Though Deadpool is set for a February 2016 release, 20th Century Fox’s ongoing promotional campaign has been steadily ramping into high gear over the past month. What initially began as the odd home video here and there from Ryan Reynolds (aka Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool), or the odd poster or piece of info from the set in Vancouver, Canada, has now kicked off into a full scale race to reveal the brand new trailer on December 25th.

Cheekily dubbed The 12 Days of Deadpool, the movie’s latest promotional campaign sees a new Deadpool holiday treat being released every day by a different entertainment news site up until the 25th. Thus far we’ve received some downright snazzy videos and posters as well as a carefully thought out Home Alone style battle plan and a touching Christmas list.

Today we move into new territory as part of the campaign and have been provided (courtesy of JoBlo) with a single page from the movie’s script. This isn’t just any script page however, as you can plainly see for yourself below.

In case it’s not obvious, the red-inked script notes are written by none other than Deadpool himself and, in typical Deadpool fashion, make a mockery out of what is actually quite a brutal battle. Breaking wrists and ankles fighting the stupendous Colossus, the single page teases an encounter that is in desperate need of some background information. Exactly why Deadpool would choose to take on the Russian X-Man is unknown at this point – though it does provide the slightest glimpse into Deadpool joining the X-Men Universe, as had previously been promised.

This isn’t the first tease of a battle between Deadpool and Colossus that we’ve had, however. Back in April fans were treated to on set footage of Ryan Reynolds in costume preparing to duke it out with a very large man in a motion-capture suit. This undoubtedly was the scene from which we now get a single script page. The entire Deadpool script had also previously leaked and although it’s best not to include any potential spoilers here, it’s safe to say that what’s been cooked up in this clash between the two is going to be a spectacularly gory on screen event.

20th Century Fox has likely done the smart thing here in taking its time releasing bits of information about the movie. This 12 Days of Deadpool campaign is superbly engineered to create hype for the film without having to give very much away at all. When everything is said and done, it’s anyone’s guess as to whether or not Deadpool will be more than just an amalgam of crass jokes and ultra violence – but even if it does only possess those attributes, at least fans will figure that out in theatres rather than via an overzealous advertising campaign that reveals too much, too far in advance.

Deadpool opens in theaters on February 12, 2016, followed by X-Men: Apocalypse on May 27, 2016; Gambit sometime in 2017; Wolverine 3 on March 3, 2017; and some as-yet unspecified X-Men film on July 13, 2018. The New Mutants is also in development.

Source: JoBlo