Nothing surprises us when it comes to Deadpool. Nor should it: anyone who has seen the first film (and no, X-Men Origins: Wolverine absolutely does not count) or read the comic books should know by now that anything goes. Everyone will be shocked or offended by Deadpool at some point.

Sometimes we get a peek at behind the scenes photos that make our jaws drop for other reasons. Will there be other movie tie-ins or alternate versions of Deadpool? Given the mixed comments moviemakers have revealed on Twitter, either option could change everything for the franchise. We know there are hundreds of Deadpool character possibilities, and while we’ve seen Deadpool get pretty corny with the unicorns and Wham, is there a level he’ll not sink to?

There are plenty of images that change everything fans consider comic canon, too. Those who argue that Wade and Vanessa are the perfect couple will get some strong finger-wagging from those who know their story in the comics, after all.

Despite the backstories, predictions, rumors, and our own theories about what Deadpool 2 will reveal, these 15 Behind-The-Scenes Photos That Completely Change Deadpool may prove us all wrong.

Sidesaddle Riding

Yet another reason why we may cross our fingers for a Gwenpool or Lady Deadpool: the sidesaddle riding pictured here.

How much fun would it be if Wade whipped his head around and a long blonde ponytail followed suit?

Sure, Deadpool has always exhibited some pretty major androgyny, which is one of the reasons he is so beloved, and it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen him cross his legs like this. Side saddle riding isn’t just for women, either, but with so many incarnations of Deadpool available, we have to hope for one of them to make a quick cameo.

Between the possible Lady Deadpool nod and his spiffy new ride, we are likely to see some changes in the next movie.

We love that it’s a scooter and not a motorcycle, which fits his expectations-defying style.

Wade And Domino Crack Up

While we have no doubt that there’s plenty to laugh about on set, this photo of Deadpool and Domino, AKA Zazie Beetz, could definitely be used by fans as fodder for some theory-making, particularly when considering whether or not Vanessa is Copycat. In the comics, Wade’s girlfriend Copycat also posed as Domino for a while.

Could Wade be flirting with his actual girlfriend in mutant form in this scene?

That’s what  lot of fans want. If so, it would change the entire dynamic of their relationship in the films which, despite their professions and secret-keeping, is much healthier than their comic coupledom. If compared to other superhero films, it’s pretty unlikely as there are so many creative liberties taken during these adaptations. Then again, Deadpool isn’t like other superhero movies.

Brolin’s Face Cast Is Used To Add Scarring… To His Actual Face

If you hadn’t heard about the Scarception in Deadpool 2, it’s pretty interesting: Josh Brolin’s face was cast in a mold in order to create scarring to add to his actual face. This means that we will get the scarring we have come to associate with Cable and his team is going above and beyond to make it as realistic as possible.

There’s something about his blue, giant head here that cracks us up.

A Cable and the smurfs spinoff? A Cable at the spa moment? So many blue possibilities, so few of them that will never, ever, ever come to pass.

Did Brolin tap into Cable’s mutant abilities in order to write on that legal pad while his eyes were closed and sealed in blue goo? None of his abilities really translate into that field but you never know.

Colossus Isn’t So Bad Anymore

When Colossus babysits Wade like a misbehaving mutant child, he seems pretty uptight and tough. He’s a hulking giant who can withstand any strike from Deadpool without so much as a flinch - even in his most sensitive of areas.

When you get to see the behind the scenes footage before the CGI editing, Colossus appears to be nearly the same size as Wade.

Note the super platform boots that give the illusion of great height. Without his steel exterior, he also looks a whole lot more approachable. Of course, that would have made Wade’s terrible jokes much more painful (not to mention overused) with Colossus so exposed. Non-armored Colossus is so much more friendly and approachable, but where is the humor in that?

If Deadpool Wears Crocs, Can We All Wear Them?

It’s one of the most unforgivable images we’ve ever seen - so terrible that it almost hurts to watch. Crocs? On Deadpool? As cheesy and stupid as the Merc is wont to be, some fans think this took the movie just a little too far. Did it render it unwatchable? Not exactly. Was it more ridiculous than the tiny arm or the unicorn? Yep.

The reason why, of course, is because it puts Deadpool’s level of pathetic on par with that of the rest of us. When Deadpool does something that’s shameful (while simultaneously being shameless about it), it’s got to blow the rest of us out of the water, not match humankind’s most grimace-worthy shirt stains. We want it over the top and outrageous, not necessarily relatable.

Stunts Require Deadpool’s Head Only

An image has surfaced depicting Deadpool leaping away from what may be a children’s birthday party. This could mean a whole new path of including kids in the movies, and we’ve already got Julian Dennison involved in a mystery role.

While the fact that Ryan Reynolds’s stunt doubles only need his head in order to perform a scene, the sight of Deadpool’s head in costume without the rest of the red suit brings to mind the time in the comics when Wade carried his own head (affectionately known as Headpool by fans) from another reality around with him. While this scene doesn’t truly point us in that direction, it’s a hilarious zombie scenario that filmmakers shouldn’t discount.

Deadpool Geeks Out With DC And Marvel Fan Gear

This photo is of a cosplaye behind the scenes, not a shot from either Deadpool film, but we couldn’t resist. It’s a classic example of Deadpool’s fourth wall-breaking ways but more importantly, it brings crossovers to mind.

As soon as any fan sees Deadpool rocking the Infinity Gauntlet, we immediately wonder what Avengers: Infinity War would look like with Deadpool on the scene. With the Disney-FOX deal, how soon - if ever - can we hope for a crossover with some Avengers characters.

