In recent years, Hollywood has come to rely heavily on comic books in order to find movie ideas. With more and more movies based on comics coming out each year, the list of celebrities that have played a big part in this kind of project is immense.

As in pretty much all professions, there are movie stars that appear to be marvelous people, and others that we definitely wouldn’t describe that way. For this reason, we started to wonder about the kind of people these movie stars were.

In order for someone to end up on this list, they first and foremost need to have played a major role in a movie based on a comic book or graphic novel. We do want to make it explicitly clear that we in no way limited ourselves to the superhero genre. The person in question has to appear to be a really great person or as someone that is anything but. Of course, we don’t know any of the people included on this list personally, so we are relying on publicly available information about those included here.

To shed some light on the issue, we put together this list of 10 Comic Book Movie Stars Who Are Sweethearts And 10 Who Aren’t.

Sweetheart: George Clooney – Batman & Robin

George Clooney could be seen as a Hollywood throwback considering his classic good looks and his man’s man aura, we’re confident that his career will pass the test of time. Best known for taking on the lead role in movies like the Ocean’s franchise, as well as Out of Sight, Up in the Air, and many more, he has a great track record but unfortunately, has also appeared in some real stinkers.

His inclusion on this list is due to him starring in Batman & Robin - he felt as though the movie wasn’t as good as he wanted it to be, and has even offered money to those that paid to see the movie. Well known for his love of pranks, he has accumulated many close friends despite that, and even though he is a massive star he is renowned for being kind to his fans.

Aren’t: Edward Norton – The Incredible Hulk

Edward Norton cleans up quite well - he is charismatic and has a long list of stunning performances. Despite all of that, his career has gone through years during which he seems to be all but gone from the industry, since he ceases to receive roles he can sink his teeth into.

Cast as the lead of The Incredible Hulk, the role should’ve made him a bigger star and kept him busy for years.

Instead, he was such a pain to work with that Marvel publicly fired him, while pointing out it had nothing to do with money. Reflecting his souring reputation, The Independent published a feature about Norton called “The Incredible Sulk”, detailing his issues on the sets of American History X, Frida, and The Italian Job.

Sweetheart: Hugh Jackman – X-Men Franchise

One of the movies that helped herald in the era of superhero cinema, the first X-Men movie relied heavily on a then mostly-unknown actor who played Wolverine.  Thankfully, Hugh Jackman gave a fantastic performance that brought the violence-prone but fiercely loyal comic book character to life.

Going on to play Wolverine in nine separate films over the years, including his cameo roles, we also got to see Jackman play Wolverine during his infamous berserker rages. However, since Jackman has become such a huge star, we’ve learned more about him and from all accounts playing such an angry character must be a stretch for him.

Said to be very welcoming of fans in nearly every situation, Jackman also gushes about his wife, and his co-stars seem to adore him.

Aren’t: Jared Leto – DCEU

The Method school is a style of acting that is often highly celebrated. It involves an actor doing everything they can to live as their character during the entire production of a film. Though it’s seen by many as the ultimate investment in the art of acting, at times that perception seems to allow people to do off-putting things to others while in character.

After he was cast as The Joker in the movie Suicide Squad, other members of that film’s cast and crew have spoken about Jared Leto never showing up on set as only his character was present. It was widely reported that, as a part of his performance, he also sent really gross things to his co-stars which seem to serve no purpose as far as the craft is concerned.

Sweetheart: Chris Evans – Marvel Cinematic Universe

One of the few actors who’ve played two Marvel characters in major motion pictures, Chris Evans is best known for his role as Captain America. In the past, he was cast as The Human Torch in the 2005 Fantastic Four movie. The funny thing about it is that Chris does not seem to put a premium on the fame that has come his way as a result, and he has spoken regularly about leaving these roles behind. Because he dislikes the perils of fame and how it disconnects him from others, he doesn’t limit himself to big roles.

He is much more interested in taking part in smaller, more intimate films.

However, he has done what he can to make the most of his opportunities including supporting other actors the best he can, visiting sick kids, and not taking himself seriously.

Aren’t: Christian Bale – Batman franchise

After starring in a Stephen Spielberg production in his youth, Christian Bale managed to beat the odds and become an even bigger deal in Hollywood as an adult. Going on to appear in many respected films like American Psycho, The Machinist, The Prestige, The Fighter, and more, he also has taken on roles in blockbuster films.

While playing Bruce Wayne and Batman in the Dark Knight trilogy, we’re unaware of any stories from those movies in which people had a problem with Bale. However, a recording of him freaking out on somebody while filming a Terminator film shocked people. Bale was reportedly frustrated with Terminator Salvation’s director of photography and unleashed a barrage of insults upon him.

