The long-running teen TV drama Degrassi, follows the lives of students at the fictional Degrassi Community School in Toronto, Canada, as they go through life experiences common to teenagers in an urban setting. Although many parents may consider the TV series inappropriate, it was the series’ realistic portrayal of the typical challenges of the difficult teenage years that won it worldwide acclaim.

Degrassi: The Next Generation (2001-2015), which premiered on CTV in October 2001 and aired on MuchMusic before it moved to MTV Canada and TeenNick in the U.S., was the fourth series in the Degrassi franchise which included The Kids of Degrassi Street (1979-1986), Degrassi Junior High (1987-1989), and Degrassi High (1989-1991).

The Degrassi franchise is the longest-running teen-themed Canadian TV drama. Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi: The Next Generation (renamed Degrassi for its last four seasons) are the best known series of the franchise in the U.S. as both were aired on TeenNick. In its early years, Degrassi: The Next Generation ranked as Canada’s most-watched drama series. It was also one of the highest rated shows on TeenNick.

Fiercely loyal fans insist that Degrassi is the greatest teen TV drama ever. They have an established tradition of expressing their love for the series and its characters through entertaining memes posted online.

Here are 15 Degrassi Memes That Will Split Your Sides.

Clare Edwards’ Long List

Clare Edwards, played by Aislinn Paul, made her first appearance in Degrassi: The Next Generation during the fifth episode of season 6 of the show. Despite having claimed in season 8 that she only came to Degrassi to learn and that she didn’t care about boys, she ended up kissing more boys than any other female character in the show. She was kissed by at least nine boys - K.C., Wesley, Declan, Eli, Jake, Liam, Asher, Dallas, and Drew.

Her relationship with Eli Goldsworthy resulted in pregnancy in season 13, but she later lost the baby. She was best friends with Alli Bhandari, and her inner circle included Adam Torres, and Jenna Middleton. She did not get on well with Luke Baker and often clashed with Holly J. Sinclair and Mark Fitzgerald.

Started From A Wheelchair, Now I’m Drake

Aubrey Drake Graham, better known as simply Drake, first gained recognition when he played the role of the wheelchair-bound fan-favorite Jimmy Brooks in Degrassi: The Next Generation. He got the opportunity to showcase his rapping skills in season 7 of the show. Although he demonstrated he was a good rapper, no one suspected at the time that he would later become a rap superstar.

Drake left Degrassi in 2007 to pursue his music career, releasing works such as Comeback Season (2007) and So Far Gone (2009).

He signed to Lil Wayne’s Young Money Entertainment in 2009, and released his debut studio album Thank Me Later (2010), which debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200. He also released Take Care (2011), which earned him his first Grammy Award for Best Rap Album.

Tears For Tori

Tori Santamaria, played by Alex Steele, was a rather teary character in Degrassi. She cried during her first appearance in the season 11 episode of the show titled “Underneath It All”. She was portrayed as a spoiled child. She had an altercation with Maya Matlin over Zig Novak and Ms. Oh sent them to the principal’s office; she denied offending Maya by spitting in her face while blowing the trombone.

After they left the principal’s office, Tori started crying over her relationship with Zig. She complained that Zig was ignoring her. Maya decided to talk to Zig and was able to convince him not to break up with Tori.

Tori cried again in the episode “Can’t Tell Me Nothing”. Tristan lied to her saying Zig called her curvy. Tori apparently interpreted curvy as a euphemism for overweight and started crying. Through all the tears, it turned out Tristan was lying.

Clare’s Whirlwind Year

Clare was a popular girl at Degrassi Community School. She became the school’s Student Council Vice-President during her senior year (2013-2014) after she was successfully treated for a type of cancer known as rhabdomyosarcoma.

Eli and Clare first started their relationship in season 10 of Degrassi, but broke up. They rekindled their relationship in season 11 and broke up once again in season 12 after Campbell Saunders’ passing away. They got back together before the end of season 12.

Clare was diagnosed with cancer soon afte and Eli took time off his internship to take care of her.

After Clare recovered, they broke up yet again because Eli cheated on her with Lenore, but reunited in season 13. She found out in season 14 that she was pregnant with Eli’s baby. They planned to name the baby Adam, but Clare lost the child.


