From October 2000 to May 2007, Gilmore Girls was one of the best shows on TV. So much so that there was also a Netflix revival, titled Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, which came out in 2016. This exciting story followed Lorelai Gilmore and her daughter/best friend Rory Gilmore, who lived in the fictional and quaint town of Stars Hollow. 

There was so much to love about this television series, including the Gilmore girls’ adorable house. However, there are some details, decorations and down-right confusing things that some fans may have not noticed about this home. So let’s dive in on it all here and now!

All Its Updates In The Revival

Over the years, these women made a few changes to their house, especially in Season 6 when Luke and Lorelai got engaged and decided to expand the upstairs. When the revival happened a few years later, several more edits could be seen. 

The walls got painted green, a flat-screen TV showed up, and the kitchen got a full remodel, with a new fridge, a larger range (since Luke was in the house), a checkered floor and new paint and furniture.

Similar Couches In The Inn & The Updated Living Room 

Back in the day, a couple of comments were made about the Gilmore girls’ couch, but they felt it was just right; all the lumps and bumps were in the right places, due to numerous movie nights that had been enjoyed on that thing!

In the revival, a new couch appeared, and it looked very similar to one at the inn, with its red stripes. Were they from the same place? Or was that just a coincidence?

The Fact That They Could Afford It

One complaint that people have had about this TV show would be the lack of realism when it comes to homes. Everyone knows that Lorelai and Rory went to Richard and Emily when it came to paying for Chilton and Yale. But Lorelai started out as a maid then was an inn manager, and providing for a teenager is not cheap. Plus, they ate out all the time and surely spent a pretty penny just on coffee.

According to, that house in that area would have been about $2.8 million dollars!

Cutouts In The Living Room

Some sides of some rooms were not shown that often or at all, since the cameras had to be somewhere. However, audience members were able to get a few glimpses in the living room that showed cutouts: There were little holes where books were stored, and there were spots in the fireplace that housed wooden logs. 

These were not seen that often and may have not even been noticed at all. However, it makes sense that they would need more room for all those books. And the fireplace… well… keep reading!

The Fireplace

Speaking of that fireplace… was it ever used? It could get pretty cold in Stars Hollow, but this area seemed to mostly just be utilized as a place to set the television set. 

When Richard came over to the house once, he was asking about its structure and safety, and Luke surely made certain nothing went wrong with it. It is just strange that it never had a fire going in it and that no one ever seemed to want one, either!

Movie Magic

Here is a fun behind-the-scenes fact for everyone: the exteriors of the Gilmore girls’ house and Sookie’s and Jackson’s house were the same! The backyard was never seen, because it was actually used as the front of the St. James-Belleville house. 

In fact, at one point in time, Lorelai said she knew a shortcut to Sookie’s… and boy, she was not lying. 

All The Quirky Lamps

It is always fun to see how characters’ spaces are decorated on TV, and this house fits these characters quite well. There are a lot of comfortable and charming pieces, such as antiques that were probably picked up at garage sales or the Kims’. There are nods to the girls, such as an antique sewing machine, a dress form and tons and tons of books. And then there are quirky elements, since these two are not like anyone else and love to have a good time.

That being said, all the lamps around the home add even more warmth, as well as add personality. The one with the floral design by the couch is so iconic, and no one can forget the monkey lamp (which they got in exchange for crystal candlesticks from Emily)!

The Quilt On The Wall

Another decoration would be the quilt on the wall by the stairs. Did Lorelai make this? Is it a family heirloom? Was it ever used as a blanket? Or is it just something pretty that they saw and hung up, as a way to fill that big empty spot? We may never know… but we do know that it was another quaint and cozy touch that helped make this house a home. 

How Familiar It Looks

There is an intriguing tidbit to know about this house and this whole set in general: It is located at the Warner Bros. Studio in Los Angeles, California, it can be toured, and it has been used in many other films and television series, like Pretty Little Liars!

Yes, Stars Hollow and Rosewood are one and the same. The town’s landmarks, like the gazebo and church, can be seen in both. Well-known spots like Miss Patty’s are seen in background shots of PLL. And Emily’s house is Kim’s Antiques, the Apple Rose Grill is Luke’s Diner, and Spencer’s house is the Gilmore girls’ house.

Lorelai’s Dollhouse

Lorelai had a miniature house, as well: a dollhouse that she had as a kid and wanted as a grown-up, since she said it was the only thing from her childhood that gave her joy.

This dollhouse was seen at Mrs. Kim’s antique shop once, for sale, and it was even in Friends; Monica inherited it from a family member. Oh, and the episode it is featured in on Gilmore Girls is titled “Welcome to the Doll House”, and there is a PLL episode with that title, too.