Hey Some of our favorite romantic comedies can be super formulaic, but some of the newer ones are trying to move outside the box. There are so many classic romantic comedies out there, but as of the year 2000, the genre has changed to suit the newly skeptical and jaded generation. These give fans everything they could want or need when it comes to more nuanced portrayals of love.

10 Things I Hate About You, changed the face of romantic comedies forever, and newer Rom-Coms like Netflix’s To All The Boys I Loved Before showed realistic teen romance with normal teen problems while still having compelling plotlines and secrets.

The 10 memes that can be found down below are all focused on romantic comedies and are all too hilarious for words!

Jaded Rom Com Meme

We’ve all been there. Watching a Rom-Com (or two) late at night and feeling angry or sad that the main characters have found true love because maybe we don’t have our own love story.

Or being angry at the unrealistic portrayal of love, feeling like an angry Rebel Wilson, when you’re like, these people would have never gotten together in real life. Fans of Rom Coms can only expect that the characters will get together at the end since it’s a trope of the genre, but that doesn’t make the annoyance any easier.

The Sigh Of Relief On A Friday

Everyone breathes that sweet sigh of relief on a Friday at 5pm when they are used to working that nine-to-five grind. And nothing makes 9 to 5 workers happier than when that clock strikes 5:00pm and they get to run away from their job, their coworkers, and their responsibilities, for a 48 hour weekend into the weekend, of no work, living the life of rest and relaxation.

Even if it’s just to Netflix and Chill or spend some quality time with their dog and some chocolate.


White Ppl

Ever notice how most Rom Coms mostly star white people falling in love with white people? While Issa Rae’s work is challenging these tropes, like her movie with Kamal Nanjiani, The Love Birds, which showcases the two in an interracial couple, or Kamal Nanjiani’s own The Big Sick, things are slowly changing.

But for the most part, historically speaking, you could probably name the amount of Rom Coms staring people of color on your hands. As Hollywood starts seeing that movies starring Black people and people of color are more and more popular and lucrative, hopefully, the diversity of Rom Coms will continue to improve.

A Whole Pint of Ben and Jerry’s Type of Day

Everyone has those days where everything feels bad and horrible, and we just want to hang in our beds, snuggle up in front of the computer, watch the latest Netflix or Hulu show, and chow down on some delivery food and every sweet thing we have in our house, including a whole pint of Ben and Jerry’s.

Renee Zellweger in Bridget Jone’s Diary is a mood. Sometimes we just need the reassurance that we’re allowed to veg out and partake in the best act of self-care: not doing anything at all. Ana

Starbucks Hill

Wouldn’t Notting Hill have been better if instead of the famous line, “I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her” that Julia Robert’s character, Anna Scott, was just ordering a complicated chai latte, and then just proceeded to leave the coffee shop, nothing happening after?

It would actually satisfy those jaded people who aren’t into Rom Coms making these memes in the first place. Instead, we end up with a happy ending where Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant end up together, getting married, and pregnant.

Feeling Myself

Just Friends is one of those classic Rom Coms where one friend is in love with the other, and the other doesn’t see them. This is the case for Ryan Reynolds’ character whose in love with his best friend, who doesn’t see him because he’s the “fat best friend” and he thinks she isn’t interested in him romantically or sexually because of this.

He leaves, loses weight, and becomes famous, and comes back to visit his small town, full of himself. And why not? If he’s going to be forever alone, why not at least be feeling himself?

There’s Something About Ben Stiller’s Ear

This iconic scene is probably one of the most hilarious in any Rom-Com to date. As Ben Stiller’s character, Ted, masturbates in the bathroom and accidentally gets cum on his ear, he walks out of the bathroom with it dripping, leading Cameron Diaz’s character, Mary, to ask him what was going on. He tells her it’s gel and so she puts it in her hair.

The comparison to Apple Earpods just brings this joke to a whole other level. The art of the Meme is to make something funny even funnier.

10 Things I Still Hate About You

Kat Stratford, played by Julia Stiles, was one of the most iconic feminist characters in a Rom-Com, with her interest in literature and her apathetic attitude towards boys at her high school and the popularity contests going on. And so it’s no surprise that she had so many iconic moments in 10 Things I Hate About You that became perfect meme fodder.

Among these perfect moments was the above meme, where her killer sarcasm can make anyone laugh. She hasn’t made anyone cry yet? It’s still 4:30 pm, there’s still so much of the day for her attitude to reck someone’s day.

Mindy: Queen Of The Romantic Comedy

No one knows Rom-Coms like Mindy Kaling, who’s completely obsessed with them in a non-ironic way. The Mindy Project is mostly about her obsession with Rom-Coms and the men she loves.

Centering herself as the protagonist, where a South-Asian woman is a lead in a Romantic Comedy, is unseen in American television or movies. Her show was a monumental move for diversity in film and tv. And plus her badass attitude and utter confidence allowed her to give lines like the one above with conviction and humor.

Life Got Me Like…

One of the most iconic and meme-able Rom-Coms, Bridesmaids is on this list twice because it is just that good. Kristen Wiig has so many funny moments in this movie, and so many of the best moments take place in the airplane at the beginning of the movie. Drunk humor was never so funny before.

Bridesmaids was historic, staring so many women comedians, an unprecedented number in a single movie, starring faves Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Melissa McCarthy, and many others. Was anyone surprised that this movie ended up being so hilarious?