Paige Michalchuk - played by Lauren Collins - first appeared in the third episode of Degrassi: The Next Generation. She was at first portrayed as a snobby and arrogant rich girl, but her character underwent further development. She became a caustic, scheming girl before the softer and heroic side of her emerged. The meme pokes fun at one of Paige’s favorite word Hun, which is a diminutive of honey.

Her friends were Marco Del Rossi, Hazel Aden, Jimmy Brooks, Spinner Mason, J.T. Yorke, and Ashley Kerwin. She had a rivalry with Heather Sinclair and Manny Santos, and a relationship with Alex Nunez. She suffered emotional trauma due to an assault at the age of 15. She testified against her attacker Dean Walton in the Michalchuk vs. Walton trial, but Dean was acquitted.

Imogen’s Interesting Logic

Imogen Moreno arrived at Degrassi Community School in season 11 of the show, after Eli had broken up with Clare. She offered to help Eli with the script for a school play he was writing. Later while they walked together, Eli confessed he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend Clare, and that he couldn’t get over her.

Imogen offered to help him get over Clare by dressing and acting like her.

Eli was actually writing a play about his relationship with Clare. Imogen wanted to play Clara, the lead character in Eli’s play, inspired by his ex-girlfriend Clare. She even pretended she was in a relationship with Eli. While Eli was going over the script of the play with Imogen, he absentmindedly called her Clare. Imogen corrected him, pointing out that he meant to say Clara, and the two ended up locking lips.

Nina Dobrev’s Change In Taste

Bulgarian-born Canadian actress Nina Dobrev played Mia Jones in Degrassi: The Next Generation for three seasons (2006-2009). She left the show in 2009 to star as Elena Gilbert on The CW’s The Vampire Diaries (2009-2017). Her fictional character Elena Gilbert, the protagonist of the show, had a relationship with Stefan Salvator, who she later discovered was a vampire. She also had a relationship with Stefan’s older brother Damon, who was also a vampire.

She left The Vampire Diaries in 2015 after playing Elena for six seasons, but returned early in 2017 to reprise her role in the series finale. She has appeared in several other movies, including The Perks of Being A Wallflower (2012), Let’s Be Cops (2014), The Final Girls (2015) and xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017).

Peter Lost His Girls To The CW

Peter Stone, played by Jamie Johnston, was the son of Daphne Hatzilakos, the former Degrassi Community School principal. Peter was best friends with Riley Stavros. He was also friends with Spinner Mason, and was close to Maya Matlin.

Besides Nina Dobrev, who played Peter’s former girlfriend Mia Jones, other members of the cast of Degrassi whose characters Peter had relationships with before they left for The CW included actress Shenae Grimes, who portrayed Darcy Edward.

Just like his previous Degrassi girlfriend, Grimes left Degrassi in 2008 to star in The CW’s 90210 (2008-2013).

Cassie Steele, who played Manny Santos, was also later cast as Abby Vargas in the TV series The L.A. Complex (2012), which premiered on CTV in January 2012, but also aired on The CW.

Jimmy Brooks Ridin’ Dirty

Jimmy Brooks, played by Aubrey Drake Graham, first appeared in the third episode of Degrassi: The Next Generation. He was a rich and popular kid who became a basketball star at the school, but ended up the victim of an assult that left him confined to a wheelchair.

Rick Murray hurt Jimmy after Jay Hogart and Spinner Mason humiliated him by dropping yellow paint and feathers on him as a prank. Rick came to school with a vengeance and injured Jimmy, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down.

Although the accident dealt a fatal blow to his ambition to become a professional basketball player, Jimmy converted the tragedy into an opportunity to explore his musical talents, which provoked Ashley’s jealousy. When a producer asked to see their work, Ashley deleted Jimmy’s rap from the demo and only sent the producer her song.

Alli Bhandari Doesn’t Date Bullies…

Alli Bhandari, played by Melinda Shankar, excelled in her studies at Degrassi Community School and even invented a breast cancer breathalyzer. She even turned down a scholarship to MIT. She was friends with Clare Edwards, Jena Middleton, and Connor DeLaurier. She dated Mike Dallas, Johnny DiMarco, Drew Torres, and Dave Turner.

