Turning a book into a movie is hard work no matter what. It’s even more difficult when the novel has a huge, loyal following. One such instance? The Twilight Saga. With the series spanning four lengthy books, there’s a lot of ground to cover, so it’s understandable that the movies’ directors had to change some things or completely leave plot points out.

As with any novel-to-big screen situation, there are bound to be scenes left on the cutting room floor. Overall, it’s safe to say that fans were pleased, as the movies only added to what was already a massive fandom. It’s always interesting to see what the films’ creators decided to keep and chose to take out.

Here are the 10 biggest changes the movies made to the Twilight books.

10. No Mention Of The Cullen Crest In The Novels

If there’s one thing to love about book-to-screen adaptations, it’s that fans get to see all of their favorite characters come to life. Because films are so visual, many directors will tap their costume designers to create accessories that will distinguish one character from another or give the character personality.

That was the case for the Cullen Crest. Although the novels never mention it, the crest is featured prominently throughout the films. Each character gets to wear their own version of it. For example, Edward’s cuff, Rosalie’s necklace, and Alice’s thin choker all feature the family symbol.

While this may seem like a seemingly small addition to the franchise, it’s arguably an important and symbolic one. With the Cullen family constantly being apart (i.e. Edward and Alice’s disappearances), it’s the one thing that unifies them as a family. They will always have a piece of each other.

9. When Edward Tells Bella of His Vigilante Years

It’s no secret that one of the most interesting things about the Cullens is that they’re “vegetarians.” In other words, they don’t drink the blood of humans but drink the blood of animals. Sometimes, some members of the Cullens have strayed from this lifestyle.

In his early years as a vampire, Edward rejected Carlisle’s way of life by turning to human blood. In the books, Edward tells Bella about how he used to seek out criminals and kill them early on. In the movies, this story occurs in a completely different timeframe: the night before their wedding.

In the first movie, he does mention he has “killed people” before, but not much else is said on the subject. In Breaking Dawn: Part One he describes his vigilante endeavors to his future wife in depth.

8. The Movies Never Specifically Mention Bella’s Lullaby

Believe it or not, the movies never mention “Bella’s Lullaby.” While viewers are consistently treated to the same tune by Carter Burwell throughout the films, it’s never blatantly stated that this is Bella’s song. It’s only when Edward and Bella are seen sitting at the piano that viewer can assume this is “Bella’s Lullaby.”

Although the movie stays true to the book (Edward plays it for Bella when she first visits his house), Edward also hums the song to Bella multiple times throughout the series, which never occurs in the films.

7. Alice’s Story Is Never Told In The Movies

If there’s one thing these movies do well, it’s staying true to the characters’ backgrounds. Throughout the films, fans are treated to Carlisle, Rosalie, and Jasper’s stories. While they’re understandably shortened for time purposes, the screenwriters did a great job making sure fans know about their history. The backstories are also relevant to the plot.

However, one story is crucial to Twilight and Eclipse: Alice’s story. This is something that the writers should have kept in. In the books, readers find out what happened to Alice, like how she was placed in an asylum and how she was James’ singer. In the movies, these things are only mentioned in passing.

6. The Entire Breaking Dawn Battle

While sometimes directors and screenwriters receive backlash for adding or taking away plot points when turning a book into a movie, there are instances where this a good thing. When it comes to the Twilight franchise, one of the most welcome additions to the movies never even happened in the books.

The entirety of Breaking Dawn: Part Two is based around the Cullen Clan’s impending fight with the Volturi. Although there’s an incredible build up in the books with Bella planning to be ripped apart from Renesmee and Jacob, this “fight” ends up being a peaceful encounter.

That is not the case for the movie. Instead, fans are treated to an all-out brawl between the two covens that results in the deaths of some favorite characters like Carlisle, Leah, and Seth, to name a few. But, before fans can feel too heartbroken, viewers find out that this is in fact Alice’s premonition and none of it actually happened. However, it was pretty great seeing Bella and Edward work together to kill Aro.

5. There Is No Bike Ride In New Moon

One of the major plot points of New Moon is Bella engaging in reckless behavior in order to hear Edward’s voice. However, this is different in the book and in the movie.

In the movie, Bella takes a joyride with a stranger on his motorcycle after a night at the movies with Jessica. In the book, Bella spots the group of men who had ill intentions during her night in Port Angeles in Twilight. As she approaches them, she hears Edward’s voice for the first time.

4. Newborn Vampires Don’t Appear Until the Battle In Eclipse

Sometimes, screenwriters will add in plot points for context. That was the case for the newborn army in Eclipse.

In the books, the reader knows little of the strategy. However, in the movie, viewers get a behind the scenes look at Victoria’s master plan for dramatic irony.

3. Bella And Jacob’s Second Kiss In Eclipse

Team Edward fans got a lot of joy out of Bella punching Jacob in the face after he kissed her in Eclipse. While this scene stayed relatively true to the book, Bella and Jacob’s second kiss did not.

Instead of Bella catching up to Jacob after he runs away, Edward is the one who brings Jacob back after he finds out that Edward and Bella are engaged. Not to mention, Edward and Bella are in the tent when they discuss their upcoming nuptials, and not outside.

2. Edward’s First Proposal

Although Edward’s official proposal was arguably everyone’s dream, his first… wasn’t exactly romantic. In the movie, Edward pops the question after he, Jacob, and Bella get into an argument in the woods. However, in the book, Edward’s proposal takes place in Edward’s room, and Bella initially thinks he is joking.

1. Edward Tells Bella He’s A Vampire

When Bella tells Edward that she knows he’s a vampire, it’s perhaps one of the most iconic scenes in the whole Twilight franchise. However, the movie version is completely different than the books. Rather than taking to the ominous woodsy area of Forks, Bella founds out Edward is a vampire before her Port Angeles attack and reveals her knowledge in Edward’s car.