Netflix’s new YA series, The Society was an immediate break out when it debuted a couple of months ago. The series follows a group of teenagers who get on a bus to go on a field trip only to be dropped off in an exact replica of their town. But it’s not actually their hometown of West Ham. This new place has no adults, no other humans to speak of.

It’s just a ghost town that looks exactly like West Ham. The teens are forced to figure out how to survive and start their own civilization under their own rules. But there are tons of mysteries still left to explore by the end of season one. Here are ten questions we most need to be answered in season two.

What is the deal with the dog?

There is a dog in The Society that runs around New Ham. He’s a cute fella, black and white, scruffy and Elle is taken with him. She brings him home to her place with Campbell. He’s one of her only friends in that house. But then the dog runs off and we’re lead to believe Campbell may have killed him.

Except, then we see the dog again at the end of the season. This time he’s back in West Ham with Allie’s mom at the library. So how is this dog able to travel between West Ham and New Ham? Is it possibly two different dogs? That seems unlikely.

What happened to the bus drivers?

The teenagers didn’t just wind up in New Ham by themselves. They were all driven there by buses. Of course, when we originally started the show no one would think anything weird of the bus drivers because the teens board them at school in front of their parents.

But the bus drivers are seemingly the only people who know exactly where the teens are located. How are they able to travel into wherever New Ham is? The roads are all blocked too, so were they blocked before they got there or after? Why haven’t any of the teens considered trying to track down these mysterious drivers?

Where exactly are the teens at?

This question is obviously one of the biggest of the entire show. Surely they can’t drag out answering this for too much longer, right? We still have no idea where the teens are located right now. It’s starting to look more and more like they may be in some kind of parallel dimension.

Maybe they’re in West Ham’s version of the Upside Down, at this point, anything is possible. But we know there doesn’t appear to be any other civilization located in the area. The roads are all blocked off. There aren’t any other buildings around for miles, it’s just them and that’s it. So where the heck are they?

Who is Becca’s baby’s father?

We find out Becca is pregnant pretty early on in season one of The Society. But what we don’t know is who the father of her child is. Becca has her best friend Sam, who is gay, pretend to be the dad so that she doesn’t have to reveal who the real dad is.

She is adamant about not talking about him or even uttering his name. Not even Sam knows who the real dad is. Does that mean she had sex with one of the other teens in New Ham? Or is there something more sinister afoot? Could Becca have been assaulted?

What was the weird smell?

The first episode of the show has multiple characters talk about a weird smell permeating through West Ham. It is discussed enough times that it even gets brought up in a town hall meeting. Yet, we never actually find out what the smell was.

When the teens are relocated to New Ham, we know the smell is gone, as are some of the other ominous signs like the writing on the wall, but then after that, it isn’t mentioned again. It’s too big of an issue at the beginning of the show to just be forgotten. Could the smell have been some kind of chemical to ready the teens for their journey ahead? Maybe a gas leak?

How far does this world expand to?

We know the world of New Ham extends pretty far, but there is no civilization beyond the town, at least, that we know of. On an expedition to find farmland so they can begin to grow more of their own food, the teens find open fields. But how far does this world go, exactly?

Is it really a whole other universe that just hasn’t been demolished by humans yet? Or is there eventually a perimeter that they won’t be able to cross? Is it like Under the Dome, will they eventually run into an invisible force field that keeps them locked into New Ham?

Were everyone’s parents in on it?

How could all these teenagers have been kidnapped and brought to some other place in time without the parents becoming aware of it? It seems like the parents were either in on the entire conspiracy from the beginning or the teens were taken as a form of punishment.

The punishment theory is a big one for fans of the show who have been theorizing on the possibilities since the season finale. Speaking of, in the final moments of the first season we saw a glimpse of West Ham and a memorial to all the teens “lost.” It would appear the parents are in mourning. But could they be faking it?

What was the significance of the coin-flipping?

Coin flipping is a running theme on the show. It happens in the beginning before they even leave the town, Harry and Cassandra are flipping coins and it continues to land on tails over and over again until it becomes a statistical improbability.

The play they’re rehearsing is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, in the play there is also a theme of coin flipping and by not landing on the statistical average of heads or tails, it could mean there are supernatural forces at play. Was all of this a sign that something terrible was already in West Ham? That the kids were being taken to purgatory or a different dimension?

Who is Mr. Pfeiffer?

Pfeiffer becomes an important character in the show early on. He was engaged in a debate with some of the parents in the first episode and he was supposedly one of the school bus drivers as well. Many have theorized that Pfeiffer is the man behind this entire conspiracy, that he has taken the children as a way to punish the parents.

It seems to be what the show is somewhat implying, for the time being. Although it may not be that Pfeiffer is the mastermind, just that he is the one aiding in the orchestration and there is a greater plan at play.

Are Allie and Will going to wind up dead?

Poor Allie and Will wind up being arrested by new power-hungry leaders, Lexie and Harry. The end of season one of The Society shows the entire regime beginning to crumble and it might not be long before complete anarchy breaks out. Worst of all, Allie and Will are essentially in psychopathic Campbell’s hands.

Are they both going to survive whatever he has planned for them? Is there a possibility that Elle or someone else will step up to help save them? It seemed like Allie was becoming the main character of the show but they weren’t afraid to kill off Cassandra early on so anything is possible.