Although she was considered book smart, she was widely regarded as dimwitted in matters of the heart.

She dated Johnny DiMarco, a former Lakehurst student who transferred to Degrassi. DiMarco was unpopular at Degrassi because he was with the Lakehurst thug Drake Lempkey when he ended the life of J.T. Yorke on the night of Liberty Van Zandt’s birthday party. Shankar’s character goes to show that being book smart doesn’t help when it comes to love.

Jimmy Forgives And Forgets

Jimmy returned to Degrassi Community School as a wheelchair-bound paraplegic after an incident with Rick Murray. He confronted Spinner over why he never visited him, who explained that he was struggling with feelings of guilt over his role in the events that led to the event.

Although Spinner, Jay Hogart, and Alex Nunez were behind the cruel prank, they deceived Rick into believing it was Jimmy who poured yellow paint and feathers on him, and the rest is Degrassi history.

Spinner eventually confessed his guilt to Jimmy, who was upset to learn the truth and stopped talking to Spinner. Spinner also confessed to the school principal and was expelled from the school. However, Jimmy later forgave Spinner and they became friends again.

Somebody Give Holly J. Sinclair A Kidney

In season 11 of Degrassi, Holly J. Sinclair learned that her kidneys were failing and that she needed a transplant. She also learned that she was adopted by her parents and that she was the only member of the family with her blood type.

She discovered that her biological mother was Dawn and that she shared her blood type - she offered to donate a kidney, but demanded $20,000. Holly was upset, but Dawn explained she was a working mother and that she could not afford to take three weeks off work without pay for the surgery.

Holly told Dawn she was selfish, but admitted she was also selfish to demand Dawn’s kidney without any consideration.

Dawn eventually donated a kidney and because it was illegal to pay for a vital organ, Holly’s pal Fiona bought Dawn’s old prom dress for $20,000.

Eli Missed Clare So Much

According to Eli Goldsworthy’s strange logic, he cheated on Clare Edwards with Lenore Mantino because he missed her so much. He met and befriended Lenore on his first day at the university, and the pair went out on a date together. Lenore told Eli she was in love with him. She also tried to make Eli forget about Clare, but when they were about to kiss, Clare interrupted by calling Eli on the phone.

Clare later found out that Eli was cheating on her with Lenore. She confronted Eli and he confessed. However, he tried to excuse his action by saying that he cheated with Lenore because he missed Clare so much. Many fans found Eli’s logic confusing and wondered why he should cheat on Clare because he missed her.

Marisol Lewis Reveals Katie Matlin’s Secret

Marisol revealed to the whole school that Katie had bulimia when the two were running against each other for school president in season 11 of the show. Katie denied that she was bulimic, but she was required to take a test on a lie detector app, which later indicated Katie was lying. The whole school learned that she failed the lie detector test and it looked like she would lose the election.

She confessed to Drew Torres, who was angry about her betrayal and told Katie not to let her get away with it.

But Katie and Marisol later reconciled. Marisol withdrew from the election and Katie won. After she won, she chose Marisol as her vice president. Many fans were surprised that Katie forgave Marisol so easily after all the pain she caused her.

 Makeover Mix-Up

In season 12 of Degrassi, Tori Santamaria took part in a pageant. She helped give Maya a makeover so that she could also take part in the pageant. After the two advanced to the next stage of the pageant, Tori found out that Maya had asked Zig Novak to join her on stage to play the cello during the talent part of the pageant. Tori was upset and insisted that Maya should have asked for her permission before using her boyfriend on stage.

Tori’s jealousy caused tension, but it turned out that her suspicion was justified because Zig and Maya were actually flirting. Katie caught Maya and Zig kissing, but Tori was unaware of the incident. Tori later gave a speech at the pageant that was meant as an apology to Maya for feeling jealous. The speech made Maya feel guilty. She ran off the stage, leaving Tori confused.

Do you know of any other sides-splitting Degrassi Memes that we left out of this list? Let us know in the comments.