you get when a Groot, a Hodor, and a Wookiee walk into a bar? Er… an obnoxiously nonsensical conversation, but probably the most entertaining one you’ll ever witness, that’s for sure.

We can’t help but love how the artist of this fan-art was able to cleverly string together pop culture’s most memorable one-liner characters to date.

Who knew that even with the same exact phrase uttered repeatedly – or in Chewie’s case, senseless growling – some of the most iconic characters in cinema and TV would come to be?

That said, it’d definitely be a sight to see these three unlikely heroes getting together for a Friday drink or two. Good thing thatGroot’s known as his team’s muscle– someone’s gonna need to drag a drunk Wookiee home.

5. Crisp Rat

Every once in a while, among the cringe-worthy bounty of tired and tested “dad” jokes, you’ll find a shining gem of a pun that deserves its very own internet post. Boy, was this too good to pass up.

If you thought the wordplay quips were Groot-exclusive, think again. It’s actually quite genius how the original poster’s dad found this golden opportunity to forever change how we hear poor Pratt’s name.

We feel you, dude. Now when we watch any of the Guardians movies, the one nagging thought that’ll come to mind would be how two parents would have the nerve to hilariously name their now-massively-famous child after a “fried rodent.”

Guess it’s at least a notch better than “Trash Panda”? On second thought, no, it isn’t really.

4. Yondu’s The Captain Now

There’s no doubt that Yondu has always been one of Guardians’ toughest characters – not to mention one of the franchise’s most entertaining characters to watch on-screen, what with that merciless Yaka Arrow of his. (It’s a fun sight to see an entire army of Sakaarans drop in one fell swoop, and we’re sure you’d agree.)

This meme displays his pretty awesome, big-boss role in Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2, from rounding up his army of Ravagers to effectively capturing Rocket Raccoon, all under a cleverly used parody of the iconic and endlessly referenced Captain Phillips scene.

What takes the cake, however, is definitely the last panel, where Yondu demands Peter Quill to look at him and acknowledge the fact that he is, indeed, the “father” now.

3. Guardians Of The Galaxy 2

The hype for Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2 was indeed off the charts before its debut.

After all, there were “sneak peeks” going social-media viral, a successful Doritos marketing campaign (which involved chip bags containing “Awesome Mix Vol. 2” mixtapes that actually played), and a crowd-pleaser of a trailer that scored 81 million views in only 24 hours, making it the largest teaser to ever come out of Marvel Studios.

It’s no surprise that fans also churned out their own fan-made posters and trailers in excitement for the movie’s release. Although, we have to say that this one, hands down, wins above them all.

We didn’t think Peter Quill and the gang could look any better. Drax also seems to have lost a bit of weight there too – we guess battling aliens and saving the galaxy has its perks.

2. Early Guardian Days

If you’ve ever wondered what the actors behind our favorite Guardians heroes looked like, well, here you go. Chris Pratt had the “adorkable” look that his fans still adore to this day, Zoe Saldana looked gorgeous even back then (and rocking that short hairdo).

It’s pretty cool to see a side-by-side comparison between their younger selves and the gallant spacefaring anti-heroes we know this day.

While the first two panels of this meme show an actual photo of Saldana and Pratt in their pre-Guardian days, the last of the three is just priceless, displaying a photo of an ever-innocent raccoon in a clean-cut Lacoste polo shirt.

You’d think that Rocket would have had a devastating childhood to end up where he did, but no – it seems like he did a total 180 in life from what this meme shows.

1. Samsung Security Guards

Sometimes the best memes are derived from the classic, tried-and-tested formats, and this post’s original creator definitely made a genius use of “Philosoraptor” to come up with this delightful little pun.

It’s also proof that you don’t necessarily need Chris Pratt’s face or Baby Groot to generate a spicy Marvel meme, and that clever puns really do make for some of the most viral internet posts.

As simple as this meme is, it does make entertained fans realize that Samsung store security guards really are the real-life “Guardians of the Galaxy."

However, they don’t have awesome alien-tech, a talking raccoon engineer, or a sentient tree with a notable catchphrase (though, for all we know, they may have a co-worker who’s oblivious to metaphors or sarcastic quips).

Still, we’d think that they’d milk that title for all it’s worth.

Which of these memes made you laugh the most? Do you know of any other hilarious Guardians of the Galaxy memes? Let us know in the comments!