Sweetheart: Tom Hiddleston – Marvel Cinematic Universe

Cast as the comic book villain Loki in the most successful film franchise ever released, many people believe that Hiddleston has played the best villain in the series. As such, we would forgive people if they presumed that he was a bit of a bad dude.

From the evidence we’ve gathered, Hiddleston is the furthest someone could be from Loki in real life.

He’s said to be kind to everyone he comes across - a mentality that seems to stem from his days as a server who dealt with awful people on a regular basis, which inspired him to never be rude in his life. Instead, he seems incredibly fun to be around, and has done things like brought one cold reporter a Thermos of warm soup or given another one his jacket while on the red carpet.

Aren’t: Gwyneth Paltrow – Marvel Cinematic Universe

Cast as Pepper Potts in the first movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, if Gwyneth Paltrow had bombed in Iron Man there would be no way to know if the franchise would be what it is today. A talented actress that Star Magazine called the “most hated celebrity” in 2013, she received that dubious accolade in large part because she appears to be so out of touch.

Of course, it isn’t just that her perspective is off. She has said that parenting is much harder for her than moms that have office jobs. Worse yet, that wasn’t just one case of her putting her foot in her mouth, as she also told Jonathan Ross that she would rather take illegal substances “than eat cheese from a can.”

Sweetheart: Chris Pratt – Marvel Cinematic Universe

An actor that first came to prominence due to his hilarious work in the show Parks and Recreation, Chris Pratt has always seemed like an extremely lovable person. He then completely altered his look prior to taking on the role of Peter Quill in the Guardians of the Galaxy films that qualifies him for this list.

While his exterior completely changed his goofball demeanor, the perception of him as a legitimately great guy remains the same.

For instance, fans have written about him sticking around after taking a red-eye flight in order to take selfies and sign autographs. On top of that, it is abundantly clear that his co-stars tend to adore him, and judging by the way he loves to mock himself above all others, it seems like fame has not gotten to him.

Aren’t: Val Kilmer – Batman Forever

Val Kilmer proved himself as both a dramatic and comedic actor early on in his career due to many of his movie roles. In fact, when it became clear that the immensely popular Batman film franchise needed someone to fill the boots of Michael Keaton, it was Val who was tapped to take on the role of the Caped Crusader.

However, it later came out that the director of the film Batman Forever, Joel Schumacher called him “childish and impossible.” Director Richard Stanley said “Val would arrive [on set] and an argument would happen.” If that wasn’t enough, his own brother told Entertainment Weekly, “”We all have grandiose, narcissistic tendencies. If there are people helping those tendencies along, it’s hard to resist.”

Sweetheart: Gal Gadot – DCEU

Gal Gadot could be perceived as annoying, but she is so awesome it almost makes her seem perfect. Clearly a gorgeous woman who has a zest for life, she not only starred in Wonder Woman, but also served in the military in her homeland as an instructor.

Despite the fame she’s attained since the movie, Gadot appears to be down to Earth and to have her priorities in check.

Seemingly, someone that loves her most famous role in large part because of its ability to inspire young women and girls, she also champions women in the workplace, like her director Patty Jenkins. As she’s relatively new to the Comic-Con world, footage of Gal making really sincere connections with fans in attendance is extremely heartwarming and it is clear that she really wants to be a great role model.

Aren’t: Russell Crowe – DCEU

Nominated in the Best Actor category at the Academy Awards three years in a row, one of which he won, Russell Crowe is one of the best actors of his generation. These days he is more likely to be seen in supporting roles than the ones he previously took on at the height of his career.

In Man of Steel, he lent a great deal of his gravitas as an actor to the role of Superman’s father Jor-El. Crowe was cast as the father of a character who’s seen as the symbol of righteousness, but in real life his actions have always been so upright.

Previously mentioned “sweetheart” George Clooney reported Crowe starting a fight with him. Crowe also reportedly told Rebel Wilson off for approaching him, and Giuliana Rancic revealed he was the meanest person she has interviewed.

Sweetheart: Ryan Reynolds – Deadpool

Even though most of us will likely never meet Ryan Reynolds, we really want him to be an awesome dude. We say that because he comes across so well during interviews that it would be a really big disappointment if it was all an act.

Fortunately, Ryan seems to be legitimately great, which makes us even more excited to see him play Deadpool again.

For instance, once you read the moving tribute he wrote to a thirteen-year-old Deadpool fan who succumbed to cancer, you will see him in a new light. He also has a long history of supporting charities and even Betty White, long-standing staple of Hollywood fame and past Golden Girl, has claimed to love the guy.