Fans want to see a nod to his major crush on Spider-Man, but the tones of the two characters seem impossibly different.

Nonetheless, this shot of a Deadpool cosplayer reminds us of all the Deadpool interactions we’re missing out on due to rights issues. We’ll never give up hope.

Special Effects Look Not-So-Special IRL

It’s one of those photos that make you picture someone whining, “You ruined my childhood!” It does kind of ruin the movie magic to see Reynolds in a green screen style outfit without the red suit on. Come on, other people in red suits don’t pull this. You ever see Santa in ninja gear?

To make this image even worse, it was one of the first-ever released photos from the first Deadpool film.

Talk about curbing our enthusiasm for the movie. This test footage still changed everything because fans finally got what they’d been clamoring for ever since the first time they saw Reynolds play some weird shadow of Deadpool with his mouth sewn shut: a full action feature complete with its R-rating. Chimichangas were raised all over the world for this.

Makeup Alone Can’t Make Reynolds Ugly

No, he’s not as “Hey Girl!” meme worthy as another famous Ryan, but Ryan Reynolds has never been difficult to look at/

It must be a great comfort to him to know that even all of that hideaous makeup still can’t render him horrific to women. In order to earn the description of the avocado mating with an older, more disgusting avocado, he needed a bunch of editing and effects in addition to the makeup kit.

No, he’s not nearly as pretty as Morena Baccarin, but his face looks like he was in a fight, not like it reeks of decay.

When fans found out that a lot of the movie was CGI, including the opening sequence, it definitely changed how we saw things.

Josh Brolin Trained Hard

Remember back when Brand worked so hard on his body in The Goonies that his little brother and his buddies were able to tie him up with his own exercise equipment? Well, he’s come a long way since his Astoria days.

Josh Brolin trained so hard for Cable that we have to wonder if he had another goal in mind.

Cable is huge in the comics, so it makes sense, but does Brolin have a Mr. Universe title ahead of him?

Golds Gym had to be stoked that he was pretty much growing Cable in their building as if it were a futuristic mutant lab. Knowing how much CGI was used in the first movie, fans were pretty shocked to see how much of Cable’s strength would be the real deal.

Deadpool Can Follow Orders

It’s no secret that there were enough creative differences between Tim Miller and Ryan Reynolds to knock Miller off the Deadpool sequel, but there is evidence that Deadpool (or Reynolds, at least) did listen to direction given in this photo of the two taken during the filming of Deadpool.

Instead of Reynolds taking the direction, it appears as if Deadpool is actually following orders, which ruins the entire illusion here.

Nope. The Merc with a Mouth may do whatever it takes to get the job done and get paid, but he’s not taking orders from anybody. In fact, he often executes a plan the complete opposite way from what a leader is expecting just because he can, which doesn’t always end well for everybody.

Makeup Retouches

Wear red, they said. It will hide the blood, they said. That’s all well and good when you look like a butt-kicking merc for hire, but when you look like Cat Noir and Ladybug had some kind of weird kid with spotty eyes, well, it kind of detracts from the whole image. When we see Ryan Reynolds (or his stunt double, to be fair) getting his makeup retouched, he doesn’t look very fearsome. Instead, he looks downright goofy.

Don’t get us wrong: Deadpool is often goofy in his own acerbic way. But when they take out his white eye coverings and dot up his face and he looks more like a kiddie character that oblivious moms and dads would take their kid to see– and promptly yank out of the theater while demanding a refund, of course.

Deadpool Digs Cabaret

If a Deadpool musical were to ever come our way, it would certainly change everything.

Here, Wade sports a Crazy Horse Paris, France t-shirt in some of the behind the scenes photos for Deadpool 2. The tee, pulled over his costume and under a very 80s-looking jacket, pays homage to a famous cabaret show in Paris.

We can add this information to Wade’s love of musical theater, as expressed by his Rent T-shirt in the first Deadpool movie.

Deadpool 2 may find us in a cabaret show instead of a dancer’s club, which would be a pretty interesting turn for the film. If Wade and co. break out into a musical number a la Spider-Man 3, we may run into some problems.

Could Be A Tiny Deadpool?

We all know that the tiny Deadpool pictured on the set with Josh Brolin in this photo could very well be anyone. It might be a staff member’s kid getting a special treat, or it could be a child fulfilling a dream through the Make a Wish Foundation or the Children’s Wish Foundation like Reynolds has shared in his Instagram. So much for Deadpool not being for kids, but it is pretty awesome to see the actors make their fans’ dreams come true like that.

What movie fans might not know is that there’s definitely a Kidpool in the comics.

He’s not just some random character who shows up randomly in one issue. There are over 30 comics featuring Kidpool, which begs the question: will there be a Kidpool in the films?

Weasel The Surfer New York Tourist Dude

While TJ Miller’s Weasel definitely has more of a laid-back surfer vibe, the comib book version could never be anything other than self-absorbed, geeky arms dealer who runs for cover the instant things go south, We could never imagine him looking half as chill as Miller looks here.

Between the touristy shirt, goofy grin, and sporty jacket, Weasel seems to be mixing a few looks here.

Our best guess? This is a scene where Deadool travels back in time and meets Hammer at an earlier point in his life prior to his days dishing out weapons. Could a backstory be in order here? It’s possible, but it’s also possible that Miller just wanted a pic to promote his show, which is what he did with this one.

Are you excited for Deadpool 2? Share your thoughts in the comments!

  • Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18