Dragon Ball, and the follow-up Dragon Ball Z, are two of the most popular anime of all-time, having reached Western audiences and worldwide appeal. The shows ran years ago, but still have new material coming out today, like the feature film Dragon Ball Super: Broly, that just released in 2018.

With mass appeal comes an influx of fan-art. There have been hundreds of thousands of pieces of art to circulate based on the shows and with numbers like that, many are bound to be hilarious. Here are ten pieces of Dragon Ball  fan art that are particularly funny.

Pickle-Oh (by Sonar Cero)

The simplicity of this piece is what makes it so hilarious. An easy play on the character Piccolo’s name drawn literally. There’s nothing more to it than that, but there doesn’t need to be, as seeing the mighty Piccolo in pickle form instantly puts a smile on my face every time we look at it.

The style is clearly reminiscent of Pickle Rick from Rick & Morty, and it works as well here as it did there. This nice art was done by Devianart artist Sonar Cero!

Breaking Bad Z (by RibeyeWaffleFries)

Okay, so this one maybe counts as Breaking Bad fan art as much, if not more, than Dragon Ball, but it is still hilarious enough to include for crossover fans to see.

Referencing the famous scene where Walter White throws a pizza onto his roof, the artist, IMGUR user RibeyeWaffleFries, has taken the image of Krillin preparing to launch his patented Destructo Disc attack, and well, quite simply made the disc a pizza. Plus, they turned Krillin’s features into White’s perfectly.

NBA Frieza (by PredalianFIVE)

Frieza’s new purple and gold color scheme has caught a lot of flack by fans, as it isn’t the classic look, and also is a bit too bright and poppy for the evil warlord. Seeing Frieza in purple and gold at best looks odd, and at worst looks just plain wrong.

At least Devianart user PredalianFIVE found a good use for the colors, playing on the NBA team that sports the same combination, the Los Angeles Lakers. The image is funny but made much funnier when you imagine a character like Frieza competing in any kind of organized sport. If he felt his pride had been challenged, he just might agree, or far more likely he’d just blow up the stadium!

Peanuts Krillin (by Linurso)

Krillin makes multiple appearances on this list which, let’s be honest, everyone including him probably expected.  In this one, Devianart user Linurso imagines Krillin in the style of Charlie Brown, from the famous comic strip and cartoon Peanuts. The comparison between the two pushover-centric characters is weirdly fitting.

This one is doubly funny due to his expression showing a disdain that implies he knows he’s being openly mocked via drawing. Or maybe he just saw the other pictures of him that made the list!

Tien Krillin (by OmaruIndustries)

While we are on the subject of Krillin, we might as well pile on with this piece by Devianart user OmaruIndustries. It has Goku using a marker to draw a third eye and nose onto Krillin, making him look like Tien.

The simple prank is even crueler when you consider that Tien is along with Krillin as one of the weakest of all the Dragon Ball characters, so Krillin doesn’t even get a power boost from the impression. Poor guy just can’t catch a break!

Patrick Meets Buu (by animeninjaz)

This simple drawing by Devianart user animeninjaz is pretty plain when compared to the other entries here, but it still highlights the hilarious similarities between two extremely different characters.

Both Majin Buu, the bizarre, evil, murdering monster from Dragon Ball Z,  and Patrick Star, the bizarre, not evil, not murdering starfish from Spongebob Squarepants are large, round, and pink. They almost look like they could be related like they appear to be in this great spoof art!

Spongebob Ball Z (by BenjaminRahmanovic)

Might as well double down and see what the rest of the classic Spongebob crew would look like as characters from Dragon Ball. This amazing creation from Devianart artist BenjaminRahmanovic shows Patrick as Buu again but brings along Spongebob as Goku and Squidward as Vegeta.

If you ignore the murderous tendencies of Buu and only acknowledge his love of eating, especially cookies, then the personalities of all three characters fit their reimagined duplicate pretty well. As well as a show about superhero aliens and a show about a sentient Sponge and his friends can sync up, that is!

Super Mario Ball Z (by PAabloO)

While following the trend of fan art that imagines what Dragon Ball looks like when mixed with other properties, this mash-up created by Deviantart user PAabloO shows how Goku versus Vegeta would look if it was a level from the classic arcade game Donkey Kong. 

Vegeta (in his ape form) takes the place of Donkey Kong, with Goku replacing Mario, and balls of fire replacing the barrels of the game. Then, ready for saving instead of a princess, is the space pod that contains a young Gohan!

How Not To Draw Goku (by BeAnArtist)

This piece shockingly, but hilariously, comes from BeAnArtist’s “how-to-draw Goku” video. The hilarity comes from how close the picture gets. At first glance, its the Goku we all know and love, but after looking closer, the poor guy looks like he might be in a lot of pain.

His head is notably bigger than the rest of his body, with limbs that are both disproportioned and in the case of one arm turned the wrong way completely. It’s safe to say that if you follow this drawing guide, you may want to make some deviations after the head.

Left-Handed Vegeta (by Paigee)

Full disclosure here: Vegeta himself probably wouldn’t laugh at this doodle. In fact, it’s likely that this wouldn’t even make him crack a smile. This comes from an anonymous artist on Paigeeworld.com who challenged themself to draw Vegeta with their non-dominant left-hand.

The result is, as the artist admits, hilariously bad. The proportions, details, and facial features are each more hilarious than the last, with the whole thing just becoming funnier and funnier the longer you stare. Here’s hoping if Vegeta sees this list he stops at the ninth entry!