With 21 movies considered to be a part of the MCU, the overall ratings and reception vary from movie to movie. At least according to Rotten Tomatoes, none of the MCU movies have done worse than 66% fresh. While each person has their favorite movies and not everyone is going to agree on a ranking, Rotten Tomatoes can give a good view of the overall consensus of each of these films. This doesn’t mean you have to agree, but the results are definitely interesting.

Here are the 10 best MCU movies according to their ratings from Rotten Tomatoes.


Doctor Strange comes in at the bottom of the list of the top 10 here. Overall, Doctor Strange was a solid film with an interesting premise and good performances by some big name actors. With people like Tilda Swinton and Benedict Cumberbatch in this movie, it’s no wonder the acting was good. Those stunning effects also certainly blew audiences away.

While it might not be the most stand-out MCU movie out there, it’s definitely good enough to secure a post on the list. It’s also worth noting that many of the other movies that came in before Doctor Strange still had scores in the 80 percentile range.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a Marvel film that is definitely talked about among fans as one of the best. Strangely enough, it only comes in at number nine on this list.

This just goes to show that opinions will vary and that a rating on Rotten Tomatoes isn’t always the best indicator if a movie will be viewed for years after as good or not. However, 90% is still a really high score, which indicates that a lot of the MCU movies have done really well with both audiences and critics alike.


When it comes to Marvel movies, there are some that are more serious and intense and others that are more comedy focused. The first Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the most comedic and fun movies in the entire franchise.

Sometimes, having a change of pace is great, and many people really enjoyed this movie when it came out. While the second installment might not be quite as beloved, the introduction of the Guardians of the Galaxy into the MCU was definitely a strong one.


Captain America: Civil War was supposed to be the concluding movie in the Captain America Trilogy. However, it ended up being more of a mini-Avengers film. While it did focus somewhat on Steve Rogers, it was also largely about Tony Stark.

With so many characters interacting and having a lot of tension between the heroes, many fans were emotionally invested in this film. What happened in this movie also set up a lot of conflict for future movies and split the Avengers apart for many installments.


The Avengers was the very first ensemble movie in the MCU. This movie is what really started off the franchise in the direction it has been going for the past few years.

Having so many heroes unite to fight against bad guys had fans and critics alike excited. This was the first movie that brought all six of the original MCU Avengers together, and it definitely set things off on the right foot.


Spider-Man: Homecoming is a movie that’s hard not to enjoy. While Peter Parker might have been introduced in the MCU in Captain America: Civil War, this was his first solo movie.

Tom Holland’s portrayal of Spider-Man is so likable and endearing that fans fell in love with him right away. Plus, with cameos from Tony Stark and Happy Hogan, this movie was a solid addition in the MCU canon that was a lot of fun and also super cute.


Thor: Ragnarok is an MCU movie with a lot of humor that also manages to have some serious moments. Fans loved seeing characters like Thor, Hulk, Loki, and Valkyrie interact as a group on screen.

Plus, Ragnarok introduced us all to the Grandmaster played by Jeff Goldblum and the smaller, but still fun, character of Korg, played by director Taika Waititi. Whether you’re not really a big fan of the Thor movies or not, it was nearly impossible not to be entertained and pulled into this story. This is definitely a movie that can be watched again and again.


Iron Man is the movie that started it all. Without the success of this film, it’s hard to imagine that the MCU would have done as well as it has. over the past few years.

By making the perfect casting choice with Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, the MCU started off with a bang. Iron Man might not be the most flashy movie in the franchise, but it has a lot of heart. It set the foundation for everything else in the MCU.


Avengers: Endgame is surprisingly number two on this list with an overall rating of 94%. This might come as a surprise, as a lot of fans didn’t love the movie, but, overall, the emotional impact of so many storylines coming to an end left many people feeling happy.

Endgame definitely had a lot of punch to the gut moments, and, since people have grown to care so much about these characters, seeing some resolution happening was satisfying overall. Overall, most people loved some aspects of this movie, even if they didn’t like others.


Black Panther was a hugely successful movie, and it’s generally loved by most Marvel fans. This fact is reflected in its extremely high Rotten Tomatoes score.

With great acting, superb world-building, and a story that flowed well, it’s no wonder fans and critics were here for Black Panther. There aren’t many negatives about this film, and many fans can’t wait to see what the next installment in this series has in store.