Aquaman is a box office smash hit and an instant fan favorite. The characters created by Mort Weisinger and Paul Norris have captured imaginations worldwide. Jason Momoa’s performance as this underrated comic book king has given the character the life and attention it deserves. Add to that a star-studded cast of fantastic supporting actors and you’ve got a recipe for success. After leaving the theater, many fans have some unanswered questions. We’re here to get you up to speed. Want to know more about Black Manta? Wondering what made Arthur change his mind about becoming king? Dive in to find out.

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Will The Surface Find Out About Atlantis?

The existence of the kingdoms of Atlantis has been kept secret from the surface since the island was plunged into the depths. A growing tension arose as some Atlanteans began to see themselves as superior to the humans who live above. Many grew to fear humans and lived in secrecy for protection. In the issues of Aquaman leading up to the release of the film, the Abyssal Dark returns to thrust Atlantis above the surface and make it an island nation. The surface is not only aware of Atlantis, but the American government declares war on Arthur’s kingdom. After his brother Orm

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Where’s The Rest Of The Justice League?

Charles Rovan revealed that Aquaman takes place on a post-Justice League timeline so we know Arthur has a team of super friends that could have backed him up. Which leaves us to wonder, why didn’t they? Where were the other members of the Justice League while Arthur was struggling? Aquaman faced odds that would have left most men vaporized. It was the perfect time for his squad to have his back. The film itself makes no mention of Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Superman, Flash or Batman. Each of those characters has had plenty of their own screen time. This move was probably intentional. It’s finally time for Aquaman to get his 15 minutes in the limelight.

Who Is Black Manta?

Fans of the Aquaman comic books know that Black Manta is bad news. He’s a recurring villain from the comics and debuted in 1967. We first see Black Manta in issue #35. He’s probably Aquaman’s biggest enemy. Fans who haven’t brushed up on the comics have missed out on a huge library of epic showdowns. Black Manta is a unique character. He possesses no superpowers of his own and instead relies on his mind and his inventions. Why does he hate Aquaman so much? This lifelong feud began due to a misunderstanding. Black Manta reached out an oblivious Aquaman for help. When the then teen was left on his own, he assumed Aquaman was as cruel and emotionless as the ocean itself.

Why Does Arthur Change His Mind About Being King Of Atlantis?

Arthur wasn’t always the king of the seas. When we first meet him in the film, he has no interest in the crown. By the end, he seems to glow with pride. Jason Momoa has a theory about why his character makes such a big flip. He points out that Arthur really goes through a lot during his human life. Because of that struggle, he doesn’t really believe in himself. Nice Atlantis he finds his sense of worth and through that, his purpose. Surrounded by people who want to see him rule, he finally feels like he can accomplish something.

Why Does Vulko Take Arthur Under His Wing?

Vulko is one of the most underdeveloped characters in the film. His motivations aren’t spelled out for the audience. We know he went to the surface to find Arthur and train him as a boy. It’s even revealed that Vulko wants Arthur to be king, even at this early stage in the story. That’s probably out of a strong sense of duty to Queen Atlanna. Arthur is also the firstborn. Vulko may see him as the rightful heir. He may be a bit of a mystery but we know Vulko is a character who lives by a code. Rules matter to him. Arthur’s place in the birth order would be a matter of honor to him.

Who Let The Secret Slip About Arthur?

King Orvax isn’t the most understanding guy. Atlanna left Arthur and his dad on the surface to marry the king and protect her family. When Orvax found out, his reaction wasn’t exactly rational. He sentenced her to die. But who let the secret slip? How did Orvax find out Arthur existed? Obviously, Vulko knew his identity as he went surface side to train him. It seems highly unlikely that he would give up such valuable information. Especially given the lengths his queen took to protect it.

How Will Arthur Rule A Divided Atlantis?

Arthur has his work cut out for him. He faces ruling a kingdom he’s totally unfamiliar with. If he doesn’t understand his own people, how can he be their king? Arthur managed to unite the kingdoms of Atlantis against a common enemy, Orm. What will be his fate as king without that unifying force? It’s easy to get people on your side when you have the same goals. Moving forward with Orm defeated things may not be so easy for the new king. He may even face a revolution. Orm wasn’t exactly a kind or just leader. He was a bully and probably left more than a few people feeling like it was time to get out from under royal rule. Arthur has certainly proven he has diplomatic skills. A sequel would be the perfect platform to show his united Atlantis.

Will Orm Escape?

It’s a trope as old as time. The bad guy is finally caught and imprisoned and we all breathe a sigh of relief. Before you know it, the villain has made a daring escape and we’re back at square one. Anyone who’s seen a superhero movie knows that a life sentence in prison doesn’t mean much. Everyone who’s seen Aquaman is wondering the same thing, how long will it be before Orm escapes? Could that be the very catalyst for a sequel? Arthur is the only person capable of defeating his brother. No matter how short a prison term he serves, we know he won’t be free for long.

Are Atlanteans Invincible?

We know Arthur is half human. He ages the same way any human would too. After watching the film you’re probably wondering just what it would take to kill him. Not too many characters could boast surviving a point blank hit from a rocket launcher. How does Arthur survive the Onslaught of attacks? Is it simply the super strength his Atlantian side provides or is there more to it? Are Atlanteans invulnerable? Aquaman can isn’t immune to injury. His people enjoy superhuman durability but that doesn’t mean they can’t be killed. Arthur is just that tough. Being half human isn’t slowing him down at all.

Will There Be A Sequel?

The short answer is, it would probably make a lot of sense to release another Aquaman movie. Due to the first film’s huge success, a sequel would probably be a huge moneymaker. Above all, there are plenty of plot points that could be continued. If you’ve seen any of the DC Universe films you’ve probably noticed a pattern. There’s almost always more where the last one came from. Jason Momoa confirms that he’s under contract for at least one more appearance as Aquaman if not more. The details are being kept quiet but we know we’ll be seeing our aquatic friend again. Maybe this time he’ll get some backup from his friends.

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