Pokémon are great. They’re cute, their games are fun, and their anime is still on over two decades later; what Pokémon aren’t, though, are something can be called logical. The Pokémon franchise is ridiculous if you watch it while retaining your common sense, and it takes accepting the series’ logic to have a good time.

Even then actually, you can’t say for sure that it’s going to be making a lot of sense, because Pokémon’s in-universe logic is a whole other can of worms you need to understand. But having a lighter attitude toward this series ensures you have a good time and a lot of laughs, and these 10 memes will do just that for you.

What Good Are You?

The reason why Team Rocket ever started following Ash around in the first place was because he apparently had a special kind of Pikachu, one who could battle and defeat much more powerful ones. And yet, how many times has Pikachu lost to smaller foes?

This meme is referencing the game series, but we have a bone to pick with the anime. The show has never portrayed Pikachu in the way he was initially built up, and Pikachu has lost every time he’s been used by Ash in his final battles. So, what was the point of bragging about his powers all this time?

That Was Easy

The logic behind the Poké Ball is that it can store any Pokémon in creation; however, how can humans have devised such a technology when they never could capture legendary Pokémon? 

In the case of Mewtwo, that Pokémon is so ridiculously powerful that he transcends the Pokémon trope of being a pet, and yet even he can be stored inside a simple Poké Ball. If that’s the case, then why is anyone even scared of legendary Pokémon when these beings can easily be sealed in this little Poké Ball?

Talk About Being Nerfed

The Abra Pokémon at least has an excuse of being lethargic, so that can be used as an explanation for it not being so strong. The Kadabra Pokémon has no such excuse, considering it has a freakish IQ of 5000! 

First of all, why the heck would any being of that IQ still live as a pet? Secondly, how is it possible that Kadabra and Alakazam only have a handful of moves when they’re supposed to remember everything from birth and can mega evolve? You’d think it wouldn’t take more than a couple minutes for this Pokémon to learn at least one more move.

So Long Physics

To be fair, we’re talking about a world where animals don’t exist and Pokémon take up that role; it’s like having a pet rat that can electrocute you, none of it is supposed to make sense. Still, there’s something known as in-universe logic, and nothing in Pokémon has ever confirmed that a Pokémon like a bat can pick up a turtle.

You can clearly see in this picture that there’s no way a turtle can be picked up like that; yet, he’s actually flying in tow with Zubat somehow. At least if the bird Pokémon had picked him up it would’ve looked like it had big enough claws to do so.

Where Do They Store Them?

Ash has like a hundred or more Pokémon by now, but he’s never seen carrying anything other than his small backpack to go around. So, where has he been keeping his Poké Balls all this time? 

Even if we were to believe he had the means to transport them, how the heck does he go and purchase these? Going by this meme, Ash must have to go and buy them in bulk, and he probably does look like a weirdo lugging these Poké Balls around in a large bag. We doubt Brock and Misty are enough for Ash to distribute these to.

Does This Kid Ever Grow Up?

Even those kids born ten years after the show started are now older than Ash is supposed to be. The boy looks like he belongs in Peter Pan’s gang, considering he never ages even a single day. 

This also raises the question as to how long it has been in-universe since the adventure began, considering Ash has had thousands of experiences now - even the most conservative estimates should put Ash at least at the age of a teenager. If you want to disregard that, then how about we ask you if it seems possible for a 10-year-old kid to be circling the world with such ease?

Nice Going, Ash

Playing Idiot Ball is a trope Ash is well known for. In Pokémon: The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back, Ash took his idiotic levels to the limit by trying to attack Mewtwo physically. Hitting a Pokémon (even the lowest level one) never works, so why would anyone want to punch the strongest one yet?

Later on, Ash would again be a stupid prat by running in between Mew and Mewtwo’s fight, causing him to turn into rock. The Pokémon brought him back through their tears, but that doesn’t make Ash any less of an idiot, or a fool as Mewtwo liked to call him.

How Does That Work?

Pokémon generally does mention that there are certain types of Pokémon to use in a fight against certain others, but that isn’t a hard and fast rule. On the contrary, we’ve seen Pokémon who should have no chance against another come out as the victor.

This meme points out how a grass type Pokémon as Bulbasaur was able to beat one with the rock element. The same way, we’ve somehow seen a Pokémon like Charmandar beat a water level Pokémon. Shouldn’t it be a stomp win in favor of the greater element, or are leaves just so very strong now?

Get It Together, Ash!

Team Rocket hasn’t been entertaining for over a decade, and it gets even more annoying how these guys are the antagonists in every episode. In-universe, you’d think Ash would have some brains to see through their obvious disguises after having been duped many times; but he never learns, does he?

Jesse and James don’t even bother changing their appearances, and you only see them wearing hats or glasses when pretending to be someone else. But we understand why they don’t put in much effort, because who would try hard when they’re facing a gullible kid like Ash?


The selling point of the Pokémon is how cute they are. And if the show wants to put these creatures in cute situations by sacrificing logic, then that’s what’s going to happen. Case in point is in this meme, where a water level Pokémon apparently needs a tube to avoid drowning.

Except, can’t it just, you know, swim around? Why would anyone need a flotation device when they can float by themselves and never have the danger of drowning? This isn’t the only instance of logic failing in the Pokémon world, as we’ve seen cases like Pokémon burning humans, only to have not even a little bit of fire catch the humans.