What’s a telenovela without a lot of drama, a lot of suspense and a whole lotta love? Jane the Virgin blessed television with its American take on a Latin American telenovela. As the show run continued, and character arcs developed, romantic gestures were becoming more common to the screen. But in this instance, how is romantic defined?

Romantic is considered any act that is characterized by love. Any type of love. Whether it be mother and daughter, a bromance, an intimate relationship or a friendship. With that in mind, what were the biggest and best romantic gestures in Jane the Virgin?

Rafael Asks Petra To Be Best Man

Rafael and Petra. They’ve had a rocky relationship, to say the least. The two used to be married, but then came the accidental artificial insemination of Jane, the discovery of all the lying and the cheating, not to mention the purposeful insemination of Petra of her own doing. The list continues. But as the seasons went by, Petra and Rafael understood how unhealthy they were as a couple.

Jane and Petra became friends, there was a family support system, Rafael was romantically involved with Jane, and Petra with J.R. So when Petra was asked to be the best man at Rafael and Jane’s wedding, it was a truly warming and romantic moment. From one “dragon” to another.

Michael Learns Spanish

Michael and Jane come from different backgrounds. Their love is shared with their cultural differences making it that much stronger. Perhaps one of the sweetest and pure gestures of love is when Michael surprised Jane by learning Spanish with Jane’s Abuela. But it wasn’t just to learn a new language. He did all this so that he could say his vows in Spanish.

Michael and Jane were accepting of one another and grew together through all their trials. He understood how much Jane’s culture and faith meant to her and the strength of her family bond because of them.

Jane & Petra’s “I Love You” Moment

Jane and Petra have come a long way from how they used to treat each other. Simply put, it was far from ideal. The two went through a lot of telenovela ups and downs together. In Season 4, when J.R. doesn’t like Jane, Jane cares a lot.

This is because Jane wants her to like her not only due to her need to be liked by everyone, but because she sincerely loves Petra. They’re family. She says to Petra, “It’s about you because I love you.” And although they show it through their actions, Petra verbally said it as well, making their friendship that much more solid.

Michael & Jane’s Letters

When Jane and Michael were preparing for their marriage, they were given “homework” by Father Gustavo to write letters for each other. Not just ordinary letters, but letters to read and remember that they love each other regardless of life’s conditions.

When Jane was the officiant of her mother and father’s wedding, she needed inspiration and was given the advice of reading Michael’s letter, a letter that she had never known existed. He spoke of their love and the letter came to her in a time of need. To quote Michael’s letter, “that’s not just a series of coincidences. It’s destiny. And I never doubted you were mine.”

Rafael Supports Jane As A Writer

Rafael and Jane’s love story spans five seasons. Their friendship grew and their support is second to none. When they first met, Jane revealed her desire to become a writer, and Rafael told her to be brave. So when Jane was struck by last-minute inspiration for her book but it was already being printed, Rafael raced, on the morning of their wedding, to fix it.

He was arrested and she paid a bus and all the people on it to skip 15 stops to get to him. In fact, her “Snow Falling” dedication to him reads: “And finally, my deepest gratitude to Rafael Solano, without whom this book wouldn’t have been written. Thank you for being the first person who believed in me as a writer. Thank you for teaching me how to be brave.”

 Jane Writes A Book In Honor Of Michael

Jane wrote a book for Michael called “Snow Falling,” which is a novel based around their entire romantic experience and friendship. The novel chronicles their lives together, from the moment they met to the instant he died, but with one major difference: He didn’t die in the book. Instead, he (or at least his fictional counterpart) survives and finally has the ending that he and Jane were unable to have.

It was a romantic gesture not just for show. It was a healing process for Jane. Not only that, but it was also a way that her emotions towards Michael and reflection of their time together could be kept in remembrance forever. It was through her writing she was able to do this, because in the end, Jane is one of the best writers around. She’s an author, after all.

Rogelio’s Tribute To Michael

Rogelio and Michael, the ultimate bromance. When Michael “died” it broke Rogelio’s heart. They shared pedicures, joked around and had a brilliant handshake. They loved each other regardless of whether Michael and Jane were together. When Darcy and Rogelio are trying to find a name for their baby girl, they finally choose the name Baby.

Alba says that “A name isn’t something that should be chosen at random, Rogelio. It should be something that has special meaning to you and represents a part of who you are.” So when the time comes to choose a middle name, Rogelio pays tribute to his friend by choosing the name Michaelina.

Petra’s Secret Payments

Petra knew that Michael and Jane had been having financial trouble and were looking for a house. She didn’t seek credit, she didn’t ask if her help was needed. She acted with altruism and love, paying the other half of their rent so that they could afford the place they wanted to live in.

It might not seem like a grand romantic gesture but this is one of the earliest signs of the growing friendship between Petra and Jane, showing just how much Petra cares for her. They are there for each other through and including, all the family brunches, prison, criminal allegations, romantic interests, and the sacrifices to come.

Rogelio Recreates the Villanueva House

Michael and Jane planned to use Jane’s childhood home, the Villanueva household, as a part of their wedding. What makes this place special is that it’s where they first met on the night of her 21st. But when the pipes burst and flood her home thus creating damage that will sidetrack their wedding, it was clear that Jane was more than just upset.

So what is her overly dramatic and loving father - who just happens to have access to a whole crew of people - to do? Why, recreate the inside of the house for the two people that he loves with all his heart, of course. It wasn’t exactly the wedding he would have planned himself, but a wedding with the best father-daughter dance ever and an appearance by Bruno Mars is close enough.

Xiomara, Alba & Jane Supporting Each Other

It is difficult to define one moment as a romantic gesture when referring to the Villanueva women. The support system they have developed through the show is one of understanding, love, growth, and faith. Throughout the difficulties they faced, it was always back to the porch swing. Xiomara, Jane and Alba: Three generations of feisty, strong, sensitive women.

Not always crying (but often crying) and sharing the things in their hearts. Even though they had challenges with each other and the methods of their upbringing, their family bond was the one bond they could never break. Always there for each other through cancer, death, marriage, careers and the unavoidable mistakes of life.