Some of us live for romantic comedies that turn our hearts inside out as we become emotionally attached to the characters in the film. Unfortunately, not every lead is great, as some leave us with feelings of hatred over their actions toward the one they love. It becomes easy to despise them as we watch them make a series of mistakes that are wrong on so many levels.

We have compiled a list of some of our least favorite romantic comedy leads who we just can’t help but dislike. Actions always speak louder than words, but sometimes the verbal insults they use are enough to send us over the edge. Keep reading to learn about 10 rom-com leads we all love to hate!

Melanie In ‘Sweet Home Alabama’

Melanie was pretty rude throughout the entire film, and it is easy to hate on this character. We learn that she changed her name to hide that she came from a poor southern family, so the other industry professionals wouldn’t judge her.

Melanie even tells the entire town how her old childhood friend is actually gay, then takes credit for his home as being her own so she can hide her past. The way she continues to use and abuse those around her is unhealthy, and, as much as we want her and Jake to end up together, we know he could do so much better.

Nate In ‘The Devil Wears Prada’

Nate was Andy’s boyfriend in The Devil Wears Prada, and he was pretty terrible to her. She told him that she planned on sticking with the job for a year so she could go on to find something better, and he agreed at first.

Over time, however, we see the hours she is working and the subtle changes in her attitude lead Nate to eventually want her to quit instead of standing by her side. She did work insane hours, but there was no reason for him to ask this of her, especially in a city like New York.

Allie And Noah In ‘The Notebook’

Allie and Noah were both horrible characters throughout the entire movie. Yes, fans loved their complicated love story, and it was hard not to fall for them during the cute love scenes, but everything else was a mess. Noah leaves Allie behind so he can head off to war and then grows upset when he sees her happy with another man—and he even insults her for it.

It’s really not her fault, as her mother intercepted all of the letters that Noah sent, and this is where Allie muddles her relationship again when she sleeps with Noah. They end up together until their dying day, although the way the pair handled everything was beyond miserable.

Sierra Burgess In ‘Sierra Burgess Is A Loser’

Sierra Burgess might be one of the worst culprits on this list, as she basically catfished Jamey. She convinced him that she was the popular girl he liked and even kissed Jamey without his consent.

It was horrible to see her act like a fool in order to grow close to a guy who probably would have liked her for who she was. There was so much wrong about her actions in the film as she continued to play him like a fiddle.

Dean In ‘Overboard’

This is an older film where we see Dean take advantage of a woman who is suffering from amnesia. We understand that she mistreated him by refusing to pay him and then throwing his tools overboard, but this is still a crime.

He basically kidnapped her as he took her into his own home and forced her to become a slave who cooked and cleaned all day. We watched her struggle and do things she had never done before, and it was almost sickening when she eventually fell in love with him.

Margaret Tate in ‘The Proposal’

Margaret Tate was not a nice woman, as her entire office was in constant fear of her presence. They hated it when she was in the office, and it only grew worse when she used her assistant, Andrew Paxton, for a green card.

She basically bribed him into the fake marriage in order to advance his career, which was not only illegal, but it was also morally wrong, as well. Margaret lies to his family and puts him through literal hell as she struggles to survive in Alaska for a single weekend.

John And Jeremy In ‘Wedding Crashers’

These two men spent their summer perusing through weddings to find quick hookups, which already made them horrible people to begin with. They eventually attended a wedding where John found the love of his life, Claire, but continued to lie to her and their entire family to keep up their ruse that they belonged.

Jeremy was physically attacked and injured, as well as forced into sex with another daughter and almost their son. John still refused to leave despite all of this and ended up alone after Claire found out who he really was.

Hardin Scott In ‘After’

This film was cute and fun as the typical school girl fell in love with the bad boy, but it shouldn’t have been meant to be. Hardin Scott was a horrible person who originally made a bet with his friends to make her fall in love with him and then to break her heart.

Tessa has given up everything to be with him as she is cut off from her mom and even puts up with his unpleasant friends. It wasn’t fair for him to keep it from him, and what made it worse was the way in which she had to find out. Tessa could do so much better than the bad boy who berated her and lied to her face on multiple occasions.

Bridget In ‘Bridget Jones’s Baby’

Bridget Jones had two wonderful men in her life, both of which could have been the father of her unborn child. She decided that instead of telling them there was another man, she would just keep both men in her life.

It was a horrible thing to do, as both were excited about the possibility of being the father, and then that dream came crashing down when the truth was revealed. It left Bridget Jones without a support system close to her due date, which is not good for any pregnant woman. This situation could have easily been resolved if she had been upfront with both men about it from the beginning.

Mary And Steve In ‘The Wedding Planner’

Mary Fiore was a wedding planner who had fallen for one of her clients before she knew he was off the market. She was also recently engaged to a man through her father who had made arrangements so she wouldn’t be alone.

Mary and Steve had a romance throughout the entire film and still neglected to tell their fiances about the feelings they were having. It was obvious that both were falling out of love with the people they were betrothed too, and yet, they still strung them along.