Aren’t: Tobey Maguire – Spider-Man franchise

Starting as a child actor, Tobey Maguire rose to fame early on in life, and it seems like that adulation went to his head. He was turned into an international superstar because of the Spider-Man trilogy, but since that series ended his career has been on the decline.

However, footage of Maguire seeming to push away a fan who wanted to take a photo with him can be found online. That’s not exactly an awesome thing to do, it also seems like he isn’t a charmer on set as Charlize Theron revealed the two of them had a “rough time”.

Molly Bloom, the author of Molly’s Game - about the world of high-stakes poker in Hollywood - has written several unflattering stories about Maguire in her book, including him asking Bloom to bark like a seal for a tip.

Sweetheart: Jeff Goldblum – Marvel Cinematic Universe

Famous for decades at this point, Jeff Goldblum seems to no longer care about what people think of him. Coming across as eccentric a lot of the times during interviews, if he feels like making a weird noise or revealing some disconnected anecdote, he is going to. He’s perfect for his role in Thor: Ragnarok as the peculiar Grandmaster for that reason, as his character seems to be similar to who we see when he appears on talk-shows like Conan.

You may expect him to be mean since he cares little about how he is perceived, but that’s simply not true.

The ultimate proof of that is that Jeff runs a weekly L.A. jazz show and hangs out afterwards, talking with fans on top of taking selfies and signing autographs.

Aren’t: Tommy Lee Jones – Men in Black franchise

Cast in several comic book movie franchises, Tommy Lee Jones is best known for the Men in Black series, but he also appeared in the first Captain America film and Batman Forever. Though he’s known for playing lovable curmudegeons on screen, one of his Batman Forever co-stars, Jim Carrey, revealed that  Jones told him “I hate you” - and not in jest.

An Entertainment Weekly reporter wrote a profile about his “off-putting personality” complete with stories from his co-stars like Josh Brolin and Samuel L. Jackson about his unusual way of interacting with others. His Lincoln co-star Sally Field said: ”He is eccentric. And it’s a true, real thing. He is who he is. I guess it comes off gruff. It is gruff.”

Sweetheart: Angelina Jolie – Wanted

Angelina Jolie may have been typecast in the past, but she now typically plays a butt kicker with a no-nonsense attitude. *Great at those parts, we totally understand why producers working on films with roles like that would want to work with her, but we wish she’d appeared in more roles that played to her sweet side.

At least, in real-life, she has shown herself to really care about her fellow human beings a great deal.

A co-founder of a group that helped to establish a center for Ethiopian children with HIV or AIDS, she also supports a number of other charities. Also passionate about protecting women in war zones from abuse by international troops, she spoke at the United Nations on that subject and served as an ambassador for the UNHCR.

Aren’t: Jeremy Piven - Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

We’re just going to be honest, considering the kind of character Jeremy Piven has played throughout his career, it isn’t exactly shocking that we included him on this list. Often seen in supporting roles early on, his career began to take off due to movies like PCU and Grosse Pointe Blank, as well as the TV shows Cupid and Ellen.

Best known for his role as Ari Gold in the show Entourage and the movie that spun off from it, his character was a loudmouth that was abusive to those around him. In 2017, Piven lost his starring role in the CBS drama Wisdom of the Crowdafter allegations of assault surfaced against him from four different women.

Sweetheart: Tom Hanks – Road to Perdition

One of the most respected actors to ever live, when considering both his box office success and his acting ability, it becomes clear that Tom Hanks excels at every part of that job. Extremely famous for several decades at this point, he has to be considered among the top five best-known actors in the world today.

Despite all of that it *seems like he has not allowed any of it to go to his head.

Included here due to starring in Road to Perdition, which was based on a graphic novel, we’re happy that movie allows us to celebrate his career as a part of this list. Considered the nicest guy in Hollywood, we’re not shocked by stories like the time he met an autistic super fan who shared a scrapbook she made with him by her side.

Aren’t: James Franco – Spider-Man franchise

Someone we’d much rather have included on the other side of this list, we first began to enjoy James Franco’s work in the fantastic show Freaks and Geeks. He was then able to star in a long list of entertaining films like Pineapple Express, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, This is the End, and The Disaster Artist among others, making his track record solid.

Well-known for his supporting role in the Spider-Man trilogy, he played a villainous character which seems closer to how some people see him in real-life. Someone that has taken a lot of pride in doing things like going back to school, teaching classes, directing films, and much more - it is impressive he does so much. However in the fall of 2017 reports of harassment and assault surfaced against him.

Which comic book movie star surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments!