Now that Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens has officially been released, arguably the biggest teaser campaign in existence has come to an end. As people flock to the theaters in record numbers, there will no longer be any need to catch previously unseen glimpses of the film’s characters (old and new) or eagerly anticipate when the next blip of information is going to come forth.

Though some may believe otherwise, it’s hard to deny that a lot of the fun of an upcoming and hotly anticipated movie is in fact, the teasers – the promotional campaigns that leave us wondering and discussing what will be and how the movie will actually unfold once we’re in theaters watching it.  20th Century Fox’s upcoming Deadpool has done a superb job thus far of this sort of self-promotion, despite having to contend with bigger, more established films.

Ryan Reynolds, who portrays Wade Wilson (aka Deadpool), has helped keep this campaign on point, having recently announced the 12 Days of Deadpool – a daily “tasty treat” that will culminate with the release of the newest trailer for the film on Christmas Day 2015. Thanks to Fandango, you can now admire today’s festive offering below - while coveting the Merc with A Mouth’s positively lovely sweater.

Given that this movie will serve as Deadpool’s re-induction into the X-Men movie universe, one could say that there’s a slight bit of extra pressure on this being a hit for Fox. A bad origin story of Wade Wilson’s transformation from terminally ill military man turned accelerated healer/hilariously deranged mercenary would not only be a major let down for fans, but it could also weaken the overall X-Men shared universe.

Thankfully, it looks as though right now Deadpool has no shortage of fans eager and ready to see what Reynolds can do as the titular anti-hero. If the bits of promotional material released thus far by 20th Century Fox as well as Reynolds himself are any indication, this is a little movie that could very well liven up the typically drought filled box office month of February. Reynolds just might have found his niche here playing Wade Wilson – and 20th Century Fox may have just found one of their biggest hits of the winter.

Deadpool opens in theaters on February 12, 2016, followed by X-Men: Apocalypse on May 27, 2016; Gambit sometime in 2017; Wolverine 3 on March 3, 2017; and some as-yet unspecified X-Men film on July 13, 2018. The New Mutants is also in development.

Source: Fandango