The Disney Parks absolutely embody the term immersive in almost every context. From physical designs to color composition to the environmental atmosphere, the Disney Imagineers know how to take you away from the burdens of reality and into their magical realm. It’s all incredible but sometimes can result in sensory overload that causes guests to miss the smaller details.

Disney goes to great lengths pulling guests into the magical world they’ve created, but there are a lot of subtle and secret odds and ends that guests often overlook. Have a look at our list of ten things we know you’ve missed on your last Disney trip.

A Matter Of Perspective

Some of you out there might already be familiar with this idea, but if you’re a casual Disney fan it’s gone right over your head, literally. To keep within zoning laws, Disney’s structures can only be of a certain height. But if you look at icons like Cinderella’s Castle or Expedition Everest, they definitely look like they could be seen a mile away.

The keyword here is “look”, they only look like they’re bigger than they are due to something called forced perspective. Using positioning, color, and scaling these structures are made to look larger than they are. It’s an easy illusion, but one that’s been effective for years.

Canned Screams

The hallmark of a good thrill ride is without a doubt the number of screams it elicits and Disney is home to some of the best. Have a look at rides like Expedition Everest, Splash Mountain, and Test Track. From the outside, they give the appearance of intense ride experiences and screaming guests can be heard within the farthest earshot.

What might come as a surprise to you is that not all of the screams on these rides are genuine. In fact, Disney actually uses pre-recorded screams to play at just the right moment on their thrill rides. This is done to make the rides look more enticing and more thrilling. Who among us hasn’t fallen for this trick?

Ground Details

This is a detail we’ve covered before on different lists but it’s one that often bears repeating simply because it’s so overlooked. It’s a design detail that goes that little extra step to bring these different worlds to life. If you look on the ground or on the place you are walking, you’ll see footprints belonging to different residents of that world.

If you go to the Galaxy’s Edge, you’ll see droid treads and Gungan tracks. If you walk down Main Street USA, you’ll see hoof prints from horse-drawn carriages and maybe even a footprint or two from the likes of Mickey or Goofy. It’s little touches like these that make these lands seem more alive.

Secret Sweets And Eats

Any hardcore Disney fan will tell you that various Disney restaurants and food vendors have secret menu items that you can only find there. It might be something as simple as a different flavor of pancake, or it might be something as extravagant as an indulgent ice cream delight.

A Disney trip is a great place for you to indulge your sweet tooth or simply enjoy something you normally wouldn’t. Secret menu items are a great way to accomplish this feat. Keep your eyes peeled on your Disney research before your trip, you might find it something extra delicious to enjoy.

Mickey’s Secret Service

You won’t see them, but they see you… The Disney Parks always have incredible crowd populations, so it makes sense that a little extra security might be in order. But we are talking about the mouse-badged officers at the gate. No, we’re talkin about Disney’s own secret service force.

Unless you are an experienced Disney cast member, you won’t see these hidden figures while you’re out and about in the parks. They look talk and act like everybody else unless there is an imminent threat. Some Disney details are meant to be hidden.

Go Away Green

Speaking of Disney hiding things, to keep certain entrances and exits for cast members and employees out of sight out of mind the Imagineers invented a color meant to be the ultimate camouflage. We’re not talking about any clever design, a print, bar palette but one color meant to literally put it out of your mind.

Dubbed “Go Away Green” certain doors and entryways at the Disney parks are painted a very specific color green meant to blend in with every background while simultaneously being a hue your brain does not immediately register. Keep an eye out for these doors next time you see a character suddenly appear.

Disney Doppelgangers

Now here’s a little secret that only friends of Mickey and the gang might know. While you’re waiting in line to rub elbows with your favorite Disney character, you might notice they stepped out for a short break every so often. Pooh might go take honey break, or Chip and Dale might sneak off to the dressing room to munch on some acorns

They’re always back in an instant right? This is because Disney uses multiple character actors for their Meet and Greets to cut down on wait time. It’s a neat little trick, but it’s one you’ve probably never even thought about.

Communication Is Key

Yet another character tidbit graces our list, but it’s more along the lines of a cast member skill. If you interact with any of the characters, namely the mascots, you’ll notice that they always come out with a handler or attendant. Pay close attention to when the characters interact with their assistants. You might see a strange form of sign language take place.

This is a way that the cast members communicate with the characters that aren’t allowed verbal communication on the job. Sometimes it means something as simple as " five minutes till break" but it can also be something as serious as a guest in need of medical attention. Talk about dedication to character.

Something Smells

Close your eyes for a moment and picture your favorite area, land, or locations in your favorite Disney Park. Take a deep inhale and what do you smell? Do you smell the popcorn and cotton candy of Main Street USA? Floral fragrances in front of the castle? Or do you smell the unmistakable aroma pirate water in Adventureland?

It’s incredibly immersive feature is accomplished by Disney-made devices called Smellitizers, and they are scattered all about the parks. They are subtly hidden, and they produce distinct smells to further enrapture the imagination. Some Disney fans even have their favorite scent, and some even turn them into candles. What smells do you think of when you hear the name, Disney?

A Multitude Of Mickeys

We, of course, can’t talk about hidden Disney features without talking about the iconic Hidden Mickeys. Every Disney fan worth their salt knows that they are literally everywhere. From the park properties to the hotels to the shopping centers, there is a Mickey for every occasion. But just how many are there?

Supposedly, and every Disney park, from Disneyland to Tokyo Disney, there are 1000 hidden Mickeys scattered throughout each Disney property. They are hidden in everything from carpet patterns and stains on the wall to murals and coffee cup arrangements. How many mysterious mice can you find on your next trip?