Whenever an actor or actress is cast in a superhero movie, there always seems to be a section of the fanbase in uproar over the studios’ person of choice. Obviously it’s not an easy task given the detail of the core material, but even the best superhero personnel of today have had to contend with negative comments going their way, no matter how high their stock in Hollywood.

Most of the time, however, the stars respond to the skepticism by producing some of the best performances of their careers, either in just a singular film or multiple within a franchise. We now take a look at those who have silenced their critics - and make you think why there were any in the first place. Who knows, maybe Robert Pattinson will be on a list like this someday…

Tobey Maguire - Spider-Man

While Tom Holland’s quirky and slick Spider-Man of today has us all back in love with the character after the erratic Amazing Spider-Man series, Tobey Maguire’s still holds up rather well. While there was never any question of him being able to play a dorky Peter Parker, there was about whether he could pass for a 18-year-old when he was really 26.

And while he admittedly did look a tad too old to be in high school, it works out because everybody around him looked the same age as Maguire himself. Looking fresh-faced helped too and his take on the character was successful, with fans enjoying the first two movies before struggling to take to the third. Despite that blip, though, the Spider-Man films are held in high regard with the second outing a particular highlight.

Anne Hathaway - The Dark Knight Rises

Expectations were always going to be high when The Dark Knight Rises started searching for its Catwoman given the success of both its predecessors and Tim Burton’s Batman Returns in 1992, starring Michelle Pfeiffer. But those same expectations dipped when it was revealed that Anne Hathaway would be donning the costume for the final part of Christopher Nolan’s trilogy.

It wasn’t because certain people considered her to be a bad actress - it was mainly because she was known of more as a rom-com star. Prior to her casting she had starred in features such as Becoming Jane, Valentine’s Day and Bride Wars but, fortunately, she came through the other side. Hathaway’s take on the character was well-received and her flirtatious relationship with Christian Bale’s Batman is an interesting side plot in a jam-packed finale.

Chris Pratt - MCU

In recent years, Chris Pratt’ career has gone from strength to strength with the 39-year-old starring in not just Marvel Cinematic Universe blockbusters, but the likes of Jurassic World and the two Lego Movie outings too. However, when it was revealed he would be playing Star-Lord in the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, critics were skeptical as to whether he would be able to bring the character to life on the big screen.

Pratt had forged a reputation as the chubby and bubbly Andy Dwyer in Parks and Recreation, while also starring in the shambolic Movie 43. Some believed him to be ill-suited to the role as Star-Lord because of his lack of experience in serious Hollywood features but those doubts faded away, with his take on the character refreshing. Star-Lord is capable of not just the comedic but the emotional too, with the actor delivering a stellar performance in 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War. He is also expected to be involved in the MCU for the foreseeable future.

Mark Ruffalo - MCU

The MCU is now a juggernaut unlikely to slow down anytime soon but, at the start of it, the ambitious project was hit by a rather big - and green - problem. The Incredible Hulk, starring Ed Norton, had a solid run at the box office but still failed to hit the same heights as the first Iron Man film, starring Robert Downey Jr, which had hit screens earlier that same year.

It was decided that Norton, who was a household name at the time, would not be continuing beyond the one film and that Mark Ruffalo would be replacing him. The 51-year-old was an experienced actor but still a relatively unknown quantity, with Zodiac perhaps the biggest moment of his career prior to his casting. Fans wanted Norton to stay but fast-forward to now and just about everybody seems to have been won round by his successor, with Ruffalo’s portrayal highly popular among both audiences and critics alike.

Ben Affleck - DCEU

When DC announced it would be bringing Batman back to the big screen, just a few years after Christian Bale’s portrayal of the character during Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy, fans were skeptical. How could anybody top Bale’s portrayal of the character? Nolan’s trilogy had done a successful job of telling three immersive stories about the caped crusader and some felt that the bigwigs at the studios were rushing into another outing far too soon.

