Harry Potter was no ordinary boy - or wizard, for that matter. Throughout the course of the eight movies in the series, we see Daniel Radcliffe’s character make bold decision after bold decision. It was his willingness to take risks that ultimately helped him triumph over Lord Voldemort, saving both the wizarding and non-wizarding worlds (with more than a little help from his friends).

With that in mind, we now look at the riskiest decisions the Chosen One made throughout the franchise. This is no easy task, given how he seemed to always be in danger of death –or, worse, expulsion– throughout his time at Hogwarts, but these are our picks!

Going After The Sorcerer’s Stone

When Harry starts at Hogwarts, he has no idea what he is in letting himself in for. Suddenly, he’s learning about spells, potions and much, much more. His first year at the school is made all the more complicated by the Sorcerer’s Stone, the object Professor Quirrell wanted in order to bring Lord Voldemort back to his full powers.

Harry doesn’t know it’s Quirrell who covets the stone, suspecting Snape instead. However, the Chosen One makes the bold decision to stop the object from falling it into the wrong hands. He, Ron and Hermione put themselves at great risk as they battle through enchantments such as a three-headed dog, a killer plant, an army of winged keys and a savage, life-size chess board in order to get to it. They ultimately succeed, but going after the stone instead of keeping his head down and lying low is the most foolhardy decision of Harry’s first year at Hogwarts.

Meeting Aragog

Such is Harry’s desperation to rescue Hagrid from going to wizard prison Azkaban, the youngster gambles on entering the Forbidden Forest in Harry Potter and the Chamber of the Secrets. Having seen the groundskeeper carted off after some shenanigans from Lucius Malfoy, Harry and Ron venture into the forest after the half-giant hints that answers lie within those trees. However, this very nearly backfires.

Harry and Ron are lucky to escape with their lives, with the duo relying on the help of Arthur Weasley’s enchanted car in order to get away from the bloodthirsty Aragog. The giant spider knows they are associates of Hagrid, but that’s not enough to stop Aragog from letting his family (try to) feast on them. It was Potter who urged his friend to follow him into the forest, and though they learn the spider is NOT the monster that dwells within the Chamber, they nearly die in their eagerness for more information.

Going Into The Chamber of Secrets

Harry, clearly full of confidence after stopping Voldemort from taking the Sorcerer’s Stone and surviving his encounter with Aragog, then decides it’s a great idea to go into the Chamber of Secrets himself. Once again, he and Ron risk their lives by going after Ginny Weasley, who has been captured and taken below ground. Professor Lockhart comes along too, losing his memories in a failed attempt to jinx the two youngsters.

Clearly, the 12-year-old should have gone straight to Professor McGonagall. She was acting headmistress and would have been able to offer some much-needed help, had Harry and Ron confided in her that the monster petrifying everybody was a basilisk. Alas, no. Harry heads straight down to rescue Ginny himself, fending off a young Voldemort along the way. He very nearly dies but, thanks to Fawkes the phoenix, he manages to come out of it all.

Saving Peter Pettigrew

When it comes to having a moral compass, Harry is second-to-none. Seriously, he refuses to ever try and really hurt anybody throughout the whole eight movies, and in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, he talks Sirius Black and Remus Lupin out of slaying Peter Pettigrew - despite the animagus being responsible for the death of his father.

While his intentions are honourable, due to the fact he wants Sirius to be a free man and his father “wouldn’t have wanted his best friends to become killers,” it’s a huge risk and one that backfires nearly immediately. Wormtail escapes and would later go on to help Voldemort rise to power, while also murdering poor Cedric Diggory. Black, consequently, remains a Ministry of Magic target. Not all of Harry’s risky decisions pay off.

Saving Sirius From The Dementors

In the same movie where Harry saves Peter’s life, he also puts everything on the line to stop Sirius from having his soul sucked from his mouth by the dreaded Dementors. A mysterious figure appears just in time, coming to Harry, his godfather and Hermione Granger’s rescue by casting a Patronus and driving the creatures away. When the 13-year-old boy wakes up, he tells Hermione that he suspects their savior was his father, despite the fact that James Potter had died over a decade previously.

