The fifth season of anthology series Black Mirror was a controversial one. Many fans argue that the eery feeling that defined the earlier seasons was missing in the latest episodes. While this might be true, not all the things we grew to love about the show were gone. This time around, Black Mirror took a step back on anticipating the dangers of technology to modern society in order to focus on issues that are akin to human behavior no matter the circumstances.

There still hasn’t been further news on whether or not we can expect the show to be renewed for a sixth season. While you might be feeling like your thirst for dramatic predictions surrounding technology hasn’t been fully quenched, this doesn’t mean you should be done with the latest batch of episodes. Black Mirror may have taken a different approach with its fifth season, but there’s still plenty to unpack. Here are ten things you missed in the latest season!

White Bear References

It would be quite surprising if the showrunners would’ve given up on what has become one of the staples of Black Mirror. Of course, we’re talking about all the easter eggs that come in the form of references to previous episodes, and connect all the episodes of the show within a single universe.

Well, no one forgot to include those, and there’s plenty to look for during a re-watch. For instance, the White Bear episode is amongst one of the most referenced episodes throughout the entire run of the show. In the fifth season, this reference can be spotted during the second episode, with the name Victoria Skillane, and the third entry through the name of Ashley’s bodyguard, Bear. Smart move!

The VR Headpiece

Striking Vipers was something different from anything we’ve seen on Black Mirror before. While virtual reality plays a significant part in the development of the story, this was the first example of technology being more of a background element that the central focus of the narrative. It presents an interesting and original take on a love story. For that, the show should be commended.

This wasn’t, however, the first time VR was featured in an episode. Which is perfectly understandable on a show like Black Mirror! Fans will recall other episodes of the sort, and those who have particularly refined attention to detail might have noticed the VR headpiece seemed familiar. This was because it’s the same one featured on USS Callister!

San Junipero Reference

Coming back to the topic of references - we told you the showrunners wouldn’t forget - there is a previous episode that was mentioned a grand total of three times throughout the entire fifth season of the show. For a season that only includes three episodes, that’s quite remarkable!

San Junipero was part of the third season and attracted a fantastic reception from fans. To pay homage to the episode, showrunners included the following references: TCKR, the company responsible for creating the virtual reality, is featured in Striking Vipers; #StJuniperStrike appears on a screen in Smithereens, and finally, St. Juniper’s ICU is the hospital featured in the third episode.

The Lack Of Futurism

Even though the season took some heat due to its departure from the earlier episodes fans grew so fond of; Striking Vipers and Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too still featured technology to a certain extent. There was, however, something that might have felt a little off with the second episode, Smithereens.

This episode, in particular, isn’t placed in a distant, futuristic future, which is what we’ve been used to when it comes to Black Mirror. This wasn’t an accident since the episode deals with an extremely up-to-date topic. Creator Charlie Brooker admitted he wanted to give a try to an episode that takes place in the present but still has the feel of the show.

Bandersnatch References

If you’re looking for something to blame for the lack of Black Mirror star quality on the latest season, you can point the finger to Bandersnatch. It’s pretty known that the team behind the show took a step back from developing Season 5 to work more on the well-received movie. If this was a trade-off, then it was a good one.

It should be expected that the showrunners would reference their masterpiece during the fifth season of Black Mirror. In total, we counted six easter eggs that tie with the movie - for instance, you see one of the potential endings and Bandersnatch Theatre in episode two, and SaitoXNetflix on episode three.

Smithereens Title

If there’s one thing Black Mirror does right, it’s titles. They’re often as enticing as the episodes themselves, and without giving too much away, once you watch the episode, you finally understand all the thinking that was behind selecting the titles. Hated in the Nation and White Bear are excellent examples of this.

In the fifth season of the show, there’s clearly a certain amount of thought put into the titles as well. For instance, Smithereens might sound strange at first, but once you realize the episode is about an Irishman who lives in England, and that Smithereens is an example of a word borrowed by the English language (the original one is Smidiríní), everything makes sense.

Nine Inch Nails

The last episode of the fifth season - Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too - was arguably the one that received the most heat. It did sound a bit like an ’80s teenage drama meets Black Mirror, as opposed to just the latter. However, Miley Cyrus did deliver a stellar performance, and there’s quite a bit to reveal about this particular episode.

For instance, fans of the American rock band Nine Inch Nails may have noticed that Ashley plays rewritten covers of their songs “Head Like a Hole” and “Right Where It Belongs.” The first one gains a particular meaning when we take into consideration what Ashley’s aunt does with her niece - literally using her head like a hole to extract something from.

What’s In A Song?

Fifteen Million Merits gave us a lot. From Oscar-worthy performances, particularly from the main actor, to an unsettling sense of living in our own prison, this is one of the earliest and most celebrated episodes of the show. So much so, Abi’s “Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand)” song has been featured a handful of times on the show.

This includes White Christmas, Crocodile and, as of now, Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too. If you pay enough attention, you might notice that, aside from Nine Inch Nails songs, this tune is also performed by Miley Cyrus’ character, Ashley O.

A Play On Words

We’ve already mentioned Black Mirror’s aptitude to come up with ingenious titles. All of them relate to the core of the episode somehow; in the case of Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too, the trend continues. Obviously, Rachel and Jack refer to the two sisters who eventually help Ashley when she is in a coma, while Ashley Too refers to the doll.

What you might not know is that the title isn’t just the brainchild of the showrunners. In fact, Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too is a reference to the 1987 movie Rita, Sue and Bob Too, a British dramedy about two teenagers who have an affair with a married man.

A Real Breakdown

Arguably one of the most emotionally charged scenes of the season happens during the final episode when Ashley O wakes up from the coma her aunt put her in and completely breaks down. It’s raw, emotional, and boasts a fantastic performance by Miley Cyrus.

However, something helped Miley portray onscreen such a sincere breakdown. Little before they were set to film this scene, Cyrus was informed of the California wildfires that completely burned and destroyed her house. This heartbreaking news was a catalyst for Miley to breakdown the way she did, giving the scene a much more raw feeling. She was acting, but not 100%.