When Ben Affleck was announced as Bruce Wayne, it sparked a fan backlash. His portrayal of Daredevil had left much to be desired and he was also going through some issues in his personal life at the time. However, Affleck has proven to be a major hit - even if films such as Justice League, Batman Vs Superman and Suicide Squad failed to sparkle. His replacement, whoever it will be, will have some big boots to fill.

Josh Brolin - MCU

It’s quite surprising to look back at the MCU and how it has not hesitated to make some big calls when it needs to. First, came the decision to ax Ed Norton for Mark Ruffalo as the Incredible Hulk. Then came the call to place Don Cheadle inside the War Machine armor, rather than Terrence Howard. And when it came to the role of Thanos, one of Marvel’s strongest villains of all time, they also opted to change things up.

Josh Brolin, who gave two phenomenal portrayals of the Mad Titan during both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, was not originally going to be the man to don the purple make-up. Instead, Damion Poitier was, with fans excited after he makes a cameo at the end of the very first Avengers film in 2012. While Brolin was a superstar, some were worried about the decision to make the change given how well-received Thanos had been. However, none of those people think the same now with the Goonies and Deadpool actor blowing it out of the park.

Hugh Jackman

Some actors are just MADE to play a certain superhero character. It seems unfathomable to think of anybody else but Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man, Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Sir Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier. However, when it comes to perfect casting decisions, the call to make Hugh Jackman Wolverine in 2000’s first X-Men outing is right up there with the very, very best.

Jackman spent a huge 17 years playing the character before bowing out in 2017’s Logan, where he produces arguably the best performance of his career. However, there was an initial backlash when it was revealed the Australian would be taking on the beast - because of his height. In the comics, Wolverine is a rather small and feisty being, standing at just 5’3. Jackman, at an entire foot taller, was immediately criticized for being ill-suited to the role. Alas, all these years on, and nobody is talking about anyone’s height now. Instead, everybody is waiting to see who will play Wolverine in the MCU - and whether anybody could ever top Jackman’s performances.

Chris Evans

Let’s face it, the original two Fantastic Four movies are nobody’s favorites. The original is an enjoyable enough affair but the sequel, released in 2007, sunk like a stone in the same summer where franchises such as Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean and Shrek all released fresh blockbusters. Chris Evans’ cocky Johnny Storm was borderline irritating and, consequently, fans had their fears when it was revealed he would be taking on the role of Captain America in the MCU.

But now, all these years on, it’s safe to say nobody need have worried. Evans’ version of Steve Rogers goes on a rollercoaster of the journey during his eight years as the super soldier and supporters are with him every step of the way. It speaks volumes that, with Evans’ role in the franchise over following the release of Avengers: Endgame, everybody is mourning his decision to walk away. His doubters certainly have no such issues anymore.

Heath Ledger

When it comes to the role of The Joker, fans are very particular about how the actor donning the clown make-up must have the villainous credentials for the roles. There were, however, fears that Heath Ledger would be too much of a ‘pretty boy’ to play Batman’s biggest enemy, while some were unhappy at the studios’ decision to cast somebody who had played a homosexual cowboy in Brokeback Mountain. Those critics and homophobes were left reeling, though, by the sheer brilliance of his performance.

Ledger’s take on The Joker is considered to be not just the best of all time, but one of the best superhero portrayals of all time. He is now the benchmark and, had it not been for his tragic death in 2008, fans would have been no doubt treated to much more of his character. He brought the role to life on the big screen in a way that scaled new heights for the superhero genre and earned him a deserved posthumous Oscar award.

Robert Downey Jr

Marvel was already gambling when they announced the decision to forge a universe where everybody’s favorite superheroes would all live as one. However, the MCU got off to a testing start when many fans criticized their decision to give the role of Iron Man to Robert Downey Jr. It was not because he was a bad actor - but more because of his past track record.

Fans were unhappy because Downey Jr had suffered problems in his personal life, having stints in rehab for issues with drugs. He was also arrested and sentenced to a three-year prison term in California. He had, however, already turned his life around by 2008 and, in the years since, has made the role of Iron Man his own. Seriously, we can’t ever imagine another actor pulling off the role now.