With James’ best friend awaiting the Dementor’s kiss after being captured, Harry and Hermione then use the Time Turner to try and rescue Sirius for good this time. With time travel, it’s incredibly important that your past and future selves never cross paths, but the Chosen One throws caution to the winds yet again. He casts the Patronus himself after coming to the conclusion that he had seen himself rather than his father earlier. Had he been wrong, there would have been chaos. However, this time, the teenager gets it right.

Taking Cedric’s Body Back

If fighting Lord Voldemort in a graveyard surrounded by Death Eaters wasn’t hard enough, Harry then has to contend with another potential problem in Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire. When the teenager’s wand forges a connection with his adversary’s, the villain’s victims emerge and offer the Triwizard Tournament contestant some support. First to emerge is Cedric, still wearing his robes from the tournament. Then Frank Bryce, an old Muggle man, and James and Lily Potter, too.

Cedric then begs Harry to take his body back. Being the honourable human being he is, the Chosen One makes it a priority and is able to escape back to Hogwarts with the corpse of his friend. It was a risk choosing to honour the final wishes of his friend, but one our hero (barely) gets away with.

Protecting The Prophecy

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the Boy Who Lived finds himself in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic. Having led his friends to the place in order to save Sirius Black (wrongly believing his godfather had been captured), Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna find themselves surrounded by Death Eaters. The leader of the pack does, however, have an ace up his sleeve.

Harry is aware that the Death Eaters, who are led by Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange, want to secure the prophecy. But the Hogwarts pupil risks it all by using it to protect his friends and stop Voldemort’s followers from casting spells in his direction. It was a dangerous ploy, given that Voldemort’s followers could have killed or tortured one of his friends to get what they want, but, once again, it works out well. The prophecy ultimately smashes with Lucius unable to acquire it, damaging his relationship with his master beyond repair.

Going With Dumbledore To Get The Horcrux

Harry and Professor Dumbledore’s relationship goes from strength to strength and, hours before the Hogwarts headmaster is slain by Professor Snape, the duo go to collect a Horcrux from a cave. Tom Riddle had chosen to hide Salazar Slytherin’s locket in a location where he had terrorised two children as a youngster. However, the blockbuster shows just how close both Harry and Dumbledore come to losing their lives during the ordeal.

Harry nearly drowns after being dragged underwater by the enchanted corpses otherwise known as Inferi, while Dumbledore is horribly drained by a dangerous potion. The Hogwarts headmaster drinks the magic potion to get the locket and the very effort unhinges him, with the wizard having no idea where he is. He even hallucinates that he is seeing his dear sister, Ariana, before coming to his senses. It turns out that the locket they find isn’t the Horcrux after all (the real one had been swapped out some time ago).

Returning To The Ministry Of Magic

Let’s face it, Harry takes risks aplenty during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2. Everything he does is a gamble, from attending the Weasley’s wedding to travelling to Hogwarts itself for a final showdown with Voldemort. However, in between, he, Ron and Hermione return to the Ministry of Magic with the help of Pollyjuice potion, in order to steal the real locket back from Dolores Umbridge.

At the time, all three are fugitives and Harry is top of their most-wanted list. They spend time meticulously planning for the locket heist before putting it into practice, posing as three harmless ministry workers. For the most part, the plan works. However, they very nearly get caught out at the end, barely managing to jump into the magical fireplaces and escape to safety. The closest of shaves.

Going To Face Voldemort In The Forest

This is probably Harry’s riskiest decision, and one that not all fans were on board with. Willingly coming to Voldemort for that final showdown, entirely alone, was as brave as it was potentially fatal. He very slightly nods his head when Narcissa Malfoy realises he is still among the living (as she asks if Draco is still alive) after surviving the killing curse for the second time and, in turn, she does not reveal to the Dark Lord that Harry has survived once again.

Obviously, Voldemort should have checked himself. Had he done so, it would probably have been game over for Harry. However, Harry’s decision to face his foe pays off, as the Horcrux inside him is accidentally eradicated by Voldemort himself. The Boy Who Lived then takes the Dark Lord by surprise during the movie’s climax, saving the wizarding world in the process.