The addictive Love is Blind is Netflix’s latest reality TV series, and it has become the guilty pleasure of many. The dating show sees 15 men and women “date” from private pods where they can only hear one another’s voice but not see each other. At the end of 10 days, after hours and hours of conversation, individuals decide if they want to propose. If so, they finally meet in person as an engaged couple and begin planning their weddings.

Sounds ridiculous? It is. Yet a few couples actually came out of the series married, going through with the entire process and convinced they found their soulmates. Others, however, were not so lucky.

Now, a year and-a-half after filming, Netflix gathered the cast to sit down with hosts Nick and Vanessa Lachey and discuss how their lives are today, and what went on during filming. And it was pretty juicy. Here are the 10 biggest reveals.

Giannina and Damian Are Dating Again

The first couple that decided to say “I do” was Giannina, a fiery, independent woman, and Damian, the seemingly “nice guy” she probably would never have dated otherwise. Except when they got to the alter, Giannina said “I do” and Damian said “I don’t,” causing Giannina to run into the streets in her white wedding dress, distraught.

However, it seems the two mended fences, realized their flaws, and got back together. Giannina says that while Damian’s rejection hurt, it was the best decision for them while Damian says he thought they had both agreed to say “I don’t” and still walk away together. He doesn’t regret his decision, however, because it got them to where they are today.

Amber Contemplated Divorce

Amber and Barnett, one of the two couples who actually got married, are still together. They did move out of Barnett’s house that was seen on the series, with Amber swearing it is haunted.

The couple has been traveling since their wedding and adjusting to the married life. But with two stubborn and headstrong individuals under one roof, there has been some tension. Amber, who is now blonde, says they have gone through rough patches, with her even once looking into a divorce lawyer.

Diamond Is Working On Her PhD

While Barnett turned Diamond off completely when he jokingly asked if she was a stripper because of her name, Diamond is actually one seriously smart cookie. She revealed that she’s still single and currently working on getting her PhD.

She graduated from Hampton University with a degree in biology and is currently working on her PhD in optometry. So it’s possible that upon graduation, Diamond could become an eye doctor. She also reportedly works with a non-profit that supports cancer survivors.

Barnett’s Clarification of Telling Jessica He Would Propose

One of the most controversial stories on the series was the love triangle of Barnett, Amber, and Jessica. Barnett had connections with three women on the show, but eventually chose Amber. But this is not before he casually told Jessica he would propose to her. Except he didn’t.

Barnett explains that he was having trouble choosing among the women, and sort of threw that statement out there not to say “I want to marry you,” only to gauge how the ladies would react to the concept of marrying him, period. He didn’t actually mean he planned to propose and regrets that Jessica mistakenly took it that way.

Jessica Apologized to Amber and Barnett

There was tension and heated words between Amber and Jessica as Amber reamed Jessica out for her actions in Mexico and back at home in Atlanta. She pulled Barnett aside several times to talk and flirt with him and ask questions like if he really wanted to marry Amber.

Jessica delivered a heartfelt apology to the pair as well as to Mark, admitting she had some cringeworthy moments on the show. She claimed she did not still have feelings for Barnett at the time, and that she has a history of going after men that are not available.

Lauren and Damian Talked in Star Wars Voices On Their Pod Dates

While we know of the couples who had the strongest bonds and ended up getting engaged, it’s easy to forget that they all of the cast technically dated one another in the pods through multiple conversations that lasted for hours. How did those go?

It seems many of the individuals had intense and deep conversations with others as well, and developed close bonds. Lauren and Damian, for example, said they had many “dates” where they shared a lot of personal information and laughed for hours. They even said they had joked around, talking in Star Wars voices to one another.

Diamond Was Most Surprised At How Mark Looks

Even though each person picked the one they had the deepest connection with, they all got to see what one another looked like in Mexico. Who was most surprising? Damian noted that Lauren was stunning and he didn’t expect her to look like she did.

But the biggest surprise for Diamond was Mark, who said he is such a sweet and caring guy and is much better looking than she had thought he was. Indeed, many viewers have spoken out against Jessica for treating Mark the way she did after they met in person, pointing out his good looks. Jessica says his looks had nothing to do with their lack of physical connection; she was mostly hung up on his age.

Carlton And Diamond Have Been Getting Death Threats

It was an emotional reunion for Carlton and Diamond, who had the most explosive fight soon after arriving in Mexico. Carlton revealed to Diamond that he was bisexual, throwing her for a loop. He immediately got defensive and went on the attack while she admitted she could have approached the news a bit differently and asked more questions.

Both revealed that they have received unsavory words from people over social media, Carlton mainly for his treatment of Diamond and his harsh words, and Diamond for not being more comforting to Carlton after he revealed his big secret.

Carlton Offered Diamond a Friendship Ring

At the end of their heartfelt discussion, Carlton got down on one knee and offered up the engagement ring he originally gave to Diamond — and had thrown into the pool in Mexico — as a symbol of friendship.

They both apologized for their actions during the show, and decided to move forward to support and accept one another. So while there won’t be a marriage between these two, at least there is some closure and they can both move on and connect as friends.

Kenny and Kelly Agreed Before the Wedding To An “I Don’t”

One of the biggest surprises of the finale was that Kenny and Kelly, one of the couple favorites who seemed to mesh well together, didn’t get married. At the ceremony, Kelly said she could not go through with it. In earlier diary sessions, she said she was having trouble being intimate with Kenny because she viewed him more as a friend and wasn’t in love with him.

While Kenny looked distraught at the time, he admitted that they had agreed to an “I don’t” prior to the ceremony. He is now happily dating someone else while Kelly remains single, saying that she realizes she has a habit of “friend zoning” the good guys who would probably